How not to get a flu shot

When are vaccinated against influenza, can it be soaked? Or only a couple of days?


Sergey Giselo

Day of wetting is undesirable. It will not stop acting, even if you wet, but possible redness, malaise, a small temperature.. . who needs it? ))

Olga Vokuyeva

In a few days

Lariska Kim

You can not wet it or it will swell


Any vaccination can not be immediately moistened. Wait at least a day, or two.

Lady with a dog

depending on which vaccine
vaksigripp 1 day can not be wetted
Infleksal it is possible without problems

Saiginto Rozen

two days not to wet otherwise there will be an alergic reaction to water, personally checked.


day through 3. precisely I do not know just in case not urine

Resuscitating proctologist

It is possible, but it is not necessary !!!!


Yes, it is not only to wet, but also to put then there is no need
[link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]

Maria Evgenevna

Why get vaccinated? You immediately after it will fall ill! It will get worse, you'll get sick more often!

instagram viewer

I've done and hurted before, and now in no case do not do it and everything is OK! It's not known what kind of vaccination! And there is such a thing - in the nose dripping, so this is what everyone knew - bullish urine! I knew a doctor!


There are vaccinations and there are diagnostic tests.... "Mantoux" preferably not a day
that there would be no "false positive reaction"... And those that "vparili in the treatment
goals. " it is possible in an hour, still, even if you die from the flu, then
not exactly from the strain from which it was vaccinated ...

Why after the vaccination against the flu can not wash?


Dr. Ingineer

Not so much damage the site of vaccination, how much hypothermia is possible, and vaccination is an attenuated infectious agent, and what reaction will be during heating and cooling is unknown. The immune response can not be predicted. It is better to spend this time without an extreme for the body.


After any it is impossible, not to damage the place of vaccination

Yulia Andreeva

in fact, you can not sweat, and you can wash yourself, but you can not rub the place of grafting!


After any it is impossible, that there was no irritation.

Irina Solyanik

You can wash yourself, but do not recommend watering the place from any vaccination (in the wound there is a development of the body's antibodies as a reaction to the invasion of a foreign body. water will interfere with the process

Julia Borisovna

because some fool once thought of it.
they can wash themselves.

You can wash with flu vaccine


Successful Hunter

It is undesirable, especially wash the washcloth where the vaccine is.
It is better to wait at least 3 days.


In three days, better, in a week

Galina Filippova

a plaster to a normal brand - and washing for health !!!

Vyacheslav Grishin

The first day can not be ...

Anastasia Shcherbakova

it is better to wait a couple of days


current 1 day nizya

Sergey Sedov

One day you can look dirty, but if you can not resist, it's okay.

Ivan Shtro

With vaccinations in general you can not wash! Can blood poisoning go! Or close the place of vaccination with anything !!!


posle luboy privivki 3dnya nelzya mochit tolko ranku, a mitsya mojno

Personal Cabinet Removed

With vaccination against influenza, you can EVERYTHING!


I washed and I have this thing became 5/5 cm! And then the norms.


after vaccination in general you can not wash anymore ....)))))

наталья полетаева (алекаева)

preferably only after three days.

Eugene Solodunov

can not @ Confirm!


Comrades! Pray more often, pity those around you!


A couple of days my only those places that emit an odor. These axillary cavities (vaccinations do not wet), an anteroom and an ass. The rest will suffer.

Can I vaccinate against the flu? Should I get a flu shot?

Every parent is concerned about his baby's health. In order to protect the child, vaccinations were invented. Vaccination begins to be carried out from the first days of the baby's life. In the first year the child must be vaccinated against many dangerous diseases. However, not all injections are mandatory. This article will discuss whether a person needs a vaccination against influenza. Is it possible to vaccinate? How to behave before the injection? All this you will learn further.

can I vaccinate against a flu

Should I get a flu shot?

This question is asked by most parents. However, if you do not yet have your own children, do not rush to drop the article. After all, vaccination is also conducted among the adult population. Many people come to the therapist and ask: "Should I get a flu shot or not?" Most doctors insist on vaccination, but this does not always convince patients. Why does this discrepancy arise? Some people annually vaccinate, while others categorically oppose such manipulations.

It is worth noting that this vaccination is not mandatory. Anyone can do it at the age of six months.

do I have a flu shot

Why is the flu vaccine considered useless?

Some people give a negative answer to the question whether to get a flu shot. Why? As you know, in the world there are many varieties of the disease: avian influenza, swine flu and so on. When carrying out the vaccination, you are given a substance that gives reliable immunity only for one particular strain. This means that the rest of the disease for you is still dangerous.

Some patients do not see the sense in introducing a vaccine from one strain, as this does not give any guarantee that you will not get another kind of infection. Such people often simply do not come to the annual vaccination or write a rejection of it.

Also, doctors do not recommend vaccination against influenza for children less than six months old. During this period, the immunity of the child is still quite unstable, and the vaccine may be just useless.

Why should I get a flu shot?

If you daily have to contact more people, then it is definitely worth the vaccination. Also parents of those children who attend pre-school and school educational institutions should protect their children from the influenza virus. Pediatricians and therapists insist that the vaccine should be conducted annually. Even if you get sick with some other strain of influenza, you can avoid serious complications.

In children and adults who have chronic diseases of the respiratory system, the disease is particularly acute. Such patients should be the first in the lists for vaccination.

You should do a flu vaccine. It will not do you any harm, but it can protect you when you are in contact with a sick person.

vaccination against influenza can be

Before the vaccination

If you have not decided yet whether to carry out the vaccination, you need to know some subtleties of the process before this. Be sure to visit a doctor and talk with him on this topic. Ask to tell you whether to do a flu shot (useful advice often changes people's opinion in this case). Those patients who categorically refused to vaccinate, suddenly agree to it.

In the event that your decision is positive, and you want to introduce protection for immunity, then it is worth familiarizing with the method of immunization. Be sure to ask your doctor if you can vaccinate against flu. Also find out what preparation is needed for manipulation, and what to do after it.

Whether to do or make an inoculation from a flu or not

Can I vaccinate against the flu?

This question is one of the most exciting. It is worth noting that the opinions of specialists are at variance. Some argue that water can not affect the effect of the injected drug. Others note that an unforeseen reaction may occur. Let's try to understand in detail, whether it is possible to wet the vaccine against the flu and when to do it.

Immediately after the introduction of the vaccine

Immediately after the nurse enters the drug, which forms a stable immunity to the disease, it is absolutely impossible to wet the injection site. While the wound was not tightened, and droplets of blood did not curl up, particles of water can get into the injured skin and react with the vaccine. The consequences of this phenomenon can be very unexpected. It all depends on which strain was used. If one component of the vaccine can not react in any way to such an effect, the other can cause the strongest allergy.

On the day of vaccination

Most doctors do not strongly recommend that water be applied to the injection site on the first day. What can we say about the sauna, sauna or outdoor pond. Despite this, laboratory technicians sometimes allow you to take a light shower on the day of vaccine administration.

Two days after vaccination

It is this amount of time that some doctors recommend refraining from water procedures. This is explained by the fact that during the first day there may be an allergic reaction to certain components. In this situation, the doctor needs to be sure that there were no external stimuli, such as hard wax, soap or a sponge.

do I get the flu vaccine

How to be a patient?

What conclusion follows from all of the above? Can I vaccinate against the flu? Be sure to find out the opinion of your therapist. If the vaccine is given to a child, it is necessary to get a pediatrician's permission before bathing the baby.

If you repeatedly put a vaccine against the flu, and there was never any allergy, then you can wet the place of the injection. However, refrain from a hot bath and strong rubbing of the injection site. If any strange reaction (redness, rashes, temperature, etc.) occurs, contact your doctor as soon as possible.


Now you know what a flu shot is. Do you need vaccination for you or your child - it's up to you. Remember that by refusing to vaccinate, you take full responsibility for your health. Put vaccines and do not be ill!

Vaccination against influenza - contraindications

Vaccination against flu contraindications

The flu epidemic has become habitual for a long time, and preparation for it has turned into something self-evident. Even children know how important prevention is. It is also well known that one of the best means for preventing influenza is vaccination. And only those who directly faced the problem know that the flu vaccine is not universal - it has contraindications. That is, not everyone can protect themselves from the disease with the help of a vaccine. More details about the negative aspects of vaccination against influenza will be described in the article.

Side effects of vaccination against influenza

Vaccines against influenza are of different types:

  1. Injection is more popular. There are no live viruses, but it gets into the body thanks to a shot.
  2. The second type of vaccine is aerosol. This means contains live viruses. Weakened, they do not pose a threat to the body, but contribute to the development of strong immunity.

Like any other vaccine, a flu shot can cause side effects. Different organisms perceive vaccination in their own way. The most frequent negative manifestations of vaccination are the following:

  1. Immediately after vaccination a person can feel weakness, fatigue, drowsiness. Sometimes the patient is tormented by fever and fever.
  2. Many people get a headache after the vaccination.
  3. One of the most unpleasant consequences of vaccination is a runny nose or a pharyngitis.
  4. The most serious and harmful complication of vaccination against influenza is anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, this side effect is extremely rare.
  5. A fairly frequent unpleasant consequence of vaccination is pain, swelling and redness at the injection site.

Most of the side effects the patient forgets about a couple of days after the vaccination. And in order to avoid more serious and complex consequences, it is necessary to get acquainted with the list of contraindications before vaccination.

Who is against the flu vaccine?

Despite the large number of benefits, some groups of patients may not be vaccinated against influenza. An alternative method of protection against a disease is recommended in the following cases:

  1. First, it is strictly forbidden to get a flu shot from people suffering from colds or ARVI. Vaccination is allowed at least a month after recovery.
  2. Secondly, an inoculation against influenza is contraindicated to people with an allergy to chicken protein.
  3. Specialists are in no hurry to vaccinate patients who did not have a good previous vaccination.
  4. This method of preventing influenza is not recommended for people with diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.
  5. Additionally, patients suffering from kidney and adrenal problems should consult.
  6. Vaccination against influenza Grippol and its analogs are contraindicated for chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi and upper respiratory tract.
  7. You can not vaccinate babies.
  8. Asthma, anemia, hypertension and general cardiacHarm to vaccine against influenzaInsufficiency can also serve as a contraindication to vaccination.

As you can see, there are a lot of contraindications to vaccination against influenza for adults. Therefore, in order to really benefit the vaccination, the procedure must necessarily be consulted with specialists and with understanding to treat their detailed inquiries about the state of health and the transferred diseases.

Do not forget that the vaccine is not a panacea. To completely protect yourself against the flu, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, for the time of the epidemic, to supplement your diet with nutritious foods, fruits and vegetables.

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