Hepatitis C and its incubation period

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Hepatitis is a liver disease, is viral in nature or does not have the ability to be transmitted from one person to another. The disease manifests itself as an ordinary cold, accompanied by jaundice, nausea, vomiting. More than half of the patients have an asymptomatic period of exposure to the virus. Among the hepatitis type A, B, C, the most dangerous is the latter. It grows into a chronic, acute form, slowly kills the liver, causes its cirrhosis, increases the chances of developing cancer on the victim. The incubation period of hepatitis C does not always take the same time, is asymptomatic, harm slowly.

  • Features of the incubation period
  • Danger of the disease, its first signs
  • Preventive measures to help avoid hepatitis
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Features of the incubation period

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There are several varieties of the hepatitis type C virus. Each of them has its own period of influence. Disease in men and women manifests itself in the same way or does not make itself felt at all. The incubation period of the disease is:

  • 20 days - the minimum time of the incubation period of the hepatitis virus;
  • 50 days - the average indicator of the period of the development of the disease;
  • 140 days is the maximum period for the virus to become effective.

The period during which the disease does not have the opportunity to fully influence the human body, on average, is 2 months.

Note!Since the presence of the virus in the body for a long time remains invisible, every person needs to regularly take tests. A general blood test helps to identify the virus at any stage of its development.

The incubation period is the time during which the virus adapts to the human body, develops the organ necessary for its vital activity. After a period of adaptation, it begins to slowly harm. Hepatitis type C is the most dangerous, it harms the human body almost imperceptibly, the consequences of its impact are very serious.

Danger of the disease, its first signs

Viral disease of liver type C is dangerous because the virus affects the body very badly, this leads to serious problems. The presence of a virus in the human body has a number of the following features:

  • affects the human liver is practically asymptomatic;
  • kills the liver cells slowly but efficiently;
  • leads to the formation of cirrhosis of the liver, the growth of cancer cells;
  • more often hepatitis of another type passes into a chronic or acute form.

It is important!Viral hepatitis has the property of being transmitted from one person to another. If you do not take precautions, everyone can easily become infected, having received a number of unpleasant consequences.

The first signs of the fact that children or adults have a hepatitis C problem, if they make themselves felt, will manifest themselves as follows:

  • weakness in the body, general fatigue, lack of normal appetite;
  • a significant rise in the temperature of the human body;
  • persistent nausea and vomiting;
  • jaundice, pain in the abdomen, discomfort;
  • The color of urine becomes darker, and with the calorie masses occurs vice versa.

These problems are direct indicators of the fact that the incubation period of the virus is already behind, it is strong enough to work on the body in such a specific way. With hepatitis type C, the possibility of a person getting liver cancer increases by 30%, which is very bad.

Note!Hepatitis is treated medically. During the presence of the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a number of special medications to the patient. An additional measure of treatment is always a special diet.

Preventive measures to help avoid hepatitis

In women, men, children, type C hepatitis manifests itself in the same way. Often it proceeds asymptomatically, only its acute form is manifested. To determine the precautionary measures that help to avoid the problem, a person needs to study in detail the ways of transferring it, which are the following:

  • from mother to child during childbirth;
  • through the use of other people's things, which have very close contact with the body - razors, toothbrushes;
  • subsequently unprotected sex;
  • during a blood transfusion, if several people use the same syringe;
  • with the constant need to work with human blood.

The infectivity of hepatitis C does not manifest itself in the incubation period of the virus, but if it is in the active phase, this probability increases several times.

The preventive measures that must be followed by each person so that he can not become infected with hepatitis type C should be as follows:

  • permanent actions aimed at strengthening human immunity;
  • minimal contact with personal belongings of another person - toothbrushes, shaving machines;
  • use of contraceptives during sexual intercourse;
  • checking medical supplies for sterility;

Note!Regular vaccination is another, most productive precautionary measure. People who regularly vaccinate against hepatitis are in a less risky zone than those who do not do such injections at all.

When donating blood to determine in it the presence or absence of the hepatitis C virus, it's up to the person. This measure is not an absolute necessity, but allows a person to once again check the state of his health. To avoid infection with a virus, a person should constantly take preventive measures, avoid close contact with patients, monitor their health, constantly improving it.

A fully healthy person can tolerate any type of hepatitis easily, and if there are problems with the protective barriers of the body, it will be difficult for a person to cope with the problem without medical assistance. The disease is contagious, those who are at risk, will not interfere with increased precautions.