Photo of perioral dermatitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Perioral dermatitis is a fairly common skin disease. As a rule, the disease affects women aged 20-45 years, but sometimes it can be observed in men and children. Rashes not only spoil the appearance, but also are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Completely get rid of the disease can be if you start a timely treatment. However, if the disease is allowed to drift, it will take on a chronic form and will be regularly aggravated. The article will describe in detail perioral dermatitis, the photos clearly show how it looks.

  • Perioral dermatitis, what is it
  • Causes of developing a rash on the face
  • The main symptoms of the disease
  • Perioral dermatitis: photos
  • Diagnosis of perioral dermatitis
  • Perioral dermatitis in children
  • Pregnancy and dermatitis
  • Treatment of the disease with medication
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Gadgets
  • Compresses
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Perioral dermatitis, what is it

Rosacea-like or perioral dermatitis is an inflammatory process of the skin, which is characterized by skin rash and redness. As a rule, the disease affects the upper layers of the epidermis located near the nose, mouth and chin, sometimes appears around the eyes. Usually, they are located symmetrically on the face, but there are cases of one-sided localization.

At the first stage of the lesion, the disease manifests itself in small red papules. Over time, they develop and affect more and more areas on the skin. This can take 7 days or a month. A distinctive feature of this dermatitis are clear contours that separate healthy skin from the patient. At the first symptoms it is necessary to consult a dermatologist for advice.

Important!How is perioral dermatitis transmitted? This skin disease is not transmitted from an infected patient to a healthy person.

Causes of developing a rash on the face

Modern medicine is not known for the exact cause of rosace-like dermatitis. However, factors that provoked the development of this disease were identified. How can you get dermatitis:

  • decreased immune system;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • weathering of the skin;
  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • sensitivity to aggressive allergens;
  • use of drugs that include corticosteroids;
  • bronchial asthma or allergic rhinitis;
  • sensitive skin of the face;
  • great use of cosmetics;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • reception of oral contraceptives;
  • application of toothpastes based on fluorine;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • regular stress.

According to studies, it was found that perioral dermatitis often appears in women. If they begin to actively care for their face and use more than 3 cosmetics. Before using cosmetics, it is important to study the instruction and discard the one containing such components:

  • petrolatum;
  • paraffin;
  • aromatic additives with cinnamon;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • isopropyl myristate.

These components break collagen and elastin fibers, and also damage blood vessels. This pathogenic effect provokes the onset of dermatitis on the face.

The main symptoms of the disease

Perioral dermatitis is always manifested by pronounced rashes on the face. They spoil the aesthetic appearance of the skin and are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that worsen the quality of life. As a rule, the disease has the following clinical manifestations:

  • red bumps are formed, similar to pimples;
  • the skin acquires a red shade, with pronounced contours of the affected area;
  • there is dryness, itching and pain;
  • in pryshchiki there is a transparent liquid, in due course they become abscesses;
  • The inflamed patches are covered with thin scales that peel off the skin.

As a rule, the inflammation is localized near the mouth, nose, and also on the chin, cheekbones, sometimes it affects the area near the eyes. The disease is characterized by small rashes, which can be single or collected in large groups. The severity of symptoms directly depends on the duration of the disease and the period of exacerbation.

Perioral dermatitis: photos

Diagnosis of perioral dermatitis

At the first manifestations of the disease it is necessary to consult a doctor dermatologist. The specialist will carefully examine the affected areas and will appoint additional studies that will allow to establish the diagnosis accurately. As a rule, it is recommended to perform bapses or scrapings. To do this, a sick smear is taken from the affected skin and sent to a laboratory test. It will show the presence of fungi and infections that provoked inflammation. In addition, they can recommend to undergo an examination to determine the allergens that affect the development of dermatitis.

Once all the test results are ready, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and select an individual treatment regimen. When choosing effective drugs, the dermatologist takes into account the individual characteristics of the body and the characteristic manifestations of dermatitis.

Perioral dermatitis in children

Inflammation on the skin, caused by rosacea-like dermatitis, in children has recently become more common. Typically, this complication affects the area around the mouth, nose and chin. This occurs after the use of sprays and inhalers, which contain glucocorticoid hormones. It is interesting that all unpleasant symptoms appear after discontinuation of the use of such drugs. During the treatment, no clinical complications are observed. At the first rashes the child should be shown to the pediatrician and dermatologist. After assessing the health of the child, the specialist will select quality therapy and tell you what to treat the disease.

Pregnancy and dermatitis

During pregnancy, many changes occur in the body of a woman, all of them can provoke the restoration of chronic diseases and the development of new ailments. As a rule, rashes on the skin appear in half of future mothers. Rosaceous dermatitis is manifested by small red rashes on the face. They are always accompanied by itching and dry skin. Unpleasant symptoms can accompany a woman throughout pregnancy and pass on their own after giving birth.

The clinical manifestations of dermatitis worsen significantly during pregnancy, so it is important to consult a doctor. A full treatment during pregnancy can not be carried out, since it includes antibiotics. However, there are drugs that eliminate the manifestations of dermatitis and do not harm the fetus. Therapy is allowed only from the second trimester of pregnancy, when all the organs of the baby are formed. Usually dermatologists recommend using such medicinal ointments:

  • Metragyl;
  • Elokom.

Important!Peripheral dermatitis does not harm the woman and the future child.

Treatment of the disease with medication

How long does the disease last? Dermatitis therapy is a long enough process, it can take up to 3 months, it all depends on the severity of the ailment. Its effectiveness depends on when a person seeks medical help. The sooner the treatment begins, the sooner the recovery will come. Sometimes there are relapses, but they pass with less pronounced symptoms. Dermatitis therapy is always carried out in a complex way, it includes the following drugs and procedures:

  • "Zero therapy". Includes the refusal to use any cosmetics, creams, and you need to change toothpaste. If the condition does not improve, then it is necessary to introduce drug treatment;
  • anti-inflammatory creams and ointments (Erythromycin 2%, Metronidazole 1%);
  • antiallergic drugs (Suprastin, Eden, Cetrin, Clemastin);
  • antibiotics (Doxycillin, Minocilin, Tetracycline);
  • when stress is recommended to use soothing drugs (Sedafiton, Sedistress, Valerian, Vita-Melatonin, Menovalen, Phytosed);
  • complex of vitamins;
  • Physiotherapy is a massage using liquid nitrogen.

Treatment is carried out at home, but the patient should regularly visit the doctor. Therapy is recommended to supplement with diet. It is necessary to exclude from the daily diet meat, fatty, spicy, salty and smoked food, as well as potatoes and eggs in any form. All drugs should appoint a dermatologist, a specialist will also recommend acceptable food.

Treatment with folk remedies

The main drug treatment can always be supplemented with old "grandmother" methods. They qualitatively help to cope with skin rashes. However, they must be used only with the permission of the doctor.


To prepare the broth take dry grass 2 tbsp. spoon and pour it 250 ml of steep boiling water. Cover with a lid and insist until the mixture cools. Then filter and make lotions. For medicinal liquid such grasses will approach:

  • celandine;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow;
  • St. John's Wort.

Ready decoction wipes affected areas of the skin at least 4 times a day.


To prepare the medicine take in equal proportions (50 g) oil from flax seeds and honey. Everybody warms up so that honey melts. Then add 2 tbsp. spoons of juice from onions, all mixed. A warm liquid is impregnated with small rags and applied to the diseased parts of the body.

Dermatologists recommend that you often rub your face with thermal water. It will relieve the inflammation, eliminate the itching and soften the skin.

When the first symptoms of perioral dermatitis should consult a doctor. Timely therapy will once and for all get rid of unpleasant rashes on the face.