Cough medicine ascaril

"Askoril instructions for use, analogues and reviews of doctors

In our time, the choice of expectorants is huge, and sometimes, going to the pharmacy, it is very difficult to determine, because the eyes run from the set of proposals. Today we will consider an effective drug called "Ascoril its composition, instruction, side effects, contraindications to use, as well as reviews of patients and doctors about the effects of this. medicines.

ascaril instruction manual

Therapeutic components of the remedy

The main elements that help get rid of dry cough and those present in the drug described by us are:

- Menthol. The task of this component is to expand the bronchi and, as a result, improve breathing, as well as the passage of sputum through the respiratory tract. Another plus of this element is that it is of natural origin, not chemical.

- Guaifenesin- a special substance of plant origin, which is obtained from the bark of a guaiac tree. The effect of this component is this: it significantly reduces the viscosity of phlegm. The substance makes it less dense and because of this it is faster and easier to go.

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- Bromhexine- Another important component of the syrup or tablets called "Ascoril" for children and adults. It has mucolytic, expectorant action.

- Salbutamol. It is a bronchodilator that causes muscle relaxation and enlarges the airway gaps. As a result, the patient's breathing quickly returns to normal. But the downside of such a component is that it can cause various side effects. It can be a headache, tachycardia, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, sweating, etc.

Composition and form of release

1. In the form of tablets.Small pills - round, white, with a special half-marking for convenient separation. Are sold in a cardboard package of 10 or 20 tablets.

Composition: the main elements are salbutamol, bromhexine hydrochloride, guaifenesin. Additional substances: a small dose of calcium hydrophosphate, corn starch, methylparaben, propylparaben, purified talc, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

2. In the form of a carrot-colored syrup with a characteristic odor and a sweetish-bitter taste.The volume of the bottle is 100 or 200 ml. The composition is similar to the contents of tablets, the active substances are similar, but the additional components are: a small dose of sucrose, sorbitol, glycerol, propylene glycol, sodium benzoate, citric acid, sorbic acid, dye, menthol, blackcurrant flavor, pineapple, water purified.

Ascoril syrup

In which cases is the

The medicine "Ascoril the instruction on which application provides accurate and detailed information, is appointed in a number of such cases:

  1. Diseases of the bronchi, as well as the lungs, which are accompanied by coughing and spitting: pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
  2. In whooping cough - a serious infectious disease of the respiratory tract.
  3. With tuberculosis of the lungs - a dangerous ailment, which is very difficult to treat.
  4. In cystic fibrosis - congenital pathology, in which the functions of the respiratory system are disrupted.

The drug "Ascoril the instruction. Syrup for children and tablets for adults

A very good effect is provided by the medicine in the treatment of dry cough in children. Only in different children's age category the form of release of a medicine differs. So, children under the age of 6 years are assigned "Ascoril" - a cough syrup, and from 6 years you can give the same medication, only in tablets. Small calves are not prescribed pills because of the possible risk of overdose. The dosage of the medicine for babies is as follows:

In the form of medicine:

- up to 6 years - 5 ml three times a day;

- from 6 to 12 years - 5-10 ml per day;

- From 12 years - 10 ml three times a day.

ascoril reviews

In the form of tablets from cough:

- from 6 to 12 years - half a tablet three times a day;

- From the age of 12 on the whole pill three times a day.

Adults also receive medication in the same dosage as the younger generation after 12 years.

It is advisable to take the medicine on a full stomach after about half an hour - after the meal. It is not recommended to drink the preparation with mineral water with bicarbonate or milk with soda, as this reduces the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect. It is best to use ordinary purified water for this purpose.

The standard course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Application during pregnancy

Women in the situation, as well as nursing mothers, can not be cured by dry cough with this remedy. In this case, therapists prescribe other effective drugs of natural origin that do not exactly bring side effects to the pregnant woman and her future child.

Storage conditions

Keep the medicine at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees. The expiration date is necessarily indicated on the package, and it is 2 years from the date of manufacture of the drug. Store the suspension and tablets preferably in a dark place, with low humidity and mandatory away from children so that they can not reach and drink the contents of the vial or swallow the pill, taking it out of blister.

Contraindications in use

A mixed product of plant and chemical origin, which copes well with the cough - syrup "Ascoril". Instructions for use of the drug states that it can not be used by persons who have the following health characteristics:

- hypersensitivity to the components of the medicine;

- pregnancy and the period when a woman is breastfeeding an infant;

- tachycardia;

- heart diseases;

- diabetes;

- glaucoma;

- hepatic or renal insufficiency;

- An ulcer of the stomach or duodenum in the acute stage;

- gastric bleeding;

- arterial hypertension.

If a person has one of the above diseases, then the patient needs to replace the medicine "Ascoril". Tablets or syrup, similar in composition, you will not find, but there are many effective alternatives for the treatment of dry cough, which we'll talk about below.

Preparations of similar action

Ascoril tablets

Many people are interested in what can replace the medicine "Ascoril". Analogues of this medicine are the following: syrups "Lazolvan "Ambrobene "Erespal". But still there are differences in the composition. If the medicine for coughing "Ascoril" is an expectorant, that is, it helps to cope with a dry cough, then the "Lazolvan" solution can be used at any stage of the disease. If we compare our medicine with the medicine "Ambrobene then there is no difference in their effect. The difference is only in the cost of drugs. "Ascoril" (syrup) is much more expensive than its counterpart. The same effect is provided by Erespal, but the remedy to which the article is devoted is much cheaper.

Analogues of the tablets "Ascoril" can be:

- Dragee "Mukaltin".It is an expectorant, increases the amount of sputum and reduces its viscosity. The drug is much cheaper than the described drug. It is prescribed for children after 12 years, as well as for adults.

- Capsules "Tavifex". This is also an inexpensive analog of the "Ascoril" tablets, which can be taken only by adults, children under three can not be given it.

- Capsules Gedelix.Have a minimum of side effects, cheaper than the described drug, and are appointed from 12 years.


Taking large doses that exceed recommended in the instructions, as well as using the drug for longer than the prescribed time can provoke an overdose of the drug. In this case, it is necessary to immediately stop drinking the drug and carry out activities aimed at alleviating condition: rinse the stomach and take enterosorbents, for example: gel "Enterosgel tablets activated coal. Symptoms of overdose can be as follows: nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, lowering of pressure, confusion. If a person has any problems with the heart, then he necessarily needs consultation of the therapist, as well as monitoring the cardiologist.

Side effects of taking the drug

Taking medication does not always lead to a positive result. It happens that people have side effects, the negative consequences are mainly related to the use of salbutamol, which is part of the drug "Ascoril". Instructions for the use of syrup or tablets states that there may be an unforeseen impact of the drug on the human body. The most common reactions are:

- trembling of limbs;

- headache;

- Unhealthy heartbeat.

Less common can occur such phenomena:

- decrease in the concentration of potassium in the blood.

Very rarely, but still such reactions take place:

- hives;

- bronchial spasm;

- angioedema.

ascaril analogues

All these negative aspects can be observed in adults after treatment with the drug "Ascoril". The use of a suspension for the treatment of children can also cause various side effects, such as:

- formation on the skin of red spots (more often on the face, less often on the trunk and extremities);

- Bubbles on the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, eyes, genital organs;

- edema of the face;

- excited state;

- dizziness;

- Disorder of taste (in this condition, the kids seem to be bitter);

- a feeling of numbness, tingling in the mouth;

- increased sweating;

- decrease or increase of blood pressure;

- increase in blood levels of insulin.

Interaction of the drug with other medicines

There are certain rules, according to which you can not prescribe with tablets or cough syrup "Ascoril". Instructions for use indicate that in the following situations it is worthwhile to refrain from using this medication:

  1. If the patient is taking drugs containing theophylline. They are able to enhance the effect of salbutamol, which is part of the drug described in this article. And this, in turn, threatens with the appearance of a number of side effects.
  2. The "Ascoril Expectorant" remedy can not be taken simultaneously with other medicines, including contains codeine, or any other cough syrup, as this makes it difficult for the liquefied phlegm.
  3. It is not recommended to take this medicine simultaneously with alkaline drink.
  4. The version of the drug is excluded along with non-selective beta-adrenoreceptor blockers, such as propranolol.Ascaril instruction syrup for children

The doctors' opinions about the use of the medicine

Many parents are concerned about the fact that the composition contains many dyes and flavors. Is it possible to use "Ascoril" (syrup) for children in this case? Opinions of pediatricians on this bill diverge. Some say that only safe additives are used in the manufacture of the drug, so you can safely buy the product in the pharmacy. Other doctors are not so positive about the drug "Ascoril". They leave the following comments: they say, even with an abundance of such additives, the flavor of the syrup is bitterish and not all children like it. In this case, they advise to choose a more "tasty" and effective analog, for example, the medicine "Erespal".

Another exciting question that parents ask when they come to see a pediatrician or go for another expectorant in the pharmacy - how safe is this remedy and does not harm the patient syrup "Ascoril"? Reviews again are different. Some doctors reject superfluous fears and fears even in spite of the fact that in the instruction to a medicine all possible side effects are described. Other doctors answer this question in a different way: separately taken active components of the drug have been studied and their effectiveness has been experimentally proved, and the risks of negative consequences are not high. But in the case of complex preparations, which also include the "Ascoril" syrup from cough, it almost always happens that the combination of several elements not only enhances the positive effect of the drug, but also increases the number contraindications. It follows that the drug can somehow harm the person, but it all depends on the specific characteristics of the organism and certain conditions. Some patients take this medicine and tolerate it well, while others complain of various negative consequences. But all the same doctors recommend first to try the medicine "Ascoril". Tablets or syrup buy at the pharmacy - it's at your discretion, but in advance to be afraid of this drug is not worth it. Even if you have any side effects, you can easily replace the medicine with a similar one, especially since there are lots of options.

Opinions of parents about the drug "Ascoril"

Ascoril syrup for children

Mom's comments about the treatment of children with this drug are different. But still most of the adequate parents have a positive opinion about him. According to their practice, the syrup really helps effectively cope with a dry cough, the baby is already expecting sputum the next day. A week later the symptom of the disease is completely lost. The price of this medication, although not low, but for a good result you can pay, parents believe, especially not to save on the health of the child. The opinions of the other parents are negative. Firstly, they badly speak about the drug, because it allegedly can not cope with a wet cough, but only aggravates the situation. But the fact is that this syrup treats a dry cough, and wet it does not, in this case another medicine is prescribed. Secondly, some do not follow the dose of the drug and instead of the prescribed 5 ml give children more or more, as a consequence - the emergence of a mass of negative consequences. Therefore, before reading such negative comments on the Internet, it is worthwhile to ask for consultation with a specialist who will give his recommendations about the use of the drug or appoint other treatment. In any case, the treatment of a child from a dry cough suspensions from the pharmacy can only after consulting a pediatrician, who will examine the baby, listen to him, put an accurate diagnosis and appoint the appropriate treatment. Perhaps the doctor will recommend "Ascoril" as the main drug, and maybe advise other syrups or tablets, but this in no way will mean that the medication described in this article is bad or ineffective.

Now you know what a good remedy you can cure a dry cough in a child or an adult. We found out possible side effects from taking the drug, found out what could be the consequences of his overdose, and also remembered other analogues of this medication, which can replace the syrup, if for some reason there is no possibility to be treated with a suspension or tablets "Ascoril". Instructions for the use of the drug in its entirety provides all the information regarding the medicine. Reviews about the drug are mostly positive, but there are also negative responses that can be read, but especially do not delve into them, because, without trying the action of the tool on yourself, talk about whether it is effective or not, it is impossible.

What can replace the ascaril?


Vladimir Karpachov

Ascoril does not have structural analogs for the active substance.

Analogues on the therapeutic effect (secretolitics):
◾ Ambroxol;
◾ Amersol;
◾ Chest fee 1;
◾ Chest collection number 2;
◾ Chest collection number 3;
◾Throat Elixir;
◾Domctor of IOM vegetative pastilles from cough;
◾ Cough;
◾Kodelak Broncho with thyme;
◾Koldakt Broncho;
◾Linkas Balm;
◾Mixture from cough for adults is dry;
◾Mixture from cough for children is dry;
◾Hash-anise drops;
◾ Expectorant collection;
◾ Pectusin;
◾Rinicold Bronho;
◾ Sudafed;
◾ Tussin plus;

From what cough to take "Ascoril"

What cough treats Ascoril

"Ascoril" is a combined agent that has mucolytic, bronchodilator and expectorant effect. The composition of this drug includes special active ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the body weakened by the virus. In addition, it helps to improve expectoration while coughing, making it easier. It should be noted that "Ascoril" is allowed to use at any age, but has a number of contraindications and side effects.

It should be taken into account that the preparation of this pharmacological group can be used for dry, as well as for wet cough. However, often the use of this medication is recommended for the treatment of directly dry cough. This is due to the fact that "Ascoril" contains active substance Guineesin, which contributes to a significant increase in pulmonary sputum and its excretion. It should be understood that such a drug is great for treating chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by an abundant and strong cough. These diseases include: bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pneumoconiosis, whooping cough, emphysema.

In addition, the drug "Ascoril" has in the composition of salbutamol, which affects the elimination of spasm of the bronchi. Due to this component, the lungs are cleaned and their volume is increased. There is an expansion of the coronary arteries, resistance in the larynx is removed, pressure is lowered. In addition, the drug "Ascoril" contains the active substance bromhexine, which contributes to the emergence of productive cough expectoration. This component stimulates the work of the ciliated epithelium, and as a result, the sputum is accelerated. Also, Bromgexin blocks the cough, significantly softens it.

What are the contraindications to the use of the drug "Ascoril"

Most often, when using this medication, normal intolerance to certain components of the drug appears. In the event that patients have problems with the work of the heart, then taking "Ascoril" for therapeutic cough therapy is strongly discouraged. To diseases of the cardiovascular system include: arrhythmia, myocarditis, aortic stenosis, arterial hypertension, heart defects.

In addition, it is forbidden to take such medication with endocrine disorders: hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus. Also "Ascoril" is categorically contraindicated in the presence of renal and hepatic insufficiency, glaucoma, ulcers and gastric bleeding. In addition, it can not be consumed during pregnancy, since the risk of harm to the health of the baby exceeds the expected benefit of treatment.

What are the side effects of the drug "Ascoril"

When treating such a drug in patients, the following side effects can occur: sleep disorders, indigestion, increased pulse, headache, discoloration of urine, decreased blood pressure, allergic reactions - angioedema, hives.

"Ascoril cheap analogue. "Ascoril" (tablets, syrup): instructions for use, reviews, price

Coughing is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of a cold and a viral infection that can not be allowed to go by itself. If it is started, then pneumonia can develop, which can be very dangerous for life. For treatment, there are a huge number of drugs that can cope with a wet and debilitating dry cough. The task for these medications is different. The action of some is aimed at excretion of sputum from the bronchi, while others soothe the so-called cough reflex in the brain and suppress the cough. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right cough remedy so as not to aggravate the condition. In this article, we will talk about the testimony and how to select an inexpensive analog to the drug "Ascoril".

Ascoril cheap analog

Structure of the medicine

In one tablet, the preparation "Ascoril" contains the following active components:

  • salbutamol - 2 mg;
  • bromhexine 8 mg;
  • guaifenesin - 100 mg.

The menthol is also added to the syrup.

When appointing tablets or syrup "Ascoril"

Instructions for use inform you that this medication is prescribed when there are acute or chronic forms of broncho-pulmonary diseases with a difficult sputum on the following diagnoses:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the tissues of the bronchi and trachea (tracheobronchitis);
  • bronchitis of the obstructive type, when the air flow in the respiratory organs is limited;
  • pneumonia;
  • Emphysema, when the tissues of the lungs have a large content of air;
  • tuberculosis, confirmed and unconfirmed by a number of histological and clinical analyzes;
  • acute and chronic forms of bronchitis;
  • severe violation of the respiration process - cystic fibrosis.
Ascoril price

In no case can you resort to taking Ascoril from a cough without consulting your doctor. This is especially true for children, since the action is aimed at intensive liquefaction and excretion of sputum from the respiratory tract cavity. It should also be remembered that dry cough "Ascoril" will not cure, since it has a completely different effect than antitussives, soothing reflexes in the brain. He relaxes the musculature of the bronchi and will act as an expectorant.

How to drink medicine

The instruction contains information on the recommended doses of both tablets and "Ascoril Syrup". The practice has been practiced since the age of six. Recommended reception schemes are as follows:

  • adults drink 1 tablet three times a day;
  • children older than 6 years - half the tablets of 2-3 per day;
  • the drug "Ascoril" in the form of syrup is prescribed for adults to 10 ml three times a day;
  • Children over 6 years - 5 ml three times a day.
Ascoril syrup application

It is best to drink the drug after eating for about half an hour or an hour after eating. Doctors warn that in no case should you drink the medicine with a liquid with a high content of alkali, for example, a mineral water or milk with soda. Such a drink will weaken the effect of the medicine.

Side effects

The intake of tablets and syrup can cause the following negative reactions from the body:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers and intestines;
  • muscle cramps;
  • tremor of hands;
  • allergic manifestations.

When taking large doses of the drug may manifest tachycardia, headaches, dizziness, nervousness, drowsiness or sleep disturbance, collapse, pressure decrease, peripheral vasodilation (vasodilation and their ability to create pressure).

Interaction with other drugs

The simultaneous use of tablets and syrup "Ascoril" along with drugs that contain theophylline, will increase the likelihood of side effects. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe the drug together with drugs containing codeine, since this will make it more difficult for the mucus to escape and adversely affect the condition of the lungs.

When carrying out antibiotic therapy, it should be remembered that the substance bromhexine performs better penetrability in the lung tissue of drugs that contain components such as erythromycin, cephalexin and Oxytetracycline.

Categorically prohibited simultaneous reception of the drug "Ascoril" along with nonselective blockers of beta-adrenoreceptors, MAO inhibitors and diuretics.

special instructions

The patients' comments say that when treating with the medicine "Ascoril the color of urine can be observed in pink because of the fact that the composition includes guaifenesin.

Overdose can make itself felt by pronounced side effects. If symptoms develop, immediately consult a doctor who prescribes symptomatic treatment.

Doctors say that during pregnancy and lactating mothers the medicine is not prescribed, since it can be transmitted through the umbilical cord or with milk to the baby.

Price policy

What is the price of the drug "Ascoril"? In the pharmacy for 10 tablets will have to give about 170 rubles, the cost of 20 tablets will be about 300 rubles, and for 50 tablets the price is about 560 rubles.

The cost of the syrup, depending on the number of milliliters in the vial (100 or 200), is from 230 to 500 rubles.

Hence, we can conclude that the tablets "Ascoril the price of which though not small, but you can buy more doses of the drug than its substitutes, it is more profitable to drink. Moreover, as the people who received them say, they are less likely to develop allergic reactions.

Drug analogues

Does the medicine "Ascoril" have a cheap analog? You can always find a drug, the cost of which will be less, but the question arises: "Will he cope with the delivered task? "First of all, when choosing a replacement, you need to consider the reason why this medication can not be taken facilities.

If the medicine has not come up and caused an allergic reaction, then you need to look for an expectorant with another compound. Erespal, which includes the active component of fenspiride hydrochloride, can be classified as such. You can also buy a syrup or Lazolvan tablets as a replacement, the active ingredient of which is a substance called ambroxol hydrochloride.

If you just need to pick up an inexpensive analogue for Ascoril, because its cost is too high, then it is necessary to consider the indications for medicines. To expectorants can include such drugs as "Bromgeksin "Pertusin". Also, a cheap analogue, Travisil syrup, will be used as a substitute for the medicine "Ascoril".

 Ascoril preparation

In the pharmaceutical market, just a huge number of different expectorants, and substitutes for any of the medicines may be offered by pharmacists in the pharmacy, but the decision to use the analog is better taken together with the attending physician, which will tell you which composition will work best in each individual the case.

Lazolvan preparation: instructions

What is better to choose: the drug "Ascoril" or "Lazolvan"? To answer this question, you need to consider the composition and effect of these drugs and compare their pricing policy.

The main advantage of Lazolvan is that it can be taken by children, starting from the second year of life. While the tablets and syrup "Ascoril" is prescribed only from the age of 6.

The mechanism of action of this drug is that the main component is the substance of ambroxol hydrochloride - exerts an expectorant effect, namely, dilutes sputum in the bronchi and promotes it excretion.

Ascoril of coughing

The instructions say that the medicine is available in the form of a solution, tablets and syrup, which will allow you to select the most convenient reception scheme. The medicine "Lazolvan" is prescribed for the treatment of such diseases:

  • bronchitis, including obstructive;
  • asthma with heavy sputum discharge;
  • pneumonia;
  • Respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants.

In most cases, this medicine is transferred without any side effects. However, provided that there is a sensitivity to some of the substances in its composition, allergic manifestations may occur. From the digestive system may be such violations as heartburn and nausea.

When appointing pregnant and lactating women, the application instruction recommends observing the usual rules of caution. There was no adverse effect on the child when taken, although the active ingredient is transmitted through milk and cord blood.

While the drug "Lazolvan" copes well with the excretion of sputum, in fact, and the meaning of expectorants, its price is much lower and is 300 rubles for 50 tablets.

Travisyl preparation: instruction

Indications for this tool are bronchitis, tracheobronchitis and tracheitis. The main advantage is that it contains extracts of herbs, but it can also cause allergies. Produced in the form of candies and syrup, which have an antiemetic and expectorant effect.

The advantage of the syrup is that it is prescribed to children from the first year of life.

Side effects, except for a possible allergy due to individual sensitivity, was not observed. The price of the drug is 100-150 rubles.

dry cough ascoril

Preparation "Erespal instruction

The drug "Erespal" is a bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory drug, which is indicated to patients with inflammatory processes, swelling and spasms of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The main component of the drug is the substance fenspiride hydrochloride, which can also be attributed to complex drugs with antihistamine effect.

About what medicine is better - the drug "Ascoril" or "Erespal can only tell the attending physician. In some cases, a complex tool will be inappropriate. But if the bronchitis has become a concomitant diagnosis and along with it there is a stuffy nose, otitis and laryngitis, then this medicine will help to cope with the symptoms of all these diagnoses.

The product "Erespal" is produced in the form of syrup and tablets, its cost ranges from 200-300 rubles, depending on the form of the drug and the pharmacy.

ascoril or asphyxiation

The main disadvantage of this medication is that it can be prescribed only from the age of 14, it is also not used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating children. It is transferred well, provided there is no sensitivity to the components.

Cough syrup for children

cough syrup for children

A frequent symptom of colds in childhood is cough. Distinguish dry and wet cough, each of which has its own characteristics.

So, if children have a wet cough, then the treatment is aimed at removing accumulated sputum from the respiratory tract.

With a dry cough, it is necessary to calm the cough center, as its irritation over-tires the child. In this case, there are painful sensations in the muscles from straining, sleep disturbances and excessive irritation of the nasopharynx.

It is believed that it is easier for a child to bear a wet cough than dry. And it is safer, because with a dry cough the child may have attacks of suffocation.

It is necessary to distinguish which medicine will help the child from a damp cough, and what can be drunk with a dry cough for children.

What can I give a child from a wet cough?

Because in childhood, sputum is viscous enough, it can be difficult to retreat. A doctor may prescribe an expectorant or mucolytic cough medicine for children in the form of a syrup.

Pediatricians prefer the following syrups from a wet cough:

  1. Lazolvan.Syrup from a wet cough for children Lazolvan helps to remove viscous sputum in various diseases upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma), reduce its adhesive properties and viscosity. In half an hour the child will feel relief. The therapeutic effect is maintained for at least six hours.
  2. Dry cough medicine for children.As a good expectorant is dry cough medicine for children, which allows to strengthen peristalsis of bronchioles, as a result of which there is a more successful excretion phlegm. The glycyrrhizic acid included in its composition has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Herbion syrup of primrose.The composition of the herbion from wet cough includes the roots of the primrose and the herb of thyme, which facilitate coughing and dilute thick viscous mucus. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Propane.Propane is an absolutely safe medicine, as its composition includes plant components. It helps to withdraw phlegm from the bronchi, improve the blood supply to the lungs and restore the drainage function of the bronchi.
  5. Ascoril Expert.The syrup for the children of Ascoril has a bronchodilator effect, helping to relax the muscles of the bronchi and reduce the irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. Included in its composition, guaifensin allows you to translate the cough from unproductive to productive.
  6. Bromhexine.A good mucolytic agent is bromhexine for children, which helps cope with difficult to separate sputum in such serious diseases as pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis. If a child has sputum accumulation in the bronchi as a result of a surgical procedure, then bromhexine is prescribed most often.

How to treat dry cough?

To treat this type of cough use drugs that depress the cough center.

The following syrups from dry cough most deserve the trust of doctors and are appointed in childhood:

  1. Libexin muko.Quite often pediatricians prescribe to the child a syrup from a dry cough libexin muco, which allows to eliminate spasm of the bronchi. However, it is contraindicated for children up to two years.
  2. Ambrogen. Syrup based on plantain ambroben allows to reduce the viscosity of phlegm. It can be given to a child from birth. However, if it is used incorrectly, stagnation in the bronchi is possible. Therefore, it must be used strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. Doctor Theiss.Syrup with plantain Dr. Thiess is an effective mucolytic, anti-inflammatory agent that can cure dry cough in childhood. The child will not give up such a medicine, because it is characterized by a sweet taste due to the sucrose entering into its composition.
  4. Herbion syrup of plantain.In the herbion of dry cough, in addition to plantain also includes flowers of mallow. When it is used on the mucous membrane of the throat, a thin layer forms, which protects it from irritants. As a result, recovery is faster. Herbion helps to alleviate a child's unproductive cough.what can a child get from a cough
  5. Flavamed.A solution for oral administration of flavamed can be a safe drug, so it can be given even to a newborn baby. However, stasis may arise if it is used in parallel with other antitussive drugs that are designed to depress the cough center.

It should be remembered that in order to achieve the best therapeutic effect in the treatment of cough, one should take into account its type - wet it and silt dry. Properly selected medications in accordance with the type of cough will help the child to transfer the disease more easily and quickly recover.

To the child, strong. cough, all the medicines that were, lazolvan, bronchiums, ascaril, mukholtin, azz do not help, what else can I do?



can in the beginning to the doctor?

Antonina Kolyada

antibiotic suprax, helps with the first dose. It costs about 700 rubles. Oh. good


Worms cause a cough.. . Check the child for their presence.. .http: //


We were helped at the age of 4 only by grinding licorice rootlets for a month (they are sweet), the baby was 4 years old, even in the department they were treated - they could not take a cough. The child is allergic.

Oksana Kinkova

Here only inhalations will help. Buy an inhaler.

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