Cough expectorates but does not pass

Expectorant cough: how to eliminate an unpleasant symptom

CoughAn expectorant cough does not give the child and the adult a lot of unpleasant sensations, like dry, but it also indicates the course of pathological processes in the body and necessarily requires treatment.

Features of wet cough

Cough in the babyIt is called wet or productive cough, as it is accompanied by the formation of sputum. The transition of dry cough to wet indicates the onset of recovery, because the departure of sputum facilitates the purification and release of the respiratory tract from pathogenic mucus. To speed up the healing process, that is, to clear bronchi more quickly, specialists to their patients prescribe expectorants.

The most common causes of expectorant cough in a child are such diseases:

  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • ARVI, ARI;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic diseases;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • tuberculosis.
Bronchi with bronchitisSpecialists often characterize the disease by the type of sputum. With bronchitis and tracheitis, abundant sputum is produced, pneumonia gives rise to mucus with a rusty hue. If the inflammatory process develops in the airway of the child, watery sputum is observed. A sign of bronchial asthma is considered viscous vitreous sputum. Signal of the development of heart failure or tuberculosis is the allocation of bloody sputum. With bronhoektaz and abscess of the lung, purulent mucus is produced with a fetid odor.
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How to treat a wet cough?

Sputum in children from the respiratory tract is much more difficult than in adults. Such a process is due to the fact that sputum is more viscous in children, and the respiratory tract is not yet sufficiently developed.

It is important to cleanse the respiratory tract as soon as possible from pathogenic mucus, as it promotes rapid bacterial growth, which can delay the healing process and cause the development of dangerous complications. For this reason, the main task in the treatment of wet cough is to facilitate the phlegm.

Taking the medicineTo do this, you need to know what the child has to cough up an expectorant cough to help him, rather than worsen his health. Drug treatment involves the use of mucolytic and expectorant drugs. Mucolytics increase the amount of sputum, which contributes to its cough, and expectorant drugs dilute too viscous sputum.

Expectorants depending on the origin of the components used in the production of medicines are divided into two types - natural and synthetic. The first type includes the well-known remedies Dr. Mom, Pectusin, Breast Collection, Solutan. The second category of expectorants is Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Bromhexine, ACC.

Auscultation of the lungsIn the treatment of children, it is better to use herbal preparations, but they must be used with caution. Since there is a possibility of allergic reactions. According to experts, synthetic drugs are more effective, they quickly dilute even too viscous sputum, so they can not be avoided in the treatment of cystic fibrosis or pneumonia. When treating a wet cough, it is strictly forbidden to use antitussive drugs that affect the brain, because suppressing cough, sputum will remain in the airways. The intake of expectorants should be discontinued at the stage of recovery, when the cough becomes productive and the child can clear throats during active movement.

If you do massage the chest and back, especially with the use of warming agents, sputum in children will depart much better. Light massage movements on the baby's chest will help to facilitate the evacuation of sputum in allergic diseases of the respiratory tract. Children after 3 years with an expectorant cough can be steam inhalation with the use of plant extracts, soda, essential oils.

Use of herbal preparations

Expectorant herbsMost expectorants for children are created on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants. They are released in the form of potions, tablets and syrups. The structure of herbal preparations can include the root of althaea, ivy, licorice, thermopsis, plantain, coltsfoot, anise, eucalyptus and some other herbs. The action of medicinal plants on the bronchi occurs by absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Such drugs stimulate the bronchial mucosa, dilute sputum, resulting in an increase in its number. These medicines must be used under the supervision of a doctor, because, getting into the stomach, they can cause a vomiting reflex, so the dosage and duration of treatment should be determined by the doctor.

Drugs based on the root of the althaea are prescribed for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract - pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, emphysema. Among such products belongs

Expectorant collectionmukaltin and alteyka. Grass of thermopsol is an effective expectorant, which contains many alkaloids and sodium bicarbonate, which contribute to sputum discharge. The medicine on the basis of this substance is available in the form of tablets and syrup, which are prescribed for difficultly isolated sputum. Thermopsol is part of the famous drug Kodelak bronho.

Many parents in the treatment of expectorant cough in children use a breastfeed that is brewed in the form of tea. The agent is characterized by anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antispasmodic and antibacterial action. Depending on the type of collection, different herbs are used.

How to accelerate the process of recovery?

It is very good if the parents know how to cough up the cough for a child, but it is important to create favorable conditions in the room for a quick recovery. Experts recommend adhering to such rules:

  1. In the room where the sick child is, the optimum temperature is 18-20 degrees, when it's not hot, but it's not cold either. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and conduct wet cleaning in it, because getting into the respiratory tract of dust will significantly worsen the child's condition;
  2. Application of air humidifierIndoors it is important to create conditions of high humidity, so that sputum in the respiratory tract does not thicken;
  3. Reduce the viscosity of sputum will help abundant drinking, give the child juices, water, tea, compotes, warm milk;
  4. Walking in the fresh air with an expectorant cough is not a contraindication if the child does not have a temperature. Going to the street, you do not need to babble, it's important to avoid overheating;
  5. During illness it is not necessary to try to keep the child in bed constantly, after all physical activity promotes faster clearing of respiratory ways from pathogenic slime.

With an expectorant cough, the main thing is not to start the disease and correctly use the expectorant, combining medicamental treatment with physical activity and walking outdoors.

What if I can not get rid of a cough?

CoughEvery person at least once a year overtakes a cold. Since childhood, unpleasant symptoms are familiar to everyone: cough, fever, runny nose, weakness, sore throat. Unfortunately, some symptoms can torment a person even after a complete, seemingly healing. The most common case, when the cold has passed, but does not pass cough. A prolonged cough can be observed for several more weeks after a cold. What is the reason for coughing and how to deal with it?

Cough is a protective reaction of the body to foreign bodies that enter our body. It is included as a protective reflex, when a person choked or even inhaled through the mouth various substances, such as dust. During colds, sputum accumulates in the respiratory tract, which the body perceives as an alien body and with the help of a cough tries to get rid of it and various microbes.

Thus, it becomes clear that the cough should be treated not as a result of the disease, but as a process that helps to recover to the end. This means: it is more correct not to get rid of cough, but to make it more productive.But sometimes the cough becomes very intense, sometimes, not allowing a person to fall asleep, or even causing vomiting. In these cases, undoubtedly, measures should be taken to reduce the strength of this process.

Causes of prolonged cough

Most often, cough occurs with colds:

  • flu;
  • respiratory syncytial virus infection;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.
Visit doctor

When a cough occurs, you need to undergo a checkup to find out the cause of his appearance

Of course, there are other serious diseases, which lead to an intense and prolonged cough. If a person does not get a cough for a month, then first you need to see a doctor, and only then start the possible self-treatment. In any case, when a person has a prolonged cough, it is necessary to do a fluorography or even an X-ray.

If a cough during a cold does not go along with the disease, then post cold cough should be treated. Usually it is accompanied by the release of viscous sputum. Treatment should be aimed at liquefying and spitting out of the respiratory tract.

Treatment of a protracted cough

It is wrong to talk about the cough treatment, because it's just a symptom. He either is removed as a symptom, or heals the disease itself, as a result of which he appeared.

An abundant vitaminized drinkThere are 3 main components that can help cough:
  • abundant drinking;
  • inhalation;
  • drugs that dilute sputum.

When you cough, the patient should definitely drink plenty of liquid to restore the water balance in the body. Water helps the process of liquefying phlegm and getting it out of the body.

Alkaline mineral waters, such as Borjomi or Essentuki, are especially useful. Addition to a high intake of liquids should be the right food, containing many vitamins - fresh fruits and vegetables.


InhalationAs for inhalations, this is one of the most effective methods for relieving cough. It is not difficult to make inhalation, besides there are many different ways, and each patient can choose for himself the most accessible of them. One of the options: brew such herbs as chamomile, sage, thyme, coltsfoot, add a teaspoon of soda food and a couple drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil, and then inhale the vapors. You can administer the inhalation several times a day.
By the way, essential oils are very effective in steam inhalers. You need to choose those that contribute to the dilution of sputum, softening of the mucosa of the respiratory tract.The lavender essential oil has a softening effect. Antiseptics are eucalyptus and thyme. An expectorant effect will be achieved with the use of incense and majorana essential oil. You can prepare a mixture of oils for inhalation yourself, or buy it already ready in the pharmacy.

Medicinal products

Reception of medicines for coughing

Reception of medicines at a cough should be carried out only on purpose of the doctor

As for the drugs, then it's worth to be especially careful. As in the case of other drugs, the choice of medicine should only be trusted by a specialist. Come to the pharmacy and on the advice of a pharmacist to purchase a popular expectorant is a big mistake many patients make.

In some cases, it can help, but in others it can even do harm, because a pharmacist can not deliver an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, it is worth to go to the doctor and find out what exactly is the reason for a prolonged, not passing cough.

Speaking generally about medicines, you should know that drugs for liquefying sputum are divided into mucolytic and expectorant. Mucolytics are prescribed in cases when sputum is very viscous and it is difficult to be excreted from the body. Expectorant medications are needed in situations where sputum, on the contrary, is small. They help bronchi to extract phlegm, making it more fluid. At the same time, the medicine causes a cough, so that the bronchi are cleared.

A separate group of drugs are antitussive drugs. As you know, cough is not always worth eliminating, because it helps the body to clear itself of germs and sputum. But in some cases, with a dry suffocating cough, antitussive drugs are prescribed.

Do this only a doctor, because these drugs can have strong side effects. In addition, in the presence of phlegm, the taking of these medicines must be stopped immediately. Even if you take medication for a while, the cough worries for another 1-2 weeks, then you need to see a doctor, you may need to change the treatment.

How to relieve lingering cough?

There are some simple methods that will help make the cough less painful. Using these tips, available to everyone, you can bring the sick body a lot of benefits:

  1. Rinse the throat with saline. Solution: warm water with a diluted teaspoon of salt. You can make this solution with baking soda and add a drop of iodine. The irritated throat will not hurt so much when coughing.
  2. To give up smoking. If the patient smokes, then at least for the period of treatment, it is worth to give up a bad habit, or at least reduce the number of smoked cigarettes to a minimum.
  3. Humidified air. If there are special devices for humidifying the air, then you must use them, and if not, you can simply put a couple of cans of water in the corners of the room. Humid air easily penetrates into the lungs, and dry - irritates them, causing coughing attacks.
  4. With a dry cough, you need to use a spoonful of honey. Strengthen the effect of honey with finely chopped garlic or onions. This remedy softens the throat and has an antibacterial effect.
    Thus, with the right approach to treating the disease, you can effectively get rid of the cough, eliminating its complications. It must be remembered that any disease that has not completely disappeared can have serious consequences for the body.

My cough is not wet. When I cough like something clears throat. As soon as possible to withdraw phlegm?


Just a beatiful woman

Hot milk + butter + soda + honey! 100% effect!


[Trade name (composition or characteristic) pharmacological action dosage forms firm]
Ambrohexal (ambroxol) mucolytic, expectorant, increasing the production of surfactant rr for oral and d / inhal.; syrup; Table. Hexal AG (Germany)
Ambrosan (ambroxol) expectorant, mucolytic, secretory, antitussive table. PRO.MED.CS Praha a.s. (Czech Republic)
Anise oil Dr. Thiess (anise oil) expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial caps. Dr. Theiss Naturwaren (Germany)
Acetylcysteine ​​SEDIKO effervescent instant (acetylcysteine) mucolytic, expectorant, detoxifying granule. doses. spike. speed. SEDICO (Egypt)
ATSTS (acetylcysteine) mucolytic, expectorant gran. d / r-ra for oral administration Hexal AG (Germany)
ACTS 100 (acetylcysteine) mucolytic, expectorant table. spike. Hexal AG (Germany)
ATSTS 200 (acetylcysteine) mucolytic, expectorant table. spike. Hexal AG (Germany)
ATSTS inject (acetylcysteine) mucolytic, expectorant rp d / in. Hexal AG (Germany)
ATSTS long (acetylcysteine) mucolytic, expectorant table. spike. Hexal AG (Germany)
Bromhexine 8-drops (bromhexine) mucolytic, expectorant, antitussive drops for oral administration Krewel Meuselbach (Germany)
Bromhexine-Ferein (bromhexine) mucolytic, expectorant, antitussive syrup Bryntsalov-A (Russia)
Bromhexine-Aegis (bromhexine) mucolytic, expectorant, antitussive r / d; rr for oral administration; Table. Egis (Hungary)
Broncatar (carbocysteine) expectorant syrup Sanofi-Synthelabo (France)
Bronchosan (bromhexine) mucolytic, expectorant, antitussive drops for ingestion and d / inhal. Slovakofarma (Slovakia)
Vero-bromhexine (bromhexine) mucolytic, expectorant, antitussive table. Veropharm (Russia), manufactured by: Veropharm (Belgorod Branch) (Russia)
Gedelix (vegetable agent) expectorant, mucolytic, spasmolytic drops for oral administration; syrup Krewel Meuselbach (Germany)
Gelomirtol (plant-derived remedy) secretolitic, secretory, mucolytic caps. solution. / intestinal. Pohl-Boskamp (Germany)
Gelomyrtol forte (plant-derived agent) secretolitic, secretory, mucolytic caps. solution. / intestinal. Pohl-Boskamp (Germany)
Dr. IOM (plant remedy) is a locally irritating, distracting, anti-inflammatory, expectorant syrup Unique (India)
Dr. IOM vegetative pastilles from a cough (plant remedy) locally irritating, distracting, anti-inflammatory, expectorant pastilles Unique (India)
Dr. Theiss syrup with a plantain of cough (a plant-based remedy) expectorant, antimicrobial syrup. Theiss Naturwaren (Germany)
Kodelak (vegetable) antitussive, expectorant table. ICN Pharmaceuticals (USA), manufactured by: Ai Si En Tomskhimpharm (Russia)
Lazolvan (ambroksol) mucolytic, expectorant, increasing the production of surfactant rr for oral and d / inhal.; syrup; Table. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma (Austria)
Mucodine (carbocysteine) mucolytic, expectorant capsules; syrup; syrup child. Zorka Pharma a.d. (Yugoslavia)
Prothiazin Expectorant (guaifenesin + ipecacuanas extract + promethazine) expectorant, antitussive, antihistamine, sedative syrup CTS Chemical Industries Ltd. (Israel)
Sinupret (vegetable agent) expectorant, secretolitic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral dragé; drops for ingestion Bionorica (Germany)
Terpinkod (codeine + sodium bicarbonate + terpinhydrate) antitussive, expectorant table. ICN Ph

Clive Christian's

this year I'm very terrible flu sick sick for about a month by my standards it's a lot I usually get sick less do not dehli
vobshem Beresh zaglatyvaesh a little air before you cough so that the air does not go into the Lehky but only in the hut and cough cough immediately splevyvayesh all this abomination do not be afraid lehkie not vyplyunesh tablets to drink do not advise because of them from the sense there is no point if you do not go to the mogot go to the pharmacy and buy normal expensive for health do not spare your blood money lucky Get well

Crazy Apothecary

if phlegm is not very much something LAZOLVAN, if different-ACTS.


Helps with phlegm and not only. Click the link
Write to the agent


Try the bee pollination (pollen in balls). You can pour honey overnight and in the morning 30 minutes before a meal, rassasyvat 1 teaspoon. After 5 days, we forget about the cough.


I'm sick myself now... same problem... Has bought or purchased Fljimutsid 600мл.. on the third day already felt better... costs approximately 160-170 rubles


I was very well helped by the Bronhomunal. The cough was very long, the elementary muscles of the chest began to hurt... The therapist advised Bronhomunal. On the second evening I was able to go to sleep, and on the third day - to breathe deeply, after 5 days there were only residual effects. So try it.

Dry cough does not clears throat: causes, treatment

cough, what to do

Often illnesses are accompanied by a dry cough. In some cases, cough is very fast, and in some cases it persists for a long time. And if the cough persists, then its form is called acute. But a cough that does not last more than three months is already called chronic. Dry cough itself indicates that the disease is developing.

How to treat a dry cough in a child and what syrup to use, you can learn from this article.


cough dry does not clear your throat

It is extremely important to find out the reason why the cough does not clears throat. Only a doctor can determine the true cause of such a disease.

  1. The most common cause of this cough is the inflammation that occurs in the upper respiratory tract.Inflammation occurs due to viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. In the event that the immunity is weakened, the virus affects the human body. Dry cough often occurs with various respiratory diseases. These include ARI, whooping cough, diphtheria, pneumonia, tuberculosis. An acute cough can last about 3 weeks, and then it passes.
  2. Chronic pharyngitis is also accompanied by a dry cough. It occurs as a result of a tickling and tingling in the throat.
  3. A very painful cough, accompanied by shortness of breath and fever, occurs with a disease such as pleurisy. This is quite a serious illness, since cough can be the only symptom that speaks of a tumor of the mediastinum. From this article, you can find out whether there can be a cough from the thyroid gland.
  4. Gastroesophageal reflux. All the substance that comes out of the stomach, returns back to the esophagus. This process can be accompanied by a dry cough, and the cause is very difficult to establish.
  5. Disease of respiratory organs. This includes diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, as well as the smoker's bronchitis.
  6. Dust, air pollutants.
  7. A foreign object that enters the respiratory tract.
  8. Use of medications that block the ACE system.
  9. Allergy. In case of an allergic reaction, a dry cough may also occur, which can be accompanied by inflammation of the eye mucosa.
  10. Influence of work. In the workplace, conditions can be created in which a dry cough arises.

How to treat a cough with teething, you can learn from this article.

The video tells what to do if the dry cough does not clear away:

From this article you can find out why the child has wheezing and coughing.

Treatment with medicamentous method

There are different groups of drugs against coughing or coughing. But it is worthwhile to know that many drugs suppress the function of cough and can affect other cells of the brain. The group of these substances includes such drugs as Codeine and Morphine.These strong drugs can only be used if other weaker drugs have not helped. Usually this happens with cancer or when it comes to vomiting. Use this drug only in medical institutions under in-patient conditions. All drugs are divided into 2 types:

  • expectorants;expectorants for coughing
  • liquefying phlegm.sputum cough remover

From this article you can find out how to help a child with a dry cough.

To cure cough it is necessary in a complex way to eliminate all reasons of its occurrence. If the nature of the cough is bacterial, then you need to use antibiotics if the nature is viral - antiviral drugs.If the expectoration of sputum does not occur for a long time, this does not mean that it does not exist in the body. Perhaps you need to use the means that will help make it more fluid so that it can go out. If cough does not pass in the first days of a cold, then you can use such drugs as Ferveks, Kodelak. These drugs will help to establish a cough.

Than to cure a cough from a baby, when he does not have temperature, you can learn from this article.

Codel Codel

The most important thing is that regardless of the cause of the cough, you need to consume large amounts of liquid, which will make the phlegm liquid, the water-salt balance of the organism will be adjusted.

What are the symptoms of an asthmatic cough in a child, you can learn from this article.

If there are such diseases as tracheitis, pharyngitis, then it is recommended to drink mineral water in large quantities. Food should be light and rich in vitamins.

Another important step in the treatment of dry cough is inhalation. These procedures can be carried out by adults and adolescents.Little pediatricians recommend inhalation not to do. Due to the structure of the respiratory tract, small children may experience suffocation.cough inhalation

Preparations that will help in coughing: Lazolvan, Bromgeksin, ATSTS. These funds can be taken only if there is even a little sputum.

What to do when you have tortured a dry cough, you can learn from this article.

Treatment with folk remedies

Especially in the cold season of many people you can hear complaints about not passing dry cough.

  1. Collection of herbs. In pharmacies you can buy chemist's pouch. But you can also cook it at home. Licorice, linden, thyme, marigold, plantain, mint, pine buds are all the components that are necessary for the preparation of breastfeeding. Mixing all the herbs, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. mix and mix with 500 ml of boiling water. Insist means need 2 hours. After this, the infusion is ready, it can be taken inside. Before meals, you need to drink 150 ml.collection of herbs from cough
  2. Licorice. This recipe will require a licorice root. Take 15 g of licorice root, a few linden blossoms and fruits of dry fresh hips. Mix the ingredients and pour 300 grams of water. The whole mixture must be put on a water bath. After holding the remedy for about half an hour, you can drink it 100 ml 3 times a day.brewing of herbs Licorice
  3. Dried fruits. During the ripening of fruits such as raspberries, dogrose, viburnum, hawthorn, they must be taken in equal quantities. Take 100 g of the mixture and pour 500 ml of water. Then put in a water bath, and boil somewhere about an hour. After you need to let the infusion cool down, now you can take it half a cup a day.dried fruits from cough
  4. Pottery from eggs. This is the remedy that will help to eliminate dry cough, cure even the most protracted bronchitis. It is necessary to take 1 glass of milk and boil it. As soon as it boils, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. honey and the same amount of butter and add to milk. Whisk egg yolk, add it to the mixture, do not forget to add soda at the tip of the knife. The remedy is ready. Prepare it easily enough, and time is not needed much, so this tool should be in the piggy bank of any family.Cough Eggs
  5. Inhalation with soda. Boil 150 g of water and add to it 30 g of soda. This product must be poured into a regular tea maker or a kettle for inhalation. On the tip of the nose you need to put a cone of paper and through it breathe with your mouth. Too strong breaths of alkaline solution vapors can lead to coughing attacks. Therefore, it is better not to take excessively deep breaths.Soda very well dilutes sputum and allows the patient to clear his throat.Inhalation with soda from cough
  6. Inhalations based on essential oils. These oils are fully suitable for treatment: they act as antibacterial, expectorant and moisturizer. 500 ml of water should be heated to 70 degrees. Add 165 drops of any coniferous oil to this water. It is necessary to sit down and breathe over this remedy no less than 15 minutes. Having finished inhalation, can overtake a fit of coughing. To be frightened it is not necessary, this is normal phenomenon.Inhalations based on essential oils from cough
  7. Lemon. The recipe with lemon is quite common for treating a child's cough. From one lemon it is necessary to squeeze juice, add to it 2 tbsp. l. glycerin. You can buy glycerine in the pharmacy chain. Now you need to add honey to the remedy. It is used to neutralize the sour taste. After thoroughly mixing the product, it is necessary to leave it for an hour. Give the child this remedy is necessary, watching the bouts of coughing. If the attacks are not strong, then you need to drink syrup 3 times a day. The maximum number of receptions is 7 times.lemon and glycerin from cough
  8. Chocolate cocktail.This tool is very popular with children. It is necessary to heat the milk. Now add all the other ingredients: 1/3 h. l. butter, a little sheep fat, 1 hour. l. honey and 30 grams of chocolate. The remedy is ready. It is advisable to give them a drink before going to bed and put them on the bed. Milk very well warms up the throat, and cocoa butter will help to sputter mucus. It is best to use this tool as an additional to the main method of treatment.
  9. Baths for feet. If the cough is not accompanied by a fever, then it is worth using hot foot baths with mustard. In the pelvis you need to pour enough warm water, about 40 degrees, add a couple of tablespoons of mustard. You need to warm your feet for about 30 minutes. After the end of the procedure, wear warm socks and lie down in bed, covered with a blanket.30
  10. Children are very fond ofcough remedy with vanilla syrup. 1 glass of milk should be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees. Add to the milk you need 2 tbsp. l. vanilla and 1 spoonful of honey. For a pleasant smell and taste, a pinch of vanilla is added. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients very well and allow to infuse for about 20 minutes. To drink a cocktail you need 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.

From this article you can find out what are the causes of a night cough in an adult.

All folk methods of treatment will be more effective if they are combined with medication. If you use inhalation and expectorant drugs, then the cause of dry cough will go many times faster. If you use drugs that simply suppress cough, then inhalations are contraindicated.

What to do when the child does not go through a wet cough is indicated in this article.

There may be a buildup of fluid in the bronchi, which will lead to pneumonia.Dry coughing is a rather complicated phenomenon, and if the cough is bad, then you need to turn to the help of specialists.

Does not clear a dry cough

Does not clear a dry coughCough itself is not a separate pathology, it is only a symptom of any disease or disorder. It is an unconditional protective reaction of the body. Cough can be caused not only by infectious diseases, but also by other unfavorable factors: getting into organs breathing dust, small particles, foreign objects, allergic reaction to pollen, animal hair and other substance. Cough is divided into dry and wet. The second of them is considered productive and says that the peak of the disease is passed, and the body begins to recover. But the dry cough, which does not clear, on the contrary, indicates the development of the disease.

Dry cough does not clears throat: causes

It is very important to establish the cause of the appearance of a dry non-coughing cough. For this, whenever possible, you need to see a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. Self-medication without consulting a specialist can lead to poor results and an aggravation of the problem.

Causes of frequent dry cough can become the following factors:

  1. Infectious diseases. Most often, dry cough occurs with respiratory infections, such as influenza, acute respiratory disease, whooping cough, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and others. An acute cough caused by a cold can last up to 2-3 weeks, with other pathologies it can persist even longer.
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux. This phenomenon is the output of the contents of the stomach back into the esophagus. Often, reflux is accompanied by a cough, the reasons for which can be difficult to establish.
  3. Respiratory diseases of the respiratory system. This group of pathologies includes bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, obstructive pulmonary disease of the chronic form, bronchitis of the smoker and others.
  4. The presence of dust or other contaminants in the air.
  5. Inhalation of a foreign object.
  6. Psychogenic causes.
  7. Treatment with the use of antihypertensive drugs that block ACE. These medicines include Ramipril, Enalapril and others.

There are other causes that cause a dry, non-coughing cough, they can include tumors and other serious diseases of the respiratory system.

Cough is not dry cough: treatment

Before you start to treat a dry cough, you need to establish the cause that caused it. It is best to consult a doctor. The most common cause of non-coughing cough is ARD. Diseases of this type are accompanied by a runny nose, fever, weakness, headache and other symptoms. In the absence of wheezing in the lungs and pronounced hoarseness of the voice, evidence of laryngitis, the treatment is carried out as with an ordinary cold. The main direction of dry cough therapy is to translate it into a productive one. In case the high temperature persists for 5 days or more, and the cough gradually builds up and does not then it is necessary to call a doctor and be examined to exclude such diseases as pneumonia and pleurisy. A growing dry cough that persists for a long time in the absence of other signs of a cold, also requires a doctor's visit and diagnosis. Since in this way chronic pathology of the respiratory system can manifest itself: tuberculosis, tumor processes, and others.

Treatment of dry cough should be complex. It includes drugs aimed at eliminating the cause of coughing. So, in the viral nature of the disease prescribed antiviral drugs, with a bacterial character - antibiotics, etc. Along with this, doctors usually recommend taking drugs with mucolytic and cartilaginous action. Drug medications can be replaced with folk medicine. However, in this case it is advisable to consult a doctor beforehand.

Folk remedies for coughing up phlegm

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes for the treatment of dry cough. The folk remedies for expectoration of phlegm are known:

  1. Inhalations. They can be divided into two groups - cold and warm. For carrying out cold inhalations, you can use a nebulizer, this device facilitates the procedure and increases its effectiveness. As medicines for inhalations, decoctions of medicinal herbs, lazolvan, dissolved sea salt, dioxidine can be used. Warm inhalations are carried out only in the absence of a patient's temperature. It is useful to inhale the vapors of cooked potatoes, decoctions of herbs, essential oils.
  2. Black radish with honey. In the vegetable, make a small groove, which is filled with honey. Then the radish is left for a while. As a medicine, the juice that is formed in the cavity is consumed.
  3. Leaves and root of plantain, althea root and licorice, thyme. Dried leaves or roots are ground, and then brewed in the calculation of 2 large spoons of raw materials per liter of boiling water. To drink such a drug you need a glass three times a day. You can buy a pharmacy ready syrup based on medicinal plants.
  4. Onions and honey. All these drugs have a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Onions are rubbed on a fine grater and mixed with the same amount of honey. Take the medication by a small spoon before eating.
  5. Garlic with milk. 3-4 cloves of garlic pressed and mixed with a glass of milk, and then brought to a boil. The product is divided into 3 doses and drunk during the day.
  6. Root of horseradish and honey. Horseradish crushed, mixed with honey and eat three times a day on a large spoon.
  7. To get rid of a dry cough you can use rubbing. To do this, you can use turpentine, eucalyptus ointment, alcohol and other products.
Expectorants for coughing dry cough

Expectorants for coughing dry cough

All expectorants for the treatment of dry cough can be divided into 2 large groups: reflex and direct action.

The first group includes the means that help to eliminate sputum, by increasing its quantity and dilution. To preparations of reflex action it is possible to carry extracts, broths, powders on the basis of such plants as root of an althaea, thyme, thoracal gathering, thermopsis and other means.

Expectorant drugs directly affect the bronchi themselves and sputum. They, in turn, are subdivided into agents that affect the bronchi, and agents that dilute sputum, or mucolytics. The first include essential oils, iodine salts and other products. Use them for inhalation. The group of mucolytics includes such drugs as Abroxol, Bromhexin, ATSTS, Lazolvan and others.

When used for the treatment of dry cough expectorants should remember that they can not be combined with antitussive drugs, as this can lead to adverse effects.

Cough up snot with a strong cough



Hello, the problem is this: in the morning cough sneezes, accompanied by a strong cough, during the day there is cough, but expectorates white mucus, and also throughout the day snot from the nose of white. (For 3 weeks already). What do you advise? Thank you in advance!

Hello, Vladimir. Coughing for 3 weeks is an alarming symptom. It is necessary that you examined the therapist, listened to the lungs, if necessary, assigned pictures. If there is no pathology in the lungs, then it should be treated by an ENT doctor.

Sincerely, the doctor-otorhinolaryngologist Filatova EV
LLC "Clinic of Ear, Nose and Throat"

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