The eyes and the runny nose

Why do your eyes get wet with a cold?

Lachrymation with a coldThe onset of a cold leads to unpleasant changes in the patient's body. A person begins to worry about such symptoms as weakness, general malaise, a cough may appear, the temperature will rise, eyes often water and the rhinitis becomes the reason of the complicated nasal respiration. Many people know how to deal with such manifestations as cough, sore throat or runny nose, but tearful eyes often scare the sick, because not everyone knows why the eyes are watery due to colds.

Causes of lacrimation

Why do your eyes get wet with a cold?The reasons for why the eyes get wet with a runny nose, there may be a lot, but experts consider the following among the most common factors:
  • sinusitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis.

The cause of the fact that during a cold disease begins to water and hurt your eyes, most often is a sinusitis, which inflames the paranasal sinuses of the nasopharynx. Such a disease inevitably entails the swelling of the nasal septum, which closes the passages to the paranasal sinuses, as a result of which the process of sputum withdrawal becomes more difficult. It is she, accumulating in large quantities, putting pressure on the forehead and orbit, causing unpleasant and even painful sensations of the eyes.

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With a cold, the eyes are watery for the reason that the swelling of the lacrimal nasal passage occurs, and when the nasal channel is clogged, the fluid that has accumulated in the nasopharynx can not exit in any other way out, so it is released through tear duct. Getting rid of the problem is not so difficult, it is necessary to treat sinusitis, for this purpose, the use of antibacterial drugs becomes mandatory.In addition, given the fact that sinusitis is always accompanied by nasal congestion, To facilitate the patient's condition, it is advisable to instill in the nose vasoconstrictor drops.

However, it is important to know that you can not abuse these drugs, since prolonged use of them can cause a complication such as rhinitis.

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitisWith allergic rhinitis, which is seasonal in nature, manifested primarily in the autumn-spring period, as a rule, the snot flows and watery eyes. Also, many people complain of the appearance of severe itching and burning eyes. Such an allergy develops more often on the pollen of some plants and trees. Therefore, the obligatory action of the patient should be an appeal to a specialist, it is better to visit both an allergist and an immunologist, since it is the weakened immunity that can cause such an organism reaction. In addition, with allergies the body is very depleted, so its strengthening with the help of special immunomodulating drugs will be needed.

Symptoms of allergic rhinitis are very similar to those of a viral disease, but a person is not infectious to others. The condition can be worsened by insomnia, rashes on the skin, poor appetite, so that a person begins to lose weight.If the allergy is not treated, it can develop into a chronic disease and lead to such complications as:

  • Sneezing at an allergyskin problems - rashes, irritations, itching, peeling;
  • a persistent runny nose;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • partial loss of taste.

In case of an allergic reaction of the body to certain irritants, in addition to tearing eyes and a runny nose, sneezing also becomes a frequent companion of the patient.

People who constantly face such a problem with the advent of the season must first take preventive measures, which will avoid allergic manifestations or reduce their intensity.


ConjunctivitisIf the runny nose is bacterial, due to the proximity of the nasopharynx and orbitals, the infection can go to the mucous membranes of the eyes, then develops conjunctivitis, which manifests a constant lacrimation, often even with impurities pus. If the eyes get watery due to a cold, while the person understands that this has nothing to do with allergies, it is worth turning to an ophthalmologist to examine the condition of the eyes. With the confirmation of the diagnosis will require a comprehensive treatment, including the use of antiviral and antibacterial eye drops - Ophthalmoferon, Tobrex.

A careful attitude to one's own health will allow us to detect changes in the body in a timely manner and conduct proper treatment.

Help! Tortured cold, asmor, the lazy water. What to do?



I can advise one recipe, not Pts delicious but it helps me well.. .
take garlic, crush it, pour boiling water, you can add honey, so it was more delicious))))
and drink.. .

Eduard Slobodyan

Maybe early allergy is better to be convinced! And from a cold I advise NOSOL on an oily basis very well helps or assists!

Ekaterina Safronova

Increase immunity. Here it is necessary to understand in what exactly the reason. All kinds of drugs from the common cold can really cause you to be allergic and addictive, and then you have to treat it too. For prevention, you can drink aflubin-it's homeopathy

lover of sleep

the first and most correct-contact a doctor, that is, a specialist who knows exactly what is wrong with you.
the second is multivitamins, mainly the C, B groups. Antibiotics (but only the doctor knows what will help you. self-medication is 50/50 will / will not help), preparations sulfanilamydnoy group-more potent antibiotics, but powerful (he tried it! Tin! although I did not feel any effects of the effects). herbs-freshly prepared broccoli of St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, etc. (very effective). for nose sprays, drops for the nose. for eye drops in the pharmacy. NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-aspirin.


It is best to cleanse the body with cleansing teas to feed it with vitamins and a friendly microflora, preferably all at the same time. Only while not taking any chemistry, everything should be natural. And most importantly, to drink more than pure, preferably structured water.

Elizaveta Stepantsova

If you are sure that this is a cold (and not an allergy), it looks like an adenovirus infection. (the throat does not hurt? temperature?). Once the infection is viral, take the following steps: we drink antiviral and immuno-enhancing drugs (Arbidol, you can homeopathy, if you believe in it-Anaferon, Aflubin, Engistol, etc., or even tincture echinacea). Nose rinse with salt water, if there is edema, and not just water from the nose - vasoconstricting drops (without fanaticism 1-2 drops. 3 times a day for not more than 5 days). Temperature to 3, do not shoot down - let the body fight, if the samochustvie normal. A lot of warm drinking (tea. Morse, compote, min. water without gas). Lie, do not eat heavy food, and if you do not want to - do not eat. Necessarily vitamins, you can do with ascorbic if money is a pity. ))
And if this is really adenovirus be ready for the second wave - it will get better, then again worse - this is the current.
With the FLU, very high temperature to 40, strong aches in the body, almost never there are no catarrhal manifestations (snot, throat, cough). If you do not have it, it's not the flu.
And do not poison yourself with antibiotics, they are not effective in case of a viral infection, and even harmful, especially with influenza (only when bacterial) if there are doubts - hand over the general or common analysis of a blood with lekoformula where the nature of an infection - bacterial or virus.
Get well!


it seems like an allergy: try something from her, because even children with colds are recommended for allergies something.

Natalia Bukalo

Sweat in the morning with cold water and run barefoot in the snow.

What should I do if my child has watery eyes and a runny nose?

When a child has watery eyes, and a runny nose does not give rest, it can be symptoms of various diseases: from trivial colds to serious pathologies. Determine the exact cause can only be a doctor, but you should not panic ahead of time. The fact is that the nasopharynx of the child in the first years of life only develops and forms, therefore its structure differs significantly from the organs of an adult person. And even an easy infection can provoke the development of a cold or otitis. It is very important not to start the infection and start treatment on time, which will prevent serious inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and the auditory tube.

The problem of runny nose and tear in children

Do not self-medicate, all medical procedures and medication should appoint a doctor.If you adhere to all the recommendations, treatment will bring results very quickly, and the baby will recover. The most difficult to carry the common cold to infants, because most of the time they spend in a prone position, which prevents the correct outflow of mucus and impedes normal breathing. To help a newborn, it is necessary to clean his nose as often as possible and keep the child in a vertical position.

Causes of lachrymation and runny nose in toddlers

In newborns in the first 2 months of life, tears are not excreted, so their cry is "dry." This is due to the formation of lacrimal canals, in which there is no tear fluid at birth. The baby worries, screams, and to notice the development of any deviations in the lacrimal ways is very difficult. It is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the child and note all the signs indicating possible diseases, and then report them to the treating doctor.

If the child has a runny nose and watery eyes, the reasons can be different:

Allergy is the cause of a runny nose and tear
  • cold;
  • blockage of the lacrimal canal;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • allergy;
  • dacryocystitis.

When the isolation of tear fluid in a crumb is accompanied by sneezing, it is most likely a common cold or flu. In this situation, special treatment is not required, since it is a concomitant symptom and the eyes will stop watering immediately after the body has overcome the virus. Therapy should be aimed at treating respiratory organs and increasing the protective functions of the body. It is enough just to wash your eyes of accumulated mucus boiled water or decoction of chamomile.

If lachrymation and sour eyes are observed in the first days of the baby's life, most often the cause lies in the plugging of the lacrimal canal. In the corner of each person's eyes there is a tear sack in which liquid accumulates. When there are a lot of it, it flows into the nose by a special channel, forming a nasal mucus. But if the film covering this channel does not burst with the first sigh and cry of the child, there is such a phenomenon as a blockage of the lacrimal canal. For treatment it will be necessary to do massage, and if the procedure does not give the necessary results, probing will be required. Eye care is the same as in the case of colds: rinse and remove accumulated mucus.

Broth chamomile for washing eyesThe next reason, which can cause lacrimation, is conjunctivitis. This is quite a serious inflammation of the eyes, caused by the infection in them. In addition to souring and redness, there are signs such as swelling and discharge of purulent fluid. To eliminate the problem, the doctor will prescribe eyewash and drops with antibiotics, allowed from the first days of life.

If the baby always scratches eyes, they blush, water and sweat, then it can be side effects of an allergic reaction. It's harder to notice them in newborns, since they can not scratch their eyes, but only chaotic hands. Therefore, an experienced physician can assign a special analysis to determine possible allergens to confirm or exclude this factor. And only by results of researches it will be possible to appoint or nominate treatment.

Dacryocystitis is a congenital disease consisting in constriction of the tear duct, which prevents a normal outflow of tears. This leads to stagnation of fluid, inflammation and the formation of pus. In this case, massage of the lacrimal canal, eye care and the use of drops with antibiotics also help.

Features of the structure of the lacrimal canal

Lacrimal fluid is a very important component of the nasopharynx and eye. Without it, normal functioning of the organs of vision and upper respiratory tract is impossible. It is designed to clean the eyeballs from microparticles of dust and moisten them. Due to tear fluid in the nose formed snot, designed to delay the spread of bacteria and prevent their further penetration into the body.

Structure of the lacrimal canalAlmost all tear fluid, which is present in the body, is produced with the involvement of the lacrimal gland. It is located above the eyeball, between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow. A small part of the fluid is produced by glands located in the thickness of the conjunctiva. When the baby is healthy, the lacrimal fluid unhinderedly enters the cavity of the eyeball, evenly distributed throughout its surface. And this contributes to this blinking function of the eyelids. When the liquid has fulfilled its task, it accumulates in the inner corner of the eye, in a special lacrimal sac, from which it flows through the canal into the nasal cavity. It is for this reason that during mourning in the nose a large amount of mucus is formed.

The nose and eyes also have an inverse relationship: when snots appear in the nose as a reaction to rhinitis caused by a cold or allergy, they clog the tear duct and prevent the normal flow of tears. All this leads to increased lachrymation and sour eyes.

Additional causes of tearing disorders

When a baby's eyes are watered and festered, the reasons can also be in the area of ​​pathological changes in the structure of the nasopharynx. Namely:

  • the wrong structure of the nasolacrimal canal;
  • diseases of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • pathology of lacrimal canals and points;
  • wrong structure of the nose;
  • trauma of lacrimal passages.
Eye examination in the oculistAnother reason that can cause a tear in the child's eyes is a sharp temperature drop. This phenomenon can often be observed when leaving in winter on the street from a warm room. This is a normal reaction of the body and it does not require any treatment.

But if tears are added to the tears on the eyelids, the baby should be urgently shown to the specialist. It is recommended to do this as quickly as possible, since the main cause of purulent discharge is infection, and the more time passes, the more severe the complications caused to it.

At the reception of the oculist, it is necessary to recall all accompanying manifestations: redness, swelling, itching, sneezing, runny nose, how long ago manifestations, whether their intensity increased, and so on. All this will help to establish the correct diagnosis.

If any means for treatment, including traditional medicine, were applied, they should also be notified to the doctor.

Methods of examination of the organs of vision

The oculist conducts an external examination of the organs of vision of the child and his upper respiratory tract. If required, the condition of lacrimal points is assessed with the help of biomicroscopy, tubular and nasal tests are performed. These tests help to check the function of such a function as sucking tears with a tear bag and channel. These methods are completely painless and very simple.


To the kid in a eye instill a special medicine - 3% a solution kollargola. In the event that dysfunction is not observed, the colorant disappears from the eye within 5 minutes. If the outflow of tear fluid is slowed down, the drops will flow into the nasal cavity in the interval of 5 to 10 minutes. If, however, it takes more than 15 minutes for the child to absorb and withdraw the collargol, this indicates serious disturbances in the operation of the tear duct.

The nose test is similar. To determine the absorption of coloring drops, a cotton turunda is inserted into the nose and the time during which it is stained is inserted. Both samples can be used to diagnose disorders in newborn infants from the first days of their life.

If the samples give positive results, and the tear of the eyes does not pass, the doctor can prescribe endoscopic examination of nasal cavities or methods such as probing (piercing) and washing lacrimal canals.


In especially severe cases, X-rays and computed tomography may be required.

How did I get sick? My eyes water, sneeze, runny nose.



Physical manifestations
Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. With a cold, the nose is laid and "flows the patient constantly sneezes.
Emotional causes
Runny nose occurs in a person who has encountered some confusing situation and is confused. He has the impression that someone or some situation is like attacking him. As a rule, such a person is too worried about minor details. He does not know where to begin. This causes him anger, because he would like to do everything in one fell swoop. The confusion that arises in his head prevents him from realizing his true needs and living the present. He may even feel that some situation smells bad. He is able to get sick with a runny nose and from a subconscious calculation - that some unpleasant person will eventually leave him alone for fear of getting infected.
Mental causes
The main mental blockage in the common cold is the popular belief that "the runny nose occurs due to hypothermia." Such beliefs influence us much more than we think, working as formulas for auto-suggestion. No less common is the misconception that you can catch a cold. They are infected only by those who share this error. So you have to get rid of such misconceptions. If everyone does this, there will be many more healthy people on our planet. In any case, since any sickness bears some meaning in itself, a runny nose as a result of some kind of A common misconception tells you that you are light-weighted and prone to someone else's influence human.
The deeper meaning of the common cold as a message is that you need to relax and not waste yourself in vain. Do not put down your feelings. Do not try to do many things at the same time. Do not get used to blaming in your problems some situation or other people: not wanting to feel, smell situation or person, you disconnect all your feelings, and this prevents you from accurately determining your priorities and needs. Cm. also the article of FNL (PROBLEMS).
Spiritual causes and elimination
In order to understand the spiritual causes that interfere with the satisfaction of the important need of your sincere Self, ask yourself the questions contained in the material monadotherapy. Answers to these questions will allow you, not only to more accurately determine the true cause of your physical problem, but also to eliminate it.

6 Massi

virus. Ingavirin drink

~ ● ☆ Sly Foxes ☆ ● ● ~

Slytherichthysmus. Treatment: 15 years of execution and every day until death. The medicine is only a prescription, or rather an article.

Nikolay Ivanov


Jadwiga Moriarty

It looks like an allergy ...

anasta goloskin

Have picked up that that a virus or an allergy.


ARVI... contagious

Yakubova Lily

If the eyes are watery, this is most likely either viral or allergic. But t. To. The throat does not hurt and the temperature is not present, most likely the allergy. Loratin (klaritin, loratadine) once a day

Julia Dementieva

an allergy to something, antiallergenic drink and everything will pass


To go to the doctor feebly?

Coryza, terribly watery eyes


Nikolay Prudnikov

Sit at home 1 day, drink hot with lemon in front of it and in a day go to school =) You will be almost healthy)


ask the pharmacy.

lily of the fight

These are the characteristic signs of a cold. You are rightly told: we must sit at home, drink warm fruit, milk with honey, put your feet (if not temperature), vasoconstrictive drops in the nose (such as nazole, galazolin), at worst, at night you can drink paracetamol or its analogue

Anna Tikhomirova

If Nasobek helps, then allergic rhinitis and lacrimation are more characteristic than for colds, especially if these symptoms are not accompanied by a rise in temperature. And if the runny nose, and the stuffiness of the nose is not, then the vasoconstrictor drops absolutely to nothing, and apply them more than 5 days is not recommended, and then you will earn yourself a vasomotor rhinitis and then even Nasobek not will help.
P.S. If there are no cutaneous manifestations of allergy, then this does not exclude the presence of allergic rhinitis.
The analysis of a blood on the general Ig E handed over, skarifikatsionnye (dermal, "scratches") tests put, what to approve or confirm, what is it not an allergic rhinitis ???

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