Caloric content of apricots: health benefits for women and men

There is a legend about the divine origin of apricots, in which these cheerful fruits are called the children of the sun.

They were bored with heavenly rest and they descended to the ground to turn into fruit trees.

Juicy, fleshy fruits have a powerful healing power.

Contents of the article:
  • Fruit from the Ararat valley
  • Calorie content and composition
  • Useful qualities
  • Useful qualities
  • Curative dried apricots
  • Kernels for health
  • Apricot oil
  • Wild counterpart
  • Oriental medicine

Fruit from the Ararat valley

Another legend relates to the WorldFlood.

If you believe her, Noah kept on his ark one fruit tree - apricot.

Water has absorbed all living things, including fruit trees, but the apricot remains thanks to Noah.

From here, from the Ararat valley, apricot seedlings spread around the world to give pleasure to people. It is believed that the fruit that ripens in the foothills of Ararat, the sweetest and tender, with the taste of the sun.

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Ararat, like a majestic pyramid, focuses the sun's rays in order to share them with the plain.

It's not for nothing that Armenia cultivates exquisitely sweet grapes and is not inferior to it in the sweetness of the national apricot variety.

And what do you know about the medicinal properties of the porcloak garden? The use and harm of a medicinal plant for the human body is described in an article hidden under the link.

How to take hawthorn tincture under increased pressure read on this page.

This fruit is growing in other places. But the Armenians call apricots, ripening in the Ararat valley - the king, and all his brothers growing up in other corners of the earth - courtiers.

Probably, due to the taste of the national apricot, almost no one doubts that the birthplace of these fruits is Armenia, although disputes about their origin continue to this day.

Caloric content and composition

Weak apricot lusciousness is caused by high concentration of sugars( up to 27%).Fresh fruit contains about 305 mg of potassium salts, dried - five times more.

There are magnesium, copper and phosphorus in it, as well as silicon dioxide, iron salts and iodide compounds, which are especially rich in Armenian varieties.

In the pulp a little fiber - 0,8%, and the content of organic acids( apple, lemon, salicylic and wine) does not exceed 1.3%.

By the amount of carotene, apricot has overtaken all Russian fruits. In addition to provitamin A, it was found:

  • vitamins C, B1, P and PP,
  • tanning elements,
  • pectin,
  • lycopene,
  • inulin,
  • starch,
  • quercetin,
  • isokvetsitrin.

The fruit has a low calorie content( 41 kcal).On 100 g there are less than 11 grams of carbohydrates, almost a gram of proteins and only 0.1 g of fat.

Useful qualities of

Let's start with the fact that every city dweller should eat apricots: pectin will remove slags from the body( about cleaning of the intestine without enema according to Neumyvakin written here) and toxins, will lower the level of bad cholesterol.

Magnesium and phosphorus will help the brain to restore memory, calm the shattered nerves.

Apricot is the best friend of cores and hypertensive patients ( about the healing properties of celandine read on this page) because of potassium in it.

And what do you know about the useful properties of herb thyme? At what diseases are shown the means of traditional medicine is written in a useful article.

The useful properties of the dandelion root is written here.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / oduvanchiki.html read about the benefits of tea from a dandelion.

This micronutrient is indispensable for:

  • infarction,
  • angina,
  • hypertension,
  • cardiac arrhythmia( types),
  • stroke( symptoms of micro stroke).

Patients with nephrological ailments willingly use apricots, as they know about the diuretic action of potassium salts.

Fruits are shown with varicose veins:

  • flavonoids of apricot strengthen the walls of the vessels.

In case of anemia and toxicosis, these fruits supply the body with easily digestible iron, and, if prone to constipation, help to get rid of intestinal contents without difficulty.

Apricot juice normalizes stomach acidity and is recommended for gastrointestinal and colitis diseases. The broth softens the inflamed mucous membrane. The sun fruit has other positive properties:

  • stimulates the liver and gallbladder,
  • replenishes the deficiency of vitamins,
  • increases visual acuity,
  • clears bronchi from sputum, copes with dry cough( for long reasons written here) and laryngitis,
  • is used forprevention of thyroid diseases.

Apricot juice is drunk for various infectious ailments:

  • it is considered a natural antibiotic.

Possible harm

Everyone who at least once ate them in large doses, experienced a characteristic sign of an overdose - diarrhea.

Even in healthy people, excessive consumption of fruit leads to more tangible effects:

  • dizziness,
  • decrease in pressure( dangerous for hypotensive patients),
  • depressed breathing,
  • decrease in heart rate.
Apricot is contraindicated in diabetes( due to sucrose), hypothyroidism, pancreatitis and hepatitis.

A fruit is forbidden in diseases of the liver , because, when processing carotene, it experiences an additional unwanted load.

Patients suffering from ulcers or gastritis ( with high acidity), fresh apricots are advised to replace the juice squeezed out of them.

Healing dried apricots

Dehydrated apricot without pits treats and warns the same hamlets that ripe fruit. And the concentration of microelements of dried apricots exceeds it, which can not be said about the vitamins and pectins that disappear during storage.

Dried apricots are prescribed by dieticians:

  • it helps to eliminate excess weight( the benefit and harm of chicory soluble, powdery), replenishing the human need for iron, phosphorus and potassium.

It is enough to eat 4-5 pieces daily.

Antioxidants take care of the tone of the skin, the health of the eyes, good digestion.

When there is a shortage in the body of iodine dried apricots( about useful properties for men written here) willingly share their.

But, buying dried apricots, it is better to abandon glossy bright yellow dried fruits in favor of less attractive dark fruits.

Appetizing overseas fruit is dried quickly, using sulfur dioxide.

If you decide to buy, keep them in the water for twenty minutes and rinse well. Otherwise, burn the esophagus, stomach mucosa or get an allergic rash.

Kernel nuclei for health

Bones found vitamin B17, which kills cancer cells.

Want to protect yourself from malignant neoplasms ?

Eat every day for 5-7 nucleoli( no more than 50 g).For children, the norm is reduced by half.

An excess of amygdaline( B17) can play a cruel joke:

  • in the stomach, he can turn into hydrocyanic acid, acting on a person as a poison.

Those who have never tried the kernels of apricot kernels( good and bad) are advised to start with 1-2 pieces a day.

People experienced assure that the daily dose can be gradually brought to 100-300 grams.

The taste of the nucleoli is similar to almonds: they have the same application scope.

Kernels endowed with an antitussive and expectorant capacity, in a company with thyme and coltsfoot( curative properties) heal tracheitis and bronchitis, and also expel helminths.

Apricot stones were used by the cook, adding them to yoghurts, cream, glaze and ice cream.

Apricot oil

This is an environmentally friendly raw material, obtained by cold pressing of apricot kernels.

Oil( how to make a face mask learn here) consists of natural ingredients, vitamins A, C, B, F, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Oil properties:

  • causes the skin to produce collagen and elastin,
  • tones it and starts the regeneration process,
  • nourishes and moisturizes the dermis, eliminating dryness and peeling,
  • smooths wrinkles and unevenness,
  • fights inflammation and skin rash,
  • restores healthy complexion,
  • rejuvenates the epidermis, speeding up the metabolic reactions.

These opportunities of apricot oil have long been used by cosmetologists, adding it to scrubs, masks and creams. It often becomes one of the components of shampoos, giving the hair a pleasant silkiness and splendor.

Wild relatives - zherdela

This "younger brother" of apricot has its own name - zherdela. It is smaller and not so sweet, but it has an enviable yield.

One tree can give up to 20 buckets of sunny fruit. It occurs on the streets of many southern cities, including in the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions, the Volgograd and Rostov regions.

Very often unscrupulous traders issue seedlings of wild apricot, selling them under the guise of breeding in the northern regions of Russia.

According to the therapeutic properties, zherdela is not inferior to its cultivated "relative", saving from beriberi, heartaches, maintaining health:

  • skin,
  • stomach,
  • intestine,
  • kidney.

However, it is not recommended to use pits as a medicine as a medicine.

Eastern medicine

Another legend says that once the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire were able to prepare an amazing medicine that prolonged human life for seven centuries.

The drug was called "apricot gold", and his recipe was recorded on the pages of the ancient herbalist "Benzao".

To obtain a wonderful elixir it was suggested to find double bones of apricots ripened on trees that are planted in favorable territories.

About the long-livers, who managed to use the ancient Chinese tool Makropulosa, the legend holds back.

However, the current Chinese are not upset, and came up with modern ways to extract from the apricot good.

Leaflets are dried to add to the tea, beforehand, mixing with it. Sometimes, apricot leaves brew separately:

  • so the Chinese people cough.

Chinese women are confident that the petals of a flowering tree enhance the love desire, and therefore created a spellbinding cosmetic drugs, where you have to put the flowers of sunny fruits.

But, whatever part of the apricot you use, do not doubt that this plant will have a beneficial effect on you( if you do not forget about contraindications and measure).

What gives a person daily eating apricots, dried apricots and apricots? Answers you will learn while watching a video.