Treatment of cough with tracheitis

Methods of cough treatment in tracheitis

Tracheitis is a disease in which the inflammatory process is localized in the mucosa of the trachea. It occurs at any age, often in combination with an infection of the upper respiratory tract. Can be acute and chronic. Cough with tracheitis is the main symptom.

Features of a cough

In the early days of the disease, coughing is usually dry, paroxysmal. Particularly disturbing at night. Over time, sputum appears, first viscous, difficult to separate. But gradually it becomes easier to clear the throat.

Sputum can be mucous: transparent or white. The appearance of yellow or green sputum indicates a mucopurulent or purulent herd that is observed with a bacterial infection.

All these features must be considered in order to choose the right treatment. At the first signs of the disease you need to see a doctor.

General recommendations

During illness it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

  1. The room, where the patient is, should be warm and sufficiently moist.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Avoid hypothermia.
  4. Exclude heavy physical activity.
  5. Observe the voice peace.
  6. A plentiful warm drink, preferably alkaline, will contribute to a better sputum discharge. You can use mineral water without gas. But a warm tea with honey, fruit drinks, herbs will suit.
  7. It is necessary to consume proteins and vitamins in sufficient quantities. Food should be easily absorbed. Exclude acute and salty.
  8. To give up smoking.

Drug therapy

Medicines for coughing from tracheitis

To effectively cure cough, it is necessary to eliminate its cause. Most often these are viruses or bacteria. Antiviral or antibacterial drugs are used to fight infection.

Antiviral drugs:

  • "Ingavirin,
  • Kagocel,
  • "Isoprinosine
  • Arbidol,
  • Anaferon,
  • "Ergoferon".

To achieve a positive result, you must strictly follow the instructions for taking the medicine.


  1. Protected penicillins: "Amoxiclav "Flemoklav "Augmentin".
  2. Macrolides: azithromycin, clarithromycin, josamycin.
  3. Cephalosporins: ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, cefuroxime axetil.
  4. Fluoroquinolones: levofloxacin, moxifloxacin.

A special place among antibacterial drugs is Bioparox. This is a metered aerosol for inhalation. You can use it from the first days of illness. In addition to antibacterial has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

What drug to choose, the doctor alone decides. Self-medication, especially antibiotics, is unacceptable.

Treatment of dry and productive cough has some differences. In the first case, the drugs that suppress the cough reflex are used, in the second - drugs that help to thin phlegm and facilitate its departure.


  • "Libexin" - tablets;
  • "Sinekod" - drops and syrup;
  • "Tusuprex" - tablets;
  • "Kodelak Neo" - drops, syrup, tablets;
  • Broncholitin is a syrup.

These medicines help to reduce the intensity of an unproductive, painful cough. As soon as sputum appears, the use of antitussive drugs should be discontinued.


  • acetylcysteine ​​("ACTS "Fluimutsil") - effervescent tablets, granules for solution preparation;
  • carbocisteine ​​("Fludutik") - syrup;
  • bromhexine - tablets, syrup;
  • Ambroxol (Ambrobene, Ambroghexal, Ambrosan, Lazolvan) - tablets, syrup;
  • "Kodelak bronho" - the elixir;
  • "Ascoril" or "Dzhoset" - syrup.

Additionally, other means can be used.

  1. Antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavegil, Zodak, Cetrin. This helps reduce the mucosal edema.
  2. Fenspiride ("Erespal "Eladon") is effective in the appearance of both a dry and wet cough. Has anti-inflammatory, decongestant and bronchodilator effect.
  3. Immunomodulators, for example, "IRS-19 are available in the form of a nasal spray.
  4. Herbal preparations: Bronchicum, Lincas, Doctor Mom, Travisil.
  5. Broths of herbs: mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, plantain, althea root, thyme, pine buds. Suitable and ready-made fees.

Local treatment

Such treatment helps to reduce the number and duration of use of medications consumed inside. This reduces the likelihood of side effects.


Treatment of cough with tracheitis by inhalation

It is best to cure a cough with a nebulizer. Such a device can be used to deliver drugs directly into the respiratory tract. This way you can use antibiotics, expectorants, bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs.

There are special solutions for the nebulizer:

  • expectorating: "Lazolvan "Fluimutsil
  • antibacterial preparation - "Fluimucil-antibiotic IT
  • bronchodilator - "Berodual
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (hormones) - "Pulmicort "Budesonide."
  • Alkaline and saline solutions% sodium chloride (saline solution), mineral water (Borjomi), sea salt.

If the home is not a nebulizer, then cough can be treated with a steam inhaler or using improvised means. To do this, a small saucepan is suitable, in which a liter of boiling water is poured. To prepare an alkaline solution in water, add 5-6 tablespoons of salt and soda.

Helps cough and reduce inflammation of medicinal herbs. Shredded leaves of eucalyptus, chamomile or sage are added to the solution for inhalation. You can use eucalyptus or fir oil in quantity, h. l. per liter of water.

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to bend close to the water, since too hot steam can adversely affect the respiratory tract. The optimum temperature of steam is 40-42 °. The duration of the procedure is 5-15 minutes daily for ten days. With fever, such treatment is not recommended.

Infusion into the trachea

Endotracheal infusion of drugs is carried out by the otorhinolaryngologist. For this, a rubber catheter or a laryngeal syringe is used. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The catheter is inserted through the lower nasal passage and is brought to the destination.

Antibiotics, expectorants, bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs can be used in this way. The course of treatment consists of 10-15 procedures.

Non-drug treatment

Additional procedures help to cure cough more effectively, speeding up the healing process. Thermal effects are contraindicated with an increase in body temperature.

  1. Hot foot baths.
  2. Mustards on the chest.
  3. Physiotherapy: magnetotherapy, UHF, laser therapy, electrophoresis of medicinal preparations.
  4. You can treat the disease folk ways: radish with honey, milk with the addition of butter and a pinch of soda, inhalation with garlic or onions.

Features of cough treatment in children

In childhood, all the listed methods of therapy are used. But in this case, you must clearly adhere to the age-related dosages of medications. It is more convenient to use funds in the form of syrups and drops. The focus is on local treatment. Antibiotics are used strictly according to indications.

All who have children, it is desirable to purchase a nebulizer. In some cases, he can be an indispensable assistant. Since the child's airways are narrow enough, the pronounced edema of the mucous membrane of the trachea and pharynx may be accompanied by difficulty breathing. And such drugs as "Berodual "Pulmicort will help to quickly relieve the condition of the baby.

Cough with chronic tracheitis

Chronic form of the disease is rare. This is facilitated by smoking, occupational hazards, as well as chronic diseases of the nasopharynx. If possible, these factors should be deleted.

The principles of treatment of dry and wet cough remain the same. But with the appointment of antibiotic therapy, it is expedient to identify the pathogen and determine the sensitivity to antibiotics.

It is necessary to limit the use of alkaline-oil and oil inhalations, since this negatively affects the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

To summarize, it should be noted that with a competent and complex approach, cough with tracheitis is carried out within 2-3 weeks. Sometimes the recovery comes 2-3 months later. If the tracheitis is not treated in time, then the disease can go into a chronic form.

What can be cured for tracheitis?

What is the cure for tracheitis? The disease itself often occurs in conjunction with rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis. The etiology of tracheitis is of an infectious nature and begins to appear after ingestion of viral, staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. If you miss the incubation period, the inflammation reaches the trachea. In the absence of taking measures, the ailment is in the habit of moving into a chronic form.

The problem of tracheitis

This disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, untreated tracheitis is always characterized by the appearance of a cough, and an infected person can to infect a considerable number of people in the event that they are in constant contact with them or in a public aired. Despite the fact that the disease can cause a general weakness, many, unaware of the presence of a serious illness, carry it on its feet. For example, using three times a day acetylsalicylic acid, you can improve the general condition of the body, but the disease itself is not treated and gradually pushed into the depths.

Features of coughing with tracheitis

It should be noted that the tracheitis does not appear immediately, or rather, its obvious signs indicate most often of an ingrained disease.

High temperature with tracheitis

Runny nose and dry cough will be spoken about both acute and chronic form of the disease.Coughing attacks are accompanied by painful sensations in the lower part of the chest.The inflammatory process provokes the release of viscous mucus, and in the case when the tracheitis is not in a single form, pus is mixed with its contents. The spitting out of the sputum formations can be different, both meager and abundant. However, the collected mucus is easily separated, and the process of its expectoration does not cause any problems.

Depending on the disease, to which the tracheitis has joined, in medical terminology there are such concepts as rhinopharyngotracheitis, laryngotracheitis, tracheobronchitis.

In the case when the disease is accompanied by coughing attacks, the temperature increases, the head often hurts, weakness and fatigue appear. Cough is very uncomfortable for a person. These signs can not be ignored, so you need to seek medical help at least in order to alleviate the condition, and then cure the existing disease.

How to relieve cough with tracheitis

The most unpleasant manifestation in tracheitis is a paroxysmal cough, accompanied by a somewhat dulled, severe, burning pain in the lower part of the thorax. To get rid of the patient for a while from coughing with tracheitis can such a drug as Bronchipret. It is based on medicinal plants, and its effectiveness and safety are repeatedly tested in practice. The license for the production of the medicinal product belongs to the German company Bionorica.

Headache with tracheitis

As shown by clinical studies, the drug can be prescribed to people of all age categories without exception. The products are produced in tablet form and as a syrup for children. When using a combination with other medicines, Bronchipret does not give side effects and reactions, which makes the most appropriate determination of the desired dosage of the drug in each individual the case.

Tablets and syrup contain two main components: thyme extract and ivy leaves. These two components enhance the effect, interacting with each other, which allows you to get rid of coughing attacks for long periods of time. Bronchitis has a strong inhibitory effect and actively fights with inflammation, bacteria, has a pronounced secretolitic and bronchodilator effect. It is prescribed for other diseases associated with inflammation and disturbances in the work of the organs of the upper respiratory tract. The third component, which is part of the drug, is the root extract of the primrose, which stimulates the sputum expectoration process.

Improvements in the condition come almost immediately after the first tricks. The course of treatment usually varies in terms of 10 to 14 days, and, according to the prescription of the doctor, it is possible to prolong the use of this drug.

Treatment and prevention of tracheitis

Tracheitis itself can not pass, it must be treated. After conducting the diagnosis by examination to determine the condition of the trachea by a laryngoscope, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

The doctor's consultation

The very process of arresting the disease is directed at suppressing provoking factors and eliminating the causes that cause the disease. First of all, mustard, antibiotics and sulfonamide preparations are prescribed. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the organism and its susceptibility to combining sulfanilamides with antibiotics. For some patients, the simultaneous use of these drugs is strictly contraindicated, since the reaction of the body can be unpredictable and lead to coma. If the patient is aware of this fact, then the doctor must know about it.

Drugs can be used in a wide variety of forms: in the form of sprays, aerosols, tinctures from the root of the althaea, licorice, anti-inflammatory broths and teas. As physiotherapeutic procedures, inhalations with the addition of medicinal herbs and alkaline components can be prescribed.

Conduction of inhalation can be done with a special ultrasonic inhaler or allocate for this purpose any enameled pan a small size, which is filled with a few glasses of boiling water and added herbs that help to remove inflammatory processes. In the inhaler, several drops of iodine, eucalyptus or anise oil are allowed.

When using a pot of cardboard, a funnel is made with a hole in the narrow end through which this structure allows breathing with the mouth. You can, of course, use the grandfather's method and cover a hot steam with a thick terry towel, while the face should be kept at a distance of 25 centimeters from the pan, so as not to burn yourself.


The inhalation procedure is recommended for tracheitis three times a day for 10-15 minutes during the week.

Completely cure tracheitis is possible only with a complete course, based on antibiotics and sulfonamides.

To facilitate the debilitating cough, it is advisable to take such drugs as codeine, pectusin, lysobact, libexin and glaucin.

In case of difficulty in withdrawing sputum, an expectorant medicine or other effective remedy is prescribed. But if there are pus in the secretions, sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics are being prescribed. In addition, the complex treatment of tracheitis includes vitamin therapy, provided that the patient does not have allergic reactions. In general, the intake of vitamins A and C with individually selected dosage is prescribed.


Preventive measures include procedures for strengthening the body, such as hardening, vitaminization, correction of the immune system and compliance with the correct and rational diet.

Drugs for the treatment of tracheitis

Tracheitis is not considered a dangerous disease, but it is necessary to treat it, because otherwise it can go to a chronic form or cause such serious complications as bronchopneumonia and tracheobronchitis. Only a doctor can prescribe suitable medicines, taking into account the viral or bacterial nature of the tracheitis, as well as the severity of the patient's condition. If the virus played a role in the development of tracheitis, the doctor can recommend antiviral drugs, for example, Rimantadine, in the first days.

Treatment of tracheitis with antibiotics

AntibioticsAntibiotics are used only if pathogens are caused by bacteria. Antibiotics, doctors try not to spend small children, pregnant women (especially in the first and third trimesters), as well as the elderly.

Usually used drugs relating to the penicillin series, which are administered intramuscularly 4-6 times a day. Very popular are protected penicillins, which have a wide range of action, for example, tablets Augmentin. If such medications are ineffective, the patient may be prescribed drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones, for example, Avelox.

If the patient is allergic to drugs from the penicillin group, he is prescribed drugs that refer to macrolides (Azithromycin) or cephalosporins (Aksetin). They are available both in the form of tablets and in the form of injectable solutions, and they should be taken or administered, as a rule, only once a day, which is very convenient. Azithromycin (Sumamed) is produced not only in the form of capsules and tablets, but also in the form of a powder from which suspensions and syrups are used to treat young children.

Very often, tracheitis uses aerosol medicines of local action, for example, bioparox, which, in addition to antibacterial, has an anti-inflammatory effect. The active active substance of this drug is fusafungin, which has a fungal origin and is able to fight with intracellular parasites such as mycoplasma and legionella. The course of treatment with this drug is from 7 to 10 days, you need to spend one session every 4 hours. One session consists of four inhalations through the mouth or through the nose, children may be assigned fewer injections.

Cough treatment with other medications

In tracheitis, the main complaint of the patient is very often a debilitating dry cough, in which there is no relief, since sputum does not go away. Sometimes the seizures are so strong that they end in vomiting or even loss of consciousness. How to cure a cough in this case, an experienced doctor will be able to tell after the examination. Most often, doctors adhere to such a scheme: in the daytime they advise the patient to take syrups conducive to divestment sputum, and at night - drugs that block the cough reflex (Sinekod, Kodelak), so that the patient was able to fully to have a good sleep.

Expectorant drugs have such drugs as Gedelix and Doctor MOM, which are made on the basis of natural ingredients and therefore have quite a few contraindications.

Gedelix and Dr. Mohm

They can be taken and adults and children, but the dosage and treatment course is always determined by the doctor strictly individually. With success for the treatment of dry cough with tracheitis are also used and syrups with althea, and Folipil, whose main active ingredient is the plantain root.

Sinecode SyrupTo suppress cough reflex very often recommend Sinekod, which has not only antitussive, but also expectorant, moderate bronchodilating and anti-inflammatory effect.

The sinecode influences directly on the cough center, and the patient's condition quickly improves after it is taken: it makes it easier to breathe, and the blood is actively saturated with oxygen. A sinecode is allowed to be taken even to babies who are three months old, but under strict medical supervision. For children who have a tracheitis, it is recommended Sinecod in the form of a syrup or drops, and for adults - in the form of tablets and tablets.

The composition of such a drug as Sinekod contains no sugar, but only its substitute is sorbitol, so it can be taken by people with diabetes. Sinekod extremely rarely prescribe to drink pregnant women, as well as those who feed the baby breast milk. Since Sinecode often causes drowsiness, people who have been recommended by the doctor to drink it should observe a special caution when driving a car and while performing other tasks that require concentration of attention and concentration.

Side effects of those who started to drink Sinecode, are observed rarely, but sometimes all the same there are allergies, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and exanthema. Despite the fact that in the pharmacies Sinekod sold without a prescription, it should be taken only on the advice of a doctor.

Kodelak syrupTo cough up a cough in such a pathology as tracheitis, drugs containing codeine belonging to the group of opiates are often used. For example, a doctor may advise you to drink kodelak, having prescribed the appropriate prescription to the patient. Kodelak is a combined drug, in which, in addition to codeine, there is also a herb root of thermopsis, sodium bicarbonate and licorice root powder.

The course of treatment for tracheitis should be small, it is recommended to take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. If the trachea is treated with the kodelak for a long time, then drug dependence on codeine may develop. Children who have not yet reached the age of 12 can not treat tracheitis with this drug.

Lazolvan - a combined preparation

Patients who are faced with such an unpleasant disease as tracheitis, doctors often recommend taking a drug called Lazolvan. In pharmacies you can find Lazolvan in different dosage forms: capsules (for children over 12 years and adults), tablets (for children from six years old and adults) and syrup for children. It is necessary to strictly comply with the dosage prescribed by the doctor, giving Lazolvan to children, because an overdose of the drug can be dangerous.


Lazolvan, which is successfully used for tracheitis, has an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Due to the conducted studies, it was possible to establish that ambroxol, which is the main component of such a preparation As Lazolvan, it can increase secretion in the airways, improving the flow of viscous sputum and helping to alleviate coughing.

Using the drug with tracheitis, you should not combine it with antitussive drugs. Even if a pregnant or lactating woman is suffering from tracheitis, she is unlikely to be prescribed this medication, nor is it recommended to people who have duodenal ulcers or stomach ulcers. Instruction for the use of Lazolvana has certain indications and contraindications.

Ascoril in tracheitis

With such pathology as tracheitis, the therapist can prescribe a combination drug Ascoril, which has mucolytic, expectorant and bronchodilatory effects. Ascoril contains such active substances as salbutamol, bromhexine and guaifenesin. Produced Ascoril in the form of syrup, which is given for tracheitis to children under 6 years old, and tablets, which treat adults and older children.


Side effects such as hand tremors, cramps and tachycardia, those who take Ascoril are rarely seen. If an overdose of such a drug as Ascoril, then there may be bronchospasm, collapse, headaches. When lactation, as well as during pregnancy, despite the tracheitis, Ascoril is not used. Also Ascoril, even if there is a tracheitis, is not prescribed to patients with tachycardia, arrhythmia and allergies to its components.

Tracheitis in children: symptoms, treatment, causes

Respiratory diseases in children rarely occur in isolation. Usually they combine the damage of several anatomical zones. The inflammation of the trachea is a tracheitis. Most often it accompanies laryngitis, can occur in conjunction with rhinitis, pharyngitis or bronchitis.

Tracheitis in children is quite common, because coughing is one of the most frequent complaints with which parents turn to a pediatrician.

The disease occurs more often in October-April, in the season of respiratory infections. Infectious tracheitis is susceptible to children of all ages. Especially from 6 months to 3 years. The reason for this is weak local immunity and the absence of previous contacts with pathogens.

The causes of tracheitis

Children become ill with tracheitis for several reasons:


In 90% of cases, the trachea becomes inflamed due to a virus attack. Here are the most common pathogens that are capable of adhesion (adhesion) to the mucosa of the trachea:

width =
  • flu;
  • paragripp;
  • adenovirus;
  • respiratory syncytial virus;
  • coronavirus.


  • Pneumococcus;
  • haemophilus influenzae;
  • streptococcus;
  • mycoplasma;
  • chlamydia.

Also, the symptomatology of tracheitis can occur with the initial manifestations of such diseases as whooping cough, paracottis, ornithosis.

Various non-infectious stimuli

which are in the air, affect the mucous membrane, causing it to swell and reflex cough.

  • inhalation of cigarette smoke (passive smoking);
  • living near industrial areas that pollute the air;
  • a large concentration of exhaust fumes, accommodation near major highways;
  • cool and dry air.

The incidence of tracheitis may increase with reduced local immunity, the presence of chronic lung diseases, allergic diseases.

Symptoms of tracheitis in children

Most often, the inflammation of the trachea in children occurs in an acute form. Chronic for them a rarity.

The acute form occurs after a short period of malaise, the appearance of a cold, and soreness when swallowed. Probably raising the temperature of the body. The clinical manifestations of tracheitis are more dependent on the causative agent of the disease. So when influenza tracheitis signs come to the fore. Disturbs the grimy dry cough, severe intoxication, high fever, aches in the body.

With trachitis caused by parainfluenza, it does not dispense with the symptoms of laryngitis:

  • hoarseness of voice,
  • dysphonia,
  • barking cough.

Bacterial tracheitis tend to be delayed, may be a consequence of untreated ARVI.

  • Initially, cough with tracheitis is dry, unproductive. Sputum is either small, or it is poorly separated. Viral sputum is always light, transparent. Bacterial sputum purulent, yellow or yellow-green. With the flu, it can appear blood veins.
  • Children can cough up with attacks, especially if they inhale cold air, laugh, cry, get scared. Coughing lasts at night when the baby lies. In the morning, the accumulated sputum gives him a wet character.
  • Older children may complain of a sore throat, a feeling of sadness behind the sternum.
  • The temperature at children can keep on a low-grade level (no more than 38 ° С), and to rise to high figures. The children of an early age react sharper and brighter to infection.

Features of tracheitis in children of different ages

  • Newborns and children up to 5-6 months are distinguished by the incompleteness of the cough reflex due to the immaturity of some brain structures. Therefore, they have symptoms of coughing absent or can be combined with regurgitation or vomiting. At the same time such crumbs can give high temperature, be listless and whimsical due to intoxication.
  • Preschool children cough unproductively. Their musculature is not yet developed enough to fully cough up phlegm. Therefore, they get sick with frequent attacks of dry cough, especially at night.
  • In schoolchildren, on the contrary, hypersecretion predominates, so the cough quickly becomes wet, with more sputum.
  • Older children - the temperature may not be high, most often subfebrile.

How will the tracheitis be determined?

The diagnosis is made after the clarification of complaints and examination. When listening to the respiratory system, the doctor notes a hard breathing, the appearance of dry wheezes. After a cough they can disappear or change their localization. Changes in blood tests (leukocytosis, increased ESR, shift of formula to the left, predominance of lymphocytes or neutrophils) will tell you about the presence of inflammation, as well as about the viral or bacterial nature disease. X-ray examination is usually not required.

Distinctive features of tracheitis

The fact that the disease is localized in the trachea, will help determine some features of this disease. Since the main sign is cough, differentiate the inflammation of the trachea with laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Difference from laryngitis

The voice with tracheitis is normal, does not vanish, does not wheeze. Cough is dry, but not barking. Gradually turns into a damp one. Laryngitis does not change in auscultation. Maximum hard breathing. But laryngitis can turn into laryngotracheitis.

Difference from pharyngitis

When the throat is inflamed, the child suffers from a sore throat and dry cough. Cough does not turn to wet, if there is no concomitant rhinitis. There is no sputum. Cough can be softened by gargling or lozenges.

Difference from bronchitis

Bronchitis is more severe, with intoxication, dry and wet rales. Cough agonizing, with expectoration. In small children it can be complicated by bronchospasm, which does not happen with tracheitis. At a bronchitis changes on a roentgenogram are observed.

Difference from pneumonia

The classic course of pneumonia is easily distinguishable by a doctor from tracheitis. But there is an asymptomatic pneumonia, with a low temperature, for example, mycoplasmal pneumonia, when it should be differentiated from a protracted cough with tracheitis.

Another acute nonspecific tracheitis, it should be differentiated from:


Cough for a long time does not pass. Coughing attacks are accompanied by a whistling inhalation (reprises) and separation of vitreous sputum in the end. Severe intoxication.


Prolonged dry cough, coughing. The child is pale, losing weight. For a long time, the subfebrile temperature worries.

Foreign body

Cough arises abruptly, after playing with small details. The child is restless, there is a cyanosis of the lips, breathing is difficult, especially inhalation. Possible asphyxiation.

Treatment of tracheitis in children

Treatment of acute viral tracheitis, not complicated by attachment of infection and proceeding classically can be fully cured themselves, referring to the doctor only so that he listened to the child, appointed tests and checked if there was a threat complications.

Urgent to see a doctor is necessary in the following cases:

  • The child has heavy breathing, with shortness of breath. He prefers to sit, not lie, so it's easier for him to breathe. This is respiratory failure.
  • The high temperature, knocked down by the antipyretic, rises more quickly than after 3 hours. After several such episodes of hyperthermia, a pediatrician is needed.
  • During the cough, the child "whistles". This is a sign that the infection has fallen to the level of bronchi, which responded spasm.
  • If the child is weak, weak, very unwell.
  • If you unsuccessfully treat a tracheitis within 2-3 weeks.

What will the doctor appoint?

From cough

Mucolytics, if on the 3-4 day after the onset of the disease cough did not become productive. The child is difficult to cough up phlegm because of its increased viscosity. Assign Fluimitsil, Mukobene, ACTS, Fljuditik, Ambroxol and Bromhexine. Due to the fact that the muscles of the chest in the child are still undeveloped and the baby can not cough up phlegm, and the drugs make it liquid, mucolytics are not recommended for children under 2 years.

  • Antitussives

are rarely prescribed, only in the first days of the disease, when the cough is severe, debilitating. Children are treated with non-narcotic means Sinekod, Glavent, Libeksin, Bronholitin, Tussin Plus (see Fig. antitussives).

  • Covering agents

reduce the reflex challenge of coughing. They create a protective layer on the oropharynx, they are often used in small amounts. These are lollipops and syrups, collections containing extracts of eucalyptus, licorice, wild cherry, white acacia.

  • Expectorants

mainly vegetable, are used for the fastest evacuation of sputum. Assign them in cases when the cough is rare, unproductive and low-intensive. These are syrups, drops and tablets from coughs with extracts of althaea, anise, elecampane, ipecacuanas, plantain, licorice, thyme. They are sold under the trade names of Gerbion, Linkas, Mukaltin, Dr Mom, Pertussin, Gedelix, Bronchipret (cf. expectorants). However, they are cautiously prescribed to young children due to possible sputum increase, vomiting and potential asphyxia. This refers to the preparations of ipecacuanas. Anise, oregano and licorice have a weak laxative effect. It is better to choose means based on the root of the althaea, anise drops.


Antipyretics for children are shown at a temperature above 38, 5 ° C, children under 3 months, as well as with lung and heart pathology.

Anti-inflammatory treatment

To reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane, inflammation, the severity of cough, Erespal, Sirep is prescribed. It is prescribed for prolonged cough in syrup, and after 14 years in tablets.

Antiviral drugs

Some doctors like to prescribe drugs that stimulate interferon production, which affect the immune system. This is Viferon, Cycloferon, Influcid, Oksilokoktsinum. From the point of view of evidence-based medicine, only antiviral drugs against influenza, Tamiflu, Oseltamivir are effective. If the cause of tracheitis is influenza, then they will help. Otherwise, it is a waste of money and risks of developing autoimmune processes in the body.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics for tracheitis are prescribed only in the case of its bacterial etiology. When a virus disease, they are not needed. If the child has purulent sputum, you can send it to the planting and find out the sensitivity to antibiotics. Sometimes they are prescribed empirically, based on the clinic of the disease. Prescribe protected amoxicillin (Augmentin, Amoxiclav), cephalosporins (Zinnat, Cefotakim, Ceftriaacon). With chlamydial or mycoplasmal tracheitis macrolides are effective (Macropen, Fromilid, Sumamed).

How to treat a tracheitis in a child at home?

  • Provide moist air, plenty of drink. If there is no heat, let calmly play. Care for the baby also includes feeding light foods rich in vitamins. Dairy products are useful.
  • Children who are difficult to clear their throat, can be helped by the method of postural massage. The child lies on a pillow or on his knees with an adult stomach. After stroking, the palm in the form of a boat makes tapping from the bottom up, without touching the area of ​​the spine. After the children it becomes easier to cough up phlegm. You can drink an expectorant before the procedure (for 30 minutes).
  • In the absence of temperature, you can get your feet in the water (no higher than 45 ° C) or put the mustard on your back.
  • You can make a baby inhalation. But this should not be scalding steam, so you can provoke a burn or laryngospasm. Apply herbal pickings with licorice, sage, breast picks. The main thing is to moisten the mucous and withdraw the phlegm.

How long does the tracheitis last for a child?

From the moment of the onset of malaise to the appearance of classical symptoms, 2-3 days pass. On average, the acute course of the disease lasts at least 2 weeks. Another week can last a residual cough.

The child in the clinic is often diagnosed with tracheitis. What could be its causes?

To begin with, we determine that frequent cases of acute respiratory viral infections are more than 6 episodes per year in children under 3 years old, and more than 5 times a year in children after 3 years. Frequent tracheitis may occur due to an increased number of contacts with potential carriers of infection, with a decrease in the immune response due to its immaturity. Also, often sick children should exclude immunodeficiency, anomalies in the development of ENT organs and bronchopulmonary system, cystic fibrosis.

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