Manifestations of vasculitis on the legs, causes and treatment, lifestyle tips

From this article you will learn: varieties and symptoms of vasculitis on the legs, treatment of the disease and its main manifestations.

Contents of the article:

  • Six types of pathology
  • Reasons for
  • Characteristic symptoms
  • Treatment methods
  • Lifestyle tips

Vasculitis is a group of diseases associated with autoimmune inflammation of the vessels. Various diseases of this group can affect vessels of different caliber: large( arteries, veins), medium( arterioles, venules), small( capillaries.) Also vasculitis can be localized in the vessels of various organs( lungs, intestines, kidneys, etc.).

Vasculitis is a common disease that affects the entire body. There is no separate "vasculitis of the legs" or "vasculitis of the hands".But most vasculitis have manifestations on the skin and most often on the skin of the legs. That is, vasculitis on the legs - this is its manifestations on the skin of the legs( a rash of different nature, etc., everything that is described later in the article).

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Depending on the variety of the disease, it can have a different degree of danger and a different prognosis. The harder the damage to internal organs and the more frequent exacerbations, the worse the prognosis. Some forms of vasculitis can lead to death. Manifestations on the skin( including on the legs) are usually not severe, but they help diagnose the disease.

It is impossible to completely cure chronic autoimmune vasculitis. But you can get rid of the symptoms if you constantly observe and treat the exacerbations of the rheumatologist in time.

Skin manifestations occur after relieving the exacerbation of the disease. In some forms of vasculitis, rashes( such as uneven skin color) may remain after the rash. If they strongly bother you, consult your doctor about how to eliminate them with a laser.

Six types of pathology

Manifestations on the skin( including on the skin of the legs) are characteristic for such types of vasculitis:

  1. Purpura Shenlaine-Genocha( hemorrhagic vasculitis, rheumatic purpura) - inflammation of capillaries, arterioles and venules of autoimmune nature. It affects the skin( including the legs), intestines, joints, kidneys.
  2. Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis is a lesion of small vessels of the skin( primarily the skin of the legs) and glomeruli of the kidneys.
  3. Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis - localized only in vessels of the skin without systemic( general) manifestations. It affects capillaries and arterioles.
  4. Microscopic polyangiitis is a vasculitis of small and medium vessels, which leads to necrotic( dying out) of the vessels.
  5. Wegener granulomatosis( granulomatosis with polyangiitis) - inflammation with the formation of necrosis and nodules( granulomas).It is localized mainly in the respiratory system. It is also possible to damage the vessels of the kidneys, eyes, in 30% of cases - the skin.
  6. Nodular erythema - affects the vessels of the subcutaneous tissue.

All these diseases manifest themselves more often on the skin of the legs.

Reasons for

In these diseases, immunity cells and antibodies produced by the immune system begin to attack the cells of their own organism. The exact causes of the majority of autoimmune vasculitis have not yet been elucidated. However, there is a possibility of a hereditary predisposition to the diseases of this group.

It is also established that the risk of vasculitis increases after the transfer of diseases caused by streptococci( sore throats, scarlet fever, sinusitis) and other bacterial infections: mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis, tuberculosis. Provoke venereal infections, such as syphilis, herpes, HIV, hepatitis, to provoke the development of vasculitis. Also give an impetus to the manifestation of the disease can allergies.

Characteristic symptoms of

Each disease from the vasculitis group manifests itself in different ways.

Signs of hemorrhagic vasculitis

For the first time the disease makes itself felt at the age younger than 20 years.

You can immediately see this vasculitis on your legs. Its main manifestation is hemorrhagic purpura - a rash in the form of red dots, which protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. In the beginning of the disease, it is always localized at the bottom of the legs. Then spreads to the femoral and gluteal zones. On the arms, back and abdomen, red dots are extremely rare.

While cutaneous manifestations are observed in all patients, other syndromes may or may not be present.

Other symptoms:

  • Articular syndrome occurs in 60% of cases, more often in adults. It manifests itself in pain in the knee or hip joints, swelling of the legs, pain in the muscles.
  • Abdominal syndrome is more susceptible to children and the elderly. It occurs in 67% of cases. Symptoms that are part of this syndrome are caused by increased permeability of small vessels of the mesentery and impregnation of the blood of the walls of the intestine. It is accompanied by sharp spastic pains in the abdomen, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Abdominal syndrome is dangerous with severe complications: abundant internal bleeding and peritonitis.
  • Renal syndrome usually develops last of all and is rare( about 10% of cases).It is manifested by abnormalities in the analysis of urine. Serious symptoms that disturb the patient are not noted. However, the urine test must necessarily be passed and, if there are deviations, undergo appropriate treatment of the kidneys, since glomerulonephritis can develop.
  • In young children, 35% of cases affect the genitals. It is manifested by swelling of the scrotum. Serious consequences usually do not.
  • In a few cases, the disease affects the nervous system, the lungs.

Manifestations of cryoglobulinemic vasculitis

This form of the disease is more common in people older than 40 years.

It is manifested by hemorrhagic purpura on the hips and legs. After it passes, dark spots remain in its area.

Pain in the joints is also characteristic: metacarpophalangeal, knee, hip.

Kidney damage is accompanied by increased pressure, edema, impaired urine formation.

In 50% of cases there are also chilliness of the extremities, cyanosis of the fingertips. In 30% of cases ulcers develop on the skin of the lower extremities and gangrene of the tips of the toes.

Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis

Only shows a rash on the skin - the same as with hemorrhagic vasculitis. The defeat of the kidneys, intestines, joints and other organs is absent.

Microscopic polyangiitis

The disease most often affects the kidneys, skin, lungs. Eyes, the gastrointestinal tract, peripheral nerves can also suffer.

Renal disorders occur in 90% of patients. They show swelling, increased blood pressure, disorders of urine formation.

Skin manifestations( in 70% of patients) boil down to hemorrhagic rash and ulcers on the limbs.

Pulmonary symptoms are observed in more than 50% of patients, and they are most dangerous. Characteristic inflammation of the alveoli, their necrosis. About 15% of patients die from pulmonary hemorrhage.

Eye damage leads to scleritis - inflammation of the sclera - the protein coat of the eye. The patient is concerned about the pain and discomfort in the eyes, which are aggravated by eye movements. In the absence of treatment, vision loss may occur, including blindness.

Gastrointestinal lesion occurs in 10% of cases and is accompanied by pain, diarrhea, sometimes - stomach or bowel ulcers, bleeding.

Wegener's granulomatosis

This is a very dangerous form of vasculitis, which, in the absence of treatment for 6-12 months, kills the patient. Appears usually over the age of 40 years.

The first signs of the disease are not dermal. First of all, it affects the ENT organs.

Everything starts with weakness, poor appetite, weight loss. Then the body temperature rises. There may be pain in the joints and muscles.

The defeat of ENT organs manifests itself as a persistent runny nose, ulcers of the nasal mucosa, and then of the larynx, nasal sinuses, ears, gums. Later in the lungs granulomas( nodules) are formed, which tend to disintegrate. The destruction of the granuloma leads to a cough with blood.

Later in 40% of cases there are ulcerative hemorrhagic skin rashes.

About 60% of patients overtake renal disorders( manifesting edema, the presence of blood in the urine), which eventually provoke kidney failure.

15% of patients suffer from peripheral nerve damage, causing transient paralysis of the limbs, impaired sensitivity.

In 10% of patients, eye complications develop( scleritis).

Rarely( about 5% of cases) there is pericarditis - inflammation of the pericardial membrane.

Nodal erythema

Often found in young age( under 30 years).

This pathology affects the vessels of the deep layers of the skin, as well as subcutaneous tissue.

This disease can be suspected if you have nodes under the skin of the front surface of the shins ranging in size from 0.05 to 5 cm. The skin above the nodules takes on a red color. The surrounding tissues swell. A few days later, the nodes begin to thicken. The skin above them at this time becomes brown, then - blue-greenish-yellow. Throughout the whole process of knot formation, the legs hurt not only when they touch them, but also when walking. All this is accompanied by fever, weakness, chills, weight loss, joint pain.

Methods of treatment

In vasculitis appoint:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Orthofen).Glucocorticoids( Prednisolone, Prednisone).
  2. Cytotoxic( Cyclophosphamide, Azathioprine).
  3. Enterosorbents( Nutriklins, Thioverol).
  4. To reduce the risk of thrombosis( with increased bleeding vessels may formation of thrombi as a response of the body), prescribed antiaggregants( Aspirin) or anticoagulants( Heparin).

Also can be prescribed various drugs for symptom relief( eg, ACE inhibitors( captopril, Enalapril) to lower blood pressure).

If the disease develops against the background of infection, antimicrobial drugs( Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone) or antiviral( Rimantadine) drugs are prescribed.

Blood purification procedures are also effective: hemosorption, plasmapheresis:

  • When hemosorption, a patient is injected with a catheter into the vein, through which the blood enters the special apparatus and is washed, and then returns again to the circulatory system of the patient.
  • With plasmapheresis, blood is taken away, centrifuges are separated into erythrocytes and plasma, then red cells are returned back, and instead of the patient's plasma, donor plasma is poured.

The rash on the legs, as well as the symptoms of the internal organs, go away after a successful relief of the exacerbation.

The main course of treatment lasts from several weeks to several months. Then, during 6-24 months, taking medications at lower doses is required to "fix the result."In future exacerbations are repeated treatment.

Life style advice

For prevention of exacerbations a special diet is shown. It excludes the use of citrus, cocoa, coffee, chocolate, fresh berries, and even a small number of products for which the patient has an allergy.

In order not to provoke another exacerbation, it is prohibited:

  • sunbathing in the sun or in the solarium;
  • is supercooled;
  • subjected to intensive physical stress;
  • unreasonably take any medications( always warn any doctor that you have vasculitis);
  • to be vaccinated( possibly only if it is absolutely necessary);
  • without extreme necessity to undergo physiotherapeutic and cosmetology procedures( this is possible only with the permission of the attending physician, and that is not always the case).

Adhere to these rules during treatment and on an ongoing basis after it.

In the future, once every six months, visit a rheumatologist( or more often - as directed by a doctor).