Neuroma Morton: signs and treatment at home

Morton's Neuroma represents a fibrous growth of the nerve tissue of the sole of a benign character, usually localized between the base of the third and fourth toe. The defeat of the nerve on the foot is often one-sided, but there are pathologies on both sides.

In the risk of developing violations of women of different ages.

The cause of neuritis of the plantar nerve is the squeezing of the nerve with the heads of metatarsal bones.

Article content:
  • Origination factors
  • Symptoms of pathology
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • General recommendations
  • How to treat folk remedies?
  • Prophylaxis

Factors of occurrence of

Common causes of interplus neuroma appearing are:

  • incorrect selection of shoes - too high heel or narrow nose, mismatch in size of foot parameters;
  • inflammatory pathology;
  • transverse flatfoot, including an injury resulting from trauma;
  • incorrect gait - turning inside the foot, which causes tension and damage to the nerve;
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  • development of a fatty tumor in the metatarsal;
  • infectious and autoimmune disorders in the body;
  • atherosclerosis of the lower limbs of the obliterating character, manifested by blockage of cholesterol plaques of the vessels of the legs;
  • hematoma or fracture at the nerve passage;
  • is overweight, prolonged walking and running, with increased stress on the forefoot.

The above causes lead to a gradual irritation of nerve fibers, which causes after a certain time pathological changes in their structure and leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the foot.

Symptoms of pathology

The initial stage of the disease can be recognized by the following characteristic features:

  • Numbness, tingling and burning.
  • Pain - sharp, hardening when squeezing from the sides of the foot with hands. After removing uncomfortable shoes and kneading your toes, painful feelings usually go away.
  • Sensation of the presence of a foreign object in the shoe in the place of injury.
  • Discomfort.

There are negative symptoms with prolonged walking or frequent wearing of shoes with high heels.

In the external appearance of the foot there is no deformation, the neuroma is not a tumor - it is an inflammation of the nerves.

Mortom's neuroma is characterized by a wavy current with increased and temporary calm of anxiety symptoms, which can sometimes disappear for several years.

With the development of the pathology of pain become more intense, a person feels pulsating in the affected area. Painful sensations in the later stages arise regardless of the type of footwear and load on the foot and are permanent, even in a state of complete rest.

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Diagnosis of the disease

In order to make the correct diagnosis it is enough to conduct a survey to distinguish Morton's neuroma from fracture of bones or arthritis:

  • interviewing the patient and identifying complaints;
  • study of anamnesis of the patient;
  • examination of the foot with the definition of soreness in various areas of the foot;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • introduction of local anesthetics to determine the location of the neuroma;
  • X-ray examination.

Based on the results obtained, the specialist determines the stage of the disease and selects a competent effective treatment for the patient.

General recommendations

At the initial stages of the development of the disease, it is possible to use conservative therapy, the main direction of which is the elimination of increased pressure on the nerve.

The patient is recommended to change shoes on a model with a wide nose, loose shoe and a small heel. It is useful to choose orthopedic footwear, use special insteps and insole, manufactured individually according to the parameters of the patient's foot.

Sometimes the use of such special orthopedic devices may be enough to get rid of Morton's neuroma.

To eliminate pain and relieve inflammation of , the following medications are used:

  • Nimesulide;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ketorolac;
  • Diclofenac.

The use of such methods of fighting with a neuroma foot gives a positive result usually 2-3 months after the start of treatment.

In the absence of the effect of drugs, the administration of anesthetics is prescribed in combination with the hormonal preparations , which are delivered exactly to the neuromus - Dexamethozole, Hydrocortisone, Kenalog, Diprospan.

The complex often uses massage sessions.

Timely access to a specialist and compliance with all recommendations and prescriptions of a doctor will help to avoid surgery.

Surgical treatment of is used in neglected cases, with prolonged lack of competent influence and in the ineffectiveness of drug therapy on Morton's neuroma.

During an operation that is performed under local anesthesia, doctors remove the neuroma, if necessary with a small nerve patch or dilate the perineural area to reduce the pressure of the tissues on the nerve.

The patient can step on his leg the day after the surgery. Gradually, a person is allowed to increase the load on the foot.

How to treat folk remedies?

Experts confirm the effectiveness of traditional medicine to eliminate inflammation and pain syndrome with the Morton neuroma. At the same time, medicines from natural components are not able to eliminate the cause, they are used as an adjunct to traditional treatment after the obligatory consultation of a doctor.

The most effective folk prescription for the disease:

  • 100 grams of pork fat should be mixed with 1 tablespoon of salt. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected area, bandaged from above.
  • For preparation of the product, wormwood should be thoroughly grinded until a mushy mass is formed, which is recommended to be applied to the foot for the whole night, fixing with a bandage. The prescription is effective for exacerbations of the disease.
  • In 1 glass of of vodka, dissolve hot pepper, dry mustard and salt in equal proportions - 2 tablespoons each. The medicine should be infused for 1 week, the mixture should be shaken periodically. At the end, the product is carefully filtered and applied to the foot with a lesion at bedtime to improve blood circulation.
  • To the sick foot it is useful to apply cabbage leaf for the night.
  • The will take a beneficial effect on the disease by taking foot baths with the addition of mint leaves, pine needles, chamomile flowers and calendula. The remedy helps to eliminate inflammation and pain syndrome, improves metabolism in the affected tissues.
  • Bay leaves and pine needles thoroughly crushed with a coffee grinder. Separate from the resulting mass of 4 tablespoons and mix with butter. Healing ointment is applied to a sick foot, from above it is recommended to wear warm socks. The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, in the early stages to improve the condition it is enough to conduct procedures for 1 week.
  • The crushed burdock root in the amount of 2 tablespoons is added to 2 liters of boiled water. The broth should be cooked on low heat for 4-5 minutes. Cotton swab or folded several times gauze is applied as a compress for the whole night on the affected area.

To achieve the maximum effects from the use of folk recipes, the necessary dosage of ingredients and the rules for the use of medicinal products should be strictly observed.

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Preventative measures

To prevent the emergence of Morton's neuroma, the following simple rules are recommended:

  • Avoid excessive and prolonged stress on the feet.
  • Choose the right shoes on a small heel, appropriate to the size.
  • After wearing shoes on heels it is useful to make relaxing evening foot baths.
  • Observe measures to prevent flatfoot development.
  • Watch for weight and get rid of extra pounds.

The sooner a person detects the symptoms of Morton's neuroma and begins the treatment prescribed by a specialist, the more likely the patient will avoid deterioration and surgical intervention. Timely use of traditional and folk treatment is the key to a speedy recovery and elimination of symptoms that cause significant inconvenience and discomfort to a person.

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