How to clean exercises and diet double chin at home

The second chin and lost cheek shape are a nuisance that spoils the appearance, disheartening and causes the desire to throw out all the mirrors.

Do not despair!
This problem can be successfully managed. There are effective ways to help restore the person's former beauty. You can do on your own, without resorting to expensive plastic surgery.

  • The reasons for the appearance of
  • The reasons for the appearance of
  • The solutions to the problem
    • The power and active lifestyle
    • The face gym
    • The massage procedures
    • Cosmetic methods
  • Some useful tips

The reasons for the appearance of

With the advent of the second chin and droopy or swollen cheeks, both women and menregardless of age.

This happens, most often, due to the weakness of the facial muscles. There may be several reasons for this. The most common ones are:

  • Age changes.
    As natural aging, muscles lose their elasticity, and the skin becomes flaccid and flabby.
    As a result, the face is swollen, sagging cheeks and creases appear on the chin.
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  • Set of excess weight.
    Fat reserves in fat people are located on all parts of the body and, in particular, in the area of ​​the cheeks, neck and chin.
  • Sharp weight loss.
    In this case, the skin quickly loses the turgor, hanging and forming excess folds.
  • Reading books lying down.
    With this method of leisure, the chin is in the wrong position for a long time, gradually fixing the aesthetic defect.
    In the same way, a double chin appears when walking with the head down, a habit of slouching and using high pillows.
  • Bad habits.
    Smoking and the systematic use of alcohol and reduce muscle tone and worsen the skin condition.

And do you know how the face is cleansed with calcium chloride at home? If in doubt, click on the link and read about how to do it correctly.

How to make an anti-aging face cream at home is written in the article on this page.

Options for solving the

problem You can return your face to the old form with the help of plastic surgery, hardware cosmetology or Botox injections.

However, these methods, while eliminating saggy cheeks and a second chin, do not eliminate the main thing - the reason for their occurrence. As a result, the problem can return again. How to remove deep acne on the face( treatment described here).

Surgical intervention and "beauty injections" of are not safe and have a lot of contraindications. After such operations, complications and unforeseen negative reaction of the organism are possible.

For the beauty of the face you can fight and on your own in a cozy home environment, without exposing your health to a risk.

For this, there are easy, effective, and, most importantly, safe methods. With their help you can bring your cheeks in order for three weeks and even less.

It will take more time to get rid of the second chin - about a month and a half.

The home program for giving the face a beautiful oval and getting rid of excess fatty folds includes:

  • proper nutrition,
  • active lifestyle,
  • facial gymnastics,
  • massage and cosmetic events.

But first things first.

Nutrition and Active Lifestyle

Most often, the second chin and swollen or sagging cheeks is a problem for obese people.

Therefore, to start the fight for a beautiful face oval follows with getting rid of excess kilograms.

In this healthy diet , in which it is important to follow simple rules:

  • Strongly thinner , in any case do not starve.
    Feed should be 5 times a day in small portions. For 22-30 minutes before a meal it is useful to drink a glass of cool boiled water.
  • Discard the baking of and sweet or at least limit their use.
    At first you can simply put less sugar in the tea, every day reducing its dose.
    After a week, unsweetened tea will seem like a great drink.
  • The ban should be fatty and fried dishes , smoked products, carbonated drinks, ice cream.
    It is advisable to discard the finished fruit juices with the addition of sugar.
    It's better to make them yourself from fresh fruit.
    Bread is recommended from whole wheat flour and without yeast.
    You may need to clean the intestines at home for weight loss.

And do you know what kind of compress from a strong cough treats for the evening? Recipes, recommendations and contraindications are described in useful material.

For signs of pyelonephritis in women and its treatment, read this article.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / lopuh.html it is written about the recipes from the root of burdock, useful properties and contraindications.

  • Limit the use of salt , which delays water in the body, which is another reason for edema and the appearance of a second chin.
  • Be sure to include in the diet high fat fish .
    It provides the body with essential acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which improve the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.
    It is advisable to eat fish at least 3 times a week.
  • Half the diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables .
    They contain a large amount of fiber and a set of essential vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and the general condition of the body as a whole.
  • Drink during the day at least 2 liters of water .
    If it is not enough, the body begins to save moisture, as a result, there are swelling not only on the hands and feet, but also on the face.
  • In the daily menu, include cottage cheese, curdled milk or milk.
    These foods are rich in calcium, which is an important element of a facial diet.
  • Do not be afraid of fatty milk and sour-milk products , because the body needs up to 90 grams of fat per day, which is not likely to provide fat-free food.
  • For the duration of the diet, completely discard the alcoholic beverages .
    They dehydrate the body, which affects swelling and deterioration of the skin.
    In addition, alcohol is a very high-calorie product.
    For the sake of beauty and health, is to be abandoned and from smoking .

Daily exercise is an integral part of combating obesity.

To lose half a kilogram of excess weight per week, you need to burn at least 500 calories per day.

Of these, 250 kcal are lost if you abandon the usual sweet dessert, and the remaining 250 kcal will help burn the daily 20-minute charge.

About the complex of exercises that help lose weight, you can consult a specialist in exercise therapy.

Do not forget about daily walks in the fresh air.

Promotes weight loss:

  • jogging,
  • cycling,
  • swimming,
  • badminton and other outdoor games.

Gymnastics for the face

Along with proper nutrition and a flexible way of life, compulsory daily practice should be facial gymnastics or face-building.

This is a complex of very simple but effective exercises that will improve:

  • metabolism in cellular tissues,
  • activate the circulatory and lymphatic systems,
  • develop and strengthen the facial muscles.

As a result of the exercises, puffiness is removed, and the skin becomes more taut and stops sagging. With the help of facebuilding you can get rid of not only excess fat deposits and wrinkles on the face, but also from fine wrinkles.

Doing facial gymnastics is most convenient, standing in front of the mirror. Begin classes should be gradual, not too zealous for the first time, otherwise ache muscles .

A tangible result can be expected only after daily, regular lessons for 1 or 2 months. In the future, to consolidate and maintain the achieved form, enough 1 or 2 lessons per week.

To be engaged in facebuilding for prophylactic purposes it is possible already after 25 years.

So, simple and easy exercises for the cheeks:

  • Maximally inflate the cheeks and after a couple of seconds quickly exhale the air.
  • Take a pencil or a tube for cocktails in your mouth and draw any words or short sentences to them in the air.
  • Inflate the cheeks and then gradually release the air in portions and jerks.
  • Inflate the cheeks and to surpass the air then right , then left. Exercise helps quickly get rid of saggy cheeks.
  • Speak loudly "A" , slightly opening your mouth.
    The voltage should be concentrated in the lower part of the cheeks.
    The sound is pronounced for 3 seconds.
    If you repeat this exercise up to 16 times a day, your cheeks will quickly gain firmness.
  • Squeeze the teeth of and, closing his lips, smile, trying not to open his mouth.
    Lower lip should be lowered as low as possible, holding the corners of the lips with fingers.
    Pull in this way the lower lip, strongly straining the chin, for 4 or 5 seconds.
    Repeat the exercise 16-18 times.
    This activity helps to get rid of saggy cheeks.
  • Tighten the facial muscles of and, without relaxing, say with effort the sounds "AND", "O", "U" 10 times.
  • Turn your head to the left and, with your right hand on your cheek, try to turn your head to the right, while overcoming strong hand resistance.
    Next turn the head to the right, and put your hand on the left cheek and perform the same action to overcome the resistance.

And these, the following exercises, will help get rid of the second chin:

  • Squeezing the teeth of , smiling with closed lips for 3 seconds.
    At the same time, you need to push the lower sky as much as possible.
    The number of repetitions is 6-18 times.
    If the crease on the chin is present for a long time, exercise is done twice a day.
  • Tilt back the head of the and slide the jaw forward and backward for 3 minutes.
  • Place the elbows of the on the table and rest your chin on your fists.
    Next, pressing his fists on the chin, try to open his mouth, while doing the maximum effort.
  • Pushing the lower jaw forward , simultaneously pronounce the sound "Y".Return the jaw to its former position already with the sound of "U".
  • Close the mouth of the , close your teeth and forcefully press your tongue against the lower sky, straining your chin area.
  • Pull forward the chin and say the word "X".
  • A large book, ranging from 150 to 300 pages, put on your head and walk with her around the room for 10 minutes.
  • Poke as far as possible and try to touch it to the nose several times and then to the bottom of the chin.
    Alternate motion, execute 6 times.
  • Maximum stick out the tongue and try to draw them in the air eight in one and the other side.
    Repeat the exercise 6-7 times.
  • Sit on a chair and throw back the head of the so that the neck and chin tense.
    To increase the load, you can also pull your hands back.
    Stay at maximum voltage for about 15 seconds and then return the head to its original position.
    Repeat the exercise up to 4 times.

Massage procedures

After performing facial exercises is very useful massage of the face.

This is an effective supplementary technique in which the blood supply is restored, the face oval becomes more pronounced and the skin condition improves noticeably.

This procedure is performed as follows:

  1. First, the usual nourishing cream is applied to the face.
  2. Next, with light strokes, facial massage begins.
    It continues with pats and prishchipyvaniyami skin.
    The actions are performed in the following directions:
    from the nose to the temporal region along the arches of the cheekbones,
    from the space between the eyebrows along the frontal part to the temples,
    from the center of the chin to the cheekbones.
  3. The chin is massaged with the back of the hand .
    On the wrinkle, pat, and then rub it and pinch, trying not to stretch the skin.
  4. The procedure ends with easy stroking.

Massage should be carried out at ease and easily, so that there is no discomfort.

The entire procedure takes no more than 15 minutes, after which, as a rule, person starts to "burn" .This effect means that it was possible to start metabolic processes and increase blood circulation.

There are several more effective facial massage methods:

  • During water procedures, direct a strong jet of water onto the cheeks, making it cold and hot.
    Contrastive washings can be done every morning.
  • Massage the cheeks with the massage glove , trying not to stretch the skin.
    This massage is useful to spend twice a week.
  • Wipe the cheeks with small ice cubes, leading them clockwise.
    After applying a nourishing cream to the skin.
  • Dipped in hot honey with fingertips tap on the skin until a slight redness appears.
    The procedure should be carried out weekly.

Cosmetic methods

In the struggle for the beauty of the face, cosmetic pull-up masks should not be forgotten. They can be prepared by hand from the simplest products.

Such masks enrich the cells with the necessary nutrients, helping collagen and elastin, responsible for the elasticity and tightness of the skin, is actively synthesized.

Recipes of nourishing masks, which are very well proven:

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 dessert - olive oil with one yolk.
    Apply the composition to the cheeks and chin and wash off after 25-30 minutes.
    The mask can be used twice a week for a course of 1.5 to 2 months.
  • Stir in a quarter of a glass of water taken under art.a spoonful of milk and white clay.
    Apply the mixture to the chin, applying a gauze dressing over the compound.
    Keep mask for half an hour and then wash off.
    This procedure can be carried out three times a week.
  • In a mixture of oat flakes and baby food "Malysh", taken under art.spoon, add a small amount of warm milk.
    Beat well until the consistency of thick sour cream.
    Apply the mask to the problem area, wash it off after half an hour.
    Course duration - once a week, for 2 months.
  • Wet gauze with pickled cabbage brine and apply it for half an hour to the bottom of the face.

Some useful tips

  • Do not sleep on a high pillow and do not read lying on the couch.
  • Keep an eye on the correct posture of the , in which the back should be straight and the shoulders straight.
    And do not lower your head while walking.
  • More often smile and laugh .
    Smiles and laughter strengthen the muscles of the neck and face, improve well-being.
  • Monitor your weight and watch for power.
  • Daily care for skin with creams, lotions and home remedies.
  • Do not forget about regular facial gymnastics .
  • Set the mode of day I, start sleeping and give up bad habits.
  • More often walk in the open air , more move and pay attention to daily sport activities.
In order to part with the second chin and give the cheeks the ideal shape, you'll have to work hard. A noticeable result in the form of a beautiful, smart face is worth every effort. And exercises, massage, masks and other our recommendations will help you in this difficult struggle.

See which gymnastics for 10 minutes a day will help you get rid of the second chin.