Atakand is a combined drug that belongs to the group of antagonists.
In its composition is a substance such as kandersatana tsileksetil. The medicine is effectively used in the case of hypertension of various types and varieties. The drug creates a vasoconstrictive effect, and also regulates the water-salt balance.
On this page you will find all information about Atacand: full instructions for use on this medication medium, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already applied Atacand. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.
Clinical and pharmacological group
Angiotensin II receptor antagonist.
Conditions of leave from pharmacies
It is released on prescription.
Price list
How much does Atacand cost? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of2 100 rubles.
.Form of issue and composition
Atakand is produced in the form of round light pink tablets (14 pcs. Each). in a blister, 2 blisters in a cardboard bundle).
- Active ingredient: candesartan cilexetil, in 1 tablet - 8, 16 and 32 mg.
Excipients: carmellose calcium, magnesium stearate, giprolase, iron dye red pigment, lactose monohydrate, macrogol, corn starch.
Pharmacological effect
Atakand is an antagonist of type 2 angiotensin receptors and, consequently, an antihypertensive agent.
It blocks the receptors of angiotensin type 1, which leads to suppression of the effects of angiotensin of the second type (vasoconstrictor effect, stimulation of aldosterone synthesis and cell growth, regulation of water-salt exchange). Antihypertensive action is associated with a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance without increasing the frequency of cardiac contractions.
The drug does not inhibit the angiotensin-converting enzyme. Does not affect other receptors or ion channels.
Indications for use
Indications for the appointment of Atakanda are: arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure and violation systolic function of the left ventricle (with intolerance to ACE inhibitors or as an additional treatment for inhibitors ACE).
According to instructions Atakand is contraindicated in:
- Pregnancy and breast-feeding;
- Violation of the function of the liver;
- Hypersensitivity to candesartan cilexetil or ancillary drug components.
It is recommended to use caution when using Atacanda with:
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
- Stenosis of the aortic or mitral valve;
- Pronounced renal failure;
- Elevated levels of potassium;
- Stenosis of the arteries of both kidneys or stenosis of the artery of a single kidney;
- Primary hyperaldosteronism;
- Ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease;
Also, the drug should be cautiously prescribed to children under the age of 18, patients who underwent a kidney transplant.
Instructions for use
The instructions for use indicate that Atakand should be taken 1 time / day, regardless of food intake. To ensure the following dosing regimen, Atakand can be used in the form of tablets of 8 and 16 mg.
Heart failure:
- The recommended initial dose of Atakand is 4 mg (1/2 table. on 8 mg) 1 time / sut. An increase in the dose to 32 mg 1 time / day or up to the maximum tolerated dose is carried out by doubling it at intervals of not less than 2 weeks.
- Atakand can be administered together with other agents used in the therapy of chronic cardiac insufficiency, for example, with ACE inhibitors, beta-adrenoblockers, diuretics and cardiac glycosides.
- Elderly patients and patients with impaired renal, hepatic or hypovolemic function do not need to change the initial dose of the drug.
- The safety and effectiveness of Atakand in children and adolescents under the age of 18 years have not been established.
Arterial hypertension:
- The recommended initial and maintenance dose of Atakand is 8 mg 1 time / day. The dose can be increased to 16 mg 1 time / day. Patients who failed to sufficiently reduce blood pressure after 4 weeks of taking Atakand in a dose of 16 mg / day, it is recommended to increase the dose to 32 mg 1 time / day. If the therapy with Atacand does not lead to a decrease in blood pressure to the optimal level, it is recommended to change the treatment regimen.
- Therapy should be adjusted in accordance with the level of blood pressure. The maximum antihypertensive effect is achieved within 4 weeks from the start of treatment.
- In elderly patients, there is no need to adjust the initial dose of the drug.
- The initial daily dose in patients with mild or moderate renal dysfunction (CK 30-80 ml / min / 1.73 m2), including patients on hemodialysis, is 4 mg (1/2 table. on 8 mg). The dose should be titrated depending on the therapeutic effect of the drug. Clinical experience in the use of the drug in patients with severe renal dysfunction (CK <30 ml / min / 1.73 m2) or terminal renal failure (CK less than 15 ml / min) is limited.
- The initial daily dose of the drug in patients with impaired liver function of mild and moderate severity is 4 mg (1/2 table. on 8 mg). It is possible to increase the dose if necessary. Atakand is contraindicated in patients with severe impairment of liver function and / or cholestasis.
- The use of Atakand together with thiazide diuretics (for example, hydrochlorothiazide) can enhance the antihypertensive effect of Atakand.
- With hypovolemia, the recommended initial dose of Atakand is 4 mg (1/2 table. on 8 mg) 1 time / sut.
Side effects
The use of Atakanda can provoke the following side reactions:
- Defeat of the skin: the appearance of various rashes on the skin, the appearance of skin itching;
- Cardiovascular system: lowering the level of total blood pressure;
- Digestive system: violations of normal liver activity, inflammation of the liver;
- Central nervous system: headaches, dizziness;
- Musculoskeletal: the appearance of back pain, the appearance of pain in the joints, the appearance of pain in the muscles;
- Respiratory system: the emergence of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
- Urinary system: development of violations of normal kidney function;
- The hematopoietic system: a decrease in the number of neutrophils, a decrease in the number of leukocytes, an increase in the concentration of creatinine in the blood, an increase concentration of urea in the blood, a decrease in the concentration of sodium ions, a decrease in the concentration of potassium ions, an increase in the number of agranulocytes, an increase level of ALT;
- Reactions of hypersensitivity to Atakanda: urticaria, Quincke's edema.
Symptoms: an analysis of the pharmacological data of the drug suggests that the main manifestation of an overdose may be clinically pronounced arterial hypotension and dizziness. Individual cases of drug overdose (up to 672 mg of candesartan cilexetil), which resulted in the recovery of patients without severe consequences, were described.
Treatment: with the development of clinically pronounced arterial hypotension, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic treatment and monitor the patient's condition. You should put the patient on his back, lower his head down. If necessary, increase bcc, for example, by iv injection of isotonic sodium chloride solution. If necessary, sympathomimetic preparations may be prescribed. The withdrawal of candesartan by hemodialysis is unlikely.
special instructions
Atakand, according to the instructions, is not recommended for use in patients with renal insufficiency and with primary hyperaldosteronism. With renal failure during the period of drug use, it is necessary to periodically check the level of creatinine and potassium in the blood plasma.
- A sharp arterial hypotension in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular diseases and with ischemic cardiopathy can cause a stroke or the development of a myocardial infarction.
- Caution should be applied to patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and disorders due to mitral and aortic stenosis.
When taking the drug, the probability of a headache or dizziness is high, it is necessary to remember the patients involved in potentially dangerous activities, including driving a car.
Drug Interactions
When combining "Atakanda" with different medicines, the following effect is achieved:
- Diuretics and with other hypotensive drugs significantly increase the risk of arterial hypotension.
- Drugs that can affect the system of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone, often increase the level Urea with creatinine in the blood of people who suffer from bilateral stenosis of the renal artery or the artery of a single kidney.
- Therapy with these tablets leads to a significant increase in the amount of lithium that is contained in the blood serum, and also increases the risk of various toxic reactions.
- Potassium-sparing diuretics with preparations, which include potassium, and drugs that increase the concentration of potassium, serves as a cause of increased risk of hyperkalemia.
Reviews about Atakanda are generally comparable with reviews of other drugs from this group: satisfactory performance, side effects are rare.
Structural analogs for the active substance:
- Angiakand;
- Atakand Plus;
- Hypoart;
- Candecor;
- Candesartan SZ;
- Candesartan cilexetil;
- Ordiss.
Before using analogues, consult your doctor.
Storage conditions and shelf life
The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of not more than 300C. Shelf life of Atakanda is 36 months.

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