Quickly heal sprains of the foot at home

Stretching the ligaments of the feet is a fairly common type of injury. It is on them that a lot of work is done while walking and playing sports. In the beautiful half of humanity, such stretching often happens when the step is unsuccessful in shoes with high heels.

  • Warn
  • Understand and recognize
  • Home Treatment
  • Only peace
  • Bandaging
  • Cooling
  • Warming up
  • Ointment from stretching
  • About First Aid
  • Rehabilitation
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To prevent an ankle injury, you should avoid moving on uneven pavements or paths. A sharp turn of the foot can lead to serious consequences. Especially if the previous stretch of the ligament of the foot was not treated. Causes of damage can be overweight, lifting heavy objects, flat feet. Ignoring sports and using uncomfortable shoes can also lead to weakening of the muscles.

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Attention!Repeated cases of sprain of ligaments cause deformity of the foot and even bone destruction.

Understand and recognize

Symptoms of muscle fiber rupture are well known to each of us. Painful sensations in the area of ​​the external leg ankle, swelling, with severe injuries - hematoma. It is possible to increase the temperature of the human body, limited movement during walking.

Specialists distinguish three degrees of stretching.

  1. An easy degree of stretching - is accompanied by a weak pulling pain of the injured muscle, a slight lameness is possible. Edema, as a rule, no.
  2. The average degree of stretching is a painful condition, there is swelling, foot movements and walking are hampered, accompanied by severe pain.
  3. Severe degree of stretching - a complete rupture of one or more ligaments, accompanied by severe and acute pain. Usually a fracture is preceded by a fracture of the shin. Independently the person can not walk, the leg strongly swells.

Home Treatment

To quickly cure the stretching of the ligament of the foot on the first day to the injured place, it is necessary to apply cold in the form of cold lotions or an ice pack. The next few days I need to apply iodine mesh. It will help to remove inflammation in a traumatized place.

Then you can start applying compresses on the foot. A good action is a compress on milk. It is necessary to moisten the gauze in hot milk and fasten, over wrap with food film or polyethylene and wrap it with a warm cloth for warming. Compress should be applied fresh after cooling. This will relieve pain and promote rapid healing.

Only peace

Attention!If you have experienced such a trauma, then know that the treatment of the ligament of the foot should be started immediately.

Along with medical care, it is important to use folk remedies at home. The injured leg should be at rest. To do this, it is recommended to use a hill, for example, a pillow. So the venous outflow of blood from an injured site will improve, the pain will decrease, the puffiness will decrease.

It is better to avoid movements with a foot with damaged muscles in the first 2-3 days. Otherwise, this can lead to an even more severe injury, which will negatively affect the condition of the victim. However, prolonged immobilization can lead to atrophy of muscle fibers. Therefore, after three days, it is necessary to begin the gradual movement of the patient with his foot.

Attention!If the pain began to continue again, then you need to take a break in medical gymnastics.


After restoring the injured leg to rest, it is better to begin treatment with immobilization - wrap the injured area with an elastic bandage. Before the procedure of radiography this will help prevent a possible fracture. You can use special orthopedic bandages - orthoses. They will reduce pain, will help stop the swelling, protect against external influences.

Attention!Do not make the bandaging too tight and leave it overnight.


When swelling and redness to the damaged area, you must immediately apply ice. The duration of the "cold" procedure should be 15 minutes during the first 8-10 hours. This will help to narrow the blood vessels and prevent further development of the hematoma. It is recommended to take an analgesic drug. Kashitsa from onions, cabbage or grated raw potatoes will absorb water and allow to remove swelling. But with a large bruise in the area of ​​trauma, blood removal is required.

Warming up

On the second day on the damaged joint it is necessary to impose warming compresses and to use ointments with anti-inflammatory effect. The alcohol compress helps to quickly remove swelling. To make it, you need:

  • Gauze bandage moistened in alcohol solution;
  • impose on the injured area;
  • top cover with polyethylene;
  • put on a woolen sock or wrap up with a downy shawl;
  • leave for 6-8 hours.

Helpful advice!You can make a similar compress using warm milk.

Among folk methods of treatment of sprains, it is also proposed to use medicinal plants - decoctions of chamomile flowers, cornflower or St. John's wort. Anti-inflammatory and soothing effect will have warm compresses of wormwood, tansy, poplar buds, arnica, lavender and others. Dry compresses will also serve as an excellent means for heating the damaged foot. To do this, it is necessary to heat up sand or salt in a well heated frying pan. Then pour the "hot" remedy on the tissue and attach it to the sore spot.

Ointment from stretching

To quickly cure stretching, you can use a special ointment. This ointment can be prepared at home. To do this, you need 1 tbsp. l. ordinary household soap, 1 egg yolk of chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. l. water.

Wipe the soap with water and add the yolk. After thorough mixing, it is necessary to impregnate the fabric or gauze with this mixture, fix it with a bandage on the foot. This ointment will relieve the pain from injury, and the sprain will quickly pass.

About First Aid

Remember that qualified first aid in stretching the muscle fibers of the joint determines the prospect of all future treatment and recovery of the foot.

The first time after getting injured, do not take a hot bath or arrange a hike in the sauna. Refuse alcoholic beverages, otherwise it can provoke swelling of the foot and lead to a long rehabilitation. With a massage, too, it is better to wait, it will be effective already during the recovery process.

Have patience, because the duration of treatment, depending on the degree of injury and the rate of tissue regeneration, can be delayed.

Attention!The motor activity should be moderate.


After the end of the treatment of the ligaments of the foot with medicamentous and folk remedies, the rehabilitation period begins. At this point, you can already do self-massage and exercise therapy. On the recommendation of a doctor, physioprocedures or the use of therapeutic mud are possible. The rehabilitation period lasts for an average of 10-15 days. After that, the elasticity of the muscles is restored, the lameness goes away. If the treatment is carried out in accordance with all the recommendations, a relapse and no serious consequences will be.

Be careful!

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