Bites in a child on the body: what to do, first aid

When the warm season comes, children spend most of their time outdoors, outdoors in mobile games, in long hikes and in vacant vacations through streets and suburban areas. The child can be bitten by mosquitoes, flies, bees, horseflies, mites and other representatives of biting and stinging fauna.

How to save kids from annoying insects, dangerous arthropods, poisonous reptiles - snakes, aggressive mammals - dogs, and help with their bites.

Let's talk about measures to provide first aid to children with bites at home.


Insect bites

The mosquitoes, wasps, bees and horseflies give the greatest trouble to our kids. Fans of exotic travel, going to countries with tropical climate, can suffer from mosquitoes, midges, malarial mosquitoes and other insects unknown to us.

We'll talk about the usual "in our mid-zone" flying bloodsuckers. "In the first days of June there is a massive flight of mosquitoes, which literally dig into their victims. Particularly affected by their bites are babies, who can neither drive away the annoying mosquito nor slam it.

Insect bites: Dr. Komarovsky's school

Is it necessary to remove a sting after an insect bite and how to do it correctly? What should you do if you find a sucking mite on your body? Is it harmful to sleep in the room where the fumigator is turned on? These and other questions are answered by Eugene Olegovich Komarovsky. Guests of the program - the Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics Lilia Podkopaeva with daughter Carolina and son Vadik.

Mosquitoes: what to do?

Mosquito bites usually cause trouble only by the appearance of a slight reddening and itching, which quickly pass. But multiple bites and scratching cause anxiety, irritation of the child, poor sleep. To reduce the itching of and prevent scratching of the skin, apply a cold compress or gruel made of baking soda to the bite site.

Dilute 1 teaspoon of ammonia in half a glass of water and wipe the bitten places. Helps with swelling and itching.

Good effect gives lubrication with 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, Vietnamese balsam "Golden Star", fenistil-gel, zinc paste.

For strong combs of , use zelenok, fukortsin to prevent infection of the wound.

To prevent bites, the trade network offers a variety of repellents and insecticides that are not always suitable for use in children. Therefore, try to use the good old tools, time-tested and without negative consequences for the tender baby peel. A few drops of eucalyptus, camphor, clove oil apply to the skin or clothing of a child, and mosquitoes will fly around him. These same oils can be used in an aromatherapy lamp to kill insects in the children's room before going to bed. In the absence of a special lamp, drip a few drops of oil on a heated frying pan and put it in the room where the child sleeps. After 5 minutes, no mosquitoes will be left, and a restful sleep is provided.

And how did our forefathers escape from those times when there was no perfume industry and its products?

It turns out that in nature there are many plants that scare bloodsuckers with their odor and are used when bites.

For example, a bouquet of bird cherries or several stems of Artemisia , placed in the bedroom, will expel all insects from it. This property of plants for many years enjoyed by tourists and travelers. Located for the night in the forest, they put a tent "in the thickets of bird cherry" or hang a tuft of wormwood in the tent. A fresh juice of wormwood lubricate the place of the bite, and the itching passes.

If in the evening you decided to sit by the fire, throw an armful of camomile chamomiles into the fire. When burning, it releases substances that repel insects, and you can enjoy peace and friendly conversation.

During a walk, when you do not have a means to remove the itching, you can use the advice of folk medicine: attach a mashed leaf of tansy, plantain, or grease with lactose juice of dandelion medicinal to the place of bite.

From the perfumery industry for children, lotions "Angara" and "Artek" are most suitable.

Protecting children from mosquito bites and what to do after a mosquito bite

In order to protect babies from mosquito bites, it is not necessary to buy expensive children's sprays. It is enough to buy a light cotton head that covers the legs and handles, and sprinkle it with the most common spray from mosquitoes. After 10 minutes, you can put on your baby's clothes. If the mosquito still bites the baby, you can lubricate the bite with lavender oil, fresh onions, calendula tincture or soda solution( 1 teaspoon of soda for a glass of water).If you see that the child's place of bite begins to blush or swell, you need to give an antihistamine drug( fenistil, edem).

Than to handle mosquito bites in children

A terrible reaction to mosquito bites this year! !!Did not help with soap and soda and a lot of folk remedies. This time my non-favorite pharmacy products won, but this cream really helped very well! We will be happy to help your children! Be healthy!!!

Bees, hornets, hornets: first aid

Significantly more painful are the bites of , bees, hornets, which sometimes cause an allergic reaction up to anaphylactic shock. The bee leaves a sting in the skin with a vial full of poison. Therefore, it is desirable to remove the sting very quickly, until the poison is absorbed. Remove the stinger with nails, using the blunt side of the knife, coins, but do not use tweezers for this purpose, because it will help squeeze out the poison from the pouch.

Apply a piece of sugar to the wound for 1-2 minutes. It is believed that sugar helps draw the poison out of the wound, then attach a piece of ice or a cold compress to reduce the absorption of poison. Give the child an anti-allergic tablet( diphenhydramine, tavegil, suprastin, claritine) to prevent an allergic reaction.

If the child has a sharp weakness, the skin becomes pale, wet, cold, and breathing - difficult, wheezing or wheezing, immediately call for an ambulance, because emergency treatments are required. If at hand happened to be an aerosol inhaler, which is used in patients with bronchial asthma, immediately use it. Even better, if the aerosol contains a hormone in its composition.

How to treat the bites of bees and the traditional means of

The bite of a bee or a wasp is a rather painful sensation. Sharp and burning pain occurs quite a long time and depending on the reaction of the body occurs from two hours to several days. Do not be afraid of pain, but just have to carefully remove the sting, if it remains. To extrude the sting is impossible, so the poison of the insect can spread further than the place of the bite. It is necessary to wash the affected area with water with soap or alcohol, attach to it a piece of ice or a cold lotion. Remember, when allergic reactions occur( rashes, weakness, difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat or mouth), you should immediately consult a doctor. Usually it is necessary to have in advance a first-aid kit in your medicine cabinet, if suddenly an allergy starts at once with a sting of a bee or an insect.

Bee sting: first aid

Mite bites: prevention and first aid

Everyone has heard of tick-borne encephalitis. Particularly relevant is this topic in May - June, when ticks have increased activity, and the townspeople, having escaped into nature after a long winter, with whole families rush into the forest.

In our country, is provided for vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis in children from the age of 4, living in endemic( risky) areas, for example in the Far East, where up to 15% of mites are infected with the encephalitis virus.

In any forest you can meet with a tick, but you can find out if it is infected with a virus or not, only after examining it in a virological laboratory. Tell me, will you carry the detected tick to the laboratory?"But where to look for it?" - you ask, and by removing the tick and smearing the bite with iodine, you will forget about it in a couple of days.

The most effective measures in the fight against any disease are preventive. So in the case of tick-borne encephalitis, it is easier to avoid close contact with the mite than running around in laboratories, clinics, doctors and waking up at night in a cold sweat: "will carry - will not carry?"

To prohibit forest walks, justifying strict measures with concern for public health, there can not be any government decree. Therefore, take care of your own well-being yourself.

In the most dangerous period( May - June), try not to drive small children into the forest.

And if you're ready, put your baby on and dress yourself so that no mite can suck to the body: a jacket with a hood, a shirt with long sleeves, cuffs of which should be buttoned, and trousers tucked into boots.

Open body parts and clothing treated with repellents( "DTA", "Taiga", "Repudin").Returning from the walk, carefully examine each other: did not bring on an uninvited guest.

If you notice a sucking mite, remove it immediately. To do this, drip on it with vegetable oil, tie the body with a strong thread and, twisting the thread counter-clockwise, gently remove the tick, and treat the wound with iodine. If the tick is detected immediately, as soon as they returned from the forest, it is easy to remove it, because it has not yet managed to penetrate thoroughly.

Chances of success are reduced if several hours or days have passed since the suction. Then, when removing, the torso may come off, and the remainder of the mite must be removed with a sharp object.

If possible, send the extracted tick or what is left of it to the virological laboratory.

After the bite of the it is necessary to observe the victim within 30 days( the maximum incubation period).The disease can occur in a week: an increase in temperature to 39 ^ 40 ° C, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting. Often joins pain in the eyeballs, joints, muscles.

If the patient has already forgotten about the unpleasant encounter with the tick, the disease is given the status of the flu or ARVI, and only the appearance of symptoms of the defeat of the central nervous system will make us think of tick-borne encephalitis. The patient has an increased sensitivity of the skin to touch, and sensory organs - to bright light, loud sounds. The consciousness is broken, there is delirium, hallucinations, loss of consciousness, convulsions. In some patients, weakness develops in the limbs, and then paralysis. If the paralytic process affects the respiratory muscles, the patient is threatened with death by stopping breathing.

Bitten the tick, what to do: Dr. Komarovsky about emergency care

What if the mite head was still not removed, how to properly help with local reactions to insect bites, what drugs should always be with you to help with general reactions and howuse these drugs.

Snake Bites: The First Emergency Aid

Snake bites are a particular danger for children. An accident can occur not only in the forest or in the meadow, but also in the suburban area, when it does not occur to parents that the baby is bitten by a snake, and he often can not tell about it.

Adults are lost in conjecture, not understanding the cause of the child's anxiety, and the precious first minutes, when the first aid is most effective, expire, worsening the prognosis.

The most frequent places of bites of venomous snakes are feet and shins, brushes and forearms. Inspect the baby's skin: whether it has traces of snake teeth, redness, a rapidly growing swelling that disrupts movement in the affected limb. Somewhat later, there is numbness and a feeling of crawling, a general weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, fear, agitation, followed by apathy and drowsiness. In the first minutes after the bite, the child can dramatically turn pale and lose consciousness.

The first help: squeeze or suck the poison out of the wound. To improve the suction of poison from the wound, apply a needle or pin around it. Do not be afraid to poison yourself with snake venom while sucking it from the bite. You do not swallow it, but spit it out.

Apply a sterile bandage to the bite site and take the child to the nearest medical facility.

Do not apply a tourniquet to a bitten limb! It is necessary to immobilize the limb in order to slow the absorption of poison into the blood and spread it through the body, and apply cold to the place of bite.

It is desirable to give plenty of water to a child: tea, juice, compote, mineral water. If the victim is quickly taken to the hospital, where he will undergo specific therapy with antiserum serum, then in a few days there will come a complete recovery. In our midlands only vipers are found from venomous snakes, and death does not occur often from their bite.

Bites of snakes and spiders: emergency care - Dr. Komarovsky

What is necessary and what not to do when bitten by a poisonous creature? In an extreme situation, not everyone will be able to get together, but Dr. Komarovsky will recall the algorithm of actions and list the main taboos with toxic lesions. We will also talk about a field medicine kit, in which in case of bites of snakes and spiders there should be hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Animal bites: help when bitten by a dog

Even affectionate pets sometimes exhibit aggression towards the child and make their own significant contribution to the number of accidents with children. No matter how good a dog is, no matter how calm a cat may seem, neither one nor the other will like the unceremonious treatment of a small child with her.

Constantly explain the baby rules communicating with animals.

You can not disturb a dog when it is asleep, you can not get into a dog bowl when it eats, or take away a bone( a cracker, a cookie) from it.

You can not tug the animal by the tail or behind the ears, sit on it on horseback.

You can not approach other people's animals, try to stroke them, even if the owner allows and assures that "the dog does not bite."

Explain to the child that you can not run away from a barking dog, swing it with your hand or stick, throw stones at it, provoking an animal attack.

If you bite the or scratches the skin, wash the wound with soap and water, treat it with iodine, apply a bandage and contact a trauma center where the doctor decides whether to get vaccinated against rabies and tetanus. If the dog is unfamiliar or unaccompanied, consult a doctor even if the skin is slightly damaged. The same actions take if the child is bitten, simply licked or scratched by a wild animal( fox, hedgehog, rat).

Rabies - a viral disease that affects the human nervous system, and after the appearance of clinical symptoms of the patient can not be saved. Therefore, when a child bites a wild or homeless animal, it is necessary to vaccinate against rabies. Just do not frighten the child with the need to do forty jabs in the stomach. Now there are modern methods of preventing rabies, sparing and effective. It is only necessary to contact the specialists in a timely manner.

Bites of wild and domestic animals: emergency help of Dr. Komarovsky

If the child is bitten by some animal, the principles of wound treatment remain unchanged: stop bleeding, treat the wound and apply a bandage. However, each of these stages in the case of a bitten wound has its own peculiarities. About this and tell Dr. Komarovsky. And also about what are especially dangerous bite wounds, when you still can not go to the doctor and what behavior with animals you need to teach your children.

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What to do with a bee sting: precautions and prevention of bites

Bees are animals related to wasps and ants, the vast majority of which feed on nectar and pollen, thus occupying a leading place in nature by pollination of flowers.

Due to the fact that according to the organization of colonies bees are different, their homes can be found in various places, even in such at first sight not characteristic for bees as earthen burrows.

If a healthy person is once stung by a bee, it will not harm his health. The danger is a multiple attack of bees, since the concentration of poison in the body greatly increases.

Children and women are especially sensitive to bee stings. The human body quickly becomes accustomed to bee venom, which leads to a lack of reaction to it, but this does not mean that after you are stung by a bee you can climb the next day without protection in the hive. The process of acquiring immunity is individual and takes more than one day.

In a special risk zone, people are susceptible to allergic reactions of various kinds, where a single bee sting can be life threatening. For such people, consultation with a doctor is necessary, with long-term exposure to nature, you need to have medications that can save lives.

Bee venom can cause a variety of allergic reactions such as:

  1. swelling of the neck and face, especially the area around the eye
  2. paralysis of the respiratory muscles
  3. urticaria
  4. dizziness and unconsciousness
  5. nausea
  6. increased respiration, cardiac arrhythmia, heart rate increase
  7. difficulty breathing,cough
  8. pallor of the skin

These symptoms manifest within 10-20 minutes after the bite.

If you can not remember whether you were bitten by a bee, accordingly, you can not know for sure how your body will react to a bite.

Inspect the site of the bite, there should be a sting with a small biological reservoir, which after a bite pulsates for a while and pushes a portion of venom under the skin. Accordingly, prompt removal of the sting will reduce the amount of poison obtained. It is most convenient to do this with tweezers, grasping the stinger at the base of the wound, after having disinfected the tweezers. Do not forget to check for the presence of tweezers in the individual medicine cabinet for outdoor use. In the absence of tweezers, you will have to use nails that need to be disinfected. A healthy person does not need to do something with the place of the bite, disinfect with a maximum alcohol or peroxide.

It is recommended to drink more, sweet tea is good.

It is also recommended that if you take allergic reactions, take any antihistamine drug, for this, consult a specialist doctor before you complete your first aid kit.

What not to do:

  1. use alcohol, which can increase swelling;
  2. use water for compress from water reservoirs, it can be infected under the skin;
  3. squeeze out the poison, as one can easily infect an infection, and accelerate the spread of the poison.

When a bee stings, Pheromone develops anxiety, which other bees regard as an appeal to aggression or danger, this biological mechanism makes other bees go to the rescue. If you were bitten, and you know where the bee settlement is, then you should leave in the opposite direction. Ignoring this, you risk running a chain reaction, in which all bees receiving an aggressive signal will attack you. Directly near the hive, a similar signal is received almost instantly by a large number of bees.

When you are trying to drive a bee flying over your head, which is quite a normal reaction from you, almost reflexive, the attitude to the bee is aggressive and it will interest you more than before you were calm. Bees attack only when necessary to defend themselves, experts recommend that if a bee flies around you, the best solution will be to turn away and calmly move aside until there is no contact, naturally away from the settlement of the bees. So it's not a good idea after you have been bitten by a bee to slam it, because in the first place it is already dead, and secondly, you will spread Pheromone on yourself, which will create a clear target for attack of other bees.

Remember! Every year more people die from bee stings than from snake bites.

Public bees have in their colony a uterus and worker bees, and also at a certain stage of development of drones. Drones males serving only for the fertilization of the uterus, the process after which they moderate. The worker bees are also killed by the drones before wintering.

If it's quite easy to describe the colony of public bees, it consists of the uterus and worker bees that can be her daughters. The uterus serves to produce new bees. In order to get new working bees-daughters, the uterus must impregnate drones.


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  2. "Pediatrics: A complete reference book for parents / L.Sh. Anikeeva ": Moscow: Publishing house" Exmo ".