How to pierce the nose in genyantema

Sinusitis-which way of treatment is better! -Probate or go to the grandmother-if there are experts, give advice! Please! advice!


In T

ENT doctor. Genyantritis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinus paratus, it appears as a complication in acute colds, flu, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases. The adnexal sinuses are a formation in the form of small caverns that have a communication with the nasal cavity. Another name for this formation is the maxillary sinus or sinus sinus.

Why does sinusitis occur?

The main cause of sinusitis is infection - bacteria or viruses penetrate into the maxillary sinus through the nasal cavity or through the blood and cause an inflammatory process.

Predisposing factors

1. Conditions that violate nasal breathing: curvature of the nasal septum, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (enlargement of nasal concha), in children - adenoids, allergic diseases of the nose.

2. Immunity disorders, which lead to long-term chronic diseases, allergic conditions, etc.

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3. Untimely or incorrect treatment of the common cold, acute respiratory disease, rhinitis, which causes complications of sinusitis.

4. Bacteriosis.

5. Congenital disorders of development of anatomical structures of the nasal cavity.

How is it manifested sinusitis?

1. There are unpleasant sensations in the nose and near-nasal region, which gradually increase. Pain - less pronounced in the morning, towards evening increase. Gradually, the pain "loses" a certain place and the patient starts to ache. If the process is unilateral, then the pains are noted on the one hand.
2. Difficulty with nasal breathing. The patient has a stuffy nose. The voice acquires a nasal hue. As a rule, both halves of the nose are laid. Difficulty of nasal breathing is constant or with little relief. Alternate obstruction of the right and left halves of the nose is possible.

3. Coryza. In most cases, the patient has mucous (transparent) or purulent (yellow, green) discharge from the nose. This symptom may not be, if the nose is heavily stuffed, since outflow from the sinus is difficult (this was mentioned above).

4. Raise body temperature to 38 and above. As a rule, this symptom is observed in acute maxillary sinusitis. In a chronic process, body temperature rarely rises.

5. Malaise. This is expressed by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse food, they are disturbed by sleep.

Complications of the disease

The most dangerous thing that chronic purulent maxillary sinusitis can give is meningitis (inflammation of the meninges). In addition, there is a danger of diseases such as myocarditis, kidney damage, and also sinusitis can serve as a source of generalized infection.

Diagnosis of genyantritis

The diagnosis of sinusitis is based on clinical data and the results of radiography or computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses.


The basis of the genyantritis is the swelling of the mucous membrane, which blocks the sinus between the maxillary sinus and the nasal cavity. Therefore, the main treatment should be aimed at fighting the swelling of the nasal mucosa - you need to ensure a good outflow from the sinus.

In the treatment of sinusitis, conservative (medicamentous) and surgical methods are used.

At the heart of medical treatment of sinusitis, local procedures must necessarily lie - the use of drops, sprays, inhalers, capable of eliminating the swelling of the mucous membrane. A good effectiveness in the treatment of sinusitis manifests the drug Sinuforte. With the advent of a new preparation of plant origin, Sinuforte, the need for a puncture has come to the fore. The composition of the drug includes natural ingredients from the cyclamen tubers. More details about the preparation are here.

Vasoconstrictive drugs include: Tizin, Nazivin, Sanorin, Nazole, Galazolin, and Conanos. When sinusitis should adhere to certain rules for pouring into the nose of medicinal fluids. The patient should lie on his side, after which to drip vasoconstrictive drops in the half of the nose, on which the patient lies - the drops should get on the side wall of the nose. In this position should be at least 5 minutes.

Star Star

antibiotics! definitely!

*** SKARLETT ***

TREAT!!! what other money?. .
miss time then and medicine will NOT help


First, treat well, and then quickly. descend or go to lorikam let will register antibiotics, warming up and a lavage of a nasal cavity... do not do self-medication, but do not hurry... Get well!

Alexander Safonov

To the doctor!


it is better to treat with antibiotics for two weeks.
At me a chronic genyantritis, already anything does not help or assist me. lived earlier where constant rains. on the beginning antibiotics very much helped or assisted.
What does it mean to go to the grandmother?


5 times a day, rinse with a solution: 1ml salt, soda and a couple drops of iodine on, a glass of water, antibiotics and ultrasonic inhalations with a decoction of chamomile! I must help, I helped, I refused to punch!


It is necessary to create a good outflow of contents from the sinus together with the implementation of anti-inflammatory therapy. To do this, antibacterial drugs are prescribed taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient (possible allergic reactions) and sensitivity flora (it is desirable to make a swab from the nose to the flora), antihistamine, antipyretic drugs, topically: vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory drops or ointments. Usually a positive effect occurs in the first 48 hours: the well-being improves, the body temperature normalizes, the headache decreases or disappears, and pain in the area of ​​the inflamed sinus. When prescribing antibacterial therapy, too short courses (1-3 days) are not recommended, a relapse of the disease is possible or long (more than 10 days) courses because there is a risk of fungal development infection. In the resolution (recovery) stage, the courses of physiotherapy

Olivia Parker

Last year I was sick. 10 days has pierced antibiotics and has forgotten that such a genyantritis. In general, do not delay with treatment. Sinusitis is dangerous. Good luck!

Tatiana Pronoza

I treated myself like this: in equal quantities, aloe juice, honey, onion juice. Lying on my side I dig in one nostril, so that I get into the maxillary sinus, I lie about five minutes. Then I turn to the other side and also into the second nostril. The procedure is not very easy, because immediately, as it is digested, burns, sometimes strongly, even in the head gives. But we must endure, not more than a minute, the burning sensation passes. But I was cured for three days. But the disease was not neglected and I did not receive medication

Kristina Kubareva

The sea is also a disease for me, she was pricked to me! And I'm 11 years old performed in winter 5 times the doctors were sick telling me to go to sea there and all I need at sea is to help. ( Sorry for my mistakes)


Whether it is possible to accept sinupret together with rinofluimitsilom, it is natural to prick an antibiotic

When a puncture is prescribed in genyantritis and what are the myths associated with the implementation of this procedure

Sinusitis in our time is a fairly common ailment. He is equally affected by both adults and children.

As a rule, sinusitis develops against the background of acute respiratory diseases and is one of the forms of localization of sinusitis.

Sinusitis is also characterized by inflammatory processes in one or more paranasal sinuses.

Very often it happens that the drug treatment does not bring the desired results and then the patient is prescribed a puncture in the genyantritis. As a rule, this measure is associated with a high probability of spreading inflammatory processes to other organs and the development of complications such as meningitis or blood infection.

In severe disease and the development of dangerous complications, a procedure such as an operation on the maxillary sinus may be necessary.

There are a number of indications for a puncture in genyantritis, among them:

  • Lack of any improvement during the two-week treatment of sinusitis.
  • Absence of a positive effect from medications prescribed by a doctor, a lack of improvement even in the treatment of genyantritis with antibiotics and various procedures for sinusitis.
  • Acute pain in the sinuses of the nose, which increase with tilting and turning the head.
  • High body temperature of the patient (from 38 C).
  • Complaints of the patient for an unpleasant smell in the nose.
  • Clearly viewed on the roentgenogram areas with pus in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

Of course, these are not all factors, based on which the expert appoints a puncture in genyantritis. Each case must be considered individually.

Factors such as:

  • general condition of the body;
  • presence of individual contraindications;
  • absence / presence of certain symptoms of the disease.

Often it happens that the patient, who shows a puncture in genyantritis, refuses the procedure, arguing for his refusal to have fears for his health.

Unfortunately, there are many myths that concern the puncture in genyantritis. One of the biggest misconceptions about puncture in sinusitis is the myth that after this The operation of the sinusitis turns into a chronic form and with a new aggravation of the disease it will again be necessary puncture. However, according to experts, if you take into account the factors of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, then after a puncture with genyantritis the disease returns only as a result of incomplete treatment.

Is it painful to make a puncture in genyantritis: how do sinus punctures for genyantritis

Many people refuse from the procedure of the puncture of the sinuses of the sinus in the genyantritis, because they experience fear.

As a rule, this fear is caused by the possible presence of painful sensations during the operation to puncture the sinuses in the genyantritis.

On whether it is painful to make a puncture, the specialists-otolaryngologists patients are constantly interested, many patients refuse from the procedure of pricking of the nose with genyantritis only because of the extreme impressionability.

In some clinics, in such cases, the patient may be offered a puncture operation under general anesthesia.

Although, during the procedure of the puncture of the sinuses of the sinus in the genyantritis under local anesthesia, there are practically no grounds for fear, the pain sensations are effectively stopped by powerful medications. Discomfort to the patient can be delivered unless the lavage of the sinus with saline solution, which is necessarily performed after the puncture.

It is worth noting

During washing in the sinus area there are unpleasant sensations, as if there is a foreign object under the skin, however, these sensations are short-lived.

Therefore, the question of whether it is painful to make a puncture in genyantritis, specialists, as a rule, answer that the procedure is practically painless and well tolerated even by young children.

Also, many patients are interested in the way sinus puncture is done in sinusitis. In fact, this operation is extremely simple in its execution, although it requires special training of a specialist-otolaryngologist.

Let's consider, how do a sinus puncture at a genyantritis on points:

  • The doctor enters into the nasal passage of the patient a cotton swab soaked in an anesthetic composition.
  • A special needle the doctor makes a puncture of the maxillary sinus through the nasal passage.
  • Using a syringe, the doctor removes the mucus and pus that accumulate in the maxillary sinus.
  • The doctor begins to wash the sinuses with saline, this procedure is also carried out through a syringe.
  • After liberation of the sinus from saline, the doctor fills it with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medications.
  • A needle is removed from the sinus (in some cases, inside the sinus, a catheter is left at the puncture site, through which, if necessary, it will be possible to wash the sinus every day until the end of the treatment).

Complications that may occur in a patient after the procedure for a puncture of the sinuses with genyantritis, of course, exist, but the probability of their development is extremely small.

Among them we can mention:

  • abscess of cheek(occurs when bacteria enter the sinus cavity);
  • otitis(occurs as a result of incomplete treatment);
  • edema(most often occurs as a reaction to surgical intervention, with proper treatment, edema is fairly simple to stop);
  • meningitis;
  • vascular embolism;
  • accumulation of airor gases in the tissues of the cheek or orbit;
  • inflammationbecause of the accumulations in the soft tissues of the face of cellular elements with an admixture of blood and lymph.

Experts note that in most cases, after the operation to puncture the sinuses of the sinus in the genyantritis, the patient becomes significantly it is better almost immediately after the procedure, the general condition improves, the body temperature normalizes and recovery comes much faster. How to make a puncture in genyantritis, you can look at the video below.


How do they break through the genyantritis and why?


Hello. My name is Ekaterina. My husband has sinusitis and needs to be punched. The husband is afraid, said that he will not go. Tell me, how do menopause go? Why is this necessary?


Hello, Catherine. Puncture with genyantritis is necessary in the bilateral form of the disease and the presence of purulent contents. Many people are afraid to break through the genyantritis and therefore wonder how the sinusitis penetrates. This procedure is not complicated and in some cases gives the only possibility for recovery without serious complications, since the outflow of pus from the sinuses is complicated due to inflammation and edema.

The procedure of penetration of sinusitis is performed under local anesthesia. With the help of Lidocaine or Novocain, irrigation of the nasal cavity is first performed, and then an injection with these preparations is made. Then, with the help of special tools, the maxillary sinuses are opened, the pus is pumped out, and the antibiotics are washed and injected. After the procedure, the puncture is treated with conservative methods. See also "Sinusitis Photo".

How to pierce a nose without drops at home

Nasal congestion is a very common symptom that occurs in the common cold, colds, allergic rhinitis and other common diseases. Therefore, every person is familiar with the feeling of "stuffiness" when breathing through the nose is simply impossible.

At this point, you begin to look for - how to pierce your nose with a cold or cold?

In most cases, people resort to special drops - alpha-adrenomimetics or decongestants. The most popular among them are Nazivin, Naftizin, Otrivin. Despite their high effectiveness, otolaryngologists do not recommend using them on an ongoing basis, since they are capable of cause hypertrophy (proliferation) of the nasal mucosa and / or have a systemic effect, which is extremely dangerous for children and pregnancy. At this point, the question arises - how to pierce the nose without drops?

There is a large list of methods of "piercing" the nose, without using decongestants, they include:

  • Physical exercises.
  • Massage.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Rinsing of the nose.
  • Aromatherapy.
  • Warming of the nose.
  • Inhalations.

Physical exercises are the guarantee of health. This rule is familiar to any physician from any field of medicine, and otolaryngology is no exception. Here the main thing is to choose the right exercises, because it's quite easy to pierce the nose without drops with the help of the appropriate physiotherapy exercises.

In the fight against acute and chronic diseases of the nasal cavity, the following complex of exercises is considered effective:

  1. Pinch both nostrils with your fingers, close your mouth and hold your breath. Start quickly to go and move to the acute need to breathe in.
  2. Sit down. Align the back. Maximize your concentration on breathing.
  3. Let go of the nose. Try to resume the normal rhythm of breathing without opening your mouth. At the same time, one should avoid deep breaths and exhalations.
  4. Take a small breath and on exhalation try to relax all muscles of the shoulder and chest muscles as much as possible. Repeat again.
  5. Gradually try to switch to this mode of breathing, while remaining as relaxed as possible.


In 90% of cases, these exercises allow you to get rid of the stuffiness after 2-3 minutes. The better the patient is able to control his muscles (especially the diaphragm) so effective such exercises become.

Massage.Chinese acupressure can be exactly what a pierce nose in the rhinitis will be extremely simple. All that is required is to memorize the 7 points that need to be gently massaged with the fingertips several times a day.

These points include:

  1. Grooves at the wings of the nose.
  2. Between the lower edge of the nose and the upper lip. Here you need to find small bumps.
  3. The tip of the nose.
  4. Whiskey.
  5. Glabella. Point just above the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead.
  6. The inner corners of the eyes.
  7. Grooves behind the lobes of the ears.

Massage should be done only with warm hands, and pressure and rotation should be continuous and slow, moderate force, preferably - clockwise.

It is strictly forbidden to use massage at elevated body temperature.

Physiotherapy.Basically, physiotherapy is used in the treatment of chronic rhinitis (hr. coryza) in outpatient and outpatient settings, but can also be prescribed for a common cold.

The physiotherapy procedures that help in solving the problem, how to pierce the nose without drops, and get rid of the disease include:

  • Ultraviolet irradiation - UHF. The course of treatment is 5-7 days, 1 procedure per day in the morning.
  • Laser therapy.If there are special devices (for example "Azor-IC") can be carried out at home. The course of treatment is prescribed individually, but on average 3-5 days for 2 procedures per day.

Rinsing of the nose.Most otolaryngologists, answering the question of patients "How to pierce the nose with a cold?" Recommend washing the nose. Most often they prescribe funds on a salt basis or an ordinary saline solution that helps not only get rid of stuffiness, but also remove the swelling of the mucous membrane and promote the drainage (cleansing) of the paranasal sinuses.

The salt solution can be prepared at home without much effort. To do this, in 250-300 ml of boiled hot water it is necessary to dissolve 1/3 of a teaspoon of salt. Next you need to wash your nose 2-3 times a day.

Aromatherapy. Less popular and somewhat less effective means. But with the right selection of drugs, can both pierce the nose without drops, and positively affect the entire body.

The most popular ethereal remedies for the treatment of cold and cold are eucalyptus and mint oil, which are the basis for inhalations.

Nasal warming. It is often used in the treatment of nasal congestion in the home in children and adults. Most often it is recommended to carry out heating with tissue bags filled with food salt or ordinary sand, preheated in a frying pan to a temperature of 65-75 ° C.

Than to pierce a nose at a cold, using folk remedies

Alternative medicine has long known how to pierce the nose with a cold without using any medications. In its arsenal is a large list of drugs that can both pierce the nose without drops, and contribute to treatment, or even completely cure the person.

The most effective and widespread means of traditional medicine are:

  • Cotton buds with honey.
  • Juice of medicinal plants.
  • Powder of mustard.
  • Inhalations with garlic.

Cotton sticks with honey. An extremely simple method. The whole point is the abundant lubrication of the tip of the cotton swab with honey and putting them into the nostrils for 10-20 minutes, after which the nasal breathing significantly improves.

Juice of medicinal plants. Fresh leaves of aloe or mother-and-stepmother must be crushed and squeezed out of them, then bury it in the nose 3 times a day throughout the course of treatment.

Powder of mustard. A very simple remedy that allows you to pierce your nose without drops, and completely get rid of the common cold in just 1 night. All that is necessary is to pour the mustard powder into the socks and put them on for the night.

Garlic inhalation.After wiping a few grits of garlic on a small grater, pour them into a small glass, placing it in a container with hot water. Next, cover the glass with a funnel made of plain paper, inhale through it a pair of garlic for 2-3 minutes for each nostril. This procedure should be done 2-3 times a day.

Despite the lower effectiveness of folk remedies compared to pharmacological drugs, they also can remove inflammatory reactions and nasal congestion, while not having a negative effect on organism. For this reason, experienced doctors often include in the main treatment folk remedies, especially to children and women during pregnancy.


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