Where does a man get lice

No lice are insured against lice. This is due to the fact that there is no immunity to the disease. Therefore, many people faced this problem. Where do lice really come from? On this issue we will dwell in more detail.

  • Existing types of parasites
  • Head Louse
  • Clothes (linen) lice
  • Pubic lice
  • Causes of Lice
  • Prevention
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Existing types of parasites

There are 3 types of lice that can appear in humans. They are adapted to life in different conditions. Let's consider each type in more detail.

Head Louse

This is the most common type of parasites. There is an opinion that head lice appear only in people living in unsanitary conditions. In fact, this is not so. They can be observed even in a clean person.

How to identify head lice? These parasites conduct their active life on the scalp of a person. Head lice have a greyish-brown hue, which makes them hard to notice. They masquerade in the hair. The parasites feed on blood. After it enters the body, their corpuscle darkens slightly.

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The average size of adult lice varies between 2-4 mm. They lay eggs, which are called nits, and are larvae of roundish form of white color, their size is up to 2 mm. Lay the eggs of female lice in the basal area.

The human louse dies at low temperatures - below 0 ° C. Also, the destructive effect has a temperature above 45 ° C. The incubation period of head lice, i.e., The development time from egg to egg is about 16 days. Duration also depends on the conditions of life. If they are not favorable for the larva, the appearance of lice from nits can last up to 2 months.

Important to remember! Begin the treatment of pediculosis immediately after its detection! This will help get rid of parasites in a short time.

Clothes (linen) lice

Outwardly these parasites are similar to lice on the head - both in structure and size. The only difference is their color. Linen lice are white or gray with a yellowish tinge. Their localization also differs. They appear on the objects of the wardrobe, usually on clothes, which are extremely rare.

To withdraw them is quite simple: for this you should boil your clothes or hold it in the frost for a couple of days. After heat treatment, it is necessary to iron things, paying special attention to the seams.

Pubic lice

This type of parasite is the smallest of all varieties. Adult individuals barely reach 2 mm, their larvae - not more than 0.5 mm. They look like black or brown dots, slightly flattened shape.

Localized pubic lice in people in the groin area, in rare cases can appear on the eyelashes, in the armpits, on the eyebrows. Most often, such parasites are transmitted as a result of intimacy with an infected person. But sometimes they can appear when wearing contaminated clothing or when swimming in polluted water.

Causes of Lice

From what do lice appear in humans? By themselves these parasites are not planted. Initially, they are transmitted from person to person. The most common is pediculosis in children's school and preschool institutions. Lice in a child are often enough due to the fact that he is in close contact with peers.

Also possible sources of infection include:

  1. Public pools, baths, saunas, beaches. Parasites in this case can be on towels, clothes. In this case, enough 1 hair with a viable nitus for infection.
  2. Sanatoriums, hotels. When traveling on vacation or on a business trip, you need to bring your own bed linen, because the use of public sleeping facilities can lead to infection.
  3. Public transport. The mass congestion of people in fixed-route taxis or buses forces you to be in close proximity to strangers. In such conditions, lice are easily transmitted through clothing or hair.
  4. Sport halls. This concerns, above all, pediculosis in children. During lively games, lice are passed from one child to another.
  5. Hairdressers. Overalls, combs, hairpins and other items are not always handled in beauty salons properly.

Infection can occur in the queue, in the dressing shops - these insects are transmitted in places with a large flow and a congestion of people.

Many people believe that pediculosis can occur on a nervous basis, linking it with the weakening of the immune system. In fact, this is not so. Lice are parasites that are transmitted from person to person, they do not live in the external environment. In themselves they do not arise.

Why can lice appear again? Re-infection occurs usually during the epidemic of pediculosis in children's school and preschool institutions. In this case, insects are transferred from a sick child to a healthy one. Also, pediculosis can be observed as a result of poor-quality treatment. Nits remain and continue to be active.

It is important to know! Pediculosis can cause serious dermatological diseases! Therefore, to fight insects should be immediately after their discovery.


To avoid infection with pediculosis, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Elimination of physical contact with people living in unsanitary conditions. Also, one should not work closely with people who have pronounced signs of pediculosis.
  2. Abstinence from accidental sexual intercourse. They can be the cause of pubic lice.
  3. You can not use other people's hairbrushes, hairpins, or wardrobe items.
  4. Regularly change bed linen, erasing it at high temperatures.
  5. The child should be inspected regularly for the presence or absence of head lice.

If an infected person has appeared in the family, then all household members should treat the head with shampoos and other medicines for pediculosis for preventive purposes. It is also very important to carry out a general cleaning of the living quarters with the use of insecticides.