Symptoms and Treatment of Acute Frontitis

The last few decades, sinusitis of various kinds are among the most common diseases, one in every ten people in the world suffer from them. Acute frontitis is a kind of sinusitis, in which the inflammatory process is localized by the frontal paranasal sinus. The disease brings a lot of discomfort, has a number of serious complications. What therapeutic and preventive measures are used to eliminate pathology?

  • Sharp fronts - what is it?
  • Types of frontitis
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • How to treat an acute front
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Prevention
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Sharp fronts - what is it?

Acute frontitis (frontal sinusitis) is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the frontal sinus mucosa. Pathology is not diagnosed as often as sinusitis, but it has more serious complications. It occurs against the background of viral, bacterial or fungal infections of respiratory organs, hypothermia.

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The main causes of frontal sinusitis:

  • the wrong position of the septum is congenital or acquired due to trauma;
  • increase in the size of the nasal concha on the background of chronic allergic and medicamentous rhinitis;
  • neoplasms and polyps.

Sometimes the inflammatory process of the nasal sinus develops as a consequence of caries or abscess.

Important!In children, the frontal ganglion is rare, the frontal sinus is fully formed in 3-4 years.

Types of frontitis

There are several types of classification of frontal sinusitis. The acute form develops on the background of injuries, allergies and infections. Chronic frontitis - a consequence of influenza, protracted rhinitis, polyps.

On the localization of the focus of inflammation there is an acute left-sided frontitis, acute right-sided frontitis. With bilateral inflammation, all symptoms are more severe, often requiring surgical intervention.

Classification of the frontitis:

  1. Acute catarrhal frontal - it is characterized by a constant pulsating pain in the central frontal part, high temperature, marked swelling of the tissues around the eyes. Develops against a background of long infectious and inflammatory processes in the nose.
  2. Acute suppurative frontal - a bacterial form of the disease, can arise from a violation of the outflow of mucus. Allocations are purulent, the disease is accompanied by high fever, weakness, severe pain in the temporal, frontal region, superciliary arches.
  3. Cystic and polytopic frontal - refers to productive forms of the disease. Breathing with the nose is difficult, the person is worried about the constant pain in the frontal part of the pulsating nature, the strong secretion of mucus. This form of pathology requires surgical intervention, removal of neoplasms.
  4. Pristenochno-giperplastichnyj frontal - against the background of the inflammatory process begins to grow.

ICD-10 code-J32-J32.1-chronic sinusitis and chronic frontal sinusitis. For the acute form, the code J01-J01.1 is used.

Symptoms of the disease

Frontite has a number of characteristic features, which greatly facilitates the diagnosis. Signs of an acute form of pathology:

  • pain in the frontal part, which becomes more intense when the body is tilted forward, pressing on the superciliary arches;
  • difficulty breathing with the nose, often it is completely absent;
  • deterioration of smell;
  • abundant discharge of purulent or mucous nature;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • swelling, redness of the skin in the upper part of the face.

Important!Pain in acute frontal sinusitis is cyclical in nature - intensified immediately after awakening, when the outflow of mucus is severely impaired. After the removal of stagnation, the pain syndrome becomes weaker.

Acute inflammation flows into a chronic form 1-2 months after the onset of inflammation. The main reason is incorrect or untimely medication. Chronic frontitis manifests itself in a weaker form - the pain is aching and pressing, in the morning hours there is a lot of phlegm with pus.

Relaxation of symptoms in chronic form does not indicate the onset of the recovery process. It is this form of pathology that leads to the development of complications and concomitant diseases.

Without proper therapy, the infection moves to nearby tissues, the frontal bone, and the retina of the eyes. The most severe complications of inflammation in adults are abscess, sepsis, meningitis.

How to treat an acute front

The main method of treatment in adults is the use of antibacterial drugs in the form of tablets, sprays. The main indicator for the onset of antibacterial therapy is purulent discharge. The duration of antibiotic therapy is 7-10 days.

Effective antibacterial agents:

  • at the initial stage of inflammation help sprays and drops with antibacterial properties - Isofra, Bioparox;
  • when acute form prescribed antibacterial drugs with a wide spectrum of action - Sumamed;
  • in chronic form necessarily make an analysis of the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to antibiotics, use drugs with a narrow focus - Amoxiclav, Ampicillin.

In addition to antibiotics, complex therapy includes antihistamines to reduce swelling - Diazolin, Suprastin. With thick purulent mucus appoint ACTS-long, additionally use painkillers and antipyretic drugs.

In addition to the treatment scheme include methods of physiotherapy - microwave, UHF, heating with a blue lamp, light therapy. All these drugs are effective only for mild forms of pathology, when there is no pus in the mucus. Otherwise, any methods of heating are prohibited.

Cuckoo is the most popular and effective treatment for various inflammatory processes of the respiratory system. For washing, a solution of furacilin and other medications is used. This procedure helps to cleanse the nasal sinuses.

Treatment in a hospital is necessary for severe forms of pathology, in this case, drugs are injected. Surgical intervention, penetration of pus is shown in the absence of positive dynamics after drug therapy - the pain intensifies, the temperature is constantly increased.

Treatment with folk remedies

When treating at home, you need to remember that any kind of warming is contraindicated in the purulent form of pathology. Any methods of non-traditional therapy should be discussed with the attending physician.

For the prompt removal of inflammation, it is often necessary to wash the nasal passages with a solution of ordinary or sea salt. Dissolve 5 g of salt in 200 ml of water, add 1 g of soda and 3 drops of tea tree oil.

For inhalations, you can use a hot potato broth. Or to prepare a solution for inhalation from 1, 5 liters of boiling water and 10 bay leaves - in pairs you need at least a quarter of an hour.

Black radish juice has a strong antibacterial property. It is necessary to grate fresh vegetable, squeeze the juice, dig in 1-2 drops in each nasal passage three times a day.

To improve the outflow of mucus in the morning, before bedtime, you need to insert into the nose for half an hour of turunda with medicinal ointment. Mix 30 grams of liquid honey, fresh aloe juice, onion and cyclamen, Vishnevsky ointment. Repeat the procedure you need every day for 10-14 days.


The inflammatory process of the nasal sinuses requires a long, often expensive treatment - therefore, one should not follow simple precautions.

Preventive actions:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • hardening, regular moderate exercise;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • timely treatment of rhinitis and respiratory diseases.

To prevent inflammation, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes in the spring and autumn, wear gauze dressings during the epidemic period, eat balanced, get rid of addictions.

Acute frontitis is dangerous complications, therefore at the first signs of inflammation it is necessary to consult a doctor. Folk methods can only become a good support for drug therapy, it is impossible to cure the inflammation of the frontal sinus alone with herbs.