What are the symptoms of an allergic cough?

An obsessive causeless cough often is a sign of an allergy. If the approach to the problem is incorrect, the situation becomes worse and complications arise with treatment in the future. It is necessary to listen to your body and in time to diagnose a cough allergic, the symptoms of which are described in this article.

  • Symptoms of manifestation
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • Medication Therapy
  • Folk methods
  • Prevention
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Symptoms of manifestation

Symptoms of an allergic cough are not always easy to distinguish from a common cold or bronchitis. The patient has a sore throat, it is difficult to breathe deeply the air, the head is spinning. The patient over a long period may unsuccessfully treat ARVI, but what is his cough-allergic or catarrhal? Below are examples of the main causes and symptoms of the disease.

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Signs of an allergic cough:

  1. Paroxysmal pressing cough. The reaction begins when there is an irritating factor nearby. The walls of the larynx and the mucosa in the bronchi swell. It is very difficult to clear the throat completely, the cough is dry, without phlegm.
  2. Seasonality of the onset of symptoms. Most people feel relapse in the spring-summer period, when plants blossom.
  3. Skin irritation (diffuse urticaria, severe itching). Manifestations of a rash in combination with a pathological cough suggest a high likelihood of an allergy.
  4. Weakness, decline of strength. During an attack, oxygen flows weakly into the organs, the brain. For this reason there is fatigue, apathy, irritability.
  5. Short-term runny nose, tearing. Often there are such symptoms in children, because of the sensitive mucosa. It is necessary to be afraid of development of a stenosis - pathological puffiness, that can lead to a lethal outcome.

Important! A clear sign of an allergic cough is the absence of characteristic symptoms of colds and SARS. No fever, no migraine. If the patient takes an antihistamine in time, the cough will stop.

Causes of the disease in adults and children:

  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • eating foods with a high content of pesticides and chemicals;
  • exposure to dust, household chemicals, pollen of flowers, smell of perfume, other factors that adversely affect the human body;
  • decreased immune resistance;
  • air, oversaturated with heavy metals;
  • genetic predisposition.

Important! Allergic cough often accompanies bronchial asthma or is its predecessor. There is a special form of this disease - cough asthma.

It should not be allowed to aggravate cough in young children. At a younger age, the risk of bronchospasm and asthma development is increased.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before the final diagnosis is established, a number of studies and analyzes are carried out. The task is to identify the cause of the disease. It is necessary to give a general blood test, as well as a swab from the nasopharynx. If the indicator of eosinophils in the analysis exceeds the norm, then this is an obvious allergy.

Deviations in the work of bronchi are detected with the help of special computer diagnostics - bronchophonography. With its help, you can analyze breathing noises that are hard to hear when listening with a phonendoscope.

Another effective study is a skin reaction to various allergens. Under the skin, the patient is administered various substances. Then watch the patient for 20-30 minutes. If there are characteristic eruptions, hyperemia or edema - diagnose an allergic reaction.

But the most convenient solution is chemiluminescence. The method is suitable for adults, children, pregnant and lactating. It lets you know what kinds of antibodies are present in a person. The blood transferred to the laboratory is placed on the panel with various allergens. When the contact with the blood panel is highlighted - antibodies are present, the allergy is.

Important! Cough for allergies can occur at any age. In pregnant women, it is dangerous because bronchospasm causes oxygen starvation in the fetus, so do not hesitate with timely diagnosis and treatment.

Children have symptoms quickly, they are more pronounced. Dr. Komarovsky recommends that parents closely monitor their child during acclimatization periods, when changing their place of residence, when introducing new food into the diet.

Medication Therapy

Cough is of two kinds - moist and dry. To treat the disease is necessary in view of its causes and specifics. Wet allergic cough has symptoms similar to bronchitis - frequent seizures with the secretion of wet mucus.

Than to treat an allergic wet cough:

  • to eliminate the causes of the pathological reaction of the organism, to protect yourself from the effects of irritating factors;
  • take long-term or short-term antihistamines. For example, to quickly remove the attack tablets Cetrin, Diazolin. For the gradual reduction of symptoms, Erius, Zodak's preparations are chosen;
  • The inhalations on the basis of Berodual and Pulmicort help well;
  • doctors recommend mucolytic drugs - Ambroxol, Bromhexine;
  • To remove toxins from the body sorbents help;
  • in severe cases, appoint tablets and injections of Dexamethasone, but only in a hospital setting.

Important! Medicinal preparations are used only after diagnosis and under the supervision of a doctor.

How to treat a dry allergic cough:

  • To remove painful seizures, it is necessary to conduct regular wet cleaning in the room;
  • use the same antiallergic drugs as with a wet cough;
  • antiallergic and bronchodilators are effective: Suprastin, Teofedrine;
  • prescribe herbal teas from chamomile, calendula, lemon balm. Drinking plenty is a prerequisite for recovery.

Important! The use of bronchodilator or mucolytic drugs is fundamentally important in drug therapy. Their peculiarity is liquefaction of mucus in bronchi, acceleration of expectoration and gradual elimination of symptoms of the disease.

Folk methods

In folk practice, use various teas and decoctions. Consider the popular recipes.

Herbal Remedies

You will need: licorice root (35 g), calendula flowers (50 g) and dill (10 g). Ingredients in a dry form are placed in a bowl with boiling water (0.5 liters), cooked for about 10 minutes. Strain, you can consume 50 g at a time, after eating. Tea has a beneficial effect on the walls of the larynx and the airways.


To reduce the symptoms of dry cough, make a dried thyme at a rate of 1 h. l. for a cup of boiled water. Infusion should be used fresh, immediately after brewing. Strain, give a little cool and drink in small sips.

Important! Medicines from folk recipes can cause additional allergic reactions. Caution should be taken for herbal remedies, it is better to consult a doctor.


Secure yourself from an allergic cough, you can, following simple rules:

  • Exclude a source that provokes an allergy;
  • to stop smoking and stay in stuffy places;
  • use only natural food, without dyes and additives;
  • if possible, use natural household chemicals;
  • often visit the countryside, play sports;
  • to moisten the living quarters;
  • Have with you antihistamines for emergency care.

It is necessary to visit the doctor regularly for a re-examination and timely consultation. During the holidays it is recommended to visit sanatoriums in ecologically clean zones.