Spray Paranitis from lice and nits - instructions for use

Pediculosis is a serious problem of society. Most often, children suffer in foul language at preschool, school age, but adults can also become infected. In the pharmaceutical market, new, more effective, pediculicide drugs are emerging. To popular include Paranit - a spray from lice and nits, which is often used in adults and children. Most of the reviews confirm its positive effect. Why Paranit Spray has proved to be the best anti-pediculosis drug? Let's go into more detail.

  • The composition of
  • How it works
  • Instructions for use
  • Safety and side effects
  • Contraindications
  • Prevention
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The composition of

Paranitis is produced by a Belgian pharmaceutical company. There are no insecticides in the composition of the product. Active substance is dimethicone (4%), this is a natural silicone. Auxiliary components are mineral oil and Isopar (96%).

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Paranitis is a viscous, oily liquid. It has no color and smell. In rare cases, a cloudy yellow precipitate may be observed.

Under the brand Paranita, a number of products are available from lice and nits. This shampoo Paranitis Sensitive, spray, lotion, repellent. A large assortment allows the consumer to select the optimal tool. The action of all drugs is aimed at fighting against lice in the hair. In addition to anti-pediculosis drugs, this brand produces balm-conditioner. It facilitates the washing off of the spray or other drug, combing, and also nourishes the hair.

How it works

Dimethicone, the main substance of the spray, gets into the respiratory tract of lice and clogs them. As a result of suffocation insects perish. For a person, the remedy is not dangerous. Isopar helps dissolve dimethicone. This oily substance can not be replaced with water or alcohol, it does not have an anti-pediculosis effect.

Due to the increased solubility in oil, the silicone spreads through the hair and is difficult to remove. This is a significant drawback for many people. How to wash off the product from the hair? It helps to reapply the usual shampoo or rinse aid Paranita.

Important! Nit Paranitis does not destroy, because they have no respiratory organs! Only in rare cases, the drug has a harmful effect on the larva. The manufacturer recommends that the spray treatment be carried out twice.

Instructions for use

Clinical efficacy of Paranitis has been proven by studies. This is a weighty argument in favor of using this tool. Each package contains a bottle with a convenient sprayer, a frequent comb for combing nits and lice, an instruction.

It describes the procedure for pediculosis:

  1. Before the treatment, the hair should be combed, you can use the attached scallop.
  2. Divide the entire beam into small strands.
  3. Prepare a piece of fabric, preferably light, to clean the comb.
  4. Shake the vial, proceed to the treatment.
  5. After detaching a separate strand, spray the liquid at a distance of 10 cm, moving from the roots to the ends.
  6. After moistening the entire head with your hands, massage your hair, evenly distributing the substance.
  7. Keep solution for 15 minutes.
  8. Wash it off with warm water and shampoo. The procedure is repeated several times, as oil and silicone are heavily washed off.
  9. To comb the dead insects with a comb.

Repeated treatment is carried out after two weeks. This time, which is enough to remove the remaining nits.

Safety and side effects

Paranitis is one of the few remedies that is safe for most people. But with intolerance to the components of the spray, a person may have an allergy.

Important! Before using the drug, test! To do this, apply some liquid to the elbow bend. If the treated skin area is flushed, discard the procedure.


For all the safety of Paranita, the manufacturer does not recommend using it to destroy lice and nits in such persons:

  • children under 3 years;
  • women in the state;
  • nursing mothers.

Contraindication is also damage to the scalp, dermatitis, pustular rash. In this situation, you need to wait for recovery. You can apply tar tar shampoo, which depresses the reproduction of lice and heals the skin.


Despite the safety of the spray, observe the rules of use:

  • conduct the procedure in the bathroom;
  • make sure that there are no pets nearby;
  • put on gloves;
  • advise the child or adult during the treatment to close the eyes with the palms or a towel to avoid irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • After the procedure, wash hands thoroughly.

Many refuse this spray because of the high cost. The average price today ranges from 600 rubles. But the effectiveness of Paranita allows you to quickly and painlessly cure pediculosis.

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