How can I stop a child's cough?
How to stop a cough in a child - worries all parents. Especially if the child coughs hard, without stopping, suffocates. I want to stop this as soon as possible and help my child calm down.

Cough is a symptom of various diseases. Strong attacks occur most often at night. How to relieve cough in a child? To help the baby correctly, you need to know the cause of the cough. And the reasons can be set, and not always they are connected with catarrhal diseases, the coughing child - usual picture on reception at the pediatrist.
Causes of a cough
Cough is a protective reaction of the body, allowing to clear bronchi and trachea. At quite healthy children there is a slight coughing up to 10-15 times a day (usually in the morning hours) and this is the norm. But when an ailment causes suspicion, is painful for a child, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

The main reasons for the appearance of cough:
- inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract (bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, etc.);
- adenoids;
- foreign object caught in the throat;
- allergic diseases of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma;
- diseases of the digestive system (often gastroesophageal reflux);
- heart disease;
- helminthic invasions;
- too dry air in the room.
To understand what is the cause of coughing, can only the doctor, after a survey.
Types of cough and its treatment
It is accepted to divide the cough into dry and wet. In the first days of inflammation of the respiratory system, there is a mostly dry cough, then passing into the wet one. But there are many varieties of both dry and wet cough. Depending on the reasons for its occurrence, it happens:

- Acute. Its duration is usually less than three weeks. Typically, it is caused by a viral disease, inflammation in the larynx (laryngitis), trachea, bronchi or lungs. At first it is dry and obtrusive. When tracheitis becomes barking, with laryngitis also with a sore throat. With pneumonia, it is immediately moist and deep. The main task in the occurrence of any signs of acute respiratory disease is the exclusion of pneumonia.
- Sudden. Suddenly, a cough (sometimes accompanied by a whistle) may indicate the presence of a foreign object in the respiratory tract.
- Protracted. Wet cough, most often after acute bronchitis. It happens also with adenoids, nasopharyngitis. Can last from a month or longer. A dry lingering cough occurs in schoolchildren with tracheitis. Happens with whooping cough. Wears paroxysmal, painful.
- Permanent or chronic. It is observed in chronic diseases of the respiratory system. It happens, both wet and dry, depending on the disease.
- Allergic. Dry, paroxysmal and painful. Occurs most often all at once as a sign of an allergic reaction. Sometimes it is a harbinger of bronchial asthma. It is quite difficult to distinguish it from a cold cough. It is necessary to find and eliminate the cause of the allergy.
- Psychogenic. Basically dry. Occurs as a reaction to stressful situations. It is of a persistent nature, it usually begins with ARI, then it becomes regular. It manifests only during the day, during sleep does not arise, to provoke its attack can be, touching on a topic unpleasant for the child. Requires in-depth study and specific treatment.
Treatment of cough is due to the diagnosis. Basically it consists in prescribing drugs that dilute sputum. To establish the diagnosis, the following studies can be assigned:
- chest X-ray;
- bronchoscopy (shown with frequent inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, to detect a foreign object);
- sputum analysis;
- blood tests, feces and others.

- Observe the drinking regime. When coughing is recommended abundant warm drink - fruit drinks, herbal teas, compotes, water.
- Maintain optimum humidity in the room. This is especially true in winter, when the air in the premises is dry.
- To make medical inhalations. It is good to buy a nebulizer. This device sprays the medicine, allowing it to penetrate into the bronchi immediately. Without consulting a pediatrician, do nothing.
- Use drugs that are prescribed by a doctor. Usually it is an expectorant that removes phlegm, mucus and bacteria. They come in the following forms: liquefying phlegm, stimulating its retreat and combined (both liquefy and stimulate).
In the treatment of cough in a child, antitussive drugs are not recommended, the more you can not give them yourself. They act on the cough center, which is located in the cerebral cortex. This leads to stagnation of mucus, which significantly aggravates the course of the disease. But many make the mistake of giving the child with a wet cough such a drug. It can be prescribed only by a doctor, for example, with whooping cough or in preparation for an operation on the respiratory organs.
Night cough in children

At night it is harder to clear the throat, so it is intense and prolonged. The child becomes restless, does not sleep well or can not fall asleep at all. To reduce the number of coughing spells in children, you need to turn them from side to side during sleep.
Cooler and drier than during the day, air at night can also trigger seizures. Therefore, it is important to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity in the children's room. Ventilate it before going to bed. It is recommended to include an air humidifier or hang wet towels around the room.
Most often, night cough bothers children with viral infections, chronic respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, adenoids, after suffering pertussis (the disease itself is also characterized by night attacks cough).
How can I calm a child's cough?
Attacks of acute cough are observed with laryngitis. Children have an adult structure of the larynx. They are located above them, the ligaments are thinner and shorter, the lumen is narrower. Therefore, swelling in the inflammation arises from them faster and is dangerous in that it makes breathing very difficult. If the child becomes very difficult to breathe - you need to call an ambulance. Because of these features, coughing in children is much more frequent and lasting.
How to relieve a coughing fit in a child? There are several ways to stop a coughing attack, this will help the following tools:

- drink;
- honey;
- baby cough syrup;
- butter;
- inhalation.
How to calm a cough in a child and stop an attack:
- At night coughing. The child must be awakened, placed on the bed and given a warm milk or mineral water, a decoction of chamomile (sage), tea with jam. After that, the cough weakens, the sore throat passes.
- You can give a little honey (if there is no allergy) or butter. Honey or oil must be slowly dissolved. This will ease the sore throat. Very good effect gives honey buckwheat.
- Sometimes children's syrups and cough syrups are good. They contain essential oils and other ingredients that help relieve coughing.
- In some cases, inhalation is effective. It is necessary to give the child to breathe over hot water or use a special inhaler or nebulizer. But take into account that the newborns are up to six months of inhalation contraindicated. Humidification of air is necessary. Dry air is a common cause of sore throat, because of which you constantly want to clear your throat.
- You can soak a child's feet or warm it in the bath, make a grinding of the chest. But only if there is no temperature.
If nothing helps, call a doctor.
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All procedures are best done by consulting with the pediatrician, as much depends on the child's age, for example, it is not recommended that small children put mustard plasters, do rubbing.
How to stop a cough in a child?
We have the same story... they stayed at home for two weeks, it seemed better, and then the cough increased again. .
I do not give coughing-off... neither gedelix, nor lazolvan, nor all other coughs soften, do not clean... In the morning and at night, very warm milk with a slice of butter and a spoonful of honey, I kiss the baby's feet, rub the doctor-IOM, make compresses of honey with iodine and mustard plasters (it's better to alternate)... and do not drive into the garden and the street, better keep the houses warm. Get right!
Alisa to the wonderful country
radish with honey, and for us, the last time very well, help drop "gedelix"
anton antonov
"Doctor, we do not know what to do with a cough - treat-treat, but it does not go away." "Not an opening? Can I have a doctor at home? The child coughs hard, can not sleep. " Such complaints the doctor-pediatrician hears almost more often than all the others. What is coughing, how to deal with it and whether it is necessary?
First of all, cough is a protective reaction of the body. With the help of it, he pushes out of the respiratory tract what the body does not need - from a relatively large foreign body to fine dust and microorganisms. The respiratory tract is lined with a special ciliate epithelium, which, with the help of mucus, drives everything foreign to the outside, away from the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract - nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi.
Cough - paroxysmal contraction of muscles - helps to bring this process to the end. There would not be a cough - any banal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract would turn into pneumonia. So, a cough is needed. But which one? Of course the one that is accompanied by the sputum discharge. Physicians call it productive, everyone else is wet.
Other types of cough - dry, barking, bothersome, paroxysmal, which happens with whooping cough - are not useful, they are very tiring patient, prevent him from sleeping, can lead to vomiting, are accompanied by pain in the muscles and eventually strengthen the respiratory failure.
That's how much all the unpleasant can come from this, in general, necessary and harmless symptom. For a cough, depending on its nature, you need to approach it in different ways. All means for coughing can be conditionally divided into three main groups: the so-called mucolytics - funds, liquefying phlegm, expectorant - enhancing cough and soothing (* antitussive) - reducing activity cough center. In addition, some drugs have a combined effect - both mucolytic and expectorant.
In the treatment of cough, not only chemical medicines are used, but also a significant number of a wide variety of herbs and homeopathic remedies. In addition, to combat its various varieties, many physical procedures are used - from physiotherapy procedures, to various distractions (banks, rubbing, rubbing), and finally, chest massage, which is especially important in young children who are not good at coughing, or in patients with drug an allergy.
There is a certain sequence (algorithm) in the use of cough remedies. The task is always the same - to ensure that the cough from the dry becomes wet and the baby coughs up phlegm well. Let's consider concrete situations.
With this infant infection, a cough arises because the pertussis stimulates the cough center directly. It multiplies in the nervous system. A patient with pertussis can cough from everything - from a loud sound, bright light, anxiety.
Cough in whooping cough is very characteristic - it starts with a loud wheezing, lasts for a few minutes, the child just coughs. He often puts out his tongue so that tears of his bridle arise. With pertussis cough from severe stress, bleeding can occur in the sclera of the eyes and the skin of the chest. In young children, attacks of pertussis cough (reprise) may be accompanied by a stop of breathing.
Leaving aside the prophylaxis and treatment of whooping cough, I will only say that drugs that dilute sputum and intensify its secretion (mucolytics and expectorants) are absolutely useless here. Only drugs that soothe the nervous system and relieve cough are relevant here, for example, sinecode, tussamag. By the way, this "pertussis" character of coughing persists in patients for some time after curing this infection (up to 1 year) and with all the common colds.
Bromhexine is still normal in drops, 10-12 drops per 20 ml of water (at the bottom of the glass).
Just do not drink this thing, so that your throat goes off normally.
Pour 1 lemon with water and boil on low heat for 10 minutes, after the lemon has cooled, cut it in half and squeeze out of the lemon in 200 gm glass of juice, add 2 tablespoons of glycerin (for ingestion), pour honey to the edges of the glass and mix everything. Take 2 teaspoons of the mixture 3 times a day before meals and at night.
In equal parts mix the juice of carrots or radishes with milk, take 6 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
Mix 2 yolks, 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of wheat flour, take up to 1 teaspoonful many times a day.
Strewed walnuts in a mortar with honey in equal parts, one teaspoon of the resulting mass to dissolve in 100 ml of warm water and drink in small sips.
1 tablespoon of sage grass pour 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew, drain, the resulting broth dilute with milk in the ratio take in a warm form 1/2 cup of the mixture, you can add honey or sugar.
200 ml of steep boiling water pour 50 g raisins, let it brew for 30 minutes, get onions and squeeze juice out of it, merge water with raisins and add to it 3 tablespoons of squeezed juice, drink in small sips for 1 reception, best for the night.
7 pieces of radish cut into thin slices, each slice sprinkle with sugar and insist 6 hours, take 1 tablespoon of radish juice every hour.
100 g of calendula berries pour 200 g of honey and cook on low heat for 5 minutes, then cool at room temperature and take 2 tablespoons of the mixture 5 times a day.
1 tablespoon of red clover pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover, let it brew for 3-5 minutes, drink in a warm form in small sips (expectorant).
500 g of peeled chopped onion, 50 g of honey, 400 g of sugar cook in 1 liter of water for 3 hours on a low heat, after which the liquid must be cooled, drained into a bottle and clogged, taking 1 tablespoon 5 times a day with a strong cough.
put the doctor with cancer and get cured. but do not sit through them complaining about difficulties and a small salary. they generally do not consider patients for people already
Alvina Stepicheva
Lena Myronova
the best and most effective way. no one believes, she herself did not believe until she tried on her husband, who is constantly ill with protracted bronchitis. but whether it's right for the child to decide for you. beer, it's better dark. take 50grams. to warm up so that you can drink without burning, but hot. Drink 3-4 times a day until a cough passes. the child is better after eating. and can be less than 50gr.
Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in the ratio:. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour the mixture, l. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of severed birch buds with 100 gr. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, kidney discard. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times a day before meals.
12) Freshly cut nettle roots and finely chopped in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon per day with a strong cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle grass, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and dilution of sputum.
14) 1 tablespoon chopped plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with a strong cough.
15) Thymus broth or liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk for 50 grams. oil.
Julia Borisovna
Perhaps the child again fell ill Orvy, as often happens.
do not need folk remedies
read here how to treat orvi and cough with it =137
Brombexin was taken by chemists.
Lazolvan very good cough remedy
Ekaterina Kravchenko
And I like Propan more. And the syrup was treated and inhaled. Inhalations, personally I am more satisfied. After the procedure, it becomes easier to breathe. Dry cough ceases to be dry on the second-third day.
Aida Abragimova
If there is no temperature, then inhalation with droplets of Propane is good. The cough goes away gently. Even after one procedure it is already easier. He also moisturizes his throat, removes perspiration. The child likes the procedure, does without compulsion, himself.
Lisa Shipova
"Doctor, we do not know what to do with a cough - treat-treat, but it does not go away." "Not an opening? Can I have a doctor at home? The child coughs hard, can not sleep. " Such complaints the doctor-pediatrician hears almost more often than all the others. What is coughing, how to deal with it and whether it is necessary?
First of all, cough is a protective reaction of the body. With the help of it, he pushes out of the respiratory tract what the body does not need - from a relatively large foreign body to fine dust and microorganisms. The respiratory tract is lined with a special ciliate epithelium, which, with the help of mucus, drives everything foreign to the outside, away from the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract - nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi.
Cough - paroxysmal contraction of muscles - helps to bring this process to the end. There would not be a cough - any banal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract would turn into pneumonia. So, a cough is needed. But which one? Of course the one that is accompanied by the sputum discharge. Physicians call it productive, everyone else is wet.
Other types of cough - dry, barking, bothersome, paroxysmal, which happens with whooping cough - are not useful, they are very tiring patient, prevent him from sleeping, can lead to vomiting, are accompanied by pain in the muscles and eventually strengthen the respiratory failure.
That's how much all the unpleasant can come from this, in general, necessary and harmless symptom. For a cough, depending on its nature, you need to approach it in different ways. All means for coughing can be conditionally divided into three main groups: the so-called mucolytics - funds, liquefying phlegm, expectorant - enhancing cough and soothing (* antitussive) - reducing activity cough center. In addition, some drugs have a combined effect - both mucolytic and expectorant.
In the treatment of cough, not only chemical medicines are used, but also a significant number of a wide variety of herbs and homeopathic remedies. In addition, to combat its various varieties, many physical procedures are used - from physiotherapy procedures, to various distractions (banks, rubbing, rubbing), and finally, chest massage, which is especially important in young children who are not good at coughing, or in patients with drug an allergy.
There is a certain sequence (algorithm) in the use of cough remedies. The task is always the same - to ensure that the cough from the dry becomes wet and the baby coughs up phlegm well. Let's consider concrete situations.
With this infant infection, a cough arises because the pertussis stimulates the cough center directly. It multiplies in the nervous system. A patient with pertussis can cough from everything - from a loud sound, bright light, anxiety.
Cough in whooping cough is very characteristic - it starts with a loud wheezing, lasts for a few minutes, the child just coughs. He often puts out his tongue so that tears of his bridle arise. With pertussis cough from severe stress, bleeding can occur in the sclera of the eyes and the skin of the chest. In young children, attacks of pertussis cough (reprise) may be accompanied by a stop of breathing.
Leaving aside the prophylaxis and treatment of whooping cough, I will only say that drugs that dilute sputum and intensify its secretion (mucolytics and expectorants) are absolutely useless here. Only drugs that soothe the nervous system and relieve cough are relevant here, for example, sinecode, tussamag. By the way, this "pertussis" character of coughing persists in patients for some time after curing this infection (up to 1 year) and with all the common colds.
Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Ka
Olya the Resurrection
Many people do not know what cough is and how it happens. In fact, it is a normal physiological response of the body, not just pathology, as we used to think.
Its appearance should not cause you acute experiences, urgent use of medicines. Before beginning any treatment it is necessary to find out the causes of the appearance of the symptom. Remember that sometimes we even specifically call a cough to attract the attention of another person: [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]
How to stop an attack of cough: emergency methods, prevention
- At the child at night
- In an adult
- At home

From the inside, the airways of a person are lined with epithelium covered with villi, in the medical literature it is called ciliary.
Such a structure provides free movement of sputum, along with dust particles, crumbs.
But sometimes irritation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract is caused by diseases, to relieve the condition it is necessary to know how to stop the attack of a cough.
Sudden coughing attacks can be caused by the ingress of a foreign body into the respiratory tract, an allergic reaction to a stimulus, hot or cold, dry air.
Basically, this phenomenon occurs at night during sleep, this is due to the difficulty in spitting out of the bronchi. A frequent companion of ARVI is a runny nose. In the horizontal position, mucus from the nasal passages drains along the back wall of the throat and enters the respiratory tract, which can also cause coughing attacks.
This phenomenon serves only as a symptom of certain pathologies:
- Bronchitis.
- Pneumonia.
- Cold.
- Bronchial asthma.
- Whooping cough.
- Laryngitis.
In these cases, it is productive, with abundant sputum secretion. With bronchial asthma or allergies, cough is dry, debilitating, with laryngitis - loud, "croaking". Before you choose a method to stop a coughing attack, you need to identify its exact cause.
First of all, the doctor will listen to wheezing in the lungs, if necessary, send it to X-ray, depending on the results obtained, further tactics of treatment are determined.
First of all, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions in the room: turn on the humidifier, clean and air. The temperature in the room should not exceed 22 - 23 ° C. To prevent a continuous, ongoing course of the disease, you should contact a doctor in a timely manner and do not allow self-medication.
To stop an attack of cough with bronchial asthma, it is recommended to do the following:
- Injection,% solution of adrenaline in the volume, ml. The drug is contraindicated in diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Subcutaneous injection 1ml 1% ephedrine.
These measures should be taken only with the precise confidence in the diagnosis and the availability of necessary medical skills.
Call an ambulance should be when there are difficulties with breathing, sharp pallor, fainting, a change in the rhythm of the heartbeat.
Stop an attack of dry cough in an adult can be in such ways:
- Go to the balcony or open the window for airing.
- To have a warm tea with chamomile.
- Dissolve the lollipop with the sage.
To stop a fit of severe cough in childhood, doctors recommend:
- Take the baby in his arms and reassure him.
- If this condition is accompanied by vomiting, then tilt the baby slightly so that it does not choke, and then wash and rinse your mouth.
- Open the bathroom with hot water, go there with the baby and stay for 15 to 20 minutes, so that he could breathe a wet steam.
- Give warm milk with honey and a small slice of cocoa butter.
Often when solving the problem, how to stop a fit of cough, to use only these methods does not work, therefore it is necessary to use certain drugs that have a systemic effect on the body. You can also use traditional medicine.
How to stop a cough in a child at night: ways to solve the problem

Its causative agent is attached to the cilia of the epithelium of the bronchi and causes their irritation, there is excessive stimulation of the cough center in the brain.Therefore, even after antibiotic treatment, the symptoms of infection persist for a long time.
As the pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky, earlier this disease was rare, but to date cases of pertussis have become more frequent due to a mass refusal of vaccinations. Another reason for a prolonged cough in a child is adenoiditis and a protracted runny nose. Flowing during sleep on the back wall of the larynx, the snot irritates the epithelium of the respiratory tract, causing a constant desire to clear them of phlegm.
Also, such a symptom can serve as a protective reaction to the ingress of a foreign body. A prolonged dry incessant cough without other signs of acute respiratory viral infection or inflammation (eg, fever) can occur with bronchial asthma.
Ways how to stop a cough in a child are listed in the table below:
Concomitant symptom or diseaseHelpCauses of unknown |
• Give a warm, softening throat, drink. • Make inhalation with soda. • Ventilate the room. • Switch on the humidifier. |
Stuffy nose |
• Clean the nasal passages (to help the kids use an aspirator). • Rinse with sea water (Humer, Atomer, AquaMaris). • Sip the vasoconstrictor (Vibrocil, Otryvin, Galazolin). |
Whooping cough | Give the drug to stop the cough: Sinecod, Theophylline. |
Laryngitis |
• Crush or dissolve the pill from pain in the throat and to soften the vocal cords (Lisobakt, Lizak, Tonzilgon). • Use cough medicine: Paxeladin, Sinecod. |
Bronchitis, pneumonia | • Expectorant medications on a chemical basis (herbal preparations are slower): Ambroxol, Lazolvan. |
Bronchial asthma | Specific therapy (aerosols Salbutamol, Berotek). |
In order to stop an attack of cough in a child, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine:
- Fill some figs with a glass of milk and simmer over low heat until it turns brown. Drink 50 ml 4 times a day.
- Pass the aloe leaves through the meat grinder, add honey and melted butter to the gruel. Stir the mixture for 1 to 2 hours and press through gauze. The resulting juice to drink 10 ml 4 times a day before meals.
If an attack of coughing can not be stopped, then you need to call an ambulance. Also, treatment in a hospital is mandatory for children under 6 months.
How to stop coughing in an adult: treatment methods and recommendations
The reasons for the appearance of a cough in an adult are the same as for a child, the exception is whooping cough, which at this age practically does not occur. Morning attacks can be triggered by regular smoking.
The principles of how to stop a cough in an adult depend on the type of cough:
- Productive is accompanied by sputum discharge. To facilitate this process, tablets Ambroxol, ACS, Bromhexine are used. It can also be caused by run-off mucus. In this case, Tizin, Nazivin, and Naftizin are used.
- Dry due to inflammation of the throat, bronchial asthma, allergies. Specific hormonal aerosols (Pulmicort, Ventolin), drugs for the treatment of the nasopharynx and larynx (Lugol, Lizak, Septotelet).
It is also possible to stop a cough in an adult using traditional medicine:
- Bind the nettle grass with vodka and insist 7 to 10 days. Take during an attack of 10 ml.
- A tablespoon of sage mixed with 200 ml of milk and boiled. Cool, drain and consume at night.
- With an exacerbation, drink a glass of warm milk and butter.
With prolonged cough, a doctor should be visited to exclude such serious pathologies as tuberculosis, neoplasms, metastases in the lungs or bronchial tubes.
How to stop cough at home: inhalation, compresses

In children, mustard can provoke a burn, so under them should be put half folded gauze.To enhance the effect, you can wrap it in a film and cover with a blanket.
Also, inhalations with hot air are useful, they are advised to be administered with a steam inhaler. It is poured decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, marigold), add iodine and soda. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can use a nebulizer by filling the capsule with a medicine or ordinary mineral water.
Help in solving the problem of how to stop coughing at home, are capable of compresses.The procedure can be done with hot pounded potatoes. It should be wrapped in thick paper or cloth and attached to the chest. Top with polyethylene and a warm blanket until completely cooled. Instead of potatoes, the following recipe will do: slice the cabbage leaf with honey and place on the back.
How to stop coughing effectively. How to stop the incessant cough with folk remedies and medications
Catarrhal diseases are often accompanied by an endless cough that does not cease day or night. Everyone who has ever faced such a problem knows how much such a state can be painful. In this article, we'll talk about how to stop a cough in a child or an adult. Also we will consider, what national means and pharmacological preparations are capable to render the help in the decision of the given problem. But first let's find out the question posed just below.
Why does man cough?
Understand how to stop the incessant cough, it will be much easier if you know its causes. When a person coughs, in most cases this means that he is sick, and cough is a reflex, helping to restore airway patency. Thus, cough can be called the protective reaction of our intelligent organism, aimed at getting rid of from sputum accumulated in the lungs, bronchi, trachea, and sometimes from foreign particles trapped therein or dust.

If adults or children become ill due to infection with an acute respiratory infection, then the concomitant cough may be a symptom:
- Laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx, which is accompanied by a hoarse voice and barking coarse cough.
- Tracheitis - inflammation of the trachea.
- Bronchitis - an inflammatory disease of the bronchi. Here the cough is dry at first, and then wet with a lot of sputum.
- Pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs.
Two types of cough
Now a little bit about two types of cough - dry and wet. In the second case, the cough reflex performs a very useful purification function, leading out sputum containing harmful microorganisms and pus. How to stop coughing in this case? Help the body, taking expectorant and mucolytic drugs, diluting viscous sputum and promoting its expulsion from the respiratory tract.

It is more difficult to help a person who suffers from attacks of uncontrolled dry cough. By itself, it can not bring any relief, tires the patient, leads to severe irritation of the inflamed respiratory organs and is even capable of inducing vomiting or trauma to the mucosa. It is especially important to know how to stop a dry cough at night, because at this time it is able to intensify, and the sick person is absolutely unable to rest. There is already need to use more serious means, often containing a narcotic substance codeine, through which tablets are able to directly affect the cough center in our the brain.
Cough preparations from the pharmacy
How to stop an attack of dry cough, what drugs are sold for this in our pharmacies? Effective and quick cough suppressants such as Codeine Demorphan Hydrocodone Codipron Ethylmorphine hydrochloride Morphine chloride. The listed drugs contain narcotic substances, so in order to buy them in a pharmacy, you need a prescription from the doctor.
Softer means for fighting dry cough (without drugs) are Glavent Sedotussin Tusuprex Sinekod Pakseladin. Important: medications for dry cough can be consumed only in the absence of respiratory tract sputum!
Good drugs are also drugs "Levopron" Libexin "Helicidin." They act on the receptors and nerve endings in the bronchi and trachea and also relieve the painful dry cough.

And how to stop the incessant cough in the presence of phlegm? There are excellent modern drugs that have both anti-inflammatory and bronchodilating and expectorant properties. These include: "Lorain" Stoptussin "Broncholitin" Tussin plus "Protiazin" Hexapnevmin "Butamirate" Ambrobe "Bromhexine" and some other medicines. There are a lot of preparations for coughing, and all of them have their own specifics. And not to make a mistake with the choice of tablets or medicine, it is best to consult a doctor.
When the disease is just beginning
Now let's find out how to stop a cough that starts. If you are a little cold and begin to cough, you need to start acting right away! Such a simple remedy, like a frequent rinse of the throat with a warm solution of salt and soda, in some cases works wonders. Great for rinsing and classic decoction of marigold and sage with chamomile. You can not do it yourself, but buy a tincture called "Rotokan" in the pharmacy (all three components enter there) and gargle with it, diluting in water in the following proportion: 1 tbsp. spoon on a glass of warm water.
In the absence of a fever for the night, you can soak your feet, and then put on woolen socks. Pepper plaster - another effective tool. We paste it on the chest and back. If symptoms of a cold do not subside in the morning, it is best to seek medical help.
What will help babies
How to stop a cough in a baby? This should be decided by the child's doctor on the basis of the diagnosis. But there are old folk remedies that can be used as supportive measures. These include warming compresses, which are placed on the baby's chest. Here are a few recipes:
1. Compress of honey cakes.Such a flat cake can be mixed from honey and flour with the addition of vegetable oil. It should be a normal dense consistency, so as not to spread on the skin. After 4 months of age, it is permissible to add a little mustard powder to the cake mixture - the healing effect is increased from it.
2. Compress with camphor oil.To do this, first put on the baby's breast a diaper, folded into several layers, then it is applied camphor oil, another diaper, polyethylene and on top - a fixing diaper or gauze.
3. Compress from mashed potatoes.The sequence of actions is the same as in the previous recipe.

The most delicious medicines
Very often it is difficult to persuade children to take potions, decoctions or tablets that are unpleasant to the taste. If a child is being naughty and does not want to be treated, how to stop a dry cough from such a mischief? For this case, there are surprisingly simple and tasty medicines in the collection of folk recipes that every mother can cook with ease:
1. Take a tablespoon of sugar (incomplete) and hold it over the fire until the sugar is melted and turns brown. Next, you need to quickly pour the contents of the spoon into a saucer with milk. Burnt sugar immediately stiffens. The resulting homemade candy well calms a dry cough.
2. A medicine from bananas. To make it, take a couple of bananas, clean them, mash into a homogeneous puree and add hot sweet water to the mixture. A delicious medicine should be taken only in a warm form.
3. To soften the cough is capable of cherry syrup (jam). We add it to the tea and give it to the child.
Alkaline inhalation
Traditional medicine offers a lot of options for how to stop coughing. An interesting effective way is alkaline inhalations at home. The procedure is as follows: pour mineral water into the pan (if water is passed through a special magnetic funnel, then its properties will increase), bring the liquid to a boil, cool it to 70 degrees.

Well, after you need to bend over a saucepan, cover yourself with a towel and breathe a useful steam for about 10 minutes. Then it is recommended to drink hot tea with raspberries, warmly wrapped and sleep. Such inhalations help to get rid of coughing with the presence of viscous sputum in the respiratory tract.
Onion Milk
Finally, I want to share another recommendation of traditional medicine regarding how to stop a strong cough at night. It is necessary to prepare onion milk in advance. It is made simply: 2 diced bulbs are poured with milk (1 liter), then it all languishes in the oven for 2 hours. It is best to prepare such a medicine in earthenware.

Cooled and filtered milk is taken for a cold 6 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon. This remedy will also render emergency help at night, since it calms even a very strong cough.
How to stop a bout of coughing at night ???
Denis Larikov
Try breathing in the following way: slowly inhale full chest 3-4 seconds, then, without delaying breathing, completely exhale 3-4 seconds, repeat 3-5 times - coughing passes, and more than that you fall asleep much faster.
By the way, this method is useful not only for coughing. I have taught myself to breathe so several times a day and do not get sick at all with colds.
Oksana Avdienko
Vodichki drink. It helps me.
strepsils eat
fox fox
try to eat candy, lying in bed and covered with a blanket with your head (so that the air was warm)
Drink bromheksin and no-go.
Lie down half-sitting, the water will not help - you can choke. It can be an allergy or asthma.
Lina Tugataeva
to cough cough syrup Dr. Mom helps me, tried everything, only he helps, and instantly, and in general you need to buy seasoning cloves, chew on it and also cough removes, also a proven method)) not Be ill or sick))
drink hot milk
What a kindness
Spoon the honey and drink warm water... It helped me.
Tatiana Makoveeva
I drank the mineral water Narzan, just put it next to the bed... if I want to drink.
I somehow subtracted from the book and tried it on myself 1 time, it helped.
in a glass of hot boiled water a few drops of iodine and drink a little.
I usually drink warm milk and immediately fall asleep. You can certainly still with honey. But it already helps me.
Lollipops help me. And a proven method, if it hurts a strong cough for the night, put the cut onions into socks. Onion, then an oilcloth and on top of socks, preferably woolen. Helps even my daughter, she is 10 months old.
Irina Stepanenko
Evgeniya _
A mug of milk (300ml), a teaspoon of melted butter (you can and butter), at the tip of a spoonful of soda. Heat on fire. If overheated. cool to the temperature at which you can drink hot milk and add a spoonful of honey. Drink and go to bed. Milk warms up the throat, oil lubricates, honey soothes, soda disinfects. And of course, ventilation is important and air humidification. Cough attacks are often associated with dry air in the room.