Why cough worse at night

Coughing attacks at night in an adult: why does night cough intensify?

If a cough occurs at night, it can lead to sleep disturbance, because due to lack of rest, a person becomes irritable and nervous.

It is not rare that the causes of coughing appear in the allergic reaction and the ingress of an alien body into the respiratory system.

If a night cough in an adult is accompanied by a runny nose and fever, then most likely it is of an infectious nature.

As a rule, a strong cough at night is an unpleasant sign that requires quick and competent treatment, but before you do something, you need to find out the factors of its appearance.

Why there is a night cough: the reasons

There are a number of diseases that provoke the development of this unpleasant symptom in an adult:

  1. Malignant formation in the lungs;
  2. bronchial asthma;
  3. pulmonary emphysema;
  4. heart failure;
  5. laryngitis;
  6. Chronical bronchitis;
  7. pneumonia;
  8. allergy;
  9. whooping cough.

In addition, the causes in which attacks of night cough may occur are the presence of inflammation of the respiratory tract.

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Moreover, they develop due to the action of thermal, chemical and mechanical stimuli.

Varieties of cough that occurs at night

To conduct effective treatment, it is important in the diagnostic process to determine what kind of night cough is. So, it can be:

  • barking with wheezing (often a companion of bronchitis);
  • dry and painful, signaling the defeat of the pleura;
  • silent - occurs when the paralysis and destruction of the vocal cords;
  • dry and stiff - his appearance is promoted by such causes as swelling of the trachea, bronchi and larynx.
  • deaf, which is characteristic of pulmonary emphysema and obstructive bronchitis.
Varieties of cough that occurs at nightA wet cough at night indicates a suppuration occurring in the lungs. With the departure of a small amount of phlegm having a viscous consistency, bronchitis, asthma or tracheitis are often diagnosed.

If the night cough is accompanied by the separation of purulent, slippery mucus, then its causes are covered in pneumonia. A selection that has a rusty hue indicates the presence of pleuropneumonia.

Slime with small grains is a characteristic sign of liver disease. When coughing at night is accompanied by sputum, chills and fever, and the general well-being of the patient worsens, that is, the risk that a person is sick with tuberculosis.

In addition, a high fever on the background of a cough in an adult signals a course of infection of a viral origin. And if such symptoms accompany malaise and vomiting - this also indicates tuberculosis.

A night sharp cough that can not be reduced for 20 days is characteristic of whooping cough. And if the patient suffers a protracted cough reflex, then it indicates adenoiditis, rhinitis or sinusitis. In this case, the patient has difficulty breathing his nose.

What should I do to stop coughing at night?

What should I do to stop coughing at night?Often a night cough develops after a cold. For example, he can remind himself of a strong inflammation of the throat, when a lot of mucus is collected in it, which is why a reflex appears.

To facilitate the attack, the doctor prescribes antitussive medications, due to which the mucosa softens, and the spasm is removed from the bronchi.

A wet cough occurs if much sputum is collected in the trachea or lungs. Thus, the respiratory organs get rid of excess mucus containing many bacteria.

It is worth noting that if a dry cough at night is not cured in time, then it will flow into a chronic form. In this case, you must drink a large amount of liquid (teas, compotes, fresh, herbal tea).

It is noteworthy that an unproductive cough is treated with sedative medications, and with wet medications that remove mucus.

If a membrane affecting the lungs is inflamed in the area of ​​the spine and breast, then a violent cough may occur at night. In this case, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, while the torso is fixed with bandages.

If the pain occurs in the chest, then the possible reasons for this phenomenon are:

  1. damage to the ribs;
  2. trauma of the thoracic department;
  3. malignant tumor;
  4. pericarditis.

And if the patient is suffering from stitching acute pain along with a cough, then it is possible that he will be diagnosed with lung cancer.


A symptom such as a night cough can appear not only in diseases of the respiratory system. In addition, coughing attacks can indicate:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system.
natural honeyTo facilitate coughing at night, often use natural honey. To this end, you need to mix honey, butter, milk.

You can also dissolve honey as a lozenge, which creates a warming and soothing effect.

What if the cough is worse? In order not to cough at night, you can prepare a syrup based on such ingredients:

  1. glycerol;
  2. honey;
  3. lemon juice.

The received medicine should be taken 6 times a day for 1 hour. spoon.

Moreover, it is possible to relieve the attacks of a night cough thanks to mint candies. Such candies will warm and soften the mucous.

In order not to cough at night, traditional medicine recommends the use of a radish based remedy. To prepare the medicine, you must grind the radish, and then mix it with honey. The medication is taken for 1 hour. l. three times a day.

Stop coughing attacks well help herbal decoctions. Especially useful are infusions on the basis of Ledum, mother-and-stepmother and chamomile, which remove pulmonary edema and excrete mucus.

What to do with dry cough and wheezing in the chest? To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms of 3 tbsp. l. Elderly pour a liter of boiling water. Infusion drink sutra and in the evening to 50 ml at a time.

In addition, it is important to constantly moisten the air in the room where the patient is. For this purpose, it is best to use a special humidifier.

Still, to cure night cough it is useful to make steam inhalations with the addition of such essential extracts:

  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • eucalyptus;
  • cedar.
z napkin, soaked in vinegar.Regarding the mustard plasters, the carrying out of this procedure from a medical point of view is not entirely justified. But it is impossible to make mustard plasters at high temperature, bronchial asthma and skin irritation.

Eliminate coughing attacks can be as follows: 4 h. l. apple cider vinegar is mixed with ½ cup of honey. If you have an unpleasant symptom, the patient should take 1 hour. l. night and 2 hours. l. every 4 hours. It is worth noting that vinegar with honey well dissolves mucus and relieves spasms.

In addition, in order for the patient to sleep better at night, a napkin moistened in vinegar is placed under his pillow. In addition, it is useful to make warming wraps and warm compresses.

It must be remembered that the appearance of a night cough is always accompanied by certain reasons. Most often - a disease of internal organs. To alleviate the symptoms, it is first important to determine why the disease has occurred and only then to carry out therapy.

So, with allergy, you need to eliminate the underlying irritant, and in the presence of pneumonia, ARVI, bronchitis or influenza it is important to treat the underlying disease. Moreover, night cough can be dangerous because it develops in chronic pathologies of respiratory organs and bronchial asthma. On the popular cough recipes you can learn from the video in this article.


Attack of a cough at night - why there is a paroxysmal cough

When stimulating the receptors of the tracheobronchial tree, a person may have coughing attacks. The attack of a cough can be dry or wet, that is, with sputum discharge. With some diseases at night, the problem becomes worse, this is due to the fact that the mucus drains more heavily on the back wall of the pharynx and irritates it. Also, sputum, which is in the lungs, in the prone position is less effectively absorbed, due to poor blood supply to the lungs at night.

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However, this indicates serious violations in the respiratory system, if a person is exclusively tormented by an attack of cough at night. Why there is a paroxysmal cough? A list of diseases that cause coughing attacks at night, you will find in this article.

Coughing at night and asthma

Bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe coughing attacks, most often at night. Given that the muscles of the diaphragm are constantly straining, the patient may experience pain in the chest and in the abdomen. The paroxysmal cough can subside in half an hour-hour, then expectoration is viscous sputum.

Duration of the disease is from 5 to 15 days, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, in case the treatment does not start on time, it will be necessary to take antibiotics. As a result of a strong prolonged cough, his attacks are accompanied by painful sensations in the chest and abdomen.

Why there is a paroxysmal cough - other reasons

1. Such a disease as pertussis is accompanied by a strong, convulsive paroxysmal cough. First it manifests itself in the form of an ordinary cold, but it can not be treated with the usual means, for example, mustard plasters, inhalations, and is strengthened over time. Most often, coughing attacks occur at night, may be accompanied by vomiting. The disease lasts about six weeks. Diagnosis of whooping cough is a rather complicated process, and cough treatment is carried out in a hospital.

2. Sometimes severe attacks of cough at night can be observed with respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract, that is, the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx. Diseases are accompanied by a dry "barking" paroxysmal cough. If the disease is properly treated, then cough recedes after 3 days, in the absence of treatment, complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia may appear.

3. A coughing attack at night can accompany an acute form of bronchitis. The disease occurs as a result of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, other symptoms, such as a runny nose, a sore throat, hoarseness, an increase in temperature, may also appear. First a dry cough develops, severe attacks of coughing are more often observed at night, after a few days passes into a wet cough. the duration of the disease is from to days.

4. A paroxysmal cough may result from ingress of a foreign body, such as particles of dust or crumbs, into the respiratory tract. Coughing comes to an end when the dirt is removed from the lungs.


Dry cough at night (inside)



Dry cough at night, which occurs after a person falls asleep - is a very common phenomenon. Dry cough, caused by a variety of causes, is usually worse at night - coughing starts every two to three hours and lasts for several minutes. Common causes of dry cough at night include common colds, asthma, whooping cough and, in some cases, emphysema. In general, cause a dry cough, worse at night, can cause any lung disease.

Dry cough at night can be observed as a result of postnatal syndrome, laryngitis (inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa, for which characteristic coarsening or loss of voice and abrupt "barking" cough), tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea), obstruction (obstruction) of the respiratory ways. Finally, dry cough, worse at night, can be a direct consequence of chronic dry cough, low air humidity, smoking.

In order to finally cure a dry cough, you need to know the exact cause that caused it. But to make attacks of dry cough at night less painful, to suppress a cough that disturbs sleep, you can yourself, using the means of traditional medicine.

First of all, various herbal decoctions and teas are especially useful for constant dry cough at night. Make attacks of dry cough less intense helps the broth of oregano, and green tea with honey or tea with ginger before sleep calms the throat and reduces the frequency of attacks of dry cough (ginger tea is not in vain considered an excellent remedy for colds). It helps well from dry cough at night and tea with anise, which should be drunk just before bedtime. Instead of tea with anise for the night, you can drink warm milk with honey, which not only calms a dry cough, but also helps you fall asleep quickly.
Very effective, although not too pleasant to the taste, a remedy for dry cough at night - onion juice. Squeeze the juice from one fresh onion, mix a teaspoon of onion juice with a teaspoon of honey, leave to infuse for four to five hours - and a natural quick-acting cough syrup is ready. To suppress dry cough, this syrup should be taken twice a day in a teaspoonful.
To facilitate attacks of dry cough, you can prepare medicinal pastes from fruits and honey. So, for example, to prevent dry cough at night, a soothing throat paste from raisins will do. Sufficiently mix one hundred grams of crushed raisins and one hundred grams of sugar, adding a little water, and boil the resulting mixture until thickened (ready-made pasta in consistence should resemble dense sauce). In the morning and at bedtime to facilitate a dry cough you can eat a paste of chopped almonds with honey and a small amount of oil.
If the attacks of dry cough at night causes increased dryness of air, you can switch on the humidifier for the night in the bedroom. In addition, the room needs to be ventilated and vacuumed more often, so that the air is fresh, and the dust does not irritate the airways and does not cause a dry cough at night. I wish you good health.

Sweetness Samarin

try the lozenges of the doctor to dissolve. and so to the doctor it is necessary, do not joke!


chronic pharyngitis! it is so irritated by the back wall of the larynx, the premermeisiest thing, she herself suffered in the spring at night. the most interesting is that he really does not get treated, will be repeated from time to time. better go to the doctor, he will appoint that at least remove the unpleasant sensations

Dervish from Tabriz

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Cough lying in a horizontal position is amplified: why and what to do

Cough itself is a rather unpleasant and exhausting phenomenon, which becomes simply unbearable when a person wants to lie down and rest.

Many notice that during the day, coughing attacks are not so noticeable, the person is distracted, it seems to him that the attacks are not strong, and when he lies down, there will be no complications.

In fact, everything is not so, often, many people notice that when I go to bed, a dry cough begins to interfere with sleeping.

Why is this happening, why in the horizontal position, lying on the back or left side, there is an increase in coughing attacks? What if the adult has a strong, dry cough, lying down, interfering with sleep?

First of all, you need to determine the reasons why coughing starts in a horizontal position and then start to treat it. To determine the causes of cough on the left side can only a doctor, in any case should not engage in self-medication, because the wrong therapy can only exacerbate the course of the disease.

Causes in a prone position

Causes in a prone positionIf the dry cough increases, when the person is lying down, this indicates the accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx.

The whole point is that the mucus is unable in the prone position to be absorbed in the same amounts as when a person is standing. For this reason, it is only for an adult or a child to lie down for a long time, as coughing starts.

There is the formation of accumulation of mucus, which is hammered in the nasopharynx, as a result, when a person goes to bed, he begins to suffer a dry debilitating cough.

Sputum discharge in a person lying in a supine position can not be absorbed quickly, because in this position there is a slowdown in the blood flow of the lungs, and the amount of blood in them decreases.

If we talk in general about coughing lying down, then we can distinguish two main reasons, when its amplification occurs. Most often, a cough on the left side or back is worse in such cases:

  1. Cough, while the patient is lying on the back, arises from the fact that mucus during flow through the throat from the nose has an irritant effect on the cough reflex organs. As a result, an involuntary reaction occurs, that is, the onset of coughing in a horizontal position. It can be strengthened, both on the left side, and on the right.
  2. Accumulation of secretions in the lungs and trachea. In such a case, a person is disturbed by a chest wet cough in a prone position, and it can occur as seizures. If it does not go through the whole day, intensifying with the onset of sleep, then in the evening it is recommended to take special medications for the dilution of phlegm.

As you can see, there are not so many reasons that there is an increase in cough in the prone position. In this case, cough occurs as a concomitant symptom of diseases, for example, a common cold.

First of all, the treatment should be aimed at eliminating the main disease, and only then coughing as its consequences.

Why is cough worse?

Why is cough worse?Cough in a lying position, for example, on the left side, in fact can be accompanied by a whole group of different lung diseases. Diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis can be asymptomatic, practically not manifesting themselves.

Throughout the day, when a person walks, moves, breathes actively, there is a more active removal of mucus from the lungs. However, in the supine position, a decrease in respiratory activity is observed, sputum excretion is slowed down, as a result of which a person starts coughing attacks.

There are several reasons that result in coughing at night, with its almost complete absence during the day. The following can be attributed to such reasons:

  • Cough, which is formed exclusively with the onset of the night, when a person is in a recumbent position may indicate the presence of whooping cough;
  • One can not fail to mention the gastro-esophagal reflex. In most cases, it appears in the recumbent position and causes a cough;
  • Unexpected occurrence of an attack of coughing, when a person is in a horizontal position, can testify to such a serious condition as aspiration (ingress into the respiratory tract) of a foreign body. During the change in the position of the body, for example, on the left side, the object shifts, irritating the respiratory tract.

What should I do when I lie prone?

As you can see, there are many reasons that can cause a cough in the position on the couch, and they can be very diverse. It is important that the patient appears to the doctor to determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Depending on the result of which there is an increase in cough during the night, the doctor can prescribe the following therapy:

  1. If the cause lies in a viral infection, then usually no hospitalization is required. Wet air in the room, abundant drink, use of appropriate medications will alleviate the general condition of a person by removing coughing attacks, for example, it may be bronchodilators.
  2. If the cause lies in the allergic reaction, then antihistamines will help alleviate the condition. In this case, you can not do without wet cleaning of the premises, in the most severe cases you can not do without hospitalization. In any case, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen, because otherwise the medication will give temporary relief.

Treatment of children

Treatment of childrenIf the problem of coughing on the left side occurred in children, then simultaneously with the main treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can help the child cope with bouts of coughing. In most cases, in children, night cough occurs as a result of colds. In this case, it will be effective to warm up the respiratory system and help with sputum production.

In this case, you should not torture the child with all of the following therapies, it is enough to choose one or two options, because they are all quite effective. So, what can be done if a child has coughing attacks at night?

Warm drinking and other methods

A warm diet with a strong cough can warm and soften the baby's throat. For these purposes, it is necessary to give the child a mixture of milk with mineral water (Borjomi), warm tea, herbal medicinal herbs: sage, chamomile, thyme. Good ginger tea and other warming drinks.

In some cases it can be warm enough to wrap the baby's back and chest, using a scarf or a warm shawl for this purpose. Only such wrapping should not cause uncomfortable sensations in the baby. Also it is necessary to watch, that it did not cause overheating.

Surprisingly, immediately after the inhalation with cough in children, there is an increase in coughing attacks. To this end, it is necessary to do inhalation for children over one and a half years two or three hours before the expected sleep.

If you do not have a special inhaler, and your child has a severe cough, if you lie down on your left side, you can just breathe on boiled potatoes. You can also use special, purchased inhalers with essential oils, medicinal herbs and mineral water.

An alternative to inhalation may be mustard plasters, which should also be done 2-3 hours before bedtime.

External factors

The child begins coughing attacks in the lying position. In this case, give the child a high pillow so that he can fall asleep in the sitting position. Before going to bed, you must necessarily air the room and moisten the air - this will help cope with any kind of cough.

During the cough, the child becomes difficult to breathe, so it is better to ensure the breathing of the nose: let the baby blow his nose, rinse his nose with a solution of salt. To not burn the mucous, the solution should be slightly salty in taste. It is enough to drop a drop of 3 drops of solution into each nostril.

Burying a nose, put the child on a flat surface, turn your head to the side and gently, on the outer side of the nostril, drip one drop. Further we turn our head to the other side and repeat the procedure again.

If a child has a night cough, treatment should be directed to the cause of its occurrence: allergies, bronchitis or ARVI. Cough will go away after the underlying disease recedes. But some of the means described above will help the child, make cough attacks more rare and weak, give him a chance to sleep at night. On the cough lying, it is interesting to tell in the video in this article Dr. Komarovsky.


Why bother coughing when you go to bed?

Sometimes it happens that it disturbs the cough when you lie down. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon. In the daytime, when we are active, the cough does not hinder so much. Why does it make itself felt in the recumbent position, what is the cause of this state of affairs?

The problem of coughingCough can be characterized not only as the main sign of the inflammatory process, as many believe. Cough is a protective measure that organizes the human immune system. With the help of cough, there is elimination in the body of harmful microbes, dust, other foreign bodies and tiny fragments. Using a cough, a person cleanses his lungs, including trachea and bronchi, and also heals the entire complex of respiratory organs. Thus, coughing is a very common physiological phenomenon.

Etiology of cough in lying position

The doctor's consultation

If the exacerbation of the cough occurs immediately in the night and in the morning, then this is due to the fact that the person is in a horizontal position.The cause of this is mucus, located in the nasopharynx. She can not be absorbed in the prone position in the same amounts as in the standing position. Formations of mucus build up that clog the nasopharynx, the result of which is a dry, irritable cough, when you lie down. The sputum discharge of a person who is lying down can not be immediately and thoroughly absorbed, because in this position the blood flow of the lungs slows down and the amount of blood in them decreases.

In general, there are 2 main reasons for the appearance of a cough in a lying posture:

  1. Cough, when the patient lies on his back, is manifested due to the fact that the mucus when flowing through the throat from the nose has an irritant effect on the cough reflex organs. The result of these processes is the implementation of an involuntary reaction, that is, a cough with a horizontal arrangement of the body.
  2. Accumulation of secretions in the trachea and lungs. In this situation, there is a wet chest cough in the horizontal position, and it can have the nature of attacks. If it persists throughout the day, but in the supine position increases and becomes coughing in the time of sleep, then before going to bed, it is necessary to take medications that promote liquefaction phlegm.

Causes of cough and treatment

Smoking is the cause of a coughTo these reasons it is possible to carry the following:
  1. If a patient has a dry cough that is worse at night, then it is most likely a response reflex event of an asthmatic order. The fact is that people with this pathology have an active secretion of an expectorant secretion. At night, it accumulates in the respiratory tract and clogs them. At this time a man has a strong sore cough with abundant sputum.
  2. Natural physiological reactions in the body. Very often this is observed in people who work in harmful enterprises, and in the inhabitants of large cities. During the daytime, large amounts of harmful compounds enter the lungs. Therefore, when you go to bed, there is a reflex cough that turns into a cough after sleep.
  3. After a cure for chronic tracheitis, the reflex action has the following characteristic symptoms: there is a secret secretion, involuntary action has a short duration, the patient does not see dreams.
  4. Pneumonia with an unclear pathology. One of the most famous misconceptions about this disease is this myth: lung inflammation is always a companion of heat and brings a whole range of unpleasant symptoms. In fact, this is absolutely not the case. If a person coughs, when he goes to bed, then he may have weak pneumonia. In this case, during coughing, which occurs when the patient lies on his back, the heaviness and light aches in the chest are felt. The duration of this reflex act can be very significant. There are often paroxysmal phenomena of an involuntary nature, which end in a sense of suffocation, reminiscent of a nightmare.
  5. Smoking and alcohol abuse. Reflex response may be in the daytime, but it increases in lying position before bedtime. In such cases, patients complain: "I go to bed and immediately cough."
  6. Allergy. An involuntary reaction may occur in response to a feather filler and a synthetic blanket, which causes a cough during sleep.

What should I do to alleviate the situation of the patient with an uninterrupted cough? First of all, you need to change the drinking regime: as often as possible to take hot tea with raspberries or black currant, drink warm milk with honey, especially before you go to bed.

You can eat a teaspoon of lime honey, make inhalation with a warm steam (one teaspoon of soda for a glass of hot water), apply a heating compress, then wrap, lie down and sweat, thus eliminating and coughing in a dream.


If the cough is superficial and dry, you need to convert it to wet, before you go to bed. To do this, use funds that are conducive to liquefying phlegm, its more relaxed exit. Immediately, after a dry cough in the supine position began to go into sputum, these funds must be canceled. It is also necessary to drink healing herbs from herbs and moisten the air in the room where the patient is.


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