Sore throat in a one-year-old child than to treat

How to treat a throat for a one-year-old child

How to treat a throat for a one-year-old child

Sore throat is one of the most unpleasant things that can spoil the mood of any person. Its intensity can range from mild persecution to unbearable pain, because of which every sip turns into torture. And what if the throat is sick to a small child who can not even explain what exactly and how much it hurts?


  1. Sore throat is not a disease. This is a symptom of many different diseases. It is possible to establish that it is the throat that hurts, for a number of reasons, the main ones of which are the refusal of the child from drinking, breast, food, noisy swallowing, the tension of the muscles of the thorax in the throat. There are also indirect signs: the child becomes listless, apathetic, the temperature rises, there is a chill, he cries a lot and does not pay attention to things and toys that were previously interested in him.
  2. In order to make sure that it hurts just the throat, look into the baby's mouth during crying or, taking a clean spoon of room temperature, gently push the root of the tongue and look into the throat. If it is red, covered with bloom - it is necessary to call a doctor. But before he comes you can help your baby. You can give a mild antipyretic (in the form of a syrup or rectal suppository), plentiful drink, best of all infusion of chamomile, as this plant has a strong disinfectant effect.
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    After, especially if the doctor should come only the next day, you can do inhalation of medicinal herbs with the help of steam inhaler, or allow the child to breathe saline through a nebulizer to moisten the inflamed mucosa. You can also drip in the ears of special drops - in children the Eustachian tube, connecting the inner ear with the pharynx, is short, so inflammation almost always goes to the ears.

  3. A good and proven remedy is an alcohol compress on the neck. Dilute vodka with water one to two, moisten gauze, put on the front surface of the neck, cover with suitable on the size of a sheet of parchment paper (you can take paper for baking) and tie a cotton shawl. Leave for a few hours.
  4. But all this - only ways to ease the pain until the doctor comes who will diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment in this case for your child.

How to cure a sore throat from a one-year-old child



How to treat a throat for a one-year-old child

Sore throat is not a disease. This is a symptom of many different diseases. It is possible to establish that it is the throat that hurts, for a number of reasons, the main ones of which are the refusal of the child from drinking, breast, food, noisy swallowing, the tension of the muscles of the thorax in the throat. There are also indirect signs: the child becomes listless, apathetic, the temperature rises, there is a chill, he cries a lot and does not pay attention to things and toys that were previously interested in him.
In order to make sure that it hurts just the throat, look into the baby's mouth during crying or, taking a clean spoon of room temperature, gently push the root of the tongue and look into the throat. If it is red, covered with bloom - it is necessary to call a doctor. But before he comes you can help your baby. You can give a mild antipyretic (in the form of a syrup or rectal suppository), plentiful drink, best of all infusion of chamomile, as this plant has a strong disinfectant effect.
After, especially if the doctor should come only the next day, you can do inhalation of medicinal herbs with the help of steam inhaler, or allow the child to breathe saline through a nebulizer to moisten the inflamed mucosa. You can also drip in the ears of special drops - in children the Eustachian tube, connecting the inner ear with the pharynx, is short, so inflammation almost always goes to the ears.

A good and proven remedy is an alcohol compress on the neck. Dilute vodka with water one to two, moisten gauze, put on the front surface of the neck, cover with suitable on the size of a sheet of parchment paper (you can take paper for baking) and tie a cotton shawl. Leave for a few hours.
But all this - only ways to ease the pain until the doctor comes who will diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment in this case for your child.

In children under 1.5 years of age, angina is extremely rare, so it is likely that the reason for the temperature is the eruption of the teeth (examine the baby's gums). It is not recommended to use bioparox, since in children under 3 years old it can cause bronchospasm. If the temperature persists for another 1-2 days, call the doctor again to re-examine the baby.

How to treat throat 1.4 year old throat? and how to lower the temperature?


Slavik Klimov

First of all, when treating angina at home, it is important to consider the features of the course of the disease. First, high temperature causes increased moisture evaporation from the surface of the skin. Therefore, a person with tonsillitis needs a lot of fluid. The liquid will not only prevent dehydration, but also help to remove intoxication and reduce the temperature. You can drink non-acidic juices, so as not to irritate the already inflamed mucous. A good remedy for the patient is jelly from fruit or berries. Kissel is quite viscous, it well envelops the sore throat and reduces pain. Food should be soft, without spices and spicy spices.
When treating angina, you can gargle with herbal decoctions: marigold, chamomile, sage. Herbs relieve pain and help fight infection. To enhance the effect of rinses, you need to gargle as often as possible: about every two hours. Oily solutions of eucalyptus or fir can be used for inhalation.
The heat will last about 5-7 days. Do not rush to bring down the temperature until it rises to 38 or higher, because in this way the body struggles with the disease. The exception to this rule is children and people who have problems with the cardiovascular system - they should be better able to bring down the temperature, without waiting until it rises to 39.
To reduce the temperature, you can take nurofen, or insert rectal suppositories, for example Cefekon. If these drugs are not enough, attach a handkerchief on the forehead to the patient, before wetting it in cool water. In such cases, the wiping cool (but not cold! ) water or even a warm bath. At all, do not wrap the patient with angina and do not pour hot tea - he will NOT sweat and the temperature will NOT decrease, on the contrary, a person can lose consciousness from overheating. To warm up the patient's throat with treatment of angina is possible only when the temperature becomes normal. The heat exhausts even the most persistent. Therefore, be patient, if you happen to treat a patient with sore throat.
Precautions for angina
Angina is an easily transmitted disease, so if possible, try to exclude the patient from contacting other people, especially with young children. Children are very difficult to tolerate angina, and complications arise more often. If you can not isolate the patient from children, he must constantly wear a mask, so as not to infect others. Ideally, a sore throat should be treated in a hospital, under the constant supervision of a doctor.
It should be understood that if a person falls ill with angina, then only folk remedies can not be cured. Otherwise, there may be accompanying complications. In the treatment of angina effective antibiotics, which should appoint a doctor, rather than taking them to independent discretion. When choosing an antibiotic, the doctor is guided by whether the patient has an allergy to any kind of antibiotics, and also by what medications he was treated earlier. And of course, the doctor knows to what antibiotics streptococci are sensitive, which caused angina. Therefore, it makes no sense now to call antibiotics, which you could treat a patient with sore throat. Call a doctor so as not to harm the sick. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics in the form of injections - so drugs are quickly absorbed into the blood and begin to act. Then, after three to five days, the doctor will allow to take the antibiotic orally.
In addition to internal antibiotics, it is possible to take local antibiotics, such as fusafyunzhin. This spray, which acts only on the mucosa, on which it is sprayed. It effectively fights microbes that caused inflammation, but it can not be used for more than 7 days - the microflora of the mouth is broken, because it is also an antibiotic, although local action.

How to treat a throat for one year old children

How to treat a throat for one year old children

How to treat a throat a one-year-old baby? The child is still very small, it is difficult to force it to do something, and parents must make difficult decisions. Many of them do not want to give children antibiotics and strong drugs, but use popular and proven methods.

You will need

  1. - honey;
  2. - vodka;
  3. - vegetable oil;
  4. - Mustard dining room;
  5. - flour;
  6. - soda;
  7. - salt;
  8. - iodine;
  9. - mustard plaster;
  10. - sea salt.


  1. If the child hurtsthroat, there are the first symptoms of a cold, he can make compresses in the area of ​​the bronchi at night for two hours, then the baby is less worried. It is important to monitor the child's temperature, so that he does not overcool and does not overheat!
  2. For the compress, take honey and vodka on a tablespoon, add a spoonful of vegetable oil and half a tablespoon of mustard. To add a density, you can add flour. All this mix, spread on a dense fabric and attachto kidcloser to the neck in the bronchi. To keep the fabric, put the baby on and tighten the scarf crosswise. After two hours, remove the compress, change clothes and watch the body temperature.
  3. Also, as a warming up of the bronchi, mustard plasters are used. It happens that mustard plasters are very burning, so it's better to put them through a towel. The task of mustard plasters is to warm up, and if they burn, there will be no result, only a burn will remain.
  4. If you do not trust the mustard plaster, then you can dilute the mustard powder with water and for the density of flour, pack everything in a cellophane bag and put it on the bronchial area. Cover with a towel and hold for 5-10 minutes.

Than to treat a throat at the one-year-old child, and still sopelki have gone or send?



It's bad that there is no temperature at all, then the body does not fight infection. Run to the pediatrician. Now such a bad virus goes, it's the second time I'm sick. I fall apart just to pieces and also without temperature. :-(((((((

Olesya Kondratenko

I drip a peach oil into my nose, I give a drink to a weak broth of chamomile, I splash the inhaliptus. Of the tablets, only anaferon was given to children. You can also have mustard plasters (small in paper briquettes) on the heels, if there is no temperature. Warm drinking.


warm milk, you can with honey, if there is no allergy, you can give to drink a decoction of chamomile. snot, if it is badly tormented, pumped out with a rubber pear, dripped drops of vasoconstrictor. And just in case, see a doctor.


snot.. I do not use drops, I drip a few drops of fresh Kalanchoe!!! Pts well helps, but can not be separated, no more than twice a day, and not more than two days a week, and the throat is honey, jam is crimson, the grass is good!

Star of the East

Certainly to the doctor. But we were somehow discharged Lugol's solution. He helped perfectly. For a couple of days my throat went away. The only thing, for some it may be a problem to smear a throat to a child.
And from the cold, Prothorgol (ordered at the pharmacy) helped.
Get well!!!

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