Eye Drops for Lens Users: Features of Preparations, Tips for Use

Contact lenses have become more popular than glasses, especially in young people. This is facilitated by a number of reasons, the main among them - comfort and aesthetic side. However, lenses can also cause inconvenience to their users and often cause overwork at the end of the day. In addition, when wearing contact lenses, many are faced with a problem such as dry eyes.To help in this situation, moisturizing eye drops come. In this article, we will talk about the most famous drugs, as well as how to use them.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Absolutely everyone needs to take care of their eyes because of constant overloads and negative factors(unregulated working day, many hours in front of the computer monitor, air conditioning, smog, gas contamination, etc.). Carriers of contact lenses need to pay twice as much attention to eye health.

Even very high-quality and flawlessly selected lenses due to constant contact with the cornea can promote the appearance of burning, dryness and even strong rezi. Especially acute discomfort can be felt by people with hypersensitivity.

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Eye drops when wearing contact lenses are indispensable in the following cases:

  • When getting used to new lenses;
  • With long-term use;
  • With continued work on the computer.
  • While staying in rooms with a working air-conditioner or on the street during bad weather conditions (dry heat, strong wind);
  • If the eyes are overworked, or there is an allergy.

Features of preparations

Moisturizing eye dropsfor carriers of contact lenses are created on the basis of purified water and in their composition are very similar to natural tear fluid. A unique droplet structure ensures rapid penetration into the eye tissues, which gives instant relief even with severe burning.

Also there isdrops based on hyaluronic acid,developed for the same purpose.

Moisturizing drugs in their composition are similar to the composition of human tears. When applied to their eyes, a tear film is created. It protects the eye from the appearance of dryness, redness and other unpleasant symptoms.

Eye drops for lenses do not contain preservatives and have a bactericidal effect. As moisturizing components, surface-active and lubricating agents, glycerol, povidone, sodium hyaluronate are used. Moisturizing substances that form part of the drops, when blinking rapidly spread on the surface of the eye, do not affect the clarity of the image and remain for a long time on the eye.

Such tools make wearing comfortable lenses, and also help to relieve fatigue with intense visual load.When using moisturizing drops, contact lenses can be worn all day, forgetting about dryness and irritation.A big plus of moisturizing drops is compatibility with both soft and hard lenses. Now you can find and such eye drops, which, in addition to the main moisturizing function, will reduce eye fatigue under heavy loads.

Drops used to wear lenses

When choosing drops under the lenses, it is worth consulting with an ophthalmologist. Most of these drugs are hypoallergenic, but the human eye is a very sensitive organ, and incorrectly selected drops can lead to irritation.


Consider the most popular moisturizing drops for lens users:

  • Eye drops Maxima Revital Dropsperfectly moisturize the eyes, eliminate the feeling of dryness, foreign body feeling, burning, irritation eye caused by computer radiation, dry and polluted air, dust, pollen, tobacco smoke and and so forth. This drug increases and prolongs the comfort of wearing contact lenses, eliminates signs of eye discomfort. Drops contain an innovative component present in the structures of the human eye - high-hyaluronic acid purification and high concentration, which has a therapeutic effect on the cells of the eye and enhances the moisturizing properties preparation. Maxima Revital Drops are suitable for adults and children from birth, as well as for all types of soft contact lenses and rigid gas-permeable contact lenses. Drops do not have contraindications.
  • Ophthalmic Bio Dropseliminate the irritation and discomfort of the eyes caused by the influence of unfavorable factors: computer, tablet, smartphone, etc. Significantly increase the comfort of wearing soft and hard contact lenses thanks to a special formula. They make it easier to get used to lenses. Effective for rehabilitation after operations on the eyes.

Do not use the drops 90 days after opening the vial. The volume is 10 ml.

  • Moisturizing drops Opti-fries- the product of the latest generation, high quality level, suitable for all types of contact lenses, as well as for the most sensitive eyes. Have lubricating properties. The volume is 15 ml.
  • SAUFLON COMFORT DROPSsuitable for all types of contact lenses. Effective for removing eye irritation caused by computer radiation, dust, etc. Increase the comfort of wearing lenses. They make it easier to get used to lenses. Effective after operations on the eyes. The volume is 10 ml.

Do not use the vial 30 days after opening.

Maxima Revital Drops moisturize the eyes
  • Preparation RENU MULTIPLUS DROPSIt is designed for extra comfort and cleaning of contact lenses. The solution can be instilled directly on contact lenses. Drops are recommended for better lens tolerability, in the adaptation period for beginners, to remove signs of dry eyes and reduce tear production. The volume is 8 ml.

Do not use the drops 30 days after opening the vial.

  • Drops for lenses Lycontinare used to combat dry eyes. Facilitate the wearing of contact lenses.
  • Solution for lenses PRO ACTIVE.New moisturizing drops provide a gentle moisturizing and soothing effect. They give a feeling of freshness and long-term comfort when wearing contact lenses, they are compatible with all their kinds.
  • Drops for OPTIMED lenses.Moisten the eye mucosa and contact lenses, relieve discomfort, dryness and irritation of the eyes, remove foreign particles from the surface of the lens and eyes. Indispensable for long work at the computer, when in a dry, poorly ventilated area, dry eye syndrome, after eye inflammation and eye operations.
RENU MULTIPLUS DROPS cleans contact lenses
  • Eye drops BLINK CONTACTS.Quickly and effectively moisturize the eyes, relieve fatigue and irritation. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that these viscous drops become more liquid when they blink. The moisture spreads evenly over the surface of the cornea and the lens, thereby quickly and powerfully moisturizing the eyes. Viscosity drops give hyaluronic acid, this same substance allows moisture to stay on the surface of the cornea and lenses for a long time. The volume is 10 ml.

Do not use the drops 45 days after opening the vial.

  • Drops of Vizin.They act gently, do not cause side effects. The drug is allowed for use for a long time, but only with the permission of an ophthalmologist. The positive result comes in 5-10 minutes, while the visual acuity rises and the tension goes away.
  • Vizomitin.It is an analogue of the previous preparation. This keratoprotector, which helps to eliminate dry eyes, normalize the operation of the lacrimal glands. Drops have no side effects, no contraindications. The action time is 5-7 minutes. In addition to the main action, this drug can be used as an additional treatment for cataracts or conjunctivitis.
  • The oxial.The main component of these eye drops is hyaluronic acid. The drug helps fight dry eye, eliminates irritation and inflammation, has a regenerating effect for the damaged cornea.
  • Hilo-chest of drawers.This solution is aimed at combating dryness and irritation of the eyes, with inflammation, allergies and redness.
  • Innox.Drops of Innox have a natural composition on a plant basis. They do not cause allergic reactions. The drug is used to combat dry eyes, perfect for relieving tension in contact lens users. Drops eliminate irritation, while the eyes get rest. The effect is visible immediately after application.
  • Systein Ultra.The composition of the droplets includes polymers that do not adversely affect the cornea of ​​the eyes. The drug helps to eliminate allergic reactions, inflammation. Drops perfectly moisturize the eye surface, comfort is preserved for a long time.
Oxyal struggles with dry eyes

It should be remembered that even if the drug has many positive reviews, it may not be suitable for someone. Be sure to contact a specialist who will pick up the correct drops, thereby minimizing the likelihood of side effects and help to solve the problem.

Recommendations for use

Most drops when wearing contact lenses are recommended to be applied only after they have been removed. Especially it concerns lenses designed for a prolonged period of wearing. How correctly to apply drops?

Procedure of the instillation procedure:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling.
  3. Slightly pull the lower eyelid and drip 1-2 drops.
  4. After instillation, keep your eyes open for 30 seconds.

Doses and the frequency of instillation for each user of lenses are strictly individual. Of great importance here are the variety of the drug, its properties, and also the purpose - which exactly are the symptoms used. If there is a need for simultaneous application of just 2-3 kinds of solutions, it is recommended to maintain a time interval between instillation of drugs - 30 minutes.

If you want to buy moisturizing eye drops to make it easier to wear contact lenses, make sure that the drops are compatible with your type of lenses.And also carefully read the instructions: can I instill drops without removing contact lenses, or is it better to do this after removing the lenses.

When you get the drug from the refrigerator, hold the bottle for a few seconds in hot water.An alternative option is disposable hermetic bottles with droplets.They will suit those who use them impermanently, or allergies. The volume of the drug is designed for single use. Such disposable drops are considered the safest.



Eye drops for lenses are necessary for users of contact optics. They do not contain preservatives, have a bactericidal effect and are absolutely safe. Many of the drugs can be used daily for a long time without fear of harm to the eyes. Moisturizers, presented in the article above, will not only make the wearing of the lenses comfortable, but also help to relieve fatigue with intense visual load. Use these drops to protect your eyes from dryness and other discomfort.