Nutrition for bronchitis in adults

Features of the diet for bronchitis

Today, for many, it is very important to know what the diet is like with bronchitis. The disease itself is characterized by difficulty breathing, provoked by viral inflammation of the bronchi. It is not enough to consult a doctor, take a test, take medicine. It is also necessary to adhere to certain rules of nutrition, eliminating completely some types of products from the home diet and, conversely, increasing the consumption of others.

Lung disease

Rules of nutrition for bronchitis for adults

If several people are ill with bronchitis in the family, among which there are children, one can not combine their diet into one whole. The fact is that most products are recommended for any age. But since the body and the immune system of babies are not yet strong, some food offered to adults can harm them.

Anyone who is treated for this unpleasant and very dangerous disease at any stage of it should constantly sweat. Significant increase sweating will help drink a lot of broths. It is clear that there is no time to harvest the herbs, so it's better to buy tea:

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Benefits of tea with bronchitis
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • lime;
  • from sage;
  • elder.

Brewed herbs very simply: a glass of boiling water rushes a small portion of grass, covered with a lid. After 15-20 minutes you can drink tea. There are no restrictions for such drinking. Broths are used until the patient feels that he is recovering.

Nutrition for bronchitis provides enough frequent meals: at least 4-5 times a day in small portions.The body can weaken by digesting large amounts of food, but must receive the necessary calories in order to have the strength to fight the viral "aggressor". It is important that the menu had many products with lots of protein. Protein fasting is typical for all viral diseases, accompanied by secretions of mucus, phlegm due to coughing.

Neglect of this rule can lead to a significant weakening of the body, even if you adhere to all medical recommendations and keep the patient in super-sterile conditions. The usual work of cells will be disrupted, the heart, nervous system, blood circulation will suffer, muscles will weaken, immunity will decrease and, in fact, the resistance of the whole organism. Using protein-rich eggs, pastries, regular bread, fish, meat, you can avoid such problems.

The next component, which must necessarily provide the patient, is carbohydrates. The daily diet can not do without barley, brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn. Again, no patient will refuse from delicious buns, bagels. Treatment can even be pleasant. Fruits and berries, which must be constantly in the vase near the bed of an adult patient, is:

Benefits of fruits with bronchitis
  • grapes;
  • figs;
  • watermelon;
  • Strawberry;
  • apricots;
  • pears;
  • oranges;
  • apples.

You can let yourself be pampered with pineapples, but not too much, as it breaks down fats, and during treatment, you can not allow additional factors that cause the body to weaken. The use of these fruits ensures that the body will receive vitamins, without which recovery is simply impossible.

Recovering with products

You can not consider the food to be full, if the daily food does not contain beans, peas, lentils, carrots, potatoes - inexpensive, but such irreplaceable products. They greatly improve digestion, eliminate the lack of blood sugar, embarrassment with stool. Systematic emptying can not be underestimated, because due to it slags, pathogenic bacteria are eliminated, self-poisoning is impossible.

Nutrition for chronic bronchitis must include dairy products that are easily assimilated.

Light dairy products to improve digestionThese products are inexpensive, but very important, since they additionally prevent the possibility of formation of putrefactive processes in the intestine. These products include cottage cheese, kefir, fruit yoghurt, milk with a minimum fat content.

The greatest amount of vitamins a patient needs is in cabbage, fresh and juicy onion, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower. It is not necessary to torment the patient, forcing him to eat exclusively onions. You can simply make a salad, seasoned with kefir or fat-free sour cream, and serve it to potatoes, sea fish. Salads are relevant not only because of the replenishment of the body with valuable substances, vitamins and the opportunity to improve the digestive tract. They also help to get rid of phlegm, which prevents breathing normally, and with it also releases harmful bacteria.

Do not banned adults and chicken broth, but only low-fat. This type of food becomes an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and protein, which in chicken meat is much larger than even in beef or habitual for many pork. Broth can be enriched with herbs, pieces of fillet, from which it is cooked.

It is very important in the treatment of bronchitis to eat foods rich in zinc, such as pumpkin seeds. The blocking and reversal of the disease process is impossible without sea fish of fatty sorts. Good and inexpensive in this regard, sardines and flounder, which is desirable to cook for a couple, and serve with onion rings and celery, tomatoes, again, seasoning the dish with low-fat sour cream. In particularly neglected cases of bronchitis for the same purpose, doctors recommend eating fish oil. If due to the region of residence to buy these types of fish is problematic enough, you can do with daily intake of fish oil. The main thing is that the patient receives the necessary microelements and vitamins.

Diet for bronchitis in children

Treatment of children with any kind of disease is a fairly responsible and complex process. Bronchitis in children is no exception. Due to the fact that some drugs provoke a disorder of digestion, small patients may be weakened, capricious about some foods that they simply do not like. The diet should appoint a doctor, based on the degree of development of bronchitis, age and physical condition of the child. But there are products that parents not only boldly, but also must prepare for children, making a menu, and there are those that must be excluded. It is important to remember that the bed of the child should always be drinking: an open bottle of mineral water (to escape gas, which will irritate the throat and provoke a cough), vitamin C rich broth of dogrose, chamomile tea.

It is not advisable to buy children at this time citrus, because they contain a large number of acids. The immune system of the child can not provide good resistance to viruses and bacteria that will rapidly develop in a similar acidic environment. If the taboos are broken, you need to give your child plenty of drinking mineral water, which quickly neutralizes the effects of citrus.

No matter how the child asks, you can not give him during the treatment of sweets - for their assimilation the body will spend too much energy. It is better to wait for the illness to pass, and arrange a sweets feast for the child. In the meantime, you can do with dried apricots, watermelon, raisins - not only sweet, but also rich in various vitamins products.

If adults are sour-milk products, milk and nuts are desirable, then they can not be given to children. The formation of mucus and its expectoration can weaken the baby, making it difficult to recover. For the same reason, and also because of prolonged digestion, children are forbidden to give raw vegetables or fruits. Only cooked and then steamed, without fat, or stewed. For example, rarely a child will refuse to bake apples, draining.

The healing properties of honey can not be disputed. You can give it to the kids, but only by adding it to the tea. In pure form, the remedy will become a kind of irritant for the mucosa, and the cough of the baby will become even stronger. The remaining features of feeding babies and making a diet for bronchitis for children are similar to the conditions for making menus for ill adults.

Diet for bronchitis: nutrition for adults

Nutrition for bronchitis should consist of easily digestible and soft food. The reasons for this are quite weighty and this is despite the fact that the respiratory and digestive systems in adults are not connected to each other.

In general, to eat regularly and fully should always, but especially important diet for bronchitis. That is, if a person falls ill with bronchitis, he should go to the diet menu.

To digest coarse food, the body needs more effort, and some of it is excreted in undigested form, that is, a person does not receive adequate nutrition.

As a result, the body lacks the strength to fight against viruses and infection. To strengthen immunity and stimulate vital forces, an important role is played by proper nutrition in chronic bronchitis. Competently composed diet:

  1. quickly provides the body with the necessary energy;
  2. facilitates the digestive system;
  3. does not load the body.

What features does the diet for bronchitis

What features does the diet for bronchitisAdult nutrition for bronchitis should be complete. In the food must necessarily be present all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

Even the most useful products can be harmful in case of excessive use, so the portions of the patient should be moderate. It is best if they are less than usual, but the number of meals increases.

Some folk healers are of the opinion that starvation is helpful in the disease. Such treatment is widely practiced among the Old Believers. They believe that when a meal is absorbed, the sick person feeds not the organism, but the disease itself.

Therefore, a short starvation can go to a patient with bronchitis for good.

Practitioners do not adhere to such radical methods of treatment, but they do not advise a lot on bronchitis. Moderation is the main recommendation of the doctor.

Dishes that can irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract must be replaced for the time of illness by sparing foods. From the diet should be deleted:

  • sharp;
  • salty;
  • sour;
  • hot and cold;
  • rough porridge;
  • fatty foods;
  • toast or crackers;
  • tough meat;
  • spinach and sorrel;
  • baking from short pastry.

The first and second dishes should be warm and preferably crushed. Ideal in this regard are vegetable soups, mashed potatoes, cooked on a thin meat broth.

Patients with bronchitis are contraindicated in some sharp spices, they also have a negative effect on the condition of the mucosal epithelium.

For liquefaction of sputum

In bronchitis or other infectious airways disease in adults, it is required to drink as much warm liquid as possible. It can be:

  1. herbal teas and infusions;
  2. kissels, compotes, fruit drinks;
  3. still mineral water;
  4. natural vegetable and fruit juices;
  5. milk with honey from cough;
  6. broth of dogrose.
herbal teas and infusionsThe more a patient drinks, the sooner toxins are removed from his body, and the phlegm becomes liquid, which facilitates its removal. An excellent therapeutic effect is provided by sudorific drinks from elderberry, sage and linden.

When dry cough in adults, it is good to take warm milk whey or anise of honey anise. To prepare the broth you need to take an incomplete tablespoon of seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, add a pinch of drinking soda and a teaspoon of honey. Take the drug should be 2 spoons 2 times a day.

Other products that promote sputum liquefaction in adults:

  • juice of onions;
  • carrot and beet juice;
  • The warm milk is half mixed with mineral water without gas.

The root of ginger, which is added to the dishes of the patient, not only softens the dry cough, but also relieves inflammation. Chicory is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, therefore it is not only possible to use it for bronchitis, but it is also necessary.

Borjomi is considered the most useful mineral water for adults with bronchitis. Drink this water in its purest form throughout the day. Borjomi is still used for the preparation of certain medical formulations.

Borjomi with milk from a cough is the most popular and effective remedy for any inflammation of the respiratory tract. Both products are taken in equal quantities, the milk should be boiled and hot. When diluted with water, the optimum temperature of the drink is reached.

Such a compound should be drunk in small sips and as often as possible. Best after every 15 minutes. The patient at the same time must comply with bed rest and be well wrapped in a blanket.

Borjomi with milk is an alkaline liquid that eliminates cough and relieves spasms of the respiratory tract. In combination with drainage massage this drink gives immediate effect and helps to quickly overcome bronchitis in adults. Borzhomi with bronchitis can be mixed with honey.

But from the use of citrus in bronchitis is better to refuse, because the acidic environment is favorable for the reproduction of bacteria, which contributes to the aggravation of the disease.

Sweets and pastries with bronchitis

Sweets and pastries with bronchitisIn the diet of a patient with bronchitis should not be present sweets and especially chocolate sweets. Cakes with cream, cakes, biscuits and other all sorts of delicacies should be left for later.

All these products carry an additional burden on the weakened organism and prevent it from coping with the infection. Chocolate falls on the affected mucosa and remains in its tissues, which contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora and the progression of the disease.

Sweets can suppress human immunity. Scientists have been proven that sugar has a destructive effect on leukocytes, which are constituents of immune cells. Excess sugar leads to death of leukocytes, which most negatively affects the body's ability to resist infection.

If the patient can not do without the sweet, these products can be replaced with dried fruits, natural juices and fruit drinks, fresh berries and, of course, honey. There is no sugar in honey, but it contains a large amount of vitamins and all kinds of microelements that help fight the disease.

When treating honey, you must follow the basic rule: the product should not be added to a hot liquid, because under the influence of high temperatures all the medicinal properties of honey are destroyed. Honey is best eaten with a spoon or add in warm tea, milk.

Dietary diet of adults with bronchitis can be built on the basis of the following products:

  1. semolina porridge;
  2. honey;
  3. potatoes;
  4. low-fat meat and fish;
  5. dairy products;
  6. dried bread;
  7. not sour fruits and berries;
  8. boiled vegetables.

Hot food and drinks with bronchitis

chicoryHot soup, tea or milk with bronchitis will not bring anything good. Rising steam can only burn the already sore throat, which will lead to an aggravation of the situation. Despite the fact that hot drinks can bring short-term relief, a bit later in the throat will necessarily appear perspiration, and the patient will feel fatigue.

When bronchitis is not desirable to drink coffee, this drink can be replaced with chicory or herbal tea. Coffee has a diuretic property, so it can lead to dehydration of the body, which is undesirable and even dangerous for bronchitis.

Alcohol has the same effect, therefore, for diseases of the respiratory system, its use is unacceptable. From the diet of a patient with bronchitis should be excluded and cocoa. This product intensifies coughing, which leads to irritation of the throat and additional discomfort.

In acute bronchitis, food should be low-calorie and dietary. If the disease has declined, more nutritious foods can gradually be introduced into the patient's diet:

  1. meat;
  2. fish;
  3. eggs;
  4. fatty dairy products.

The use of this food will restore the protein lost in the blood together with sputum and return the body forces spent on fighting the disease, and the video in this article will help in choosing the tactics of treatment.

Obstructive bronchitis in adults

Obstructive bronchitis, one of the types of complex, extensive inflammatory process of the bronchi, taking place with complex symptoms. To an acute form of obstructive bronchitis are predisposed, mainly, children in early and preschool years. Obstructive bronchitis in adults manifests itself, often, in exacerbations of its already chronic form. Both the acute form and exacerbation of the chronic process of obstructive bronchitis pass equally hard.

What causes obstructive bronchitis in adults?

It would seem that adults who have sufficient life experience, quite strong immunity should not be exposed to frequent broncho-pulmonary diseases. However, practice shows inverse data. Obstructive bronchitis in adults is a very common problem and many factors cause this, most of which are provoked by people themselves. In the beginning, it is necessary to name the reasons independent of the person which are capable to cause an inflammation not only in bronchial tubes, but also in other organs. It's bacteria and viruses.

The virus can not be seen, do not avoid meeting with it. These small "animals" are in any organism in large numbers and with any gaps in immunity are ready to "explode" by a rapid demographic increase in their species. Obstructive bronchitis can occur against the background of any viral infection. The most common disease is caused by influenza and parainfluenza viruses, adeno- and rhinoviruses, as well as a simultaneous combination of viruses and bacteria.

Exposure to frequent catarrhal diseases and the presence of foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx are yet another predisposing factors for the onset of obstructive bronchitis. It must be remembered that any infection is capable of spreading both in ascending and descending order.

It's not for nothing that doctors recommend keeping bed rest during colds, especially when it comes to such an insidious disease as influenza. There is such a commonplace expression "the cold in the lungs has gone down." So, bronchitis, in particular obstructive, as well as pneumonia, can become a severe complication of simple acute respiratory disease or influenza.

Now it is necessary to pass to bad habits, and it is concrete to smoking. Many information sources that advocate the fight against smoking, inspire the public with a terrible thought - from smoking develops lung cancer. Yes it is. But the cancerous lesion of lung tissue does not come from everyone, but any smoker has bronchitis.

The concept of "chronic smoker's bronchitis" has appeared in the medical community for a long time and characterizes the specific breathing, with shortness of breath, a strong coughing that worries a person mostly in the morning. After another cigarette smoked, a fit of coughing decreases noticeably, after which it returns again. This fact is accepted by smokers as the main relief of the situation, so they "cure" their cough, each time destroying their bronchial tubes definitively.

Obstructive bronchitis in adults can develop not only in immediate smokers, but also in those who are called "passive smokers". Frequent inhalation of nicotine smoke, especially in the human body, predisposed to frequent colds and other diseases, against the background strongly weakened immunity, can serve as a favorable platform for joining the broncho-pulmonary inflammatory process.

In addition to tobacco smoke, obstructive bronchitis often affects people engaged in the so-called harmful production: work in mines, at metallurgical enterprises, in construction and agriculture, in printing houses and railway services. Employees of enterprises with an increased occupational health risk are at risk for bronchopulmonary pathologies.

Until recently, it was believed that chronic obstructive bronchitis is a disease most often affected by men. Observations of the last ten years have shown that the statistics for this disease are almost equal between men and women. The point is that the female population has become more addicted to smoking, and in the deterioration of the overall environmental situation, and that the woman's organism is less resistant to the destructive effect of such widespread "voluntary poisons" as alcohol and nicotine.

How does obstructive bronchitis occur in adults?

It has already been mentioned above that adults, in their main mass, suffer from a chronic form of obstructive bronchitis. During the period of remission, there is a constant cough, often dry, with a small amount of sputum, which is mostly mucous. Constantly or periodically there is shortness of breath.

During exacerbations, the outgoing sputum changes. It becomes either muco-purulent, or completely consists of a purulent detachable bronchial secretion. In severe cases, sputum may occur with streaks or even blood clots, the so-called hemoptysis. The cough is constant, strong, against a background of specific wheezing.

Dyspnoea is another symptom of obstructive bronchitis. It can appear from the first moments of the onset of the disease or join later, but is necessarily present. The intensity and severity of dyspnea depends on the severity of the disease, on the presence of concomitant complications and other chronic diseases that can worsen at the same time.

In patients with obstructive bronchitis there is an increased period of inspiration, in which not only the respiratory musculature but also an additional group participate in the expansion of the chest muscles of the back and shoulder-scapular region, with lack of oxygen appears blue (cyanosis) of individual areas, most prominently it is expressed in the region of the lips and on the nail plates.

It should be noted the general malaise of the patient, increased sweating, which increases with increasing dyspnea or cough, aches, pain in muscles and joints, increased blood pressure and body temperature. Shortness of breath, even insignificant, always provokes a feeling of fear and anxiety, therefore, obstructive bronchitis in adults has a negative impact on almost the whole organism.

How to recognize obstructive bronchitis in adults?

Obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed quite simply. In most cases, most symptomatic itself is symptomatology. By auscultation it is not difficult to determine the characteristic sounds, moist hlypes, in the lungs, indicating inflammation of the bronchial divisions, which is subsequently confirmed by an X-ray photograph. Of all instrumental diagnostic methods, x-rays are the most effective in this disease. Additionally, more detailed diagnostic methods are prescribed, which may include:

  • Spirometry
  • Biopsy of bronchial tissue
  • Pneumotachometry

These methods allow to determine the degree of bronchial involvement, the severity of the inflammatory process, the reversibility or irreversibility of changes occurring in the broncho-pulmonary tissue.

In addition to instrumental methods, a laboratory study of biological material is carried out: blood, urine and sputum.

How is obstructive bronchitis treated in adults?

Treatment will depend directly on the form of the course of the disease. In the acute form of obstructive bronchitis, full-scale drug therapy is carried out, which is aimed at suppressing the viral activity, removal of bronchial spasm, restoration of respiratory function, relief of sputum evacuation, relaxation of pectoral muscles.

Begin with the appointment of effective antiviral drugs, the introduction of an abundant drink in the diet. It is mandatory to conduct special massage procedures aimed at relaxing the musculature of the chest and dilution of sputum (percussion massage). For the removal of bronchial spasm use antispasmodics, among which the most popular is a drug such as no-shpa.

Appointed drugs aimed at removing shortness of breath - bronchodilators (berotek, asthmopen), relief of the cough reflex - mucolytics (for example, lazolvan). A good action is provided by special exercises of respiratory gymnastics. The use of antibiotics is advisable only in case of concomitant pathological process of microbial genesis.

Obstructive bronchitis in adults in the form of a chronic process requires the use of methods designed to combat specific symptoms. This approach is called symptomatic treatment. The main goals are to slow the pathological process, reduce the number of attacks of exacerbation and their duration. Of great importance in this period is the complete refusal of smoking, the change of profession, if it is associated with harmful production, as well as improvement of living conditions, if they are assessed, as unsatisfactory.

Of the drugs prescribed bronchodilators and bronchodilators, mucolytics and preparations of xanthine series, for example, theophylline. If there is no result from the selected treatment or it is insignificant, then drugs from the category of corticosteroids are administered.

Prevention of obstructive bronchitis

In childhood, a favorable outcome of acute obstructive bronchitis is considered the norm. The older the person, the more difficult the full recovery without chronic consequences. Recovery largely depends not only on the age of the patient, but also on the presence of concomitant diseases, which, in some cases, aggravate the course of the process of obstruction. The most effective preventive method in this case can be called the habit of a healthy lifestyle. Full nutrition, including food rich in vitamins and microelements, pay special attention to the microclimate in everyday life and at work, to work on strengthening its immunity.

Obstructive bronchitis in adults can develop as a secondary disease on the background of an existing foci of chronic infection, therefore it is very important to take all necessary measures in time to treat acute and chronic diseases.

Features of treatment of bronchitis in adults

Treatment of bronchitis in adults is a complex and lengthy process that requires the attention of the doctor, since Any errors or ignoring the recommendations can lead to a lot of complications for the human body.

The problem of bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the entire human respiratory system: bronchi, trachea, airway tubes in the lungs. Most often the reasons are:

  • transferred viral and infectious diseases (in such cases, bronchitis develops as a complication of an undeserved disease);
  • smoking, including passive;
  • chemical reagents at enterprises;
  • cold humid air in the street, prolonged hypothermia;
  • diseases associated with stagnation of blood in a small circle of blood circulation;
  • chronic forms of sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • suffered chest trauma;
  • polluted air outdoors.

Types of bronchitis in adults

Scheme of acute bronchitisIn order to understand how to treat bronchitis, you need to determine the kind of person that the person fell ill with. In medicine, these types of diseases are diagnosed:
  1. Allergic. The cause of the disease is some allergen. Only the correct definition of this allergen will allow you to learn how to quickly cure bronchitis.
  2. Tracheal. This disease has a combined form in which the virus first causes inflammation of the trachea, and then affects the bronchi.
  3. Obstructive. This form is more common in children than in adults.
  4. Acute. The disease is swift and requires immediate treatment.
  5. Chronic. This kind arises from the incorrect treatment of bronchitis of other species or viral, infectious diseases of the nasopharynx. This species is divided into several subspecies:
  • simple non-obstructive, while the person's breathing remains normal;
  • purulent non-obstructive, breathing also does not change;
  • obstructive, changes breathing, there are violent wheezing in the chest;
  • purulent-obstructive, in this case, sputum in the bronchi stagnates, and passes into pus.

The last type of bronchitis is considered dangerous for life. With the wrong treatment, sepsis can develop and the person will die. When referring to a doctor, the patient must indicate the severity of the disease itself. She may be:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.

Symptoms of the disease

Dry cough as a symptom of bronchitisDepending on the type of disease, the symptoms will differ, but slightly. At the first stages, all patients complain of weakness, general malaise, fatigue, may begin uncaused headaches. Literally in 2-3 days there is a strong dry cough that is paroxysmal. In adults, there is burning, heaviness in the chest.

Cough in the first stages will be unproductive, so every attack will only increase pain in the chest.Because of a strong cough, the voice becomes hoarse, a sore throat appears.This stage is already characterized by an increase in temperature to 38 degrees. Headaches can become intolerable, as a bout of coughing causes an increase in intracranial pressure. Some patients complain of pain in the muscles of the abdominal, femoral region.

If you start a timely and correct treatment, then the sputum should begin to retire on day 3. Patients feel relief, as there are no painful sensations in the body, as with a dry cough. At this stage it is extremely important to monitor the nature of sputum. Even a small amount of pus may indicate bacterial infection. The general course of treatment of this disease is about 3 weeks.

Treatment of various types of bronchitis

MedicationSimple bronchitis. This type of disease can be treated at home, but only after consulting a specialist. The attending physician will prescribe medication, physiotherapy, folk remedies. To achieve a quick result, many recommend alternating treatment methods. From medicines prescribe antibiotics, antimicrobial agents, analgesics and mucolytics. Of the traditional medicine popular rubbing, compresses, massage, inhalation. But they can be applied only after the patient has normalized the temperature.

Obstructive bronchitis. This species is to be treated only in the acute stage of the course, after the transition to chronic cure it will be completely impossible. The entire treatment regimen consists of symptomatic therapy. Every patient should understand that it is long and difficult to treat bronchial obstruction. For treatment it is recommended to choose preparations on a plant basis. It is well helped by thyme and essential oils from it. It not only has an expectorant effect, but also helps to calm inflammation and kill the existing infection in the bronchi.

Given that this species is characterized by swelling and narrowing of the bronchi and trachea, bronchodilator drugs are prescribed. They can be in the form of tablets or inhalants. To convert a dry cough to a wet one, a mucolytic remedy is prescribed, and an expectorant for better sputum evacuation. These drugs for obstructive bronchitis should have an artificial basis, since herbal preparations can cause an additional allergy and provoke even more swelling of the bronchi.

Benefits of a plentiful drink with bronchitisVirtually all forms of this species are treated with antibiotics. They can be taken orally, but for severe disease it is recommended to inject intramuscularly or intravenously. Bronchitis of the smoker. Defeat the smoker's bronchitis is extremely difficult, since it affects not only the bronchial tree, but also areas of lung tissue. If you do not start the correct and timely treatment, then this form becomes obstructive, and pathological changes in the lungs become irreversible.

Modern medicine records cases when bronchitis has been developing in humans for several years, and he does not even suspect of its presence. This applies to smokers with experience. Strong paroxysmal dry cough they explain by exposure to tobacco smoke and considered the norm. But everyone should know that cough is a reaction of the body, which warns about the development of a serious disease, so it must be properly treated.

In most cases, patients with a smoker's bronchitis are treated already in the late stages, when the doctor is cured he can not completely, but only prescribes drugs that soften symptomatic manifestations. The specialist can recommend inhalation, warming, massage, physiotherapy. It is these methods that will allow you to remove the maximum amount of toxic substances from the bronchi.

Acute. This type of bronchitis is treated differently, methods and drugs depend on the cause of the disease. If the acute form of bronchitis has a bacterial basis, the course of the antibiotic is prescribed, if it is viral, then not only antimicrobial therapy, but also anti-inflammatory. When the cough is dry and for a long time does not pass into the moist, an expectorant is prescribed. It helps to clean the bronchial mucosa and return to them a normal function.

The doctor's consultationIf the acute form is caused by exposure to a certain allergen, then antihistamines are prescribed. At home, you can use compresses from cabbage leaf, boiled potatoes, alcohol, camphor oil. They can improve blood circulation in the bronchi and remove sputum or pus from them. Since acute bronchitis can give complications, it is recommended to adhere to bed rest, drink more liquids such as: milk with lemon, tea, warm mineral water.

If you start a timely treatment for acute bronchitis, the prognosis is positive, but if you ignore all the prescriptions, you may experience complications such as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • myocarditis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • vasculitis.

Since inflammatory processes affect other human organs, they gradually fall into the blood, are carried along the vessels, kidneys and heart muscle. Chronic.

The chronic form of bronchitis requires careful diagnosis.

Instrumental and laboratory studies are conducted. It is these methods that make it possible to establish the cause of the disease, which has passed into a chronic form due to incorrect or absent treatment. Chronic bronchitis is treated with antibacterial therapy with the use of expectorants. The course of such treatment is about 10 days. Antibiotic therapy includes antibiotics, phytoncides, antiseptics, sulfonamides.

Actively used in the treatment of physiotherapy procedures. It is prescribed warming with mustard plasters, jars, compresses, and on the bronchi are affected by UHF and quartz. Some experts recommend the method of alternative medicine - acupuncture. To reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms can be with the help of such folk remedies, as broths and tinctures of licorice root, althaea, turns, ledum. Adults are advised to go to a Russian bath, but only in the absence of fever.

Treatment of bronchitis in the elderly

When treating the disease in the elderly, treatment measures are selected in accordance with the severity of its course. If the patient's body temperature reaches critical levels, there is an intoxication of the body, it is recommended that bed rest. An abundant drink, inhalations, expectorants and bronchodilators are prescribed. If the source of the disease is a virus, antiviral therapy is prescribed. Antibiotics are prescribed with extreme caution, since the body of an elderly person is already weakened by the disease itself, and preparations can finally destroy the defensive reaction of the body.

As soon as the body temperature is normal, elderly patients are advised to actively move, as this facilitates the spitting and withdrawal of phlegm. Such patients are also assigned a cardiac cardiac agent. If the patient has a lack of blood circulation, prescribed diuretic drugs.

The best treatment is prevention!

Preventative measures of bronchitis are simple, enough to observe the following rules:

  • abandon bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • if the work involves an increased risk and the use of aggressive chemical components, it is necessary to work only in a protective mask;
  • as much as possible to spend in the fresh air in the form of hiking, hiking in a park or park;
  • to engage in active sports;
  • to re-evaluate the diet and its balance;
  • perform morning exercises, including respiratory exercises;
  • minimize contact with sick people;
  • Do not overcool, do not stay for a long time in cold rooms;
  • carry out regular airing and wet cleaning in the house;
  • do not engage in self-treatment for viral or infectious diseases.

With bronchitis treatment should be timely and professional and conducted only after consultation with the attending physician.

Signs of bronchitis in adults

Symptoms of bronchitis may vary depending on the type of bronchitis, the causes of the disease, the causative agent of bronchitis and the characteristics of the patient's body.

Types of bronchitis

Bronchitis- an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, triggered by a cold, SARS, influenza, adenovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasmal, banal infection. The development of the disease is associated with a decrease in the general resistance of the organism, a decrease in the protective mechanisms of the immune system to the action of various pathogens - viruses, bacteria and fungi, as well as the action of various chemicals, allergens. Overcooling, stress, overwork, contact with patients during an epidemic situation - all this gives impetus to the onset of bronchitis. If a person starts bronchitis, the causes of its appearance and determine the classification of bronchitis in adults:

  • Toxic-chemical - can occur with a general poisoning of the body, inhaling poisonous and toxic air vaporsghbpyfrb, hjy [bnf e dphjcks [
  • Infectious - appears under favorable conditions for the multiplication of various pathogenic bacteria, including atypical pathogens - chlamydia, mycoplasma.
  • Viral - most often is a complication of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, and also it is caused by adenoviruses, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial and other viral infections
  • Tuberculosis - caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis in the development of tuberculosis in the bronchi
  • Mycobacterial - a rare species, occurs when the bronchi are affected by nontuberculous mycobacteria
  • Allergic - against the background of allergic reactions of the body can occur and allergic bronchitis. Progression of which can provoke obstructive bronchitis in adults and even the emergence of bronchial asthma.

Types of bronchitis downstream:

  • Acute - diffuse inflammation of the bronchi, characterized by a sharp onset and with proper treatment subsides for three to four weeks. Most often it is of an infectious nature, occurs with ARVI, influenza.
  • Chronic - a progressive inflammation of the bronchi, manifested by a constant cough, but not associated with lung damage. Currently, it is the most common form of respiratory disease. If the cough lasts 3 months a year in total and so for 2 years, then this is a sign of chronic bronchitis in adults. It is characterized by an alternation of phases of fade-out and exacerbation phases. In chronic bronchitis, symptoms are a triad - cough, sputum and shortness of breath. Sputum almost always in the mornings from meager to plentiful from mucous to purulent. Shortness of breath is more pronounced, the stronger the sclerosis in the bronchi or emphysema in the lungs. Since the symptoms are nonspecific, chronic bronchitis is always differentiated from lung cancer and bronchiectasis.

Types of bronchitis for development:

  • Primary - by name it is clear that it is localized on unchanged bronchi as an independent disease, while the pathological process does not go beyond the bronchi.
  • Secondary - occurs as an additional manifestation, a symptom against the background of another disease, as a complication of other pathological process.

Signs of bronchitis

Infectious bronchitis- Signs of bronchitis in adults of infectious nature with mild disease are characterized by the following:

  • Cough is dry, with time passing into the moist
  • Weakness, feeling of weakness
  • Discomfort in the chest
  • Subfebrile temperature, sometimes high
  • Hard breathing, dry wheezes
  • The blood test does not change

If the moderate bronchitis, the symptoms in adults are as follows:

  • A strong cough and as it overstrains muscles this leads to pain in the chest and stomach
  • General malaise, weakness clearly pronounced
  • Difficult breathing appears
  • Sputum is mucopurulent or purulent
  • Breath hard, rales dry and moist fine-bubbly

Allergic bronchitis -signs of bronchitis in adults are manifested when a person tends to allergic reactions. In contact with factors that cause allergies, for example, feathers and down of birds, animal hair, household chemicals, perfumes, cosmetics, dust, seasonal pollen of plants appear and the symptoms of allergic bronchitis. Its feature is that sputum when coughing is not purulent in nature and body temperature does not increase. The disease stops as soon as contact with the exciting allergen ceases.

Allergic bronchitis - symptoms:

  • the temperature does not increase
  • dry scattered rales appear
  • breathlessness on exhale
  • labored breathing
  • exacerbation in contact with an allergen is quickly replaced by remission after limiting the provoking factor

Toxic bronchitis, chemical bronchitis- the disease of the respiratory tract begins due to the entry into the respiratory tract of various acid vapors, organic and inorganic dust, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. Signs of bronchitis in adults of toxic-chemical origin are:

  • loss of appetite
  • headache
  • agonizing cough
  • shortness of breath, even asphyxiation
  • stitching pain in chest
  • increased respiratory failure
  • increases in hypoxemia
  • cyanosis of mucous membranes
  • hard breathing
  • dry wheezes

Acute bronchitis - symptoms:

  • severe cough, first dry, then moist
  • high temperature 38-39 degrees
  • general malaise, weakness
  • increased sweating
  • chills, fatigue, lack of working capacity
  • symptoms can be pronounced, or moderate
  • when listening - hard breathing, scattered rales
  • pains in the chest
  • with a serious course of the disease - dyspnea
  • duration of acute bronchitis 14 days

With prolonged nature of inflammation and inadequate treatment, as well as with further decrease of immunity, acute infectious bronchitis becomes chronic. Acute bronchitis is most often treated without the use of antibiotics, but in some casesantibiotics for bronchitis in adultsare needed. With any cough, general malaise, the patient should examine the doctor and send for radiography, for clinical blood tests. Usually, these methods for diagnosis and differentiation of bronchitis is sufficient.

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