Quit smoking at home quickly

Probably, all people know, dependence on cigarettes is much more psychological, rather than physical. To quit smoking forever, in fact, you need only a clear awareness of desire. Help to cope with the effects of physical dependence, do without the intervention of various nicotine patches and similar drugs, will help people's methods.

  • How to quit smoking
  • For one day
  • In pregnancy
  • Using an electronic cigarette
  • Folk ways
  • Oats
  • Highlander
  • Tincture of copper and silver
  • Leaves of eucalyptus
  • Collection of herbs
  • Grain broth
  • Plantain
  • Soda
  • How to stop smoking a teenager
  • Important recommendations
  • How to quit smoking gradually
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How to quit smoking

Quitting smoking can be quick and easy, if you follow certain rules.

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  1. Eject absolutely all cigarettes at home, in bags, pockets, at work. Do not just throw it away - tear it, throw it straight into the garbage chute, or the toilet. If you leave one cigarette in the house, it will make you think about it for a whole day, and you will fail, no later than two days.
  2. Do not listen to people advising "gradually" to quit, because "gradually" can last years or a lifetime.

You can quit smoking and you need it in one day, an instant. Do not listen to people telling about some strong harm to the body after giving up nicotine - it's a lie, myths. Especially the terrible myth that if a pregnant woman quits smoking, will affect the health of the child. All the stories about this are just the excuses of psychologically dependent people.

For one day

To quit smoking in a day, it is important to replace the process of smoking with something. For example, when there is a desire to drag out, you can start eating sunflower seeds, cheese sticks, sucking candies. Also, many helped autotrenings and programs that operate on the human subconscious. Acupuncture and respiratory gymnastics are also effective. It is important to note that you can quit smoking in one day only if the person wants.

In pregnancy

Smoking of a future mother can have a bad effect on a child. Therefore, getting rid of bad habits is important up to the second trimester. If a woman smoked several cigarettes a day, then it is better to give up tobacco right away. If you smoke about a pack a day, it is better to prolong the process of weaning for 2-3 weeks. For this, the dose of nicotine should be gradually reduced daily. The inhaler, special chewing gums, a plaster, electronic cigarettes can help. With "breaking" will help to cope with vitamin therapy.

Using an electronic cigarette

Using an electronic cigarette allows you to get rid of both physical and psychological dependence. To quit smoking, it is necessary to use cartridges with the maximum content of nicotine within a month. Then 2-3 months - with an average, more a month - with a low, and, finally, the last month - without nicotine.

Folk ways

Quit smoking without the use of tablets and patches can be several methods:

  • self-hypnosis - to develop an aversion to smoking;
  • breathing exercises;
  • acupuncture;
  • use of herbal cigarettes;
  • application of folk methods.

Important!Do not test on your health different patches, pills, sprays, do not pay for dubious "encoding" sessions, you are quite able to cope alone if there is an irresistible desire.

In advance, buy a bottle or packaging of any yogurt, and when you strongly want to smoke - dab a cigarette and set it on fire. Trying a cigarette, it is unlikely in the near future will pull a cigarette, and if pulled - repeat the experiment. There are more complex and effective means:

  • in a bowl of cold water, pour a few spoons of oats and leave for a day;
  • send it to the fire and turn it off as soon as the water starts to boil;
  • decay and put to cool;
  • the broth should be taken in three sips, you will hardly feel a strong desire to take up a cigarette.


The next recipe based on oats, but green, promises to defeat cravings for cigarettes on the fifth day:

  • pour the green oats with alcohol in a ratio of one to ten;
  • leave for a couple of hours, strain, consume 20 drops, if desired, smoke.

The last recipe based on oats on the account, but not last on efficiency:

  • 100 grams of oats pour in a saucepan with a liter of clean water and put on a fire;
  • boil for about an hour, put in three spoons of calendula and continue to boil for another five minutes;
  • leave for an hour, strain;
  • use two to three glasses daily.

Advice!Rinse your mouth before every desire to take up a cigarette.


The following recipe is also used to rinse the mouth, with a strong desire to smoke:

  • crushed rhizome rhizome dilute a glass of boiling water and cook for two to three minutes;
  • insist for about an hour, with regular application in response to thoughts about the cigarette, gradually they will develop a vomitive reflex.

Tincture of copper and silver

If it is possible to extract tincture containing a percentage of copper and silver particles, with regular application, it will also develop an aversion to thoughts about cigarettes. Containing substances will give a bad reaction when trying to smoke, down to nausea. If bird cherry grows nearby, or ayr, tear along the branch and chew, as above. Not too pleasant taste will soon be repulsed for ever by the hunt for smoking and even the smell of smoke, the effect is promised in ten days.

Leaves of eucalyptus

The following recipe will help to cope with unpleasant, and possibly painful sensations, which can manifest themselves due to an acute shortage of nicotine:

  • a tablespoon of ground eucalyptus leaves pour a cup of boiling water and leave for an hour;
  • strain, add to the broth an equal amount of honey and glycerin;
  • take at least seven times a day, a few sips, for a month.

Attention!Honey can cause allergies.

Collection of herbs

Ingredients for the next recipe is not so easy to get:

  • take two absolutely equal parts of the nettle, Irish moss, zhabreya, field horsetail, bird mountaineer and the fagot;
  • pour a liter of boiling water, cook for ten minutes;
  • persist for an hour, drink half the glass before eating.

Grain broth

Next, the recipe, the reviews of which are also very positive:

  • Barley, millet, oats and rye boil for ten minutes;
  • pour the resulting broth into a thermos bottle and leave for a day;
  • strain and drink on the glass at least four times a day before eating.


Plantain, famous for its healing and antiseptic actions, can also help stop smoking:

  • Dry crushed leaves of plantain and horseradish mix, chew five minutes, three times a day.

Important!You can not eat horseradish with stomach diseases


An effective and time-tested way to quit smoking is to rinse your mouth with soda.

  1. To do this, you need to dilute a tablespoon of soda in a glass of water.
  2. Rinse the mouth with a solution several times a day.

Thus, not only does the desire to smoke disappear, but the breath is refreshed, and the oral cavity is disinfected.

Another method: when there is a strong desire to smoke, you need to put a pinch of salt on the tip of the tongue so that it gradually dissolves. This method is important not to get carried away so as not to damage the digestive tract.

The following recipe, includes ledum and St. John's Wort, differs from all of the above with a pleasant taste and aroma:

  • on a tablespoon of chopped herbs boil 20 minutes in a liter of water;
  • insist for three hours, eat like tea.

How to stop smoking a teenager

Since the adolescent does not yet have a strong dependence on nicotine, it is not difficult to quit smoking. The desire is important. Also, correct motivation, a clear goal, the ability to cope with "breaking", help others will help. It is important to analyze what led to a bad habit and to avoid temptations.

Important recommendations

A few recommendations how not to break in the early days:

  1. The first few days, when you refused to smoke, drink the meals with a glass of milk. This reduces the desire to get a new portion of nicotine. If it finds you at home, take a break to eat fruit and squeeze the juice. A saturated, concentrated taste will help get rid of the desire to "tighten".
  2. Do not replace cigarettes with breadcrumbs, seeds, cookies - the products easily eat and caloric, hence the myth that smoking cessation promotes the development of excess weight. Also, do not replace candies and other sucking candies - thanks to the high sugar content of the composition, your teeth will be destroyed as soon as possible.
  3. Eat more hard cheeses, they contain nicotinic acid, of course, not in such a large quantity, but it can help.

How to quit smoking gradually

If you still decide to quit smoking gradually or do not know how to quit smoking yourself, if there is no willpower, then use the following tips. The essence of the method of gradual withdrawal from cigarettes is to slowly accustom the body to functioning without nicotine. This process takes place in several stages:

  1. Switch to more "light" cigarettes with less nicotine. Here it is important to establish for yourself the maximum possible number of smoked cigarettes per day, and under no circumstances should it exceed.
  2. Try not to smoke each cigarette to the end.
  3. Reduce the number of cigarettes by one per week.
  4. Stop smoking and throw everything that was associated with a bad habit.

Also in the fight against the desire to take up a cigarette can help jerky, preferably beef, it is low-calorie and well quenches the appetite. Drink twice as much as ordinary pure, drinking water, this will help the body to quickly remove toxins. Tea and coffee should be eliminated altogether, at least for the first two weeks, if you can not at all without tea - replace black with green, with the addition of lemon.

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