Causes of frequent headaches in women

The headache is familiar to many, it can talk about serious health problems or vice versa, be a consequence of fatigue and not mean the presence of the disease. It is worthwhile to consider the main causes of frequent headaches in women, because it is the female representative in statistics who often consult a doctor with this symptom.

  • Causes of headache in women
  • Headaches after childbirth
  • To which doctor to apply
  • How to relieve a headache
  • Treatment with folk remedies
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It's hard to say why it happens that way. Perhaps, women in general are more likely to suffer from stresses that cause headaches and other symptoms, or simply turn to a doctor with a similar problem more often, and hope that the disease will pass independently. It is also believed that diseases like migraines are more often inherited by the female line.

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Sometimes it's hard to say what caused the headaches. You should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, the nature of painful sensations. If the pain is present on an ongoing basis, they are quite intense, even painkillers are having difficulty helping, you should always see a doctor.

Causes of headache in women

The causes of frequent, persistent headaches in women are several. Some of them are directly related to head diseases, some speak about the pathologies of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system.

  1. Various head injuries. Periodic severe headaches in the occiput area occur after head injuries, bumps, bruises, shocks. At the same time, they can appear not immediately after the injury, sometimes it takes a long time. If the pain develops as a result of a stroke or other damage, they are usually accompanied by nausea, dizziness, the patient may notice that memory and concentration are deteriorating. Sometimes there is light amnesia, a person does not remember when and how the injury occurred.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, other neck diseases. With many diseases of the cervical region, the nerve endings and blood vessels are jammed, resulting in a headache. In this case it hurts in the nape of the neck, dizziness, numbness in the upper limbs.
  3. Migraine. This disease often develops due to heredity and becomes chronic, it often occurs in women than in men. With migraine, headaches are of a pulsating nature. Pain occurs in the left temple, or on the right, then spreads to the entire side of the head. With migraine on the background of painful sensations, dizziness, increased photosensitivity and intolerance to loud sounds, irritability develops.
  4. Arterial hypertension and other heart diseases. With this cardiovascular disease, pain can also occur, more often in the nape of the neck, sometimes extending to the temples. Pay attention to the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases with frequent headaches necessarily followed by older women, after 30 to 40 years.
  5. Fatigue, physical and emotional stress, stress. Most often cause frequent headaches in women. With severe overfatigue, headaches and nausea arise, and they can be accompanied by other vegetative symptoms. With frequent stress, pain becomes permanent and can trigger the development of real pathologies.

Important!In addition, hereditary migraine and a number of other pathologies begin to develop against a backdrop of constant stress.

Headaches after childbirth

Bearing a baby is quite a stress for the woman's organism, stress on the cardiovascular system, the nervous system increases. In addition, because of the large mass and volume of the fetus, there may be problems with the spine, because of which the nerve endings are squeezed.

Therefore, headaches during pregnancy and after childbirth - a fairly common phenomenon. If they have arisen, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it, especially if they developed during the gestation. The main problem with this - the inability to use most pain medications during pregnancy, so treatment is desirable to pass under the clear supervision of a specialist.

To which doctor to apply

If frequent headaches are pursued without obvious expressed reasons, you should consult a neurologist. After the analysis of complaints, examination, a number of diagnostic procedures, usually including an X-ray, MRI or CT, it will be possible to put a correct diagnosis. In accordance with him, a suitable treatment will be prescribed.

Important!Depending on the course of the diagnosis, you may need the help of a cardiologist or orthopedist.

How to relieve a headache

If the pain develops against the backdrop of any disease, it is necessary to begin treatment, otherwise the headaches will constantly return, there will be other unpleasant symptoms. However, if the attacks are caused by stress, pass, when emotional and physical stress disappears, there are several methods how to quickly remove painful sensations.

We assume the use of OTC drugs, usually use Paracetamol, Citramon, Pentalgin and their analogues. Take medication should be strictly according to the instructions, if the constant pain is not treated for several days, you should always consult a doctor.

Also it is recommended to postpone the cases requiring mental and physical stress, you should relax and rest. If the pain sensations arise from the nape of the neck, spread to the neck, it is recommended to do a grinding massage, you can hold it yourself.

Treatment with folk remedies

To remove individual seizures, you can use a number of folk remedies. Most of them have a sedative, relaxing effect that helps get rid of the pain. Such recipes help even in more serious cases, with migraine and a number of other diseases.

One of the most effective and common means is mint tea, it can be prepared on the basis of high-quality brewing of green tea. It should be added a little dried mint, it can be replaced with melissa. Tea should be drunk with milk, if desired, you can have a cup of honey.

Also, the inhalation of vapors of certain essential oils: mint, eucalyptus, cedar, lavender. A couple of drops should be added to a small cup or a cup of hot water, inhale the steam should be for 10 to 15 minutes. If possible, use specialized aromatic lamps.

With the help of these funds you can quickly get rid of a headache attack. If they almost do not help, the painful sensations quickly return, their intensity increases, it is necessary to visit a neurologist.