Ear hurts, gives: what to do at home

Ear pain brings great suffering to the child and adult, blocking the opportunity to engage in daily activities, enjoy life. The pain in the ear hurts the head, hurts the entire body, so it is important to get rid of it at home as quickly as possible. To do this, it is important to find out the reason why the ear hurts.

We will consider what to do at home, if the ear is badly hurt and the ear is planted, when the pain shoots, gives to the jaw, teeth, eye.

In children and adults, the most common causes of ear pains are found in colds, infections, sulfur plugs, development of otitis. Severe pain inside the ear can be caused by neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, without any signs of inflammation. Then acute soreness will be the only symptom. As a rule, in all cases the pain is one-sided.

Go better to the ENT doctor for advice and treatment, if he does not find any deviations in health - go to the neurologist! All the information presented here is offered for informational purposes only.

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What to do if the ear is very sore at home

Keep in mind: all the below - if there is no purulent inflammation - otherwise - run to the doctor!

If the cause of ear pain in colds, flu, ARD, ARVI - treatment options are:

  1. Drop a few drops of boric alcohol 3% , cover the ear with the palm, handkerchief - to spread heat inside the auditory canal - the pain should quickly retreat. This tool will help with neuritis.
  2. Inject the ear canal three drops of warm vegetable oil ( any kind).Also moisten the cotton wool and insert it outside into the auditory canal. Keep the ear in the warmth.
  3. Often during colds, nasal congestion can occur simultaneously. Then you can make a tampon with onion .A few pieces of chopped onion wrap in a bandage and insert a tampon in the ear.

Remember, with otitis ( inflammation of the middle ear) of its can not warm !

Then first aid will be to wash the ear canal with a warm solution of chamomile infusion( a pharmacy).Prepare the infusion as follows:

  1. one tablespoon of dry herb is poured one glass of boiling water - 200 ml.,
  2. dishes cover, wrap, insist for two hours,
  3. strain,
  4. infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Bury in the ear infusion can only be heated.

For treatment of pain, hydrogen peroxide 3% is also used. Drip three to four drops into the auditory canal, lie down for 15 minutes.

Some people, if blown in the ear, use geranium( kalachik).The flower leaf is washed, rolled into a tube and inserted into the auricle.

Ear pain gives: what to do at home

In case of an inflammatory process, possibly purulent, the pain, when pressed on the tragus of the ear, gives to the temple and neck. If you ENT doctor will give the go-ahead for the folk remedies and prescriptions listed below, you can treat a sick ear.

Beets .Peel the beetroot cut into pieces and boil it in honey. From it, make a compress, apply it to your ear before cooling down.

Propolis : alcohol tincture. If a person feels the formation of the body inside the ear, which periodically, from time to time, lays the ear canal, then 2 options: sulfur plug or inflammatory process, which is often accompanied by pus. Then, alcoholic tincture of propolis with honey will come to the rescue. Mix ethyl alcohol with planed propolis in half. Drip three drops at night once a day.

For those who lay their ears often, vulnerable to drafts, hypothermia, water ingress in the ears, the following recipe will do. It will help, even if a person is hurt to open his mouth, swallow, with toothache. Buy an alcoholic 10% tincture of propolis in a pharmacy and mix in a 1: 2 ratio with olive oil, shake well. Soak bandage and put in your ear for a couple of hours, and you can also for four hours. Do this every day for 20 consecutive days. The course can be repeated after 14 days.

Almond oil .Acute pain in the ear is eliminated by instilling three drops of almond oil. The procedure is carried out twice a day. In pregnancy, , this remedy is a real salvation. In addition to inflammation, the oil removes noise in the head, dilutes the accumulated sulfur. Negatively does not affect the fetus.

Juniper .If the ear not only hurts, but also poorly hears, it is possible to pour into one-third of the juniper fruit in a 100-ml vial, pour them with sunflower oil to the top and cork. The vial is placed in a saucepan with boiling water, simmer on low heat for three hours.

Drip the solution into the sore ear two drops at night for three days. The pain will subside, the hearing will become aggravated.

Rosehip .In cases of purulent ear infection, prepare strong tea leaves from the flower hips, add fresh carrot juice and a little cream. One milliliter of solution enter into the sore ear.

Kalanchoe .In adults, pain in the ears appears when the wisdom tooth is climbing. In some cases, the pain is observed before the eruption of the tooth corner, in others - until complete appearance. Well helps Kalanchoe. Shredded leaves must be wrapped in gauze and inserted into the ear canal for two hours. Similarly lotions are made based on onion .Grated onions are mixed with butter, warmed and used as a warm compress.

Compressing warming .Aching pain goes away after applying such a compress. A layer of cotton wool on one side is smeared with vaseline and ethyl alcohol in equal proportions. On the reverse side is put a cellophane of a larger size, it is placed on a wool cloth covering all the underlying layers. Attach the cotton wool with the impregnated side to the ear, wrap the handkerchief. The compress is well done at night.

Other options for warming dry compress: in a frying pan, heat grain or salt, collect in a rag bag and apply to the ear.

Mortgaged and sore ear: what to do at home

With the permission of an otolaryngologist, try cleaning the ear canals by the following means: saline solution, hypertonic, boric acid.

  1. In a glass of boiling water, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of salt, soak the cotton wool( surplus, pouring) and insert into the enclosed ear canal. Cover the ear with a cloth, lie down for 1.5 hours.
  2. Dampen boric acid gauze, place it around the ear, lock by film and scarf.

In parallel with this it is desirable to take a mixture of medicinal herbs inside:

  1. Birch buds,
  2. Hypericum,
  3. Camomile.

Take only 50 grams, mix.1 tablespoon pour boiling water, insist for two hours, filter and drink before bed with the addition of one tablespoon of natural honey.

When the stuffiness in the ear does not appear from otitis, and when chewing is clearly felt, as in the ear clicks - it is a cold symptom, eustachitis.

Help to get rid of it: apply 1 tablespoon of spoonfuls of peeled crushed raspberry roots to a small 200 ml.a jar with a lid, pour boiling water. Wrap and infuse for 2 hours. Take the drug for 1 tbsp.spoon 4 times a day, you can more. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Oil of walnut .Drop two drops in the ear in the morning and in the evening. The oil should be in a warm state. For a child, this method is also suitable.

Shoots and sore ear: what to do at home

When shooting in the ear, my head also hurts. Warming in dry form will help to remove the lumbago.

To do this, fry the salt - 100 grams of glass, collect it in a rag pouch or wrap it in a handkerchief. Attach to your ear. Focus on the well-being - it's easier, remove the dry warming compress.

You can try to lubricate the auditory passage with Chinese ointment - "Asterisk", put on top of the ear tissue and try to sleep.

Some people get a tampon inserted in the ear passage, moistened in warm Corvalole, from shooting in the ear.

If the ear has a child

Here so:

  1. call an ambulance;
  2. while he is on the way - give the child an anesthetic syrup "Nurofen", paracetamol,
  3. in the child's ear do not drip anything,
  4. dip into the child's nose, vasoconstrictive drops,
  5. wait for the doctor, everything.

If the doctor authorizes( ask him if it is possible to use the following recipes):

  1. Warmer compress .The gauze is wetted with vodka, honey is spread on it and a compress is applied around the ear( the auditory canal is open).
  2. If a child has ear aches from a cold, getting water into the aisle, a draft is attached to the sore throat. Try using camphor oil .It is instilled in the ear 2 drops.
  3. Melissa .A branch of lemon balm is brewed with a glass of boiling water, it is cooled. Pipette the eye twice a day. Decoction is also given for ingestion in the form of tea. Beet juice .When swollen, two drops of beet juice drip into the ear. Option: 5 leaves of bay leaf pour one glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours. Drip 10 drops into the sore ear.
  4. Warming dry compress with chicken egg .Wrapped tightly in a kerchief, a warmly welded testicle is applied to a sore spot.

Drops of ear pain

For informational purposes, I give the names of pharmaceutical pharmacy products in the form of drops for the ears. It is important to know what drops are being treated with ear pain.

  • ASra15
  • ASra15 ASAS ASUM
  • Otypax
  • Odef
  • Polydex
  • Solubat
  • Sofradeks
  • Flemoclav
  • Cyprodet

At one time the most running drops in the ear were Sofraks. He has a very wide composition, which includes two antibiotics. Apply according to the instructions for use of the drug, observe the dosage.

Protect your ears.

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