The first signs of endometriosis in women

Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease that depends on the hormonal background of the body. Most often, the disease affects the walls of the uterus, and sometimes its neck. Women of different ages fall into the risk zone, so it is important to visit the gynecologist on a regular basis in order to establish a diagnosis in time and start treatment. This article will examine the signs of endometriosis in women, which manifest themselves against a background of various complications and diseases.

  • Endometriosis, signs after cesarean section
  • Signs of endometriosis after age 60
  • Indications of internal endometriosis
  • Symptoms of uterine fibroids in combination with endometriosis
  • Symptoms of endometriosis on ultrasound
  • Symptoms of endometriosis of the ovaries
  • Symptoms of cervical endometriosis
  • Symptoms of diffuse endometriosis
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Endometriosis, signs after cesarean section

Quite often there are various benign formations that appear after cesarean section, near the postoperative scar. Complications arise due to the fact that during the operation the walls of the abdominal cavity, as well as reproductive organs, are broken. In its place, a seam is established, sometimes epithelial cells can penetrate the traumatized surface, which causes neoplasm. Sometimes the inner seam cells are not properly formed, which is due to the inexperience of the doctor. Another reason is hidden in poor-quality materials that cause symptoms of rejection of foreign bodies.

Women who have undergone such surgery, most often fall into the risk zone. No one is immune to such complications. Endometriosis can manifest itself with different symptoms, so it is worthwhile to closely monitor changes in health. Among the most common signs of this complication, doctors note:

  • Postoperative scar heals for a long time;
  • the period of menstruation is rather difficult, and a brown-red liquid can be released from the seam;
  • Knots are probed at the site of the scar;
  • there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the place near the rumen is very itchy.

Important!The definitive diagnosis should be established only by the doctor, after the delivery of a number of special analyzes, since the usual palpation in this case is ineffective.

Signs of endometriosis after age 60

Women in "piquant" age are more likely to experience endometriosis. Over the years, beautiful ladies have additional diseases that cause different complications. The appearance of a benign neoplasm is influenced by many factors:

  • overweight. As a rule, it is diagnosed in obese women. With this disease, metabolism is disrupted, which causes different neoplasms;
  • diabetes. This disease develops many additional complications, including endometriosis. The ailment worsens the work of all organs and disturbs the vessels, and the hormonal background also changes. For a woman with menopause, such complications are fatal, since they provoke neoplasms;
  • operative interventions, increase the risk of the onset of this disease at the site of scars;
  • effects of different infections. If you do not start treatment in time, the infection causes serious complications, for example, the endometrium.

The disease blocks the production of progesterone, so the body of the neoplasm increases. During the menopause, the supply of estrogen stops, which prevents the development of the endometrium. That's why many medics prescribe drugs that cause menopause. Such a treatment will save a woman from ailment, and unpleasant symptoms will disappear with time.

Signs of endometriosis of the uterus during the menopause:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • bloody issues;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • irritability;
  • fever and chills;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the number of leukocytes increases.

Often women do not pay attention to such symptoms, because they think that this is a manifestation of menopause. However, it is important not to hesitate and visit a doctor, he can accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe a quality therapy.

Indications of internal endometriosis

Before considering the signs of endometriosis of the uterus, you need to understand what it is. Endometriosis is a disease that changes the body of the uterus, on its surface there are nodal neoplasms. In terms of severity, 4 degrees of the disease are divided. If you do not get treatment in time, the endometrium will affect all the walls of the uterus and spread to the neighboring abdominal organs. Physicians identify several causes of the emergence of this pathology: complex birth and abortion, intrauterine intervention, stress, sudden changes in climatic conditions.

Neoplasm often manifests itself as severe symptoms that a woman feels:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • when palpating the uterus, a sharp pain is felt;
  • painful feelings intensify during menstruation;
  • the menstruation schedule is violated;
  • pain during sex;
  • anemia develops, due to increased bloody discharge.

Important!Timely treatment will protect the patient from infertility, so at the first symptoms you need to seek medical help.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids in combination with endometriosis

Endometriosis and uterine myoma are common diseases that affect the female body. The causes of these ailments are the same, therefore, two diseases are diagnosed at the same time. The main cause of these pathologies is a violation of the hormonal background, inflammatory processes after childbirth and abortion, mechanical damage to the walls of the uterus, impaired immunity, bad habits.

The disease is accompanied by severe symptoms that are observed in women:

  • infertility caused by violation of the hormonal background;
  • aching pain in the abdomen, which increases with the arrival of menstruation;
  • pain in sexual intimacy;
  • change in the menstrual cycle;
  • constipation, during the critical days;
  • painful urination.

All these symptoms appear during menstruation, as the zones of endometriosis become swollen and press on adjacent organs. Both of these ailments can be detected by a gynecologist with a thorough examination, so it is important not to ignore a regular visit to the doctor.

Symptoms of endometriosis on ultrasound

For an accurate diagnosis, the patient must have ultrasound. The examination will help to accurately detect changes in female genital organs. The procedure can be carried out in two ways: through the vagina or through the abdominal wall. However, the first option allows you to accurately examine the internal organs and their size. The main echoes of the endometrium is a change in the structure of the uterus and appendages, the compaction of all organs, as well as cysts on the surface of the mucous membranes.

Symptoms of endometriosis of the ovaries

Endometriosis can also spread to the ovaries, as the hormonal balance is disturbed. The causes of pathology can be stress and heredity. Endometrium, striking the walls of the uterus, can reach the ovaries and develop safely there. In the early stages, small formations appear on the ovaries, if the treatment is not timely started, cysts will be formed. The first signs of the disease:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen;
  • exacerbation of pain, with intimate relationships and physical exertion;
  • painful periods;
  • pain in the back, perineum and rectum.

For accurate diagnosis, the patient is prescribed ultrasound, as well as laparoscopy. These two examinations allow you to accurately diagnose and prescribe the right therapy.

Symptoms of cervical endometriosis

The disease often affects the cervix. The main cause of the disease is a violation of the hormonal background, mechanical damage, as well as stress and improper nutrition. The main symptoms of the defeat of female organs are manifested in the early stages. A woman feels the indirect signs of the disease:

  • Dark brown discharge is observed before menstruation;
  • Painful sensations in this pathology are practically not manifested;
  • in the second half of the cycle, there are spotting after sexual intercourse;
  • during sex, there is pain.

Symptoms of diffuse endometriosis

Diffuse endometriosis is a serious disease, which is the main cause of infertility. This ailment affects the walls of the uterus, thickening it by 5 cm. Sometimes on the body of the uterus there are cysts that have bloody fillings. Initially, the disease provokes pain during menstruation and copious blood allocation, which can appear during the cycle. The woman feels constant aching pain, which is aggravated during sexual intercourse and during critical days. At the first symptoms it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and begin timely treatment.

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