Coriander - one of the few spices, all parts of which are used for food.
Because of the high content of nutrients, both greens, seeds, and coriander roots are used.
Cilantro is so unpretentious that it is cultivated in the highlands of Southeast Asia, Transcaucasia, Peru and Mexico.
- Useful properties of coriander
- Use in cooking
- Wellness use
- Folk recipes
- Decoctions, juice, oil
- Contraindications and side effects
Useful properties of coriander
The plant grows best in dry, bright places.
When the air temperature becomes stable, and no frost is expected on the soil, the seeds are sown directly to the ground.
As a spice and medicine, coriander has been used for many hundreds of years.
Its useful properties and side effects were familiar to the ancient Egyptians: there are mentions of spicy grass in papyri, and seeds are found in the tomb of one of the pharaohs.
Rich in fat and essential oils, coriander seeds (which are called coriander) contain record amounts of vitamins A and C, tannic and nitrogenous substances, sugars, starch and many others.
Use in cooking
Fruits are the most valuable in coriander, and cilantro often refers to the herbaceous part of the plant.
All its parts in fresh form have a rather sharp "bug" smell, because of which the gardeners do not plant it on the plots.
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But when the plant is dried, it gives off a spicy anise flavor.
Green seeds do not eat because of an unpleasant smell, but dried fruits are widely used, mainly for flavoring dishes.
As fresh greens, it is excellent for salads and soups, as the seasoning it is used in the preparation of meat and fish, which acquire a spicy flavor and brightly expressed taste.
Spice should be added to hot dishes untreated, before serving.
Before use, the seeds of coriander are dried and ground into powder, and sometimes used in their entirety, because the ground spices quickly exhale and lose flavor.
In the food industry, coriander is used in the manufacture of sausages and cheeses.
In countries of southeast Asia, coriander roots are often used for cooking, with less pronounced flavor and taste than leaves.
They are dried, grinded and added as a seasoning in sauces to meat and fish.
Coriander is eaten all year round: the first leaves are added to salads, rice side dishes, vegetable soups and stew.
All summer the plant is harvested and dried to be used in winter.
In Caucasian, Indian and Mexican cuisine it is impossible to imagine goulash, fish dishes and sauces without coriander.
A unique aroma gives coriander grains to baking, and green cilantro (useful properties and contraindications) is used in vegetable salads, cabbage, beans, lentils and peas.
Vegetable purees from pumpkin, carrots and beets change for the better taste and aroma.
Coriander in combination with seeds of cumin used for pickling mushrooms and sour cabbage.
Wellness use
Coriander can help in many cases and alleviate the condition of a person under a variety of diseases.
With edema
- linoleic acid and cineol, contained in the essential oil of coriander, reduce swelling in stretch and arthritis, additionally having an anti-inflammatory effect,
- diuretic properties of coriander reduce swelling associated with inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder.
Relieves the condition with cystitis and painful urination, promotes the excretion of stones.
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Instructions for using Garcinia Cambodian can be found here.
On the page: it is written about the application of wintering.
Cholesterol level
Stearin, oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the internal walls of the arteries and are effective for preventing atherosclerosis.
Diseases of the digestive system
- with diarrhea, coriander improves digestion and liver function in the enzymatic deficiency of linalool and borneol,
- with diarrhea of fungal or microbial origin, borneol, limonene, cineole, alpha-pinene and beta-phellandren have antibacterial effects,
coriander - an additional tool in the treatment of acute hepatitis, speeds up the work of the liver with lethargy and stagnation,
- with an unpleasant smell from the mouth and stomatitis fights Citronellol - a wonderful antiseptic.
In the pharmaceutical industry, galenic preparations are prepared from coriander extract, which improve digestion and are effective in gastritis and ulcers of the digestive system, drugs with antiseptic, choleretic and analgesic properties.
Iron deficiency, anemia
Coriander is necessary in the diet, as it contains a large amount of iron in the composition.
Gynecological diseases.
Coriander makes the glands of internal secretion function correctly. At the same time, the symptoms of PMS are smoothed and the menstrual cycle is normalized.
Eye diseases
With the aging of the eye tissues in coriander, vitamins A and C, antioxidants, phosphorus are struggling. These substances protect the eyes from stress.
Skin diseases
Antifungal, disinfectant and antioxidant properties of coriander help against eczema and mycosis.
When eating coriander stimulates the production of insulin by cells of the pancreas.
Effects on the nervous system
- Reduces the manifestations of anxiety and depression with an additional intake of coriander, which has a sedative effect, to the main medicinal products;
- optimism, creative inclinations and imagination are stimulated with essential oil of coriander.
With the use of seasoning in the daily diet, there is an increased optimism and growth of vitality in a person.
Diseases of the respiratory system
From coriander, caraway, mint and garlic seeds prepare a decoction for liquefying phlegm and purifying the larynx from mucus.
When you take coriander, the body is cleaned of poisons and toxins, so it is used in programs to cleanse the body.
Folk recipes
Coriander as a soft spice is most suitable for the prevention and maintenance of normal internal organs, than for their treatment.
Decoctions, juice, oil
- Broths of cilantro are effective in bronchitis and pneumonia as an expectorant.
- Fresh juice of cilantro for allergic manifestations is taken orally three times a day by a teaspoonful.
Itchy and inflamed skin is lubricated. - Coriander oil is effective for rheumatic pain.
- With depressions half a glass of fruit a week insist on a liter of red wine and drink before eating 100 milliliters each.
- To improve the digestive system, coriander, cumin and fennel are used together, because they have similar properties.
- Grains are chewed with unpleasant odor from the mouth.
- In order to improve appetite, they drink tea from coriander before or after a meal. This tea helps to get rid of swelling.
- Tincture of coriander and cardamom taken with flatulence, nausea, frustration and indigestion of the stomach.
It is known that adding coriander to strong alcoholic drinks reduces the intoxicating effect of alcohol.
Coriander, added to food and drinks, cools the body during heat and illness.
Contraindications and side effects
Coriander is absolutely safe to use as a seasoning. But for medicinal purposes, large doses of essential oils of cilantro can cause:
- allergic reactions, irritation and dermatitis in contact with skin,
- photosensitization - increased sensitivity to ultraviolet,
- changes in blood glucose, which is important for diabetics.
The effect of coriander on the body of pregnant and breast-feeding women is unknown, so it is better not to use it for food during these periods.
Tips and advice on eating coriander see in the video.