Why do hanging birthmarks appear, and how to get rid of them?

hanging molesHanging moles - a type of neoplasm, which is a built-up on the skin with a bumpy surface. The color of such a birthmark can be very diverse - from corporal to dark brown.

Such a mole, as a rule, has a benign etiology of its tissues and has the appearance of a build-up. However, doctors strongly recommend monitoring the development of such formations, since there is a threat of their transformation into a malignant tumor. This does not mean that when a hanging birthmark appears, you need to remove it immediately, but a doctor's consultation is necessary.

The appearance of hanging moles on the body can be found in different places, but the most common areas of occurrence are the neck, axillae and perineum.

What is the reason for the appearance of hanging moles

Why does this problem occur, and what is it? The appearance of hanging moles on the body can happen for various reasons, the main one of which is the papilloma virus. Such skin defects can be the result of a trauma or a malfunction in the internal organs.

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Such birthmarks can be inherited. If they are of a malignant nature, then such neoplasms require immediate removal. Although, in general, they are benign and almost safe for health, except for the fact that, located on the open areas of the body, do not adorn the appearance of a person.

Hanging moles under the armpits

Moles in this place, most often bring discomfort. For these birthmarks should be monitored closely. Since the sweat glands are located under the armpits and as people say - this area is a hotbed of microbes, so any mechanical damage to the birthmark can lead to serious problems. The slightest damage to the hanging mole can lead to the development of melanoma.

It is best to follow the birthmarks, if they do not expand and do not increase, then remove existing ones, otherwise pass the necessary tests.

Hanging moles on the neck

Hanging Birthmarks TreatmentHanging moles on the neck are most often injured if the person scratches the neck. Everyone knows that it is impossible to injure a birthmark, and if there was a trauma after all, it is necessary to treat the place where the birthmark is torn, peroxide of hydrogen and cover with greenery. Blood will bleed for a long time if you do not.

In general, the neck is one of the most open zones on the human body and therefore, if you find a hanging mole on this site, then it should be removed as soon as possible. If there is no way to do this in the near future, then the mole should be covered from the sun. Those who like to sunbathe doctors are advised to impose a patch on moles of this type.

Groin area

There is another area in which the appearance of birthmarks promises discomfort to its owner. This is the inguinal area, where their presence can impede movement, wearing certain types of clothing and so on.

Of course, a significant danger for the hanging mole is for those who regularly shave the bikini zone. If the birthmark is damaged in the groin, it is recommended that the wound be immediately treated with peroxide and greased with a green.

When should I worry?

Hanging moles are subject to mandatory examination of specialists in the event that you notice the following symptoms:

  1. The mole has turned black or has significantly changed its color.
  2. A bright halo of considerable diameter was formed around the nevus.
  3. Itching or burning for a long period of time.
  4. Education has increased significantly in size.
  5. The formation is felt for compaction.

If the hanging moles on the body have turned black, then this is a very bad omen. Most often this sign is considered a harbinger of cancer.


The main tasks of diagnosis of any nevus is the recognition of malignant process and the timely removal of hanging moles. At visual inspection the doctor estimates the sizes and structure of non-vertebral formation. Further, with the help of additional instrumental methods, confirms or excludes suspicion of melanoma.

Smears are taken in the case of the presence of secreted fluid from the nevus, however, in carrying out this study, a small trauma of the birthmark, which can become a starting point in the development of malignant process

How can I remove the hanging mole?

Many people do not know how to get rid of hanging moles. Meanwhile, it is possible to remove them by many modern means that are chosen by the attending physician. These include:

  • electrocoagulation (moxibustion);
  • laser treatment;
  • cryodestruction (elimination by liquid nitrogen);
  • radiowave excision.

Each technique has its pros and cons, but they all have an instant result, that is, the removal of the mole occurs in a few minutes.


During the cryodestruction, the problem birthmark is frozen with the help of low-temperature liquid nitrogen. Frozen nevus tissues are dead and gradually die. The drawbacks of this method include the inability to control the depth of cold exposure. Also, the patient can get a burn leading to tissue scarring.

Laser method

In this procedure, the birthmark is layer-by-layer evaporated by a laser beam. The advantages of the laser method are high accuracy, no risk of infection with any infection (since this is a non-contact procedure), minimal damage to the surrounding healthy skin.

After the procedure, a small spot or fossa may remain on the skin, which will equal the surface of the skin for 2 weeks.


Under this complex name, the procedure for removing neoplasms by means of an electric current is concealed. At the same time, a coagulator is brought to the mole, which sends an impulse that destroys the skin cells. The procedure is not too painful, therefore often done without anesthesia, and the rehabilitation process is 8-12 days, and the conditions of care for the treated area are minimal.

Electrocoagulation eliminates infection and severe bleeding. Of the shortcomings: the possibility of the appearance of scars with improper care, the effect of current on healthy tissue.

Surgical removal

This is the easiest way. Removal of a mole with a scalpel is performed under local anesthesia. After the operation, as a rule, there is a scar. But if the base of the hanging mole is small, the scar will not be noticeable.

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