We select drugs for prostatitis in men

Prostatitis refers to a purely male urogenital pathology. Has a sharp and chronic form. Despite the different forms of prostatitis in men, signs and what to treat, what medications are needed are often the same.

  • Prostatitis in men - types
  • Symptoms
  • Than to treat - medicines
  • Cream-wax "Healthy" from prostatitis
  • Antibiotics
  • Candles from prostatitis
  • Diclofenac
  • Candles with propolis from prostatitis
  • Pills
  • Exercises for prevention
Related articles:
  • Diclofenac suppositories with prostatitis - use and contraindications
  • What are the injections for the treatment of prostatitis?
  • Treatment of prostatitis in the home - the best folk remedies
  • The use of candles with propolis for the treatment of prostatitis
  • Bacterial prostatitis: symptoms, causes, types and effective treatment

Prostatitis in men - types

Prostatitis is considered the most common urological disease. Previously, it struck men after 45 years. But every day there is a tendency to rejuvenate the disease, with complaints to the doctor are increasingly turning to middle-aged patients.

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Important!Prostatitis can be bacterial and not bacterial.

Pathogenic microorganisms, getting into the prostate gland, cause inflammation. So there is a bacterial prostatitis.

Non-infectious types of prostatitis:

  • congestive (stagnant) - appears due to stagnation of blood. Occurs with frequent incomplete ejaculation, interrupted sexual acts, sexual debauchery, prolonged abstinence;
  • sclerotic - the prostate gland decreases, tissues become denser. The reasons for this phenomenon are irregular bowel movement, frequent infections;
  • calculous - this disease provokes phosphate and oxalate stones in the prostate;
  • prostatopoticesc - for ailment is characterized by a strong pain syndrome. This type of prostatitis is the least studied. It is often referred to as psychosomatic diseases;
  • atypical - is manifested by uncharacteristic localization of painful sensations (in the lower extremities, lower back).

Bad potency, infertility, prolonged depression, debilitating pains are all consequences of the neglected inflammatory process of the prostate.

Important!Sclerotic prostatitis is an incurable disease.


With prostatitis, not only disorders in the genital area are possible, but also neuropsychiatric disorders. For a long time, the disease can proceed without a pronounced symptomatology, gradually flowing into a chronic stage.

What should alert:

  • The urine is significantly reduced, urination becomes difficult, painful;
  • the erection is weakened, the sex drive is reduced;
  • decreases the brightness of sensations during orgasm;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • frequent urge to urinate, especially at night;
  • inability to conceive.

In the acute form of prostatitis, symptoms of intoxication can be added to the main symptoms - the temperature rises, shivering or throws into fever. The pain syndrome becomes more pronounced. It can affect not only the crotch, but also the upper parts of the thighs, the sacrum, the pubis, the lower abdomen. We have already written about the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies at home, so we'll take a closer look at the medications.

Than to treat - medicines

The time necessary for the complete cure of prostatitis depends on how much the pathology is started, what are the causes of the onset of the disease.

Important!Prostatitis is considered an intractable disease. The process of recovery most often slows the inattentive attitude of men towards their own health, non-compliance with the recommendations of a doctor.

Timely treatment allows not only to cure prostatitis, but also to save all male power.

For the treatment of the disease, certain groups of medicines are used:

  • alpha-adrenoblockers (tamsulosin), muscle relaxants - leads to muscle tone of the prostate and bladder;
  • antibiotics - are called to eliminate the pathological microflora;
  • hormonal drugs - with their help, hormonal imbalance is eliminated;
  • phytopreparations.

Cream-wax "Healthy" from prostatitis

A separate place among effective drugs for the treatment of ailment is cream-wax "Healthy" from prostatitis.

This product is completely natural, natural. The composition of the cream is a lot of bee products - propolis, wax, scallop, poison and extract from insect larvae. Noticeable improvements in the work of the prostate gland are achieved due to horse chestnut. And the cedar lard restores the affected prostate tissue.

After using the cream, the following improvements are noted:

  • inflammation, itching and swelling pass;
  • unpleasant and painful sensations disappear during urination;
  • the vascular tone is improved, the walls and capillaries become more elastic;
  • the amount of secret produced is normalized.


With properly selected antibiotic therapy, it is possible to avoid any negative consequences of the disease. But antibiotics are prescribed only after clinical tests that will prove the bacterial origin of the disease.

But if the patient got to the urologist with an inflammation in the acute stage, antibiotics of a wide action are appointed prior to the results of the tests:

  • macrolides (erythromycin, azithromycin, spiramycin - have low toxicity, penetrate deeply into tissues, do not disturb the intestinal microflora;
  • antibiotics penicillin series (amoxicillin, amoksiklav) - simple and convenient to use, effective, have a low cost;
  • cephalosporins (cetrioxone) - are used parenterally (externally);
  • tetracycline group (doxycycline) - not so wide spectrum of action;
  • fluoroquinols (oxolinic acid, ofloxacin) - the drugs have proven effectiveness and a wide range of effects.

Important!Prostatitis is not transmitted sexually, regular sexual life is recommended as one of the therapeutic agents.

Candles from prostatitis

Candles for rectal use are a very effective way of curing prostatitis. With this method of treatment, active medicinal substances are quickly transferred to the prostate.

Important!Candles are not prescribed for hemorrhoids.


The most popular drug is diclofenac - a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. These candles from prostatitis are inexpensive and effective.

Candles bring quick relief - pain, swelling, and muscle spasms decrease. There is a marked decrease in the inflammatory process, the process of cell regeneration is started, the temperature decreases.

Candles with propolis from prostatitis

Propolis for analgesic qualities is 2 times more than many popular drugs. Candles with propolis cost significantly less than modern antibiotics.

The most popular candles for prostatitis are hemo-pro, prostapin.


To effectively get rid of prostatitis treatment is necessary from the inside.

Doctors prescribe pills for prostatitis:

  • preparations for anesthetizing and relieving inflammation - novocaine, ibuprofen, imide, voltaren;
  • remedies for the elimination of spasm - no-spa, baralgin, papaverine;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation - pentoxifylline;
  • antibiotics.

Exercises for prevention

Therapeutic gymnastics should be used for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis. The purpose of the exercises is to improve the movement of blood in the prostate and to strengthen the muscles of the perineum.

The most common gymnastics are the exercises of Arnold Kegel. Already almost 100 years this complex helps men to fight prostatitis.

Important!Some exercises of the Keg can be performed anywhere, while sitting or while walking.

The complex of exercises must be done several times a day, each time changing the pose. You can do gymnastics while lying down, sitting, standing, squatting, on all fours.

  1. Reduce, strain the buttocks, draw an anus muscular ring. Alternate muscle contraction and relaxation. You can start with 10 approaches, gradually increasing their number to 50.
  2. Do the previous exercise. But at the moment of reduction, make a delay of 6 seconds. The time of each reduction should be increased.
  3. During urination, you should interrupt and resume the stream several times. At first, there may be discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, carving in the ureter. A few days later, unpleasant sensations pass.

It is also recommended to perform prostate massage at home.

Prostatitis often leads to impotence, which develops a sense of inferiority in a man. To prevent this from happening, it is worth making a little effort, abandoning bad habits, unhealthy food and casual sexual relations.