Tablets, drugs and solutions from high blood pressure

There are medical preparations - tablets and solutions from of elevated pressure for the treatment of hypertension.

But the main thing, running ahead, I will say that the information from this article will be useful for what to do at home before the doctor's arrival, when the pressure has increased sharply, that is, the hypertensive crisis has developed and how high blood pressure can be brought down by medicines for hypertension.

Features of the treatment of hypertension

Treatment of hypertension

Treatment of hypertension is largely determined by its stages. In the first stage of hypertensive disease, discontinuous, course treatment, if it is effective, is permissible. Conditions for the success of therapy: a rational mode of work and rest, determined by the doctor together with the patient. With obesity, a restriction in the diet of carbohydrates and fats is mandatory.

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Drug treatment occupies the main place in the complex treatment of hypertensive disease of the second and third stages. Of leading importance are diuretics( saluretics), sympatholytic drugs and peripheral vasodilators. Selection of medicines and their doses, combinations of drugs is individual. It should be borne in mind that individuals with a sodium dependent form of the disease are particularly susceptible to diuretics.

In the treatment of the second stage of hypertension, a combination of drugs, usually two, sometimes three, is almost always required.

The task of treatment of hypertension in the third stage - in addition to mandatory lowering of blood pressure - constant maintenance of the coronary and cerebral circulation, contractile force of the myocardium at a satisfactory level.

Recommended medications

In , the first stage of is sedatives( valerian tablets, bromides).If blood pressure does not decrease, you can start taking such non-strong drugs, as Raunatin, Rauvazan.

In of the second stage of , along with preparations of rauwolfia, it is necessary to start taking drugs that promote the excretion of salts and fluid from the body. Such drugs include Hypothiazide, Diacarb, Veroshpiron, etc.

With more persistent forms of hypertension are used gangliolitiki and adrenolytics( Hexony, Pentamine).Convenient for use and sympatholytics, given in the form of tablets( Pirilen, Ismelin).

With prolonged blood pressure increase, , regular intake of recommended anti-hypertensive medications such as Enam, Anapril, Prestarium, Amlodipine should be started.

With the hypertensive crisis it is necessary, first of all, to take medications that are prescribed by the attending physician. Then it is desirable that the patient take Glycine( 5 tablets under the tongue).

With , the high pressure increase of is well assisted by magnesium sulfate, administered intramuscularly. In addition to magnesium, dibazol( 3-5 ml + Papaverine 2.0 intramuscularly) should be administered.

Rapidly reduces the pressure of clo-phenol( it is better to start with half a tablet).

What to do with hypertensive crisis

With a sharp increase in blood pressure, until the doctor has arrived, you should:

  1. take a semi-sitting position in bed or a comfortable chair;
  2. warm the feet and shin with a warmer, foot hot bath, mustard plasters on the shins;
  3. inside take Corvalol( or Valocordinum) - 30-40 drops, as well as an extraordinary dose of the drug that you take all the time;
  4. at occurrence of a chest pain - immediately nitroglycerinum under tongue;
  5. refrain from eating;
  6. with an intense headache take a pill of a diuretic that you took earlier;
  7. chew( but do not swallow) 12.5 - 25 g of kapotene or 10 mg of Corinfar.

Tablets and solutions to quickly bring down the pressure

If you suffer from hypertension, then you need to have at home and in the country an emergency kit to help with hypertensive crisis:

Pressure measuring device - tonometer .Nowadays electronic tonometers are popular, but it is quite possible to do the usual manual.


Solution of Dibazole .The use of dibazol and papaverine has not lost its importance to the relief of crises, mainly because of the availability and relative cheapness of the drugs. The most effective is with mild crises( usually in the elderly) with a mild cerebral symptomatology( headaches, dizziness, nausea).It must be remembered that in some people, dibazol can cause a paradoxical reaction - an increase in blood pressure. More often it happens in old age with severe atherosclerosis. The dosage of dibazol should be at least 4-5 ml of a 1% solution.

Lasix / Furosemide

Diuretics .For the relief of crises usually use powerful fast-acting diuretics: Furosemide( lasix).Apply intravenously or intramuscularly, or chew 40-80 mg of the tablet preparation. Especially diuretics are shown with severe cerebral symptoms - severe headaches, severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting, visual impairment, confusion, ie, signs of an onset cerebral edema. These drugs are absolutely necessary in the first aid kit of each hypertensive patient. In parallel with diuretics, Asparkam should be taken to replace calcium and magnesium salts, otherwise the heart rhythm will be upset.


Nifedepine ( Corinfar, Cordipine, etc.).Recently, doctors are very cautious about the long-term administration of these drugs, but for the relief of the crisis, they are certainly indispensable in many cases. Especially it is convenient in those cases when it is impossible to immediately apply injections of medications( the same result when using Kapoten).Do not take more than two tablets in a row, as, most likely, it will indicate the ineffectiveness of the drug in this patient.

Solution of Baralgin. Quite often, with crises, there is a need for additional anesthesia. Combined drugs such as Baralgin and Maxigan are suitable for this best. With emotional tension, take 40 drops of Corvalol( valerian, Validol under the tongue) or any of the sedatives available at home( Phenosepium, Relanium, etc.).

Source: YNGogov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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