Ring: how to remove from a finger at home

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Any of us probably faced with the fact that it is sometimes impossible for the to remove the ring from the finger of the in the usual ways. This usually happens when we wear the ring long enough, and the fingers grow or get fat. And some people out of curiosity can put on a finger a tight and narrow ring, and they can not remove without torture and soap. The finger can swell due to the appearance of swelling and further increase in size, the ring is not removed.

In this article I compiled video clips on the topic: "How to remove a narrow and tight ring from a swollen finger at home using a thread, nippers, nose pliers and even a Bulgarian.


The Ring of Omnipotent rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Measures cut the Bulgarian from the finger of Novosibirsk

On December 16, Novosibirsk rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations had to take much longer than usuala special ring from the finger of a 14-year-old. The worried father and his 14-year-old son came to the base of the municipal rescue service( AMIS) themselves.

"There was a typical request to remove the ring from the swollen finger, but everything was not so simple. The alloy of the metal at first glance was not clear. The ring did not succumb to either wire cutters or fillets. It was decided to cut the ring with a small diamond-coated Bulgarian.

After the ring was cut on one side and tried to unclasp it, the metal did not bend, they started sawing on the other side, "- described the situation in the municipal rescue service.

Only after this rescuers managed to remove the ring - the Ring of Omnipotence - decorations from the movie "The Lord of the Rings".After the rescuers processed the finger of the teenager with a disinfecting solution, added MASS chief Dmitry Fokin.

How to remove the ring from the finger: video advice from the Bunny

Bunny Home Mistress: tips and tricks.

There are such situations, vital, when the ring becomes a little small for a finger. And to remove it without "amputation" is not possible. There are no hopeless ways. And so Zaika shares with you a practical advice - how to remove the ring without noise and dust.

How to quickly remove a ring from a swollen finger

This is the fastest painless method of existing to remove the ring from a finger with a thread and a needle.

Elena Malysheva: how to remove a narrow ring from a finger?

In this issue of the TV program "Live healthy!" With Elena Malysheva you will learn how to take off the ring when it became too narrow.

When your finger swells, you need to know what to do! Look and be ready! !!Then the road will be every minute and it is not worth it to spend searching for the necessary information.

Technique for removing a tight ring from a swollen finger

Andrey Zholob's channel demonstrates on video ways of removing a ring from a swollen finger.

How to remove a ring from a swollen finger: a useful tip

Great advice for removing the ring from your finger. Will help even when other methods do not help. If the ring is very tight, the thread can be oiled, for example, with vegetable oil.

How to manage to remove a ring from a finger by cutting pliers

Grisha Barbarin will show you how to snap a thick gold ring on the ring finger of the right hand.

How to remove a ring from a swollen finger: thread with a needle

With a swollen inflamed finger with a thread and a needle, you can remove the ring - a technique from Dr. Alexander Shirokov.

Reviews: 100% working procedure. I took off two rings from my pregnant wife. I could not. It hurts enough.

As a nippers to remove the ring

Spearguns can achieve a lot. Feedback: thank you, you helped me insanely! I could not remove this ring in any way, but after watching your video there was no problem!

How to remove a narrow small ring?

If you can not remove the tight ring from your finger, do not despair. You will need a thread and a pin. Thread the thread into the ring, wind the other end around the finger, and slowly pull the first end.

How to remove a tight ring from a swollen finger

Channel of Alexander Khramov. If, at you, it is impossible to remove a ring from a finger, do not despair, do not cut a ring. Just watch this video, take an ordinary thread, repeat the not very tricky reception.

How to remove a narrow ring from a finger with a lace

Need to urgently remove the annoying ring, which, as if grew into a finger? There is one way, maybe not quite pleasant, but very effective.

How easy and simple to remove a small ring from the finger

Tim Calla in the video tells about the method of removing a small ring from his finger.

Method of removing the tight ring

Removing the narrow ring from the swollen finger

Ring for memory, ring. .. Have you decided to take it off, but it's grown tight? If soap does not help - try a rope, or rather - a string. We're not kidding. Remove the ring from a stubborn finger will always help an ordinary thread. You will be surprised how simple this is done. See for yourself how to remove the ring from a swollen finger.

Remove the ring with a cord

Quickly and easily remove the ring from the finger

Remove the ring in half a minute with a thick woolen thread.

The best way to remove the ring, if it is not removed

Tatyana Rumyantseva provides the video with her efficient, fast and reliable way of removing the ring.