Treatment for dependence on alcoholism

Alcoholism is a pathological dependence on alcohol. The purpose of treatment of alcoholism is to rid the person of this pathological passion. Any dependence on something is a pathology. Dependence on alcohol is characteristic of those people who are sick with alcoholism. Anyone who has temporarily stopped drinking or is cured of alcoholism should not take in even small doses of alcohol. For even a small dose of an alcoholic beverage can cause a return of compulsive attraction to alcohol.

Although domestic drunkenness is not alcoholism, the transition from giving tribute to tradition in illness can occur unnoticed. If you doubt the presence of alcoholism, it is better to take the test for alcohol dependence. And if the compulsive attraction to alcohol already exists, you need to take urgent preventive measures.

Methods of treatment of alcohol dependence

There are different methods of treatment of alcoholism. In any case, you need a complete refusal of alcoholic beverages - voluntarily or compulsorily. The fight against alcohol dependence should be comprehensive. In the initial stages of therapy, drugs for the treatment of alcoholism are used, and for the final stages - social adaptation to a sober lifestyle. There are effective methods of getting rid of alcohol dependence in modern medicine, which include psychotherapy. Complete getting rid of alcoholism - really!

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It is important to influence the alcoholic psychologically, to develop a negative attitude towards alcohol. This method of treating alcoholism is coding with hypnosis. Of course, there are drawbacks to this method - a certain fraction of the probability of failure. Experienced psychiatrists can give a less likely prognosis of treatment success and suggest adjustments in the treatment process.

There is a direction in the treatment of alcoholism by coding, when medicinal methods are used. Which help create and strengthen a negative attitude towards the taste, the smell of alcohol, even to a simple memory of it. The methods are rather rigid and full compliance with the absolute sobriety regime during the period of action of medications is necessary.

Treatment of alcoholism implies a comprehensive approach, as we have already said. An important moment against alcohol therapy is the restoration of the human body. Used drugs, leading the work of internal organs to normal, especially the central nervous and cardiovascular systems of the patient. In parallel, psychologists and psychotherapists should take part in the treatment of alcoholism. Otherwise, the treatment will not be complete.

Treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient is doubtful. Although there are folk remedies that are used at home, independently. But will there be an effect? Does he want to treat the patient himself? Most often - no. .. Without the knowledge of the patient, you should not use strong medications. Otherwise, the patient's future can not be can make a lot of problems that were not there but the beginning of treatment for alcoholism. It is necessary for a person to consciously come to a decision to be treated and this will be the key to successfully getting rid of the pathological passion for alcohol.

Often, in the treatment of alcoholism, family psychotherapy is used to destroy behavioral stereotypes in a patient. Changing the motives of behavior and the desire to abuse alcohol should be replaced by a conscious desire to get rid of alcohol dependence. The psychiatrist works with the patients' relatives. Where he teaches correct behavior with a sick alcoholism and the perception of an alcoholic. After the psychotherapeutic classes, the close ones understand the sick relative better and help him in setting up a sober lifestyle. And this is the first step in the treatment of alcoholism.

Sometimes it is necessary and compulsory treatment of alcoholism, if convictions do not help. Apply soft medication without the knowledge of the patient.

Modern methods of treatment of alcoholism

Many methods exist in the treatment of alcoholism. Since the 80s of the 20th century Dovzhenko's method is applied - a purely psychotherapeutic direction. Now in a complex with it or separately I use medicamental treatment of an alcoholism by different preparations, and also some nonconventional methods of treatment. Phytotherapy treats alcohol dependence with medicinal herbs and plants.

Popular in the treatment of alcoholism is acupuncture. This is the eastern method of treatment, where the introduction of metal needles into acupuncture points suppresses the psychological and physiological need for alcohol. Several sessions have a good Master and the patient is on the mend.

The newest method of curing alcoholism at the cellular level is just beginning its spread. They conduct a full examination of the patient's body, examine the history of his illness and develop an individual course of treatment for alcoholism.

The laser treatment method helps to remove the physiological craving for alcohol. Normalizes the work of internal organs, clears blood of toxins, enhances the influence of medications.

Hypnosis, as before, is an effective method. Suggestion is used in a variety of ways. Including in combination with drug treatment.

At home, treatment for alcoholism may not bring good results. After all, you can not completely control the sobriety. Alcoholism is a serious illness that requires serious attitude. And this is a hospital, a clinic, a sanatorium.

Often, without in-patient treatment it does not work out. There are options for anonymous treatment, which may be relevant in cases of female and teenage alcoholism. Specialists - psychiatrists, narcologists - understand the importance of preserving medical secrecy.

The fight against alcohol dependence should go complex: suggestion( hypnosis), drugs( injections, injections, stitching).You can try and unconventional methods of treatment, if the healer tries on conscience, and not because of simple drawing of money.

Treatment of female alcoholism

Alcoholism in women has features that distinguish it from male alcoholism. Alcoholics are characterized by great mood change, alcoholic depression and suicidal tendencies. Female alcoholism develops 2 times faster than that of men and is more malignant in its current.

In the initial stages of alcoholism, you can still cope with the disease. But it is better, under the guidance of an experienced narcologist and therapist, a woman to cleanse her body, blood from toxins and toxins permanently. In most clinics prices are available for people with an average per capita income. It is also possible and free treatment of alcoholism.

Methods of treatment of female alcoholism are the same as in the treatment of men: hypnosis, medications. Perhaps even treatment without coding. Female drunkenness is more serious than masculine. We need a special psychological approach. Women are more sensible - vulnerable, prone to self-flagellation. And the main problem of female alcoholism is that a woman longer hides her pathological predilection for alcohol. The tenth part of crimes in women is committed in alcoholic intoxication. Insensibly there is a psychological degradation of the personality of a sick woman. The launched disease is less effective therapy.

In an inpatient setting, effective treatment can be obtained. After all, complete purification of the body of toxic substances - slags, alcohol and products of its decay. It is necessary to restore metabolism, nervous system. Improve the activity of internal organs. In the clinic with patients, they practice coding sessions from alcoholism to develop an aversion to alcohol.

In any case, you need moral support from close people, your personal desire for healing and your own belief in a complete cure.