Marine illness: symptoms, treatment, causes, tablets

Seasickness is a state of feeling sick with symptoms of dizziness, nausea and vomiting when heavily rocked on the road by car, transporting a child and an adult, while traveling by boat, boat, air travel, train, elevator,swings and carousels.

Let's talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment of seasickness at home using folk remedies, medical drugs - tablets. Do not take self-medication, consult a doctor when using medicines.


Causes of motion sickness

Seasickness develops with frequent, rapid change of body position in space. The motion sickness syndrome increases with: stifling indoors, high humidity, high air temperature, irritating smells in transport( gasoline, cologne, food), monotonous noise.

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Not all people are equally susceptible to motion sickness in transport: someone suffers strongly, some do not. It is believed that the children of the first three years of life there is no motion sickness syndrome, but see the page "Why the child is very cramping in the car and nauseous: what to do?".

Symptoms, signs of seasickness

Moderate motion sickness can be mistaken for fatigue: apathy, general lethargy. More severe symptoms of seasickness:

  1. dry mouth,
  2. burning sensation in the mouth,
  3. headache,
  4. dizziness,
  5. nausea.

When the irritating motion factor continues to act, the weight of motion sickness increases: the person becomes:

  1. irritable,
  2. depressed,
  3. anxious,
  4. is broken sleep,
  5. skin turns pale,
  6. begins to shake hands,
  7. separates cold sweat.

Sedition accompanied by salivation, dizziness, noise or buzz in the ears. Then there is a headache, nausea becomes vomiting. The pulse rate increases, blood pressure rises. In severe cases, a person can faint, develop collapse. First aid is required.

Treatment of seasickness: what to do?

If the patient develops the above described clinical picture, he needs to provide the following assistance:

  1. at the first opportunity to stop the action of irritants;
  2. put the victim in a cool place;
  3. relax, unbutton the collar, ensure access to fresh air( odorless);
  4. provide peace, quiet;
  5. give the man a sniff of ammonia, rub his whiskey;
  6. to distract the attention of the patient from disturbing sensations;
  7. with light massaging movements to rub a solar plexus to a man, lightly tap it with his fingers;
  8. give the affected person a little cold water. Good with lemon juice. You can drink cold strong tea( black or green);
  9. give the person small pieces of ice to swallow;
  10. , allow the affected person to eat something sharp or salty.

On the examination and clarification of the diagnosis the doctor prescribes treatment of seasickness:

  1. antihistamines,
  2. spasmolytic,
  3. anticholinergic and other agents.

Usually the treatment includes solutions of atropine, papaverine, platifillin, suprastin, pipolfen, dibazol. Treatment is mostly outpatient. In severe cases, the threat of collapse requires treatment in a hospital.

Doctor's advice

A person who knows that he is sensitive to the vestibular apparatus should avoid exposure to factors that cause the onset of motion sickness.

If there is no way to avoid a trip, give preference to the type of transport, which does not sway much( for example, a train).On the eve of the trip and during it, take the means that reduce the sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus:

  1. aeron,
  2. aerovit,
  3. dimedrol,
  4. pipolfen,
  5. pyrroxane,
  6. plavethin,
  7. scopolamine,
  8. hydrobromide.

Folk remedies at home

Wormwood bitter .Even in the medieval school in Salerno, wormwood was used to relieve seasickness attacks. This plant is called a friend of the stomach, as it has a tonic, appetizing effect, stimulates digestion, is an antihelminthic drug and a diuretic( has diuretic properties).Wormwood is also used for atony of the stomach and intestines, in the absence of appetite, anemia and ascariasis.

  1. Infusion of wormwood. 1 tablespoon of flowers and leaves brew in 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 2 tablespoons three to four times a day. Wormwood can be brewed and drunk like tea.
  2. Decoction of wormwood. 1 tablespoon ground part of the plant, pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, infuse for 1 hour, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons three times a day.

What to do without drugs?

  1. Limit your movements. The fact is that the fluctuations of the head from side to side contribute to the development of motion sickness. Lean your head on a cushion or headrest, this will help fix it.
  2. Another fact: when a ship, plane or car increases speed, the effect of seasickness will become less pronounced.
  3. At the first signs of seasickness, you need to close your eyes. Thus, you will rid yourself of the "chaotic" signals coming into the brain. Do not try to read while driving.
  4. If there are signs of nausea, a slice of lemon or caramel with menthol will help.
  5. Before you go on a long trip, do not eat breakfast, lunch or dinner, just like you should not go on a trip with an empty stomach. Food that can be refreshed before and during the journey should be light and hot. Exclude from the diet: fatty, carbonated and your favorite cream cakes and cakes.
  6. For motion sickness it is useful to massage your wrist and palms. Place your hand palm up on the knee, and massage your wrist with your thumb, and then the middle of the palm. You can also wipe the neck and whiskey with a wet towel.
  7. If you are planning a long trip, then volleyball, trampoline, swimming, swings, etc. will be effective enough. With these types of exercises you train your vestibular apparatus.

Well, now about the pharmacological agents that can stop the symptoms of seasickness.

Tablets from seasickness

  1. You can use antihistamines( antiallergic) drugs, they are effective for motion sickness. For example, pipolfen , suprastin or dimedrol .
  2. Means for motion sickness: kinetril , bonin , aircraft engine .
  3. It is better to take these and the above mentioned means one hour before the trip, since they will not act immediately, but after about a couple of hours.
  4. High-speed drugs, which include alkaloids belladonna. For example: Aeron , Bellaspon , Bellataminal .
  5. Homeopathic preparations: Nux Vomica , Vertigohel and Avia-sea .
  6. Biologically active additive - " Hitler ".

In addition, rid of nausea and feelings of anxiety will help Validol and Valocordin , extract mint or mint tea.

To reduce the irritation of the gastric mucosa, ice pieces are taken inside, Anestezin in powders of 0.3-0.5 3-4 times a day.

To prevent seasickness and motion sickness, antihistamines are effective( for example, Dimedrol ).

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Source: Allega G.N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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