Balneotherapy: indications and contraindications to balneotherapy

Balneotherapy is a method of balneological treatment of various diseases with the help of mineral waters used internally and externally. When balneotherapy, mineral water, primarily affect the receptors of the skin and mucous membranes, then - on the nerve endings of blood vessels, irritating them with gases and radioactive substances penetrating through the skin, mucous membranes and airways into the blood.


Indications and contraindications to balneotherapy

General indications

General indications for balneotherapy are diseases of the cardiovascular system without the phenomena of circulatory insufficiency, hypertensive disease of the first and second stage without crises and without lesions of the vessels of the heart, kidneys and brain, hypotonicdisease, rheumatism in the inactive phase, diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system( after the end of the acute period), neuroses, diseases of the digestive system, diseaseand metabolic, musculoskeletal system, diseases of the female and male reproductive organs, skin diseases. Contraindications to balneological treatment may be: circulatory disorders above the first degree, infectious and non-infectious diseases in the acute stage, chronic diseases in the acute stage, neoplasms, active tuberculosis, atherosclerosis with angina and cerebral circulatory disorders, liver cirrhosis, blood diseasesin the acute stage, severe exhaustion.

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Baldness method

The most common method of treatment in balneological practice are baths. Baths can be carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, radon, salt, etc.

Carbonic baths

Strengthen excitation processes in the central nervous system, improve lung ventilation( which increases oxidative processes in the body, reduces the arteriovenous difference in oxygen content).

Carbonic baths are used for diseases of the heart muscle, with valvular heart diseases with circulatory failure not higher than the first degree, with hypertension of the first and second stage, with hypotension, neuroses, obesity, insufficient ovarian function.

It should be remembered that carbon dioxide baths lower the overall body temperature, so they can cause an exacerbation of neuralgic pains, myositis and joint diseases. Carbonic baths increase the estrogen function of the ovaries, contribute to the increase of climacteric bleeding.

Carbonic baths are prepared at specialized resorts from natural sources( Kislovodsk, Darasun, etc.).At home, for carrying out a carbon dioxide bath, ordinary tap water is saturated with carbon dioxide through a special installation. Bath time 8-10 minutes, water temperature 35-36 ° C, the number of procedures is 10.

Oxygen baths

Prepare by saturating with pure oxygen mineral, fresh or sea water. For this, there are special devices. Oxygen baths are useful in such chronic lung diseases as pulmonary heart failure( blurred, emphysema, pneumosclerosis) - all lung diseases in which the body suffers from a lack of oxygen. Oxygen baths are also useful in diseases of the nervous system.

The temperature of oxygen baths is 35-36 ° C, the duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the number of procedures for the course of treatment is 12-15.

Pearl baths

Prepared from fresh water or mineral water sources. Through a special grate in the bottom of the bath under pressure, bubbles of air are pierced, while water is bubbling and bubbles are poured in different colors and resemble small pearls in appearance. Pearl baths are used as a light skin irritant. They act excitantly on the central nervous system, stimulate and strengthen it.

The duration of the pearl bath is 15-20 minutes, the water temperature is 36-37 ° C, the number of procedures for the course of treatment is 12-15.

Hydrogen sulfide baths

Influence on the cardiovascular system similar to carbon dioxide baths, increase the enzymatic functions of various organs and systems, improve skin nutrition, increase its immunogenic functions, restore disturbed processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, stimulate metabolic processes, increasefunction of the thyroid gland, estrogenic function of the ovaries and secretion of hormones by the adrenal cortex. Hydrogen sulfide baths are beneficial for diseases of muscles, joints, skin, peripheral nervous system, infertility, chronic diseases of the female sexual sphere.


Nitrogen baths

In nitrogen baths, the active principle is dissolved in water nitrogen, which is released in the form of bubbles. Nitrogen baths have a calming effect, normalize blood circulation, the state of the endocrine system and muscle tone. Indications for the use of nitrogen baths can be hypertensive disease of stage I-II, joint diseases, peripheral nervous system, initial manifestations of thyrotoxicosis, skin diseases.


Radon baths

The active ingredient of these baths is radon. Radon baths dilate capillaries of the skin well, but their effect is mild, unlike other baths, they can be used with more severe cardiovascular pathology. These baths well soothe, have analgesic effect, therefore they are used for diseases of the peripheral nervous system and organs of movement with pain syndrome, with neuroses, with a sharp predominance of the excitation process. Radon baths enhance metabolic processes, reduce the functions of the thyroid gland, normalize hormonal metabolism during the menopause.

Soap-foam baths

For these bathtubs take 300 g of soap chips and fill them with 200 ml of warm water. After dissolving in a bucket or basin, the solution is poured into a bath( 37-40 ° C) and aerated using a variety of vibrators or a compressor. A wooden grate is placed on the bottom of the tub, and the patient is laid on it. Assign baths for various neuroses, with hypertension, as well as patients weakened by a long illness.

Salt baths

Compared with fresh baths, their effect is more powerful due to the presence of bromine, iodine, sodium chloride ions. Salts enhance skin irritation caused by temperature and chemical factors. The action of salts that have settled on the skin continues even after leaving the bath. Salt baths have a more pronounced thermal and hydrostatic effect, have analgesic effect, stimulate metabolic processes, promote resorption of inflammatory exudates.

Salt baths are used mainly in diseases of the organs of movement, peripheral nervous system, metabolic disorders, gynecological diseases.

Mineral water

Mineral waters, taken internally, have a direct effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines. Reflex action of mineral water on gastric secretion depends on the time of water intake in relation to food intake. So, the mineral water taken on an empty stomach for 1-1,5 hours before meals, quickly passes into the 12-colon and through the receptors of its mucous membrane reflexes inhibits gastric secretion. Mineral water, taken 20 minutes before meals or along with food, is retained in the stomach and reflexively stimulates gastric secretion. Therefore, drinking mineral water is prescribed at different times in relation to food intake: for diseases of the stomach with decreased secretion - 15-20 minutes before meals, and with increased - for 1-1.5 hours.

The temperature of mineral water in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract also matters. Cold water increases the peristalsis of the stomach, causes spasm of the biliary tract and intestines. Warm water soothes peristalsis, helps to relieve spasms and separates inflammatory mucus. In most cases, mineral water is prescribed in a heated form from 0.5 to 1.5 cups 2-3 times a day. Cold water is prescribed only in order to strengthen the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, as well as with chronic constipation.


The therapeutic effect of mineral waters in resorts is enhanced by combining them with the whole complex of therapeutic factors: rest, diet, climatic factors, new environment.

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