We treat quickly and effectively varicose veins in men

Varicose veins are a disease in which the veins lose their elasticity, become tortuous, wide and swollen. At first glance, everything is simple. However, before asking how to treat varicose veins in men, it is worthwhile to find out the exact symptoms of this disease so as not to confuse it with other pathologies and find the causes that caused the disease.

  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Causes of development of pathology in men
  • Consequences of varicose veins
  • Varicose veins in men
  • Home Treatment
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Ointment for varicose veins
  • Prevention of disease
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  • Correctly choose compression underwear for varicose veins
  • We treat varicose veins on legs with folk methods
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  • Correctly choose ointment from varicose veins on the legs
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Varicose veins can occur in men of any age. According to statistics, about 15% of men suffer from this pathology. In women, varicose veins can also be, but this is detailed in another article.

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Symptoms of the disease

Usually a man who has encountered varicose veins on his legs, finds the following symptoms:

  • itching of the skin;
  • frequent leg cramps;
  • pain in the area of ​​the veins;
  • heaviness and constant fatigue of the feet.

In some cases, with varicose veins may thicken, resulting in a vein can clog the thrombus. In this case, often signs of infection. With varicose veins swell and swell along the entire length of the venous network. Skin over these veins become thick, rough and not elastic.

Varicose veins in men can also be combined with the formation of a vascular network. At the initial stage, varicose veins deliver only aesthetic discomfort. As the course of the disease, the walls of the veins weaken. As a result, any infection or toxic substance can provoke their damage.

Causes of development of pathology in men

On the one hand, it seems that varicose in men should not develop, because they do not give birth, do not wear kabuki, and do not drink hormonal contraceptives. Physiological causes of varicosity in men are few, but they may have factors that significantly affect them. Among them:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • age over 30 years;
  • work related to the constant lifting of weights;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • malnutrition;
  • obesity;
  • long treatment with hormones;
  • the presence of bad habits.

Attention!To avoid varicose veins, doctors who treat the disease advise people who tend to drink at least 2 liters of slightly saline water per day.

Consequences of varicose veins

So, what is dangerous for varicose veins in men? One of the most common effects of varicose veins is swelling of the ankles. The patient may experience constant pain in the upper part of the legs. In addition, in the absence of treatment, varicose veins often cause spasms of the muscles of the legs. Patients constantly feel heaviness in their legs and fatigue.

These symptoms are greatly enhanced when performing physical exercises. As a result, patients with varicose veins try to sit more and find a sedentary job. However, this does not ease their suffering, and they still feel uncomfortable.

To severe consequences of the disease can be attributed dermatitis, which occurs in the affected area. In such patients, a rash appears on the skin, which constantly itches. Over time, ulcers can form in this place, which will constantly bleed.

Thrombophlebitis is the most dangerous consequence of varicose veins. Thrombophlebitis is a disease in which blood becomes thicker, and thrombi form in the enlarged veins.

Note!If you have found the first signs of thrombophlebitis, be sure to consult a doctor, since ignoring this pathology can lead to death.

Varicose veins in men

According to statistics, inguinal varicose in men occurs 10-15% of cases. The most susceptible to this disease are adolescents and young men aged 25 to 45 years. In most cases, varicose veins surround the left testicle, in 20% both and in 1% - the veins near the right testicle. Varicose testicles in men have symptoms in the form of the descent of the scrotum, bulging veins and discomfort.

But do not panic if you hear this diagnosis. In the absence of complications, this pathology does not carry any threat. Although with a contusion of the sexual organs, the probability of tissue trauma in such patients increases.

Varicose veins - this is not the cause of infertility. Many medical institutions that treat varicose testicles in men on their websites write that in 40% of cases, testicular varicose leads to infertility. But this is not so. In fact, 40% of men suffering from infertility, diagnosed with varicose veins.

However, this does not mean that the disease does not need to be treated. In the absence of treatment, testicular varices in men may have the following consequences:

  • an increase in the number of dead spermatozoa in the sperm;
  • deterioration of motility of spermatozoa;
  • reduction of sperm volume;
  • no sperm.

Home Treatment

Treatment of varicose at home is to perform physical exercises. Incompatibility of varicose with exercise is a common myth. Strong loads, of course, do not need to, but light exercises are recommended to be carried out constantly.

Varicosity in men on legs is best eliminated by running, walking and swimming. At the initial stages of the disease with regular exercise, you can significantly improve the condition of the veins. In neglected cases, the situation will be much more difficult to correct. Such patients should not only play sports, but also observe some restrictions, wear compression underwear for men with varicose veins.

Note!At whatever stage the disease is, the patient should be constantly examined by a phlebologist to control the situation.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating varicose veins are not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. For the treatment of this pathology, concentrated extracts of medicinal plants are used inside, which have strong side effects. With special care, folk medicine recipes should be used by people with diseases of the digestive tract.

Various broths of herbs diluted with apple cider vinegar can lead to a burn of the skin, and herbal infusions lead to a change in the acidity of the gastric juice. Their incorrect application can cause exacerbation of diseases.

In addition, during treatment, you need to carefully monitor your health and when allergic reactions occur immediately stop treatment. Therefore, before turning to folk medicine, consult your doctor.

Important!Folk recipes are recommended for people with more patience, since such treatment can take a long time.

Ointment for varicose veins

Medicines for varicose veins on an ointment basis may be long on the affected area, so they penetrate deeper. These ointments can be prepared on the basis of sunflower oil, flax seed oil, and animal fat.

The medicinal properties of the ointment from varicosity are attached to the following components:

  • eucalyptus;
  • celandine;
  • Melissa;
  • lilac;
  • clover;
  • chamomile;
  • fir;
  • calendula.

To prepare the medicine, all ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, filled with boiling water and infused in a warm place for 2 hours. After that, the broth is mixed with the ointment base 1: 1.

This medicine should be stored in the refrigerator. On sick sites, the drug should be applied 2 times a week with a thick layer overnight. After applying the ointment on the skin, wrap the leg with food film.

Prevention of disease

If you do not have varicose veins, but you are predisposed to it, it is recommended that you self-massage your legs.

Note!With an existing varicose, any foot massage is contraindicated. It is recommended to use compression linen for prevention and treatment.

If you are tired at the end of the day, when you get home, lie on the couch and put your feet so that they are above the level of the head. When reading or watching movies, also try to throw your legs as high as possible. For this purpose you can use a pillow.

If you have sedentary work constantly alternating postures, step on the spot make rotational movements. After a shower or a bath, it is useful to rinse your feet with cold water. And most importantly - give up bad habits, go in for sports, as often as possible go on fresh air and whenever possible avoid stresses.

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