Symptoms and causes of phlegmonous appendicitis

Any inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity provokes serious complications and requires immediate medical intervention. One of the most dangerous problems is the violation of appendicitis. Few people know that this complication develops in several stages, which intensify painful sensations and cause severe symptoms. One of them is phlegmonous appendicitis, it is a severe form of a disease that requires immediate surgical intervention.

  • Phlegmonous appendicitis, what is it?
  • The main causes of the disease
  • The history of the disease, how the disease develops
  • Main clinical manifestations of the disease
  • Diagnosis of the inflammatory process
  • First aid during an attack
  • Treatment of the disease
  • Diet after surgery
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Phlegmonous appendicitis, what is it?

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Acute phlegmonous appendicitis (code for μB 10) is a serious inflammatory disease that affects the appendix. The peculiarity of the disease is that in a short time the pus develops rapidly in the affected area, which fills the entire surface of the intra-abdominal organ. The inflammatory process develops quite intensively, and purulent clusters initially cover the walls of the appendix. However, the organ itself perfectly preserves its integrity and is not deformed.

The disease is always accompanied by painful symptoms that accurately indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. This pathology is the most dangerous stage of the disease. At the first clinical manifestations it is necessary to immediately seek medical help. Otherwise, the ailment will lead to serious complications and even to death.

The main causes of the disease

Acute phlegmonous appendicitis is one of the stages of the development of the inflammatory process in the appendix. This pathology develops in just a few hours, so you need to quickly seek medical help. The appearance of the disease is influenced by many factors, among the main causes of the doctors identify the following:

  • influence on the mucous walls of the organ, pyogenic microorganisms from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • occlusion of the appendix is ​​due to the penetration of foreign bodies of large size or under the influence of a strong spasm. This disorder worsens the normal outflow from the body, which leads to suppuration;
  • thrombosis of blood vessels, which appears due to prolonged compression of the arteries and veins.

Inflammation can develop under the influence of one or more of these factors. However, this does not affect the rate of pathology formation.

Important!The disease can develop rapidly enough, it does not depend on the age of the person. However, according to medical data, the population from 20 to 30 years is at risk.

The history of the disease, how the disease develops

Attack of appendicitis always develops gradually. Physicians identify four main stages that are inherent in the formation of an acute disease.

  1. Catarrhal phlegmonous appendicitis is the initial stage in the formation of the disease. It begins to appear after about 30 minutes, after the onset of the inflammatory process. For an exacerbation, pain in the abdominal region is characteristic, but over time this syndrome is localized in the right side. Gradually, painful sensations increase, nausea and vomiting appear. As a rule, the body temperature rises to 37.5 °.
  2. The phlegmonous form of appendicitis develops about a day later. Painful sensations in the right side increase, nausea appears, the mouth begins to dry up, body temperature rises to 38 °. Gradually, the inflammatory process spreads to neighboring organs in the abdominal cavity. At this stage, the doctor can identify the disease without problems, and take steps to prepare the operating room.
  3. Phlegmonous gangrenous appendicitis is formed 72 hours after the onset of the inflammatory process. At this time, the necrosis of the walls of the organ and vessels is observed. Phlegmonous-ulcer period is marked by a significant reduction in pain, for a while. However, this period is very dangerous, as the patient loses strength, and internal organs are exposed to severe intoxication. In the entire abdomen, the inflammatory process is rapidly developing, and harmful decomposition products begin to be absorbed into the blood. At these moments, the patient experiences a worsening of the general condition, vomiting, dry mouth, severe abdominal pain, and rising temperature. At this stage it is important to carry out the operation as soon as possible, otherwise a person can die.
  4. Perforated appendicitis is the most dangerous stage of the disease. At this time there is a complete destruction of the walls of the appendix, and all the contents spread through the abdominal cavity. The patient feels severe pain in the abdomen, opens vomiting, dries up in the mouth, and body temperature rises to 39 °. If you do not immediately start treatment, then a person can quickly die because of infection of the body.

Main clinical manifestations of the disease

Attack of appendicitis develops quickly enough. Pathology is divided into several main stages of development, during which the symptoms only worsen. Initially, the patient feels pain in the area of ​​the entire abdomen, and then unpleasant sensations are localized only in the right side. In addition, the patient feels other signs of pathology, characterized by phlegmonous appendicitis:

  • headache;
  • a constant feeling of nausea;
  • a breakdown and weakness;
  • complete refusal of food;
  • increases body temperature to 39 °;
  • heart rate is increased to 100 beats per minute;
  • a gray or dirty white coating appears on the tongue;
  • constant dryness in the oral cavity;
  • stool disorder;
  • flatulence.

All these symptoms always manifest themselves quite clearly, so a person needs medical help. As a rule, appendicitis should always be removed.

Diagnosis of the inflammatory process

Timely diagnosis will allow the patient to restore personal health faster. Initially, the doctor carefully conducts palpation and takes into account the patient's complaints. As a rule, in order to establish the diagnosis accurately the doctor additionally assigns laboratory tests. For example, it is necessary to donate blood to a micropreparation, which will indicate the number of leukocytes. In the inflammatory process, there will be a large number of leukocytes in it. If necessary, the doctor recommends an ultrasound.

First aid during an attack

Once a person feels the first symptoms of appendicitis, urgently need to call an ambulance. While the brigade of physicians will arrive it is necessary for the patient to render the first aid. It consists in such actions:

  • patient lay on the bed;
  • to the stomach attach a heating pad filled with ice;
  • Before the doctor's arrival it is forbidden to take any medicines and eat food.

Important!During an attack of appendicitis, it is forbidden to apply a heating pad. Heat contributes to the development of the disease and rupture of the process.

Treatment of the disease

Restore the patient's health can only be through surgical intervention, that is, the removal of appendicitis. Modern medicine is quite developed, so surgeons can offer the patient several types of surgery:

  • open surgery, removal of the process is performed through a cut in the abdominal cavity;
  • laparoscopic procedure is performed at the initial stage of inflammation. It is produced under general anesthesia. In the abdominal cavity 3 punctures are made, through which special instruments are introduced. With their help, the appendix is ​​removed;
  • transluminal surgery is the last achievement in surgery. Removal of appendicitis is made by thin instruments that are inserted into the abdominal cavity through the vagina or stomach.

If the operation started in a timely manner and proceeds without complications, then the procedure lasts about an hour.

Diet after surgery

After the operation, the patient should follow a certain diet for several weeks. It will help restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The patient must comply with several rules.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to introduce fried, smoked, marinated, spicy, salty and fatty foods in the diet. During the rehabilitation period, you can not drink coffee, fizzy drinks, strong tea and use baking pastries.
  2. In daily meals must include dishes cooked on steamed or baked. They should be soft, in the form of puree and liquid gruel.
  3. The daily diet of the patient should be filled with a variety of nutritious dishes. A person can eat this food:
  • white dry bread;
  • dietary meat (turkey, beef, rabbit);
  • sea ​​and river fish;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken eggs;
  • all vegetables boiled or baked, except cabbage;
  • light broths;
  • jelly and compote;
  • dried fruits and a little chocolate;
  • all the fruits that you can eat, for example, apples must be baked.

Observing all the doctor's recommendations, a person will quickly recover from the operation and return to the habitual way of life. However, it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner so that the operation goes without complications and does not lead to death.