Can I wash myself with pneumonia?

Can I go to the bath in case of acute pneumonia?

Many patients at the doctor's reception ask if it is possible to go to the bath with pneumonia. Older people, whose bath is a remedy for all ailments, argue that it is worth it for a man to get well in a bath with a birch whisk, as the inflammation of the lungs immediately passes.And yet pneumonia (especially acute) is a very serious disease, which without proper treatment can lead to serious complications and even death.In terms of the number of deaths, this disease stands at one of the first places. So can you hurt the sauna with pneumonia?

Scheme of lobar pneumonia

What is pneumonia?

In order to answer the question whether a bath is allowed for pneumonia, it is necessary to understand what the disease is.

Pneumonia - an inflammation of the lung tissue, which often affects the alveoli, bronchioles or bronchi. In another way, the ailment is called pneumonia. This disease is of an infectious nature, that is, it is provoked by various pathogens - bacteria.

In medicine, pneumonia is usually divided into community-acquired, atypical, aspiration and hospital.

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Shortness of breath is a symptom of pneumoniaAspiration pneumonia develops when foreign objects enter the respiratory tract. Atypical refers to a disease with specific pathogens - chlamydia, mycoplasmas and others.

Community-acquired pneumonia is the most common.

The development of the disease is provoked most often by viruses. Many people know this picture: sneezing, coughing, fever, the doctor diagnosed a respiratory infection. It becomes a favorable factor for the development of bacterial pathogenic flora. After a while, a person's body temperature rises sharply, a debilitating cough with phlegm begins. This means that the complication of SARS in the form of pneumonia began. Other manifestations of the disease include:

  • chest pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • breathing becomes shallow, rattles can be heard.

With pneumonia, antipyretic drugs do not work well, the temperature keeps for a long time and stubbornly.

If the patient is suspected of a disease, the patient must necessarily take blood and urine tests, as well as take an X-ray of the lungs. He will help in accurately diagnosing and determining an effective treatment regimen.

The disease is treated with antibiotics. In parallel, the patient will take drugs that dilute and excrete phlegm.

Why it is possible to bath?

Doctor's consultation with pneumoniaSupporters of the fact that you need to go to a bath with pneumonia are based on the following arguments: in a bath, "wet", warm and even hot air "walks". Bath procedures during the period of pneumonia are akin to inhalations, which will help "break" the thick sputum and bring it out. In addition, profuse sweating will help to get rid of toxins, which poison the body as soon as possible. Manipulation of a broom allows to "disperse" blood, improve blood circulation and accelerate recovery.

These arguments can hardly be called scientific. Perhaps, in the old days, when the level of medicine was still low enough, in the Russian villages and treated pneumonia bathhouse. But then the mortality from this disease was almost 100%. Any doctor insists that during an acute period of illness, it is not just to go to a bath, but also to take a bath in the bath. And that's why.

Why is the bath with pneumonia contraindicated?

There are several reasons for this.

Benefits and harm of the bath with pneumonia
  1. In case of pneumonia, the body temperature already reaches beyond the heights, and the bath with its heated air (on the upper shelves the temperature jumps to 70 degrees) can only increase it. In addition, in conditions of high humidity, the load on the heart doubles, it can not cope, and then the trip to the bathhouse will result in a heart attack.
  2. As already mentioned above, the development of pneumonia is provided by bacteria, which at an increased ambient temperature begin to multiply at an accelerated rate: high temperature the room causes the body to warm up and vasodilatation, the blood flow velocity increases, and consequently the rate of movement of bacteria along the body also increases. The disease is aggravated.
  3. In hot air sharply increases the heat transfer of the body. As a result, the body temperature will decrease slightly after the procedure, but after a while it will rise even higher.
  4. Pneumonia is a very serious strain for any organism. He is weakened. A bath is an extreme condition that will make the weakened body work for wear.

The reasons that call the doctor in favor of not visiting the bath during illness are few. But they are very powerful.

Is it better to forget about a bath?

Benefits of birch brooms with pneumoniaNo, you do not need to forget about the bath. If the body temperature is normalized and keeps within normal limits for more than 5 days, you can solve the joy in the form of a bathhouse. But this is on the condition that pneumonia is not complicated by other diseases and the attending physician is not against such a procedure. In this case, the bath can have a healing effect. Just do not immediately use contrasting douches and immersions in the hole.

And a broom at the stage of recovery is not contraindicated. Good fit birch, lime, eucalyptus brooms. Birch whisking promotes the promptest withdrawal of sputum from the lungs, which is necessary for inflammation. Coniferous brooms disinfect the air, saturating it with essential oils, killingly acting on various microorganisms. This is also very important at the stage of rehabilitation after illness. Lime broom improves sweating, removing harmful substances from the body.

You can use ready-made aromatic oils. In this case, you need to dissolve 10-20 drops of oil in 1 liter of hot water and pour it on the bath stones (or pipe if the sauna is heated with gas). The steam that appears after this manipulation will be healing. They need to breathe for a few minutes, breathing deeply and breathing room air.

It is better to organize a trip to a bath not during pneumonia, but immediately after it. Nothing, except for the benefit of this event will not bring.

At the same time, doctors say: if the patient did not visit the bath before, just after the acute stage of pneumonia, it should not be started. It is better to postpone the bath procedures until complete recovery.

At the first symptoms of pneumonia it is better not to engage in self-medication and not "drive out" the bath broom, but go to see a doctor. If the temperature is very high, it is better to call a doctor at home. Bath is undoubtedly a very good medicine.

But it is not worth using it in the midst of pneumonia.

Tell me, please, whether it is possible to wash with pneumonia? The child is 2.4 years old. child 2.4 years old.



Of course not!


During this period, it should not be put at risk. Time it off.


Depending on the day of illness, if there are temperatures, it is impossible, if not, then you can.


Better not, of course.


you can not! especially if temperature.

Luba Babiichuk

It is better to wait.


you can not!


yes dirty strong-blooded child recovers faster, yet it is not necessary to change linen, clean and air room, you can also not wash dishes - in this case, the health of the whole family is guaranteed for many years.

Natalia Tolkach

Clean skin is the guarantee of health. When a child sweats, a lot of toxins are released through the pores of the body. If you are so miserable, then at least wipe the child with a wet towel soaked in hot water. It will bring him relief. And in the old days, lungs were taken to the bathhouse. And soared. HOW PEOPLE THINK HAS CHANGED !!!


It depends on how many the child is sick, is there a temperature, a general condition. With pneumonia, walking is not allowed, the body is very much weakened, you redeem, you will provoke deterioration. Personally, the pediatrician told us what and when it is possible, but what can not be done with pneumonia.

Can I go to the sea to Egypt with pneumonia and can I swim?


Kristina Tumanova

it is impossible, so it is possible up to purulent lungs to reach


With pneumonia are treated... and do not go anywhere.. Unfortunately.


If you are tired of living, you can.

- Julek Vasileva *

Of course not!!! But if you are not afraid to lose the main respiratory organ or part of it, you can try.. . Disability at best... And at worst to the forefathers... How's the prospect?


Of course you can. But is it necessary? Climate change is so sharp against the backdrop of the fact that your body struggles with pneumonia will lead with almost one hundred percent chance of disrupting all your compensatory capabilities. And you will be thundered in the Khachov hospital. Even if there is not such an extreme, your illness will be very, very long. And then in a chronic form which will jump. Egypt will not get away from you, a lazy person, but health will swing so fast that you will not have time to hiccup. And out - crying bitterly. So, it seems, the Scripture says. So you will mourn - it's too late. Although, he decides. Himself. And the fact that pneumonia for 2 days are treated - the nonsense of one fool Lika. She does not know the patanatomies. Pneumonia every 2 months is cured. TWO!!! And this is the laws of immunology already, which this Lyka can not change, no matter how she could not show up her bad skin.


Yeah, you can cure and a minute if you drink yadu))) bullshit mares in the execution of LIKI, do not fool and do not believe. It is not necessary with an incomplete pneumonia to go to the resorts for you can die easily ..

Olga Lynina

Pneumonia is an unpleasant disease, and for 2 days, of course, it is not treated. But what follows after untreated pneumonia is even more unpleasant. Suppose you went to Egypt, and there you become worse - what will you do? Who will pay for your treatment at the resort, how will you transport it home? Now you are taking medication - injections, physiotherapy. And do you know what pneumothorax is?

Elena Zamotina

Even not pneumothorax, but bronchial asthma? And life is only one ...

Tatyana Tarasova

I support Lika, you can distinguish pneumonia, this is an ancient science, about which very few people know, and you need to think and do not make mistakes, find on the site what is ENIOLOGY.


Of course, you can not. Acclimatization even in a healthy person reduces immunity and plus pneumonia.. With this disease, jokes are bad.

Can I wash myself during illness?



it is not possible, but it is necessary!
purity of the disease will not exacerbate. dirt of use does not exactly bring.
Everyday shower is the norm


Wash yourself.

Lonesome Crow

without soap-shampoos-it's possible!
they destroy the shell, biofield, you can get sick more


exacerbate, of course
the body is weakened, there is no immunity - the slightest draft and you will catch a cold to your intestinal infection
bidet - and enough with you


With a temperature, the bath is not taken. You can still wash your head, leaning over the bathroom. And if you rinse under the shower quickly, I think nothing terrible will happen.


I always wash during any illness, even if it's the flu, the main thing that would have been enough strength to stand in the shower and keep the loofah. I feel that the disease with the water goes away, I leave the bathroom clean, fresh, updated and this only speeds up the healing process.

Amir Aliyev

you will not get sick even harder

Lana Beauty

of course, wash yourself. just dry yourself after a shower

Marina Naumova

I do not know, I was washed every day with pneumonia in the hospital, and my head too, although they said that it was impossible. But from dirt I would get sick even more.

Andrey Gavrilov

If you are in power, then wash. If exhausted - wipe with a damp towel or napkins. This is an absolute rule for civilized people who are accustomed to cleanliness.
Of course, the Amazon Indians may not do this. Now even the Chukchi are washed and gypsies. Yes, and vagabonds will not hurt!

Nazira Musabekova

you must wash yourself. cleanliness is the guarantee of health. only to you I would advise not a bath, but a warm shower, and only in the afternoon, as by the evening the illness worsens.

Shadow of doubt ..

hygiene still has not been canceled. on the contrary, it is necessary, it will be easier to feel at once. avoid draft only afterwards.

Elena Dolphinka Dolphin

As for me, you can wash yourself. Especially if you want it.

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