How to cure a protracted runny nose

Tip 1: How to cure a protracted runny nose

How to cure a protracted runny nose

The main causes of protracted cold are complications of infections, as well as manifestations of allergies. Treatment in these cases should be carried out simultaneously in several directions.

Treatment of a protracted cold

Therapy of a protracted rhinitis takes place simultaneously in the following directions: exposure to mucous membranes shell of the nose, elimination of the cause and provoking factors, stimulation of the body's immunity, prevention relapses. If prolonged rhinitis is a consequence of not cured colds or infectious diseases, the choice of medication for treatment depends on the symptoms and health status. With abundant and transparent discharge from the nose, vasoconstrictive drugs are used (Otrivin, Adranol, Sanorin, Nazivin, Ximelin, Vibrocil, etc.).

If the runny nose has an atrophic form, which is manifested by thick and lean secretions and from the nose, antibacterial preparations ("Pinosol" drops, "Bactroban" ointment, "Polidex" spray) should be used. You should also wash your nose with saline solutions or use special sprays (Aqualor, Salin, Aqua Maris). For a few months, a protracted runny nose is treated with physiotherapeutic procedures, a laser, and surgical intervention.

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Treatment of a protracted runny nose with allergies should begin with the termination of contact with a substance that causes negative symptoms. Clear manifestations of allergic rhinitis are the sudden onset of the disease, the absence of signs of a cold, the presence of characteristic signs (lacrimation, abundant discharge from the nose, multiple sneezing, difficult nasal breathing), ineffectiveness of conventional means used in runny nose. To treat the manifestations of allergy use drugs of one group - antihistamines in the second row ("Loratadin "Kestin "Clarinase "Zirtek "Telfast "Allergodil"). These medicines do not cause drowsiness, weakness, headache and impaired coordination.

How to treat a protracted runny nose

A protracted runny nose can be caused by endocrine disorders, a reflex action on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Its causes may be a change in the temperature of food or air, emotional stress, overwork. In this case, the use of multivitamins and biostimulators is recommended. Wellness activities, frequent airing of the premises, long exposure to fresh air, sports will be useful.

Prolonged rhinitis can be cured by traditional medicine. The inhalation of fumes of chopped garlic or onions is good. The procedure should be performed three times a day for 5-8 minutes. With a prolonged runny nose, you can use aloe juice mixed with honey. It is necessary to wrap a sheet of plant in black paper and put it for 14 hours in the refrigerator. Then squeeze out the juice and mix it with 1/3 of a teaspoon of honey. The mixture is digested in the nose three times a day by a full pipette into each nostril. Folk remedies for the treatment of a protracted runny nose should be used only after consulting a doctor.

Why develops a protracted runny nose in an adult and how to cure it?

How to cure a protracted runny nose in an adult? What means can help in this? Many people do not consider the cold a disease at all and do not even try to eliminate it. And in vain! After all, an innocuous runny nose can give serious complications, which later will be much harder to cope with.

The problem of the common cold

The first thing a person with this problem should do is to visit the ENT doctor's office. It is he who can find the cause of your protracted rhinitis.

Possible causes of a cold

Sinusitis or sinusitis.

The scheme of genyantritis

Most common cold in adults can be associated with problems of the sinus row, and this: the frontitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, sphenoiditis and etmoiditis. These processes characterize inflammation in the nasopharynx. They can cause polyps, bacteria and infections. If these inflammations are not treated, serious complications can arise, the most dangerous among them is meningitis.

If a prolonged runny nose is accompanied by headaches and an unpleasant sensation in the facial area, then it can talk about the chronic course of the disease. An unpleasant moment of sinusitis is that they are diagnosed already at the height of the disease. And sometimes the conservative method of treatment is not enough.

Treatment is carried out by the following methods:

  1. If there is pus in the nasal sinuses, then it must be eliminated by rinsing or puncturing in a hospital.
  2. Application of antibacterial therapy.
  3. Additional treatment involves the administration of antihistamines, drops for the nose, and if necessary - corticosteroids.
  4. At the final stage of therapy, physiotherapy is performed.


Allergic reaction as the cause of the common cold

The second most popular cause of a prolonged runny nose in an adult is an allergy, mainly to external stimuli. Since allergic reactions indicate immune disorders in the body, it is not possible to cure them to the end. You can only reduce the symptoms, and if an allergen is found, try to eliminate it from your life.

An allergic reaction can cause:

  • dust;
  • wool and down of pets;
  • poplar fluff and pollen of flowering plants;
  • household chemicals;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • certain food products.

The main signs of allergic rhinitis in adults are: constant nasal congestion, discharge, fluid and transparent, lacrimation, frequent sneezing and redness of the eyes.In this case, you should seek help from an allergist who will test the allergen and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Specific rhinitis.

Specific rhinitis can include:

Catarrhal treatment with physical therapy methods
  1. Catarrhal chronic rhinitis. It is a complication of acute rhinitis and is characterized by the defeat of the paranasal sinuses and pharynx. At this time, there are discharge from the nose of a mucous nature. Often a stuffy nose, especially when lying down. Treatment is carried out in a hospital.
  2. Vasomotor rhinitis. It provokes its allergen, associated with nervous factors. The treatment is aimed at eliminating the allergen, increasing immunity, deactivating the reactive reactions of the nervous system.
  3. Ozena. Due to permanent rhinitis, there is atrophy of the walls of the nose and bone tissue, resulting in the formation of a crust of green in the nose that smells unpleasant. Treatment of a local nature is being carried out, sometimes surgical intervention is required.
  4. Atrophic rhinitis. Because of frequent and heavily endured infections, injuries and the constant inhalation of allergenic air, atrophic rhinitis can develop, that is, atrophy of the nasal mucosa. In this case, frequent nasal bleeding, snot with blood, dryness in the nose, congestion, loss of smell are observed. The treatment is provided by an otolaryngologist, in some cases an allergist.
  5. Hypertrophic chronic rhinitis. Occurs on the background of prolonged inhalation of chemicals or with a curved nasal septum. Characterized by nasal congestion, headaches, loss of smell (sometimes partial). Pain can occur in the face and temples. Treatment operative.

Treatment of a protracted cold

If the common cold is associated with colds, then the choice of drugs to remove symptoms is significant.

If the discharge from the nose is clear and liquid, then vasoconstrictive drops are used, such drugs as Sanorin, Nazivin, Ximelin and others are included.

But such drops are not always suitable, for example, with atrophy of the nasal passages, they will not give any effect. Here, the method of washing the nose with saline solution and applying an antibiotic will be more effective.

Consultation of a doctor-otolaryngologist

With the long course of the disease, the following methods of therapy are used:

  1. Physiotherapy.
  2. Laser treatment.
  3. Operative method.

If it was found that the common cold is still allergic, then the treatment can be the next direction.

  1. Exclusion of allergen.
  2. Antihistamines: Zirtek, Loratadin, Kestin.

Treatment is carried out by an allergist. With a protracted runny nose, you should reconsider your lifestyle, change your habits, and then, perhaps, the rhinitis will pass by itself.

Traditional methods of treatment

In the period of illness it is worth every day to wash the nose with saline solution: this helps to get rid of pathogenic bacteria more quickly. In addition, this solution has an anti-inflammatory effect. If the rhinitis without purulent formations, then it is well treated with inhalations, which can be with soda or on the basis of medicinal herbs. Suitable for this is chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula. For inhalations, essential oils, for example, eucalyptus or menthol, can also be used.

For burial in the nose, you can make drops yourself. To do this, you need to brew a lime flower or sage. You can also dig in the nose freshly squeezed beet juice or carrots, onions, calanchoe, aloe, juice from the leaves of plantain. Applying such drops, you need to know and strictly observe the proportions and dosage.

Folk methods of fighting colds

Mustard baths for the feet and hands will help to get rid of the stuffiness faster. Effective massage can be a point massage in the nose. In chronic sinusitis, the use of milk and other dairy products is not recommended. It is believed that sugar and starch, contained in pasteurized milk, leads to sinusitis.

In addition to local treatment, the body as a whole should be strengthened. Traditional medicine on this occasion offers its own options. Common fortifying properties are lemon, decoction of rose hips, raspberry, linden and St. John's wort. They are used in the form of broths, and it is also recommended to wash the nose using these plants.

To quickly get rid of the common cold, herbal medicine offers to take decoctions on the following herbs:

  1. St. John's wort and sage.
  2. Peppermint.
  3. Grass of the motherwort.
  4. The sequence and mother-and-stepmother.
  5. Burdock and primrose.
  6. Meadowsweet.
  7. Eucalyptus.
  8. Birch, willow, lime color.
  9. Hawthorn and dog rose.
  10. Devyasil and others.

Preventive actions

In order not to suffer from a runny nose, one should be engaged in its prevention. In the warm season you need to begin to temper your body. The room in which you are constantly, should be regularly ventilated. Do not bring your mucous membrane to dry, moisten the room during the heating system, drink more liquid. Eat right. At the first signs of a cold immediately take measures to eliminate it.

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Coryza - this is a problem, the final of which can turn out differently depending on the pathogen. For example, it can be of a superficial nature. When an allergen is eliminated, an allergic rhinitis may disappear on the same day. In other cases, the runny nose can drag on for months, and eventually it leads to surgical treatment.

Prolonged cold in the child: possible causes, diagnosis of concomitant pathologies, consequences

  • Types of rhinitis
  • Treatment
  • Folk remedies
Prolonged cold in the child

Surely every parent knows the saying: "If the snot is treated, they will pass in seven days, and if not, then in a week."

Indeed, with the normal functioning of the immune system, rhinitis passes by itself without any treatment.

However, sometimes a protracted runny nose in a child is a symptom of a serious illness requiring medication, and in some cases also surgical, therapy.

Prolonged rhinitis in children can be a consequence of such factors:

  • Weakened immunity. It is not uncommon for parents to note that the rhinitis occurs again without having time to stop. This is especially true for a child attending a kindergarten or school. Insufficient resistance of the body to a viral infection leads to repeated infection. In such cases the Derinat spray is effective.
  • Allergic reaction. Mucous discharge from the nose appears under the influence of a certain stimulus. Such symptoms can be permanent or seasonal during the flowering period.
  • Chronic sinusitisand other types of sinusitis. Most often, this disease is a consequence of improper treatment of acute inflammation of the nasal sinuses.
  • Vasomotor (false) rhinitis. This pathology is caused by a disturbance in the work of capillaries that feed the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Too prolonged instillation of local vasoconstrictors. A dangerous consequence of their use is addiction, and instead of reducing the release of mucus, its excessive secretion begins.
  • Excessive dryness in the room. Especially for the environment, newborns are sensitive.
  • The proliferation of adenoid tissue. This greatly complicates nasal breathing, is the cause of frequent otitis and colds.
  • Congenital or acquired as a result of trauma features anatomical structure of the nasal cavity.

Any disease is easier to treat in the initial stages. That is why to prevent a protracted runny nose, the child needs timely treatment of acute respiratory infections and colds. In the absence of temperature, you can use popular recipes. These are rinsing and inhalation with natural remedies, washing and punctual massage of the wings of the nose, use of mustard plaits for coughing.

Doctor E.O. Komarovsky emphasizes that the main role in preventing a protracted runny nose in a child play hardening procedures, maintaining the humidity regime (at least 50%) and temperature (19 - 22 °) in indoors. Strengthening the protective forces of the organism is promoted by walking outdoors, playing sports, active way of life. A link to the video with a detailed story of a pediatrician about the prevention and treatment of rhinitis can be found on his forum.

If, despite all the measures taken, the following alarming symptoms appear, do not postpone the visit to the doctor:

  • a coryza that lasts for more than 10 days;
  • snoring and an intensifying cough at night, because of this, there are sleep disorders, weakness, fatigue;
  • shortness of nasal breathing;
  • constant anxiety, tearfulness, it becomes more difficult for breastfed babies to take the breast or pacifier of the bottle because of the stuffy nose;
  • deterioration of smell and perception of taste.

Alloculations during prolonged runny nose in children can be transparent or cloudy. Dense, yellowish mucus indicates the onset of a bacterial infection process that requires mandatory antimicrobial treatment for both local and systemic use.

The scheme of therapy of a protracted cold in children depends on its causes.It is clear that at home, it is impossible to diagnose, so the child should be written to the ENT. The doctor first interviews the parents about the timing of the onset of rhinitis, accompanying symptoms.

Then the doctor will examine the nasal cavity, this procedure is called rhinoscopy. It can be carried out using special tools or an electronic endoscope. This determines the condition of the mucous membrane, polyposic formations. To exclude or confirm sinusitis, x-rays of the sinuses are required.

If the cause of a prolonged runny nose in children is the effect of an irritant, certain tests are required to accurately identify the allergen. It is also necessary to conduct a clinical study of blood and bacusses of mucous secretions.

Complications of a protracted cold in children are very dangerous.This condition can cause a variety of chronic diseases, weakening of immunity, frequent infections of the ENT - organs and lower respiratory tract.

Bacterial runny nose and other types of rhinitis: features of the clinical picture and treatment

Symptoms of long-term rhinitis largely depend on its cause. The same factor determines the purpose of certain medications, the duration of treatment and the prognosis of the disease. Features of bacterial and runny nose of a different nature are presented below.

Viral rhinitis occurs due to ingestion of a rhino or adenovirus. Its distinctive symptoms are:

  • transparent allocation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • weakness;
  • fever;
  • inflammation, redness, and sore throat;
  • lacrimation.

Often the disease passes on its own within 3 to 7 days. In severe cases - antiviral agents. Allergic rhinitis is the response of the immune system to getting into the body of a certain stimulus (dust, wool, smoke or sprayed substances, pollen, down, etc.).

Its main features are:

  • pronounced edema of the nasal mucosa;
  • transparent mucous discharge;
  • possible seasonal course with exacerbations in spring and summer;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • absence of fever and other cold symptoms.

For therapy use antihistamines in the form of tablets or nasal sprays, in the absence of effect appoint glucocorticoids. Bacterial rhinitis is caused by bacteria such as staphylococci and streptococci. More rarely - a hemophilic and pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella, Proteus.

It proceeds as follows:

  • thick mucus with a yellowish tinge and unpleasant odor;
  • temperature;
  • sore throat, sometimes - cough;
  • with acute sinusitis - soreness when pressing the sinus area, headache when tilting down;
  • symptoms of general intoxication by products of bacterial metabolism.

Antibiotics are prescribed for treatment; at the initial stage, antimicrobials are used in the form of sprays, with severe symptoms - injections, suspensions or tablets. Reaction to dry air. The drying of the mucous membrane leads to excessive secretion of mucus.

It is accompanied by such symptoms:

  • transparent abundant discharge;
  • The nozzles disappear when exposed to fresh air or after ventilation.

Special treatment is not required, it is sufficient to maintain the optimum moisture regime and regularly wash the nose with saline solutions. Vasomotor rhinitis. Symptoms are caused by circulatory disorders and changes in the structure of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Patients complain about:

  • a persistent runny nose with abundant clearings;
  • persistent nasal congestion and difficulty breathing;
  • deterioration of smell;
  • absence of effect from standard methods of therapy.

Treatment depends on the stage of vasomotor rhinitis. At the initial stages, antihistamine and hormonal drugs are used, with pronounced changes in the nasal cavity, surgical intervention is indicated.

Regardless of the genesis of a protracted runny nose, symptomatic therapy is necessary. It consists in lavage of the nasal cavity, administration of vasoconstricting sprays or drops, but they can not be used for more than seven days.

In addition, if necessary, therapy of concomitant inflammation of the nasopharynx and lower respiratory tract diseases, immunostimulants, multivitamin preparations is required. This is especially true for viral and bacterial rhinitis.

How to treat a protracted runny nose in a child: the principles of drug therapy, additional procedures

Bacterial coldsDetermine the treatment regimen and prescribe medications should the ENT - the doctor after diagnosis.

Mostly, topical drugs are used because they have certain advantages over capsules or syrups.First of all, sprays and drops immediately begin to "work" in the nasal cavity, bypassing the digestive tract.

In addition, active components are absorbed into the blood in a lower concentration, so the risk of side effects associated with the burden on the kidneys and liver is reduced. Let us dwell on the main drugs intended to treat a protracted runny nose in a child.

Vasodilating drops and sprays:

  • Otrivin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Nazivin;
  • Nazol.

Despite the fact that the active component of these drugs is different, they act the same way - narrow the blood vessels of the nasal cavity and reduce the release of mucus. It is also worth noting that the funds have only a symptomatic effect, without affecting the cause of the common cold. Apply them one by one drop (or injection) into each nostril up to three times a day.

Doctors emphasize that these medications can not be used for more than 7 days. Otherwise, complications in the form of vasomotor rhinitis are possible. When buying a drug, you need to pay attention to the percentage of active substance. For adults and children it is different. Homeopathic remedies on a natural basis have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

These are such sprays as:

  • Euphorbium compositum;
  • Delufen.

They are prescribed in a dosage of 1 to 2 doses per nasal passage up to 4 times a day and are allowed to use from an early age, during pregnancy and lactation. They are intended not only for the therapy of long-term rhinitis, but also for the prevention of exacerbation of chronic processes.

Also, to treat a protracted runny nose, the child is prescribed oral homeopathic remedies:

  • Sinupret, apply 1 to 2 tablets (15 to 50 drops) three times a day;
  • Cinnabsin (1 tablet 3 to 10 times a day).

Hormonal preparations with glucocorticoids have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antihistamine action. Designed to treat a protracted runny nose caused by neurovegetative disorders, enlarged adenoids.

These are sprays:

  • Nazonex;
  • Nasobek.

Their dosage differs depending on the age and makes up 1 - 2 injections in each nostril twice a day. Nazonex is contraindicated for children under 2 years, and Nasobek - up to 6 years. They must be used after a preliminary cleansing of the nasal cavity from mucus. The treatment process must be controlled by a doctor without fail. In addition, steroids suppress local immunity, so these sprays are contraindicated in viral or bacterial infections.

Preparation on a natural basis Pinosol. Contains vegetable components (menthol, eucalyptus oil, pine). Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. It is convenient to use, as the market is presented in the form of ointments, drops and spray. Apply it should be 1 to 2 drops to 5 times a day in the first days of the disease, then go to triple use within a day. Pinosol is not intended for children under 2 years of age and is contraindicated in allergic rhinitis.

Antibacterial agents:

  • Isofra (allowed from 2 years);
  • Polidex (it is applied from 6 years).

The composition includes an antibiotic, to which gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria are sensitive. Dosage is 1 spraying 3 to 5 times a day for a week. Polydex also contains a vasoconstrictor component. Also, the drug is available in the form of ear drops for otitis treatment.

Saline solutions for washing the nasal cavity:

  • Aqua Maris;
  • Humer;
  • Akvalor.

Sea water removes swelling, moisturizes the mucous membrane, repeat the procedure should be up to 5 - 6 times a day. Antihistamines are used to treat allergic rhinitis. Adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed sprays in the nose in a dosage of 1 spraying up to 6 times a day.

  • Allergodyl;
  • Cromohexal.

Children younger Erius syrup is prescribed from 2 to 5 ml per day, tablets Loratadine, Cetrin, Suprastin (1/2 - 1 pill once a day). Sometimes they are prescribed for ARVI to eliminate symptoms of rhinitis.

If the sprays with antibiotics are ineffective, antibacterial agents of the cephalosporins or penicillins in the form of suspensions are used.The course of treatment is from 5 to 14 days. It is also worth noting that antihistamines in the form of tablets can cause drowsiness, so it is better to take them in the evening.

Also, you can treat a protracted runny nose with a special procedure. The so-called cuckoo is effective. During it, the doctor rinses the paranasal sinuses of the nose with disinfectant solutions and suction removes mucus and pus.

Treatment of a protracted cold in children with folk remedies

Treatment of a protracted cold in childrenTo significantly improve the effect of medicines will help recipes from the arsenal of alternative medicine.

They ease the symptoms of rhinitis inhalation with warm steam soda solution, decoctions of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus).

Also, the treatment of a protracted runny nose in children is possible with the help of a compress, on the wings of the nose warmed with salt in a tissue bag.

Symptoms of rhinitis for allergies will ease drops from freshly squeezed beet juice or carrots. To strengthen immunity, the baby is given onion juice. To do this, you need to grind the onion and fill it with sugar.

For the treatment of bacterial and viral rhinitis or sinusitis, such recipes are suitable:

  • bury your nose with Kalanchoe juice or aloe;
  • prepare a decoction from a mixture of St. John's wort and chamomile (1 tablespoon 200 ml of boiling water), strain and drip into the nose 4 to 5 drops to 5 times a day;
  • finely chop the onion or garlic and squeeze through the cheesecloth, mix the juice with water in the ratio: and use as a drop in the nose;
  • lubricate the mucous mixture of honey and peppermint oil.

However, treatment of a protracted runny nose in children should be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor. Wrong therapy can lead to undesirable reactions from the body and irreversible changes in the nasal mucosa, which is corrected only by surgical intervention.


How to properly treat a protracted runny nose in a child?

The question of how to treat a protracted runny nose in a child, begins to increasingly interest many parents with the onset of cold weather. The child's organism is strongly susceptible to all kinds of respiratory diseases, and the common cold is most often not an independent disease, but only a symptom of viral infections. If you observe a prolonged runny nose in a child, you need to urgently begin to treat it. Launched infectious diseases can threaten not only a cold, but also an inflammation of the respiratory tract.

A long runny nose in the child

Prolonged cold and its danger

A protracted runny nose is the most common disease, which, as a rule, is not given much importance. Meanwhile, a protracted runny nose in the absence of proper treatment can lead to serious complications. It is necessary to know that the presence of any inflammatory processes in the child's body is not in itself good.

Allergic nature of a protracted coldA long rhinitis may indicate the presence of viruses or other pathogens that enter the trachea and bronchi through the nasopharynx and trigger the inflammatory process already there. If you begin to treat the runny nose in time, the disease will pass without a trace.

A protracted rhinitis is a chronic rhinitis, that is, an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the nose. A distinctive feature of rhinitis, or protracted rhinitis, as can be seen from the name, is that the disease is characterized by a long period of flow. If the runny nose lasts more than ten days, you can already talk about its chronic form.

A protracted runny nose often occurs in children in the autumn-winter period, in cold and damp weather. This ailment can have an infectious, viral nature. The causative agents in this case are influenza viruses, other respiratory diseases.

In case of weakening of immunity in the child, bacterial rhinitis may develop. Bacterial protracted rhinitis occurs due to a change in the composition of the microflora of the nasal mucosa. In addition, the causative agents of a protracted rhinitis may be staphylococci, streptococci.

Quite often a protracted runny nose is allergic in nature. Allergens, which cause a protracted runny nose, very much. But nevertheless among them one can single out the most typical and widespread ones. The main irritant is dust and the dust mite contained in it, in addition, the reaction can occur on animal hair, down, pollen of various plants.

Causes and symptoms of a protracted cold in children

The reasons for the fact that the child has a protracted long rhinitis are infections, allergens and pathogenic microflora. Of course, this is a fairly generalized classification, it can not cover all the factors that lead to the child suffering from a persistent runny nose. The most common causes of chronic cold are as follows:

Subcooling as the cause of a protracted cold
  1. Weakened immunity. Since most viruses and infections enter the body by airborne droplets, that is, when inhaled, the weakened general and local immunity makes the child particularly vulnerable.
  2. Lack of proper treatment of a common cold. Untreated disease is unlikely to disappear by itself, it will simply grow into a more serious form.
  3. Constant hypothermia undermines the protective functions of the child's body.
  4. The presence of any infectious diseases. In this case, a protracted runny nose, is simply a symptom of another disease. It is especially important to choose the right treatment for the child for the child and to alleviate his symptoms.
  5. Presence of deformation of the cartilaginous or bony structures of the nose. Very serious disease, which is treated only in a hospital. In the absence of treatment, it causes rather serious complications, including those that spread to the hearing organs. Only specialists can determine the presence of pathologies.
  6. Presence of concomitant infections. In general, we are talking about respiratory diseases.
  7. Presence of allergens in the house. It can be animals, old furniture and some plants.

The main and most common symptoms that will help determine the presence of a protracted runny nose include:

  • prolonged course of the disease (more than 10 days);
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • presence of mucous or purulent discharge from the nose;
  • nasal congestion, which is especially noted at night;
  • headache, which is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • a possible severe cough: mucosal discharge enters the nasopharynx, causing coughing and sometimes vomiting;
  • deterioration of sleep;
  • general drowsiness and fatigue.

If you notice that such prolonged symptoms appear in your child if you have allergen (dust, pollen, wool or fluff), it is necessary to exclude the possibility of contact with it child.

Drug treatment of a protracted cold

The use of vasoconstrictive drops with prolonged rhinitisWhen the baby begins to suffer an attack of a protracted cold, each mother tries to find an answer to the question of how to cure a protracted runny nose in a child.

Since the problem of rhinitis is very common, there are a lot of treatments for it today. All funds are divided into two groups: medicamentous and homeopathic, based on herbs. Both these and other means have their advantages and disadvantages, so the choice here is already for the parents.

Traditionally, with rhinitis, its local treatment consists in the use of vasoconstrictive drops.In the treatment it is important to observe the proportions and duration of application of the drugs.Overdosing them can cause unwanted side effects. In the case of prolonged use, pathogens - viruses or bacteria - lose sensitivity to the active constituents of the drug. In any case, treatment with local drugs should be approved by your pediatrician.

The choice of means of drug treatment depends on the causes of the disease. In most cases, the common cold is only a consequence of the disease. Paying all attention only to the treatment of the common cold, you can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Thus, the treatment of the child must be based on the elimination of the cause of the disease.

If the cause of the common cold is an allergy, the child is shown taking antihistamines. In addition, parents should be concerned that the child is shielded from contact with allergens. A protracted runny nose, caused by a bacterial infection, is treated with antibiotics. Coryza, caused by the flu and ARI, is treated locally: with drops along with antiviral drugs.

To prescribe treatment, contact your pediatrician and take tests to determine the pathogen. This will help in choosing the means of treatment.

Treatment of a protracted cold with folk remedies

Sea salt for washing the noseThe main goal for which all folk remedies are calculated is the washing out of purulent, mucous secretions from the nose or the piercing of the embedded nostrils.

Thus, most folk remedies are various solutions, tinctures and lotions.

A prolonged runny nose is treated by rinsing or piercing the nostrils. Folk remedies and herbs in the process of washing provide a good result, remember it is only necessary that such manipulations should be carried out regularly.

Washings are made with warm boiled water. For greater effect, water is added to the water, and even better, sea salt. Washing is not a pleasant procedure, especially for children.

During the washing process, the child should draw the saline solution with the nostrils and try to release it through the mouth.

After washing, drip aloe juice into both nostrils of the baby. Instead of salt, you can also use chamomile. Chamomile is an excellent antiseptic, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Folk remedies with a protracted runny nose are not limited to a solution of salt and herbal infusions. With the use of a drop and home preparation. At the same time, the dosage prescribed for children is strictly observed.


Warming is another means of traditional medicine in the treatment of chronic colds. Traditionally, when warming, a bag of pre-heated salt is used. At the same time, make sure that the salt is not too hot and the child does not get burns.

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