Psoriasis is a chronic disease, accompanied by the appearance on the skin of plaques of a grayish-white hue of various sizes.
The main drugs used to eliminate psoriatic plaques are agents for external use: hormonal or non-hormonal ointments from psoriasis, lotions, sprays, gels, creams, ointments.
Cream or ointment from psoriasis is applied a thin layer on the affected area of the skin several times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the composition of the drug, the severity of the disease, the age and concomitant diseases of the patient, and other factors.
Treatment of psoriasis with ointments
At the heart of the treatment of psoriasis is an individual approach to each patient. When appointing a drug for the treatment of psoriasis, the specialist takes into account not only the extent of the spread of the skin process, but also the individual characteristics of the person. Sometimes it happens that the ointment for all indications, it would seem, is suitable for the patient, but in practice does not have the proper effect. Selection of the most optimal ointment sometimes occurs in 2 stages.
All ointments from psoriasis are divided into non-hormonal and hormonal. First of all, dermatologists try to prescribe non-hormonal ointments, and only in the case when they do not show the proper result, and the process is extended to new areas of the skin, ointments containing hormones are used.
Non-hormonal ointments from psoriasis
Non-hormonal ointments used in psoriasis are safer, but less effective. The course of treatment is longer, they have less side effects, so some of them can be used by a doctor during pregnancy.
The most common drugs that do not contain hormones:
- Ointments based on natural plant components: Kartalin, Acrustal, Antipsor, Antipsoriasis. Thanks to the content of biologically active components, these ointments normalize metabolic processes in the skin, exert wound healing, exfoliating, softening, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antiseptic action.
- Salicylic ointment softens cornified skin cells and promotes their exfoliation, has a mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
- Ointments based on solidol - Magnusor, Tsitopsor - have an emollient, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect / Zinc ointment has drying, adsorbing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. With regular application protects lesions from infection.
When using non-hormonal ointment for the treatment of psoriasis, one should prepare for a long-term therapy. But the remission after proper treatment will be very long.
Non-hormonal treatment for psoriasis based on naphthalan. A distinctive feature of the ointment is the presence in it of petroleum hydrocarbons, which have almost the same chemical composition with steroid hormones. For this reason Naftaderm is considered to be an alternative therapy for hormonal treatment.
Ointment has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Effectively heals and disinfects affected areas of the body.
Daivobet Ointment
This ointment from psoriasis shows itself effectively in the fight against palmar-plantar disease. This type of disease is difficult to treat locally, because the soles and palms are constantly subjected to a mechanical effect.
In these places the dermis is damaged most of all, because of what the exacerbation of psoriasis begins. Thanks to the above-named drug it is possible to overcome external manifestations of the disease in a short time. Patients who have already tried Daivobet, confirm these words with their reviews.
Salicylic ointment for psoriasis
In psoriasis, this non-hormonal ointment is used as a local irritating, distracting, drying, antiseptic, keratolytic agent.
It contributes to the improvement of tissue trophism, has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect. The remedy is quite effective and safe, as the experts say.
This is a topical solution containing birch tar. Has an insecticidal property, a disinfectant and a local irritant effect.
Stimulates the processes of skin regeneration, improves the blood supply of tissues, strengthens the processes of keratinization. Used for psoriasis, scabies, lichen (scaly), trichophytosis of smooth skin.
Zinc ointment
To create drugs, use zinc. In psoriasis, a zinc ointment is used. It removes inflammation, soothes the affected parts of the body.
This tool shows a positive effect, but the body gets used to it. Given this fact, doctors prescribe the medicine for a period not exceeding a month. The course is allowed to repeat with a break.
Acrustal promotes a gentle cleansing of the skin from psoriatic plaques. Can be used as the main treatment and for protective and preventive purposes. Permitted for use by pregnant and lactating women.
The drug is anti-allergenic. It includes natural herbal oils, natural honey, aloe extract and much more. The standard course of treatment is 2-3 months. Numerous consumer reviews claim the effectiveness and absolute safety of the cream. The product is recommended by most consumers.
Hormonal ointments
Ointments containing hormones are prescribed in severe psoriasis for the purpose of rapid relief of the acute period, the removal of itching and inflammation. Their use is allowed only on the prescription of the doctor and only according to the scheme recommended.
These ointments vary in strength of effect:
- Weak: Hydrocortisone and Prednisolone.
- Average activity: Lorinden, Laticort, Lokakorten, Lokoid, Fluorocort, Triacort, Esperson, Afloderm.
- Strong: Elokom, Sinaflan, Flucinar, Advantan, Sinalar, Celestoderm, Quitiveit, Beloderm.
- Clobetasol is the strongest - Dermovate.
In psoriasis, the reaction of each organism to a particular synthetic hormone preparation is very individual, and most importantly, the effect of their action is often short-lived. Over time, the body adapts to a particular medicine and its dosage, respectively, the effect decreases and with each year dose of the hormonal drug has to increase, which leads to an overdose and the occurrence of side effects.
Pharmacological action of Lorinden A ointment is determined by its active components: flumethasone - antipruritic, antiexudative, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antiallergic hormonal substance and salicylic acid - anti-inflammatory, moderately antiseptic, keratolytic substance.
Synthetic nonhalogenated GCS for external use. It has a quick anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, antipruritic and anti-allergic action. Due to local vasoconstrictive action reduces exudative reactions.
The use of the drug in recommended doses does not cause suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system.
This hormonal drug, in its composition there are hormones of the adrenal glands. The effect is very effective, but indicated in the instruction for the use of contraindications in large quantities. Therefore, the medicine should be used with great care. The price is about 370 rubles.
The principle of action is based on inhibition of the production of inflammatory mediators. Flucinar has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effects.
When the drug interacts with the skin, the neutrophil accumulation slows down, the rate of the inflammatory process decreases, the exudate is not formed, the production of cytokines decreases. Under the influence of fluocinolone, the rate of migration of macrophages decreases, the intensity of granulation processes, and infiltration decreases.
In the list of hormonal drugs against psoriasis, there is also Sinaphlan ointment. It is prescribed exclusively to adults, since it refers to glucocorticosteroids.
The action is analogous to Flucinar. You can not use a long period, as the body becomes accustomed to the drug and weakened immunity. Do not apply medicine to the delicate skin of the face.
Synthetic glucocorticosteroid preparation, which is the active ingredient of the following ointments from psoriasis: "Hydrocortisone ointment", "Gyioxysone", " "Daktakort", "Korteid", "Kortef", "Laticort", "Lokoid", "Oxicort", "Sibikort", "Sopolkort", "Sulfodecortem" (with sulfur), "Futsidin".
Hydrocortisone is the most active hormonal drug, it can inhibit the development of connective tissue in the area of inflammation. Therefore, the use of hydrocortisone can also be associated with the development of serious side effects of systemic action.
The main active substance of Dremovate ointment is clobetasol propionate. This substance is widely used in dermatology due to its nonspecific antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect.
In addition, the main active substance of Dermovate cream helps to reduce itching, relieves skin flushing and eliminates swelling.
A complex approach
Treatment should be comprehensive and take into account all the factors and mechanisms of development. The main areas are:
- stabilization of neuroendocrine processes;
- normalization of metabolism, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins;
- improvement of the psycho-emotional state, increased adaptation and stress-resistance;
- restoration of the nervous system;
- elimination of inflammation.
In addition to drug treatment, the use of reflexotherapy, physiotherapy, autohemotherapy is recommended. There is a positive effect when using the technique of acupuncture.

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