Cyst of the thyroid gland, what is it and how to treat it?

The thyroid cyst is a benign neoplasm localized in the tissues of the largest and most important gland of the endocrine system. The tumor is quite small, and inside it is colloidal contents.

Many endocrinologists identify such concepts as the cyst, adenoma and nodal formations, because today there are no clear boundaries on which they can be distinguished. And this despite the fact that these tumors have a different structure. So, cysts are usually called educations that reach 15 and more millimeters in diameter. If their dimensions are smaller, then they say that the thyroid gland is expanding the follicle.

Adenoma is a benign tumor of the thyroid gland, formed from epithelial gland tissues. A node is a neoplasm, inside which is a dense fibrous capsule. The cyst of the thyroid gland usually develops in women, and this happens, as a rule, against the background of other endocrine pathologies. The tumor is rarely malignant, so the prognosis for recovery is quite favorable.


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Many patients confuse such concepts as a cyst and a node in the thyroid gland. These are completely different things, which differ in their structure and possible consequences. So, in the presence of nodes in the thyroid gland, the risk that they will turn into a malignant form is 20%. The cyst is malignant only in 7% of cases, and only if there is a long absence of treatment.

In endocrinological practice, thyroid cysts are divided into:

  1. Colloidal. In its structure, such a neoplasm may represent a colloidal nodule of small size. Initially, the pathological process is asymptomatic, but when reaching 10 mm in diameter, the tumor-like formation gradually manifests itself. The person begins to complain about difficulties with swallowing, expressed in pain and discomfort. As the cyst grows, it begins to press on adjacent organs. The main feature of the colloid cyst is the development of thyrotoxicosis. This is a condition in which the level of thyroid hormones (T3, T4) increases, and which is accompanied by sharp mood changes, hot flashes, dizziness, weight instability, etc.
  2. Follicular. Neoplasm, which is characterized by a rather dense structure, can appear on the right, left or both sides of the thyroid gland, as well as in the area of ​​its isthmus. The tumor is easily detected by palpation, even if it has reached a size of not more than 3 mm in diameter. As the cyst grows, it presses against the neck, causing discomfort and pain to the patient.
  3. Multiple. A large number of cysts is not a separate diagnosis - this is only a possible conclusion of the doctor, based on the data obtained in the course of instrumental research. In particular, when performing ultrasound. Multiple cysts are one of the main signs of the onset of pathological processes in the tissues of the thyroid gland. One of the reasons for this anomaly is iodine deficiency in the human body.
  4. Malignant, or cancerous. In comparison with adenocarcinomas, such cysts are a rarity. Such neoplasms are difficult to diagnose, therefore, an additional biopsy of the tissues with further laboratory testing is necessary.

Difficulties in diagnosing cysts of the thyroid gland consist in the fact that the disease at the initial stage of development practically does not manifest itself in any way. If there are any unpleasant symptoms in the form of suspicious elasticity or mild pain in the area of ​​the tumor, the patient simply ignores them.

In addition, the cyst may disappear from time to time, after which it may appear again. This also leads to difficulties with the formulation of an accurate diagnosis.


It is very important to know the reasons for the formation of a cyst. This will help to take timely measures to prevent its development.

The human thyroid gland has a rather specific structure. It consists of 30 million follicles, filled with colloidal contents (acini and vesicles). A colloid is a special gel-like protein substance (liquid), which consists of protogermones. When the hormonal balance and the outflow of colloid cells are disturbed, the follicles grow in size. As a consequence, cysts are formed, and often in the plural. To cause the development of the pathological process can be a banal physical overstrain, during which there is an overuse of the main hormonal units of the thyroid gland - tri- and tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine).

The main reasons for the formation of cysts in the thyroid gland include:

  • stresses, psychoemotional disorders;
  • recovery period after severe illness;
  • burns;
  • supercooling or overheating;
  • hyperactivity of the thyroid gland;
  • uncontrolled development of the thyroid hormones by the pituitary gland.

When the concentration of hormonal compounds increases, the tissue of the gland becomes less elastic. It begins to form cavities, which are then filled with liquid and destroyed cells. Thus, multiple cysts are formed.

In addition to the above reasons for pathology, there are certain factors that can accelerate its development. These include:

  • iodine deficiency;
  • development of thyroiditis;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • exposure to harmful substances (poisons, toxins, chemicals);
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • poor ecological living conditions;
  • mechanical damage to thyroid tissue;
  • congenital anomalies of the formation and functioning of the gland;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The most common cause of cyst formation is hyperplasia of the thyroid gland tissue, accompanied by follicular dystrophy. This pathological process often occurs due to strokes and injuries.

Symptoms of the thyroid cyst

If the cyst is small and its size does not exceed 3 mm in diameter, then a person may not notice any disturbing manifestations that speak of its presence. Therefore it is not surprising that many patients learn about the diagnosis already at the reception of an endocrinologist. As the cyst grows, the symptoms characteristic of it become more pronounced. One of the first manifestations of the thyroid cyst is the sensation of a coma in the throat.

It is also possible to detect a neoplasm on palpation. The cyst is easily probed under the skin, therefore it is quite possible to detect it independently.

Other symptoms of the pathological process include:

  • difficulty breathing due to cyst pressure exerted on the trachea;
  • pain in the area of ​​the location of the neoplasm, which can give to the lower jaw or ear;
  • discomfort or pain when swallowing food;
  • a change in the voice (occurs less frequently, and only if the enlarged cyst compresses specific nerve fibers).

The disease develops in 3 stages:

  1. At the first stage, a benign neoplasm develops, which proceeds latently. To find out a cyst in this case it is possible at passage of preventive survey at the endocrinologist or the therapist.
  2. The second stage - the stage of growth - is characterized by a gradual accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the cyst. Increasing in size, the neoplasm begins to cause discomfort and cause the appearance of other characteristic symptoms. At this time the doctor can already visually determine the presence of the cyst, but to confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to conduct a number of clinical studies.
  3. The third stage is accompanied by an independent resorption of the neoplasm. But this can happen only under the condition of the normal functioning of the immune system. After the disappearance of the cyst in its place a scar is formed, which does not pose a danger to the health of the patient.

If the cyst is of a malignant nature, there is a high risk of its degeneration into a cancerous tumor. Such neoplasms are dense to the touch and are prone to rapid, uncontrolled growth. Due to the rapid growth of the cyst, the voice's voice changes, it becomes compressed, deaf, hoarse.

When the cyst is formed, the function of the thyroid gland is disrupted, resulting in a malfunction in its hormone-producing function. Patients complain of rapid fatigue, fatigue, reduced efficiency. Loss in weight also accompanies this pathological process. With such symptoms it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor to exclude or timely determine the malignant nature of the cyst. If the pathological process is accompanied by complications, the pathogenic microflora begins to multiply in the tissues of the neoplasm. As a result, ulcers develop and the inflammatory process develops.

Recognize the attachment of bacterial infection is possible by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • intense pain in that part of the neck where the thyroid cyst is located;
  • swelling of the cervical tissues;
  • increase in body temperature.

Another characteristic feature is lymphadenopathy - an increase in lymph nodes at the neck.

A photo

How does the cyst look like, more on the photo:


Despite the benign nature, the cyst is fraught with quite serious consequences. The most often untreated pathological process leads to suppuration or development of inflammation in the cells of the neoplasm.

Similar anomalies are accompanied by:

  • an increase in body temperature to 39-40 ° C;
  • pronounced intoxication of the body;
  • increased regional lymph nodes;
  • severe pain in the place of localization of the cyst.

The large size of the cyst leads to the fact that it begins to exert pressure on the tissues of adjacent organs and adjacent blood vessels. It is extremely rare neoplasm is able to malign, that is, to degenerate into a cancerous tumor.


A competent specialist can detect a cyst even in the first examination by the method of palpation. However, to clarify the diagnosis and determine the nature of the neoplasm, additional diagnostic procedures are necessary:

  1. Ultrasound. This study helps determine the structure of the cyst, evaluate its blood supply and the amount of fluid that is concentrated in the cells of the neoplasm.
  2. MRI, which is one of the most informative diagnostic methods, and helps to determine the exact location of the cyst, the degree of damage to the thyroid gland and the nature of the neoplasm.
  3. Biopsy, important for establishing the type of cells that form the cyst.
  4. Scintigraphy. Manipulation is needed to evaluate the functional activity of the tissues of the pathological neoplasm.
  5. The analysis of venous blood for tirotropin. TSH, or thyroid-stimulating hormone, is one of the most important hormonal units of the thyroid gland. By the concentration of this substance in the blood can be judged on the work of thyroid gland.
  6. Pneumography required to determine the presence of metastases in the area of ​​other organs.

To assess the state of the respiratory system, laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy can additionally be performed. Once in three months, clinical blood tests for the maintenance of pituitary hormones responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland can be carried out.

How to treat a cyst?

If the cyst is benign, cure it will not be difficult. This is often done by draining with a puncture. After emptying the tumor, special sclerosing substances are injected into its cavity, which lead to the drying out of its environment, and also prevent the recurrence of pathology.

In addition, an integrated therapeutic approach is also important. It consists in:

  • the appointment of medicinal drugs that control and regulate the level of hormones produced by the thyroid gland;
  • the use of agents that remove inflammation and normalize the metabolic process;
  • use of decongestants and medications that improve blood circulation;
  • Antibiotic therapy in case of bacterial infection.

In addition, iodine-containing drugs are prescribed to the patient. As a rule, in the form of vitamin complexes. At the same time, every 3 months, there is a prophylactic ultrasound, and every 2 months - a blood test for determining the level of TSH. If the study showed a deviation of the thyroid-stimulating hormone from the norm, the doctor adjusts the dose of prescribed medications.

At large sizes of the cyst, its pressure on adjacent organs and blood vessels, or with frequent relapses of the pathological process, surgical intervention is indicated. This does not mean that you will have to remove completely the entire gland - only the part of the tumor where it is located is excised.

If a tumor-like formation was found in both parts of the thyroid gland, a striectomy is performed, which, according to its technique, is rather complicated, but at the same time a more gentle procedure. Complete removal of the gland is indicated only in case of risk or establishment of the malignant process of the cyst.

Folk remedies

In parallel with the conservative treatment of thyroid cysts, prescriptions for alternative medicine can also be used. As independent therapeutic agents, they are not suitable, but for complex treatment they will suit perfectly. Below are the most effective and useful recipes.

  1. Beet-honey mixture. Fresh beets grate on a fine grater and mix in equal proportions with natural honey. Mix the mixture well and put it on a cabbage leaf. Attach it to the place where the cyst is located and fix it. The compress should be left for several hours, or all night. The duration of therapy depends on the effectiveness of the drug.
  2. Goose's goose root (100 g) is chopped and poured with 1 liter of vodka (or medical alcohol) in a thermos bottle. Insist for a month, then drain. Ready tincture take in a dosage of 50 drops for 30 minutes before eating. The course of therapy - 1 month.
  3. Infusion of green walnut shell. For its preparation, 3 tbsp. l. raw 750 ml of steep boiling water and pour for an hour. Apply to lotions and compresses, applying on the neck area, where the affected area of ​​the thyroid gland is located.
  4. Tincture of celandine. Fresh or dried leaves of celandine chop and pour 1 spoonful of half a liter of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 10 days, then strain. Ready to take internally 50 ml before meals once a day. The duration of therapy is 3 weeks.

Of great importance is the proper nutrition of the patient with the thyroid cyst. All products must be of vegetable origin - this will help to strengthen the patient's immune system. You must include in the daily menu home fruit and vegetable fresh!

To delete or not?

Despite the benign nature of the neoplasm, in some cases it can behave unpredictably. So, it is possible:

  • The tumor will not increase, and will not cause discomfort, so it can not be removed;
  • a rapid increase in cysts in size with all the ensuing consequences;
  • independent resorption of tumor formation.

A good reason for referring to an endocrinologist is the case if the cyst protrudes, leads to deformation of the cervical vertebrae or causes other complications. Initially, the doctor observes the behavior of the tumor, after which the tissue sample is taken for further cytological examination. If necessary, the cavity of the cyst is emptied of the liquid filling it.

Self-medication in this case is prohibited - improperly selected means can lead to the onset of an inflammatory process. Only the physician should prescribe therapy, based on the results of the conducted studies.


Benign cysts are easily amenable to therapy and have a favorable prognosis for recovery. In addition, they are able to resolve themselves, so it is not necessary to take any measures - the patient just needs to periodically undergo an examination with an endocrinologist and take the necessary tests.

More serious is the situation when the neoplasm is of a poor quality. Such cysts are capable of malignancy, leading to the development of cancerous tumors, whose prognosis is rather difficult.

Successful is the treatment of a malignant cyst, started at an early stage of the pathological process. If there is metastasis in other organs, the prognosis for recovery is minimal.

Methods of prevention

To reduce the risk of thyroid cyst formation, it is necessary:

  • Regularly undergo preventive examinations at the endocrinologist;
  • completely cure any pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • use enough vitamins and minerals, in particular, iodine;
  • limit exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other radiation on the body.

Even if a person has never had problems with the thyroid gland before, the preventive supervision of an endocrinologist will never be superfluous. It's not for nothing that doctors note that any disease is much easier to prevent than cure!

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