Symptoms and treatment of psoriasis of the head

Psoriasis on the head is the most common form of this autoimmune chronic disease, which does not pose a particular danger to health, but is unpleasant physically and morally.

  • Psoriasis on the head: what is it?
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Photos of psoriasis on the head
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Treatment of psoriasis of the head
  • Medication
  • Diet
  • Physiotherapy
  • Hair care
  • Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies
  • Prevention of psoriasis of the head
Related articles:
  • We find out whether psoriasis is contagious
  • How to cure psoriasis forever at home: recipes
  • Psoriasis: treatment and photo of the initial stage
  • We treat psoriasis independently at home with folk remedies
  • We select effective ointments from psoriasis

Psoriasis on the head: what is it?

Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious disease that affects the skin. Most often, it captures the scalp, so it is often confused with seborrheic dermatitis or is taken for depriving.

The essence of psoriasis is the inadequate response of the body to environmental conditions. Cells of the upper layer of the skin are divided too quickly, this process during the disease is reduced by five times. As a result, new cells fall on the old ones, which have not yet had time to peel off. There are red peeling spots, itching, flakes of dead skin are formed.

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Important!In case of head skin disease, plaques are localized on the ear lobes, behind the ears, on the parting, they can protrude on the forehead, neck.


Psoriasis of the skin on the head can occur for many reasons associated with a violation of the metabolic process in the body. There are no obvious reasons, only a few theories.

  1. Genetic predispositions and features. In this case, psoriasis develops up to 20-25 years.
  2. Wrong food, a lot of bad habits.
  3. Permanent traumatization of the skin, stay in a cold climate.
  4. Constant stress.
  5. Disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, transferred infections.
  6. Hormonal disorders.
  7. Effects of drugs.

Important!Psoriasis is an exclusively non-infectious disease, it is impossible to catch it. This disease has a completely different nature. More details about whether psoriasis is infectious or not, we wrote.

Sometimes the reasons can be combined. If someone from relatives already has psoriasis, other factors can aggravate the situation, the disease eventually manifests itself. Many experts recognize that psoriasis usually appears for several, sometimes related reasons.


Symptomatic changes somewhat depending on the phase and degree of the disease. There are several degrees of psoriasis.

  1. The initial stage of psoriasis - the first rashes appear.
  2. Progressive stage. At this time, new foci of the disease appear, it spreads.
  3. Stationary stage. New plaques do not appear, but there are no changes with the old ones.
  4. The regressive stage. Symptoms go to the recession, spots appear on the spots of the rash, devoid of pigment.

The main symptom of the appearance of psoriasis is skin peeling accompanied by itching. The rash is pinkish, covered with whitish scales. Over time, the area of ​​damage increases.

With an increase in the area of ​​the disease, itching appears, painful sensations on the skin. Places with scaly skin are replaced by coarse, thick plaques, whitish dandruff appears. In the end, dandruff forms large flakes. In this case, hair growth does not affect psoriasis, hair does not fall out.

If the disease does not begin to heal, it will go beyond the hairline.

Other phenomena accompanying psoriasis include:

  • the appearance of scratches and cracks when combing;
  • a strong decrease in the elasticity of the scalp;
  • any exposure to the skin leads to further spread of the disease.

Important!If you have these symptoms, you need an urgent consultation with a dermatologist.

Photos of psoriasis on the head

Diagnosis of the disease

The correct diagnosis is made by a dermatologist after a series of studies. It is important to exclude seborrhea, ringworm, ordinary dandruff in the advanced stage and other skin diseases. There are several signs that make it possible to verify psoriasis in a person or another disease.

  1. Symptom of stearin spots. If you scrape the plaque, it will turn white, scales begin to separate.
  2. Symptom of the terminal film. If you remove all the scales from the lesion site, the skin beneath them will be red and shiny.
  3. A symptom of an auspitz. If after the appearance of the terminal film to continue scraping, the diseased area will begin to bleed point-wise.
  4. Symptom of Kebner. A characteristic rash with flaking develops 1-2 weeks after the first signs of the disease.
  5. Symptom of Voronov. When the regressive stage comes, a whitish ring forms around the papule.

A skin biopsy and examination of the scales under a microscope are performed to clarify the diagnosis.

Important!The sooner psoriasis is diagnosed, the greater the probability of successful remission.

Treatment of psoriasis of the head

Treatment of psoriasis at home should always be comprehensive. Like any chronic illness, psoriasis never goes to the end, but with proper observance of the recommendations of a doctor who treats psoriasis, remission will be long and most unpleasant symptoms will no longer disturb.


Medicines for psoriasis are internal and external, they will help cure psoriasis forever at home. The use of external scalp is difficult because of hair growth, so special shampoos and balms are often used instead of ointments.

Internal medicines are usually hormonal. Corticosteroids help to slow down the process of dividing epidermal cells, stop or severely inhibit the development and spread of the disease. Hormonal medications usually have a large number of negative consequences, but only they can seriously affect the condition of the patient with psoriasis for the better.

Often, hormonal drugs are added to the medication with sedative and restorative action. These are vitamin complexes, preparations based on folic and nicotinic acid (Pikamilon, Pyrogenal).

Picamalon treatment of psoriasis of the head
Creams and effective ointments for psoriasis there is a huge amount, the right medicine, suitable for the nature of the disease and skin condition, will help only the doctor. Usually they are made on the basis of tar, zinc oxide, salicylic acid. Here are examples of such medicines:

  • Mesoderm;
  • Uniderm;
  • Triderm;
  • salicylic ointment;
  • zinc ointment;
  • Mometasone and others.

For the treatment of the head sprays are more suitable:

  • Skin-cap;
  • Spray 999, designed for the regression stage.

Important!Prescribe drugs, especially hormones, can only be a doctor.


Since the scalp is difficult to handle with ointments and creams, shampoos are available to help with psoriasis. They are based on various means.

  • tar tar shampoos (Friederm tar, Algopix, 911 tar);
  • shampoos based on ketocosanol (Ketozoral, Nizoral, Sebozol);
  • Shampoos, neutralizing inflammation (Sulsen, Skin-Cap).

During the treatment, only specialized shampoos should be used.


The diet for psoriasis will also have to be changed, only then the remission will come quickly, the illness will not return for a long time in an acute form. There are several rules that must be observed.

The diet should become hypoallergenic, so as not to provoke unnecessary irritation, which can aggravate the situation. It's sweet, citrus, coffee, colored foods. If you remove them from the diet, the situation will become much better.

There is a list of products that are mandatory for psoriasis patients.

  1. Water. It is necessary to drink at least two liters a day.
  2. Varied vegetables. The most useful are beets, beans, celery, sweet potato, carrots.
  3. Products with saturated acids. There are a lot of them in red fish, olive oil, nuts.
  4. Cereals and coarse fibers. This can be any cereal, dried bread, bread on corn flour.
  5. Dairy products. The body needs calcium.

The diet plays an important role in achieving remission, and there is no need to disregard nutrition recommendations.


In psoriasis, a number of physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to help accelerate the healing process.

One of them is ultraviolet irradiation. Do not try to sunbathe yourself, there may be other contraindications. This procedure is permissible only under the supervision of a doctor. Also available is phototherapy, ultraviolet radiation is given only at a few frequencies.

To the effect of drugs on the skin was more effective, an erbium laser is prescribed, which improves the blood supply to the skin.

Hair care

In psoriasis, hair requires specific care. It will always be necessary to use only specialized shampoos aimed at treating a skin disease. It is necessary to abandon complex hairstyles, with a heavy form it is better to make a short haircut, so it will be more convenient to treat the skin with ointments and lotions.

You can not use a hair dryer, you need to comb it carefully, trying not to touch the plaques. The hairbrush should be taken with a natural, non-rigid bristle, the ends of the bristles themselves should not be scratched.

Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies

To cure one's folk remedies psoriasis on the head will not work, but they will help significantly alleviate the situation and will be suitable as an additional therapy.


Purity is a plant, the means on the basis of which help with many inflammatory and infectious diseases of the skin. In the treatment of psoriasis, it has a positive effect on the skin.

You can take an alcohol tincture celandine (ready, or pour a quarter of a glass of dried grass 0.5 liter of alcohol and leave for 2-3 hours). She should gently wipe the scalp, after rinsing her hair with infusion of chamomile. If there are unpleasant sensations, it is worth to refuse the means.

Masks for hair and scalp

With masks you should be more careful, they can cause allergies. There are many different recipes. For example, mix a spoonful of honey with egg protein, mix thoroughly and apply to hair, rubbing into the skin with massaging movements. Wash off after half an hour.

Useful mask based on oils. You can take the essential oil of tea tree, rosemary, juniper, add a couple of drops in coconut or almond oil and mix. Apply and keep on the hair for 1-2 hours. To wash off medical shampoo, it is necessary to soap twice.


Against psoriasis it is possible to apply compresses from onions. To do this, small enough to cut a small amount of fruit to the state of gruel and apply to the scalp. Wash off after a couple of hours, repeat the procedure before washing your head.

The lack of this method in a strong onion smell, which then can be hard to get rid of.

Important!Folk methods do not guarantee recovery, official medication is necessary.

Prevention of psoriasis of the head

Psoriasis is hard to insure, its causes are not fully understood. However, you can adhere to a number of rules that help to avoid this disease and many other skin ailments. This is especially true of people who have psoriasis in their family.

It is necessary to avoid traumatizing the skin. Do not be without a warm hat in cold weather, use hair dryers and curling accessories less, the comb should be comfortable and do not scratch the skin.

The diet should be balanced, in the diet there should be enough vitamins and minerals to prevent a decline in immunity and metabolic disorders. You should give up bad habits, do not abuse alcohol.

Also, stress and anxiety should be avoided, the regime of the day should be stable, you need enough time for sleep. Any anxiety adversely affects the body and can cause disturbances in its work.

If you follow all the recommendations for prevention, you will avoid an unpleasant disease, competent and timely treatment will help achieve a stable remission, and the symptoms of psoriasis of the scalp will no longer bother.