Than to cure a cold on the lip ??
Cold on the lips, scientifically called herpes, is a very common supplement of various colds, viral diseases. From a cold on the lips, no one is immune, because the herpes virus is in the body of every person, another thing is that it manifests itself only in the case of a sharp weakening of immunity. It is then on the lips "pops" cold: itchy bubbles, which not only disgrace the face, but also cause unpleasant sensations. In this case, you need a remedy that will help cure a cold.
What will help quickly get rid of colds on the lip - folk remedies or medications? Let's talk about how to treat colds on the lips at home with folk remedies - these simple methods often give a more noticeable effect than the treatment of colds on the lips with the help of medications.
Herbs as a folk remedy for the treatment of colds on the lips
Consider the herbs that folk medicine uses to treat colds on the lips. And the first of these is mint. Lotion from the broth of mint allows you to quickly get rid of colds on the lips. Take 1 tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves on a glass of boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid and cook in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Ready-made broth should be filtered, and then every hour to make lotions on the areas of cold on the lips with cotton swabs, soaked in a warm broth. If you have fresh mint leaves available, take 2 tablespoons of chopped leaves on a glass of water.
Ordinary chamomile helps to get rid of colds on the lips, and it is good both outwardly and for internal use. Make lotions from the infusion of chamomile and take the same infusion inside for the prompt elimination of inflammatory processes (1 tbsp. spoon 3 times during the day). Infusion is prepared this way: brew chamomile (1 tbsp. spoon of grass on a glass of boiling water), let it brew under the lid for 25 minutes, strain, mix with 1 tablespoon of 10% alcohol propolis infusion.
Everyone knows that raspberries are a wonderful folk remedy for colds. And ripples of raspberries, it turns out, help and from herpes. To clean the cold on the lips, wash the freshly cut branches of raspberry, chop them to the state of gruel and lubricate her affected areas of the cold, leaving on the lips for half an hour, after which the gruel should be removed. Repeat the procedure several times a day.
Other folk remedies against colds on the lips
An equally effective folk remedy against cold on the lips is the infusion of birch buds. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs for 1 glass of alcohol (70%) or vodka, pour into a tightly closed dish and leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place. Before use, the infusion should be filtered, and then lubricate them with bubbles on the lips.
Birch buds for treating colds on the lips can be used in another way. The popular way is: boil a glass of milk, pour into a tightly closed container with 1 tablespoon of herb and insist for about 20 minutes. Then the liquid should be drained, and the kidneys wrapped in gauze and apply to the cold on the lips. Remember, to achieve results, compress with the kidneys should be kept longer.
Excellent help to treat the common cold on the lip of certain essential oils. If the cold has not yet jumped, and the first itch is felt, essential oil of lemon balm will help. If the cold on the lips has already manifested itself, use fir oil, lubricating the affected area every two hours. A little can burn, but soon passes.
Known folk remedy for cold on the lips is an egg shell film. To get rid of the cold on the lips, it is carefully separated from the shell and applied to the lip in the cold zone, it dries up and promotes faster treatment of herpes.
Nastya Borodina
vorraks!! ! very quickly helps!! ! Sulfur in the morning from the ear also helps! Some toothpaste smears!
Bear cub
Ointment such. it helps me overnight.
Acyclovir to smear and not touch it will pass day through 2.
Zaviraks-stunned tool, or put Levomekol - also works well, pulls all the rubbish.
I was at the beginning how I felt a small bump already knowing that it's a cold that I lubricate with a badge "asterisk" this balm burns it and everything is fine
Elena Smotrina
Acyclovir - quickly and inexpensively. Even if this minute, you can use toothpaste or a proven method - your own earwax, Chesh word checked on yourself. It helps.
Fenistil pencivir - ointment.
so that later you can not climb, take care of yourself, keep your feet warm, eat more foods containing vitamins - in general, strengthen immunity.
the truth, the herpes virus sits in our body and does not cure, if the body is not weakened - then it will never come out, and in case of a cold (as in your example - the legs have chilled) or lowering the immunity - the herpes are here on the lips! (((I understand you, it's terrible.
You have left to finish the wound to the end, and in any case do not use hygienic lipstick and other means for the lips, because they carry the infection.
good luck to you!
Anton Tabensky
To me ointments never help or assist, already probably all have smeared. Usually, with herpes I drink a course of kagocel tablets (a course of five days). Vavka quickly heals, plus the virus itself is in the blood, not its external manifestations.
Night fairy
Yes - it's herpes. This is the first sign of low immunity, so that as soon as
This sore will pass (I recommend ointment acyclovir) to you, it is necessary to strengthen immunity. Drink a sufficient amount of water (2.5-3 liters per day), eat fully, eat enough vegetables and fruits (the optimal proportion is 3: 2),
Drink a course of multivitamins and selenium. It would be nice to go in for sports in the fresh air. A full sleep also plays an important role in strengthening immunity!! Good luck, success and all the best!
Milan Sidorov
I smear acyclovir 1 day, in 4-5 days it will pass)))))
Alexander Veselov
Zoviraks probyval, helped quickly. Acyclovir smeared, it helps but slow, I shorter creep with Zovirax.
Angelica Grasmic
Iodine can not be!! And infagel always helps me. Also tried acyclovirku, slowly passes. Infagel, when applied, forms a film that does not rub off or stain clothing, in contrast to acyclovir. It is also not expensive. Zovirax did not try, or what I can not say about him.
Valentina Popova
[email protected]
I have many times over this life jumped out this cold and my mother advised me ointment acyclovir I do not know how you help me.
Dasha Zayakina
You can even smear Corvalol with drops, too, helps
Elvira Chernichka
ointment with an asterisk
Alisa Sherstneva
Fight with the cold first and strengthen immunity. Eat plenty of vitamins, walk in the fresh air. And the air in the apartment do not forget to "clean". To do this, a quartz lamp or barrier reef is suitable.
I got a cold on my lips
Tooth paste - nonsense!
Bom-Benge - warming - irritation is guaranteed.
Use: or zoviraks, tsikloferon, atsiklovir. Everything is certified by the PC and really works.
Toothpaste is simply dried, but in general "cold" is the herpes virus, so use acyclovir or pentzivir or zovirax cream
a toothache and it can immediately!
yes, if such a nuisance happened, I smear toothpaste. Sometimes it helps.
Do not be ill!
Olya Voitishko
Boro plus it is possible, and still carvalole to process, ointment tetracycline. Bon Benge, in no case, a burn can be
Is it a cold? But you say no one.
If, despite the treatment, the fever on the lips does not go away, then you need to see a doctor. In severe "cold" on the lips, the doctor may prescribe Zovirax in tablets or a new more effective preparation Valtrex. The intake of Valtrex guarantees the rapid disappearance of herpes manifestations. If the frequency of valtrex is 2 times a day, which reduces the drug load on the body and excludes the admission pass.
Recently, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia has resolved a new scheme to prevent the development and rapid treatment of "colds" on the lips. Valtrex is taken in two doses. The first in the form of 4 tablets is drunk, as soon as signs of "cold" on the lips are discovered. The second - take 12 hours after the first. The same number of tablets is used. At an early reception of tablets (no more than 12 hours from the beginning of a relapse), more than half of the manifestation of the common cold on the lips does not develop or disappear.
Irina Belokopytova
It is better not to scare the patient, since he can go to other organs, for example in the eye, like mine, then no ointments will help him to pull it out. Strengthen immunity. This is the only salvation. Advertising about zoviraks does not work, since it removes the effect, and not the cause. Herpes can go to any mucous - liver, kidneys, spine. Doctors all over the world are powerless before this disease.
Pasta will not help! It's a virus. Take antiviral preporatov + vitamins + ointment. I use Viru-Merz.
Casta Magliani
it's herpes. Suitable oksolinovaya ointment, inside - acyclovir.
Alyona @@@
Bomb-bengue is a cough ointment, she needs to rub her back. And from herpes ointment zoviraks or atsiklovir
I, too, suffered this - just sponges immediately bloomed and blossomed! drank tablets Zoviraks, and even as soon as it starts to itch - a piece of Validol tablet chews and this slurry on the lips and let it dry. and strengthen immunity, immunal drink it otherwise in the spring this case will often get out!
Acyclovir helps very quickly, it is checked up!! ! 5 days and no cold.
Tatyana Smolina
The best way - iodine at night - by the morning will absorb and can not be seen, and herpes will "destroy"!
Then go and toothpaste - it is always at hand!
Then buy in a pharmacy - for all occasions - 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide - and scratches and any pimples and just whitening your face! Only look at the concentration - not more than 3 percent!
Such and drink can be a spoonful of a glass of water daily for
a slim figure and cleaning from slags - there will be no herpes!
Mariana Grudina
Today on TV they said: Find the houses of the old yellowed newspaper (black and white) crumpled and put on a plate and burned, the ashes are strewed, and the remains on the plate are applied to a cold. Be healthy and careful.
Salicylic alcohol is best. Even better sernosalitsilovy, but it is prepared according to recipes
Oleg Malinin
1. Take a match with cotton wool. Remove a little sulfur from the ear and carefully votreteee in a sore spot. After a while, the procedure is repeated a couple more times and the fever disappears.
2.Very good and efficiently the wetting of bubbles on the lips with essential oils:
lavender, fir, lemon, tea tree, eucalyptus, geranium, garlic.
One, a maximum of 2 smears is enough. Get well soon.
Herpes is a viral disease with a characteristic rash of grouped vesicles on the skin and mucous membranes.
Means of traditional medicine:
Fir oil: as soon as the disease has begun - lubricate the skin area on which the "cold" comes out, fir oil. You will feel a slight burning sensation in this place. Lubricate again after 2 hours and at night.
Chamomile broth with propolis: brew chamomile flowers (1 h. spoon on a glass), let it stand for 15 minutes., strain and add 1 hour. spoon 10% alcohol tincture of propolis, stir and drink. Tea to drink 2 times a day for 3-4 days. This same tincture grease rashes.
Garlic, honey, apple cider vinegar: take the head of garlic and crush it all in the garlick, then put it on gauze, make a swab and swab with all the sores. Burning does not occur. Then dilute the honey and apple cider vinegar in a proportion of 1: 1, carefully stir and lubricate the sores 2 times a day.
After the first procedure, the itching decreases, and then everything goes away.
Garlic juice: from herpes on the lips it is good to lubricate sores with garlic juice 3 times a day until recovery.
It is enough to moisten the heart drug - valocordin - eruptions of herpes on the mucosa several times during the day, and the herpes will go to zero.
A fever on the lips (herpes, bladderwort) is treated with the Kalanchoe juice.
As for the treatment of herpes, unfortunately, today there are no drugs that could completely cure herpes virus infection.
I wish you health!! !
Herpes is a viral disease with skin lesions. The source of the infection can be a sick person or a virus carrier. Most often, herpes appears in the cold season, when the defenses of the body are reduced. Herpes affects the skin in the area of the mouth and nose, less often in the area of the cheeks and ear auricles.
Symptoms: On the skin, most often on the lips, there are bubbles with fluid that itch, sometimes hurt. After 3-4 days, the bubbles dry up and form a crust. The cortex disappears and the wound heals on day 6-8.
Traditional methods of treatment include the use of antiherpetic drugs (ointments Acyclovir, Zovirax, Fenistil Pencivir, Miramistin, Panavir, Acyclovada, Virollex) and vitamins.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Take aloe juice in 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals. Lubricate the aloe juice with the herpes zoster.
2) Lubricate herpes with fresh Kalanchoe juice 2-3 times a day.
3) Lubricate the affected skin with an ointment consisting of 100 gr. honey, 1 tablespoon of ash, 3 cloves of garlic.
4) Lubricate the lesions with herpes oil bitter almonds (sold at the pharmacy).
5) Wet the affected areas with a decoction of herb peppermint. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbs 1 glass of water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath and drain.
6) Grind the fruits of the viburnum in a mortar. Pour 20gr. mashed fruits 1 glass of water. Insist 4 hours. Take half a cup 4 times a day.
7) Pour 10-15gr. kidney birch 1 cup of milk, cook for 5 minutes, wrapped in gauze. Apply as an external anti-inflammatory.
8) Add 15g. dry flower baskets arnica (sold in the pharmacy) , l. boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours. Apply for compresses with herpes.
9) Lubricate the lesions of the herpes with aspen leaf juice 3-4 times a day.
10) Take 20gr. fenugreek seeds, rhizome rhizomes and herbs ruta (all sold at the pharmacy). Mix the whole mixture in 1L. water for 30 minutes. Decoction to apply for lotions when affected by herpes.
11) Take 0.5 cups of yogurt and stir in it 1 teaspoon of instant coffee. Add 2 finely chopped garlic cloves, 1 spoonful of honey and flour. All mix and lubricate the affected area. When the mixture dries and falls off, repeat the procedure. The method is not very aesthetic, but it gives a very good effect.
12) Grind in a coffee grinder 2 tablespoons dry juniper berries, pour over the level of the powder with vodka and insist 1 day. Lubricate herpes 2-3 times a day.
13) Apply a few grains of fine table salt to the place of herpes rash. If you do this several times a day, the herpes will pass very quickly.
14) In the initial stage of the appearance of herpes, apply a fleece impregnated with fir oil to it, hold for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure every 6-7 hours.
15) Take a bottle of any old perfume, namely old, having a specific smell. To anoint the place of a rash of herpes only 2-3 times and it will disappear very quickly.
16) At the first signs of herpes helps Corvalolus or volokardin. A moistened cotton swab should be lubricated with the place of herpes rash and keep it until it becomes a pinch.
17) Well herpes is treated by blending a mixture of bee honey and salt.
18) Put 1 tablespoon of burdock roots in a glass jar and 2 tablespoons of a three-color violet (sold in a pharmacy) and pour the contents of 150 gr. fresh sunflower oil. Put the jar on a water bath and let it simmer for 1 hour. Remove from heat and persist for 1 hour, strain. Rub into sore spots.
19) A tablespoon of birch tar is mixed with egg white protein and greased sore spots.
Cold on the lips - how to heal quickly?

Many representatives of the weaker sex know firsthand about the cold on the lips and how it can be quickly cured. Usually the disease appears suddenly and definitely not on time. He brings physical and psychological discomfort. Most often the disease proceeds easily and quickly, although complications still occur.
Causes of cold on the lipsThe cold on the lips is mostly viral. It is transmitted directly by contact with a damaged tissue already sick person. You can get infected even with an asymptomatic course of the disease. This is possible due to the presence of special receptors, allowing to be transmitted through healthy skin. We know that a quick way to cure a cold on the lip and other diseases is to just warn them. And for this it is necessary to know the main causes of the onset of the disease, which are best avoided:
- frequent stress;
- alcohol;
- systematic lack of sleep;
- supercooling;
- excessive sunbathing;
- diet;
- prostration.
Basically, problems with the lips appear due to weak immunity, which is affected by all the above-mentioned reasons.
How quickly to cure a cold on the lips?
So far, there are no drugs that can permanently prevent the appearance of problems with the lips. In this case, there are certain drugs that effectively suppress the spread of the virus.
The key to success can safely be considered treatment in the initial stages. Before the manifestation of the main symptoms - redness and sometimes bubbles - the lips are sensitive, itching and even tingling. If you start to struggle with the problem at this very moment - recovery will come quickly.
Experts know how to quickly cure a cold on the lips - Acyclovir ointment. It helps even with vivid signs of the virus. With its use, healing takes place much faster. Before use, the affected area must necessarily be treated with an antiseptic, which does not include alcohol.
If the disease has a severe stage, it is recommended to begin therapy with tablets - mostly antiseptics.
Quick treatment of the common cold on the lip - than to treat?
Use of improvised means for treatment of an illness is convenient because basically all components can be found at home.
Salt and soda
These substances are in each apartment. Their use makes it possible to accelerate the healing process and prevent the problem from spreading further. To do this, three times a day, sprinkle the affected area with bulk food.
It is able to perfectly dry the irritated place and disinfect it. This drug will be most effective in the early stages of the disease.
Tea tree oil, fir, almond, sea buckthorn
Lubricate the wound every two hours. It is dried, which speeds up the healing process.
This remedy for colds on the lips has a quick action. For the procedure, both the juice and the plant are used. A small process is cut off, cleared of the skin and applied to the affected area on the lip. For convenience, you can fix the medicine with a patch for half an hour. It can accelerate the recovery to three days.
Ointment from garlic, honey and ash
- paper - 1 sheet;
- honey - half of st. l .;
- garlic - 2 pcs.
Preparation and use
Paper needs to be burned. The resulting ash is added to the honey, and then finely grated garlic. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture must be applied to the affected area three times a day - this will speed up the healing process. For convenience, a small bandage bandage can be applied from above. The main thing is to have access to oxygen.
A cold on the lip popped (((what to do, tell me please))
Yura Smirnov
there is one very effective, but quite cruel way. helps, however, better than any ointments! Take a cup of very hot water. Do not boil, of course, but hot enough. For a couple of seconds, put a teaspoon into it and then apply it with a convex face to the herpes. I warn you - it will be quite painful, especially the first time. In the first, because how to do it will have to be repeatedly, and not yet with one cup of water. The miracle does not happen - external manifestations remain, but the virus inside will be killed, because it does not tolerate high temperatures. and in the future I recommend, as soon as you feel the beginning of the ripening of the sore in the lip, do it prophylactically and always look good. and yet, for the future - this virus pops up only in weakened organisms. More sleep, less stress and drafts. That's such a detailed answer I got. I'll be glad if all this is taken into service. I do it myself, and I live in clover. For this I remain yours, practically Doctor Pilyulkin !!!
acyclovir ointment
Peroxide anoint the most powerful remedy.
Augustine's Princess
Acyclovir ointment + aciclovir pills + periodically cauterize with vodka
Evgenia Petryakova (Barsukova)
Zovirax! I really helped, for 2 days the cold disappeared. Of folk remedies - gray from the ear to anoint
Anastasia Smertina
buy cream -BORO PLUS costs about 20 rubles -30 __)))) in the pharmacy... the miny for 2 days the cold immediately slept... super-cream... really helps... put it on your lips a thick layer before going to bed and thin in the morning... so 2 days and noticeably removed))
Yes, already correctly advised - ointment "atsiklovir", inexpensive but very effective thing. for the future buy. and how the common cold is just beginning to be spotted - anoint it several times. and nothing will jump out. Get well!
genin joy
acyclovir, zovirax, finistil
Acyclovir and cauterization by Corvalolum
Used and Atsiklavir and so on. ointments, and casually prompted: to burn herpes with cotton wool with Corvalolum and more often! How not wild it sounds, but it helps! Herpes disappears before the eyes!
The Threat of Dreams
Not cold, but herpes.
The main thing is not to kiss, it's contagious. Ointment and tablets.
Ernest Honin
Just oil on toothpaste is best to have a mint
Herpes on the lip
The presence of the herpes virus in the human body can manifest itself in different ways. In some cases, the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. A cold on the lip, which pops up from time to time in many people, is not just a cosmetic defect. It can not be squeezed out with fingers or hidden with a tonal cream. This sore testifies to the presence of more serious internal causes. Whatever it was, knowing the right approach, a person can quickly get rid of this problem. Let's examine this topic in more detail to learn how to defeat herpes!
What is a cold on the lips?
Painful wounds on the lip - nothing more than an external symptom of the presence in the body of the herpes virus. Such sores can appear on other mucous membranes. However, in most cases, the lips are affected. Once infected with the herpes virus, you will never get rid of it, because it penetrates into the cells at the genetic level. This does not mean that the acne on the face will appear constantly. Proper treatment helps to drown out the manifestations of herpes, but under the negative impact of external factors, he can always "wake up".

Symptoms and signs
On the skin of a man often there are all kinds of wounds, pimples and irritations. All of them are somewhat similar to each other, but not everyone knows exactly what the herpes looks like. Is it possible to distinguish manifestations of this virus from other cosmetic defects? Without a doubt, yes! The list below lists the symptoms and signs of herpes on the lip:
- painful skin lesions on the lips, at the wings of the nose and on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
- burning and itching on sores;
- the appearance of groups of crowded vesicles on the affected areas of the skin;
- ulcers in the places of bursting vesicles, covered with a thin crust;
- in some cases, when a virus that has not declared itself for several years suddenly "wakes up", there may be a slight general malaise, weakness and even hyperthermia (fever).

Causes of herpes on the lips
Herpes is a viral disease characterized by a recurring course, with periods of exacerbation / remission. After the course of treatment, the disease fades, but adverse effects from the environment can always cause another relapse. In most cases, new episodes of herpes break out if the following factors occur:
- supercooling;
- stressful state;
- nervous exhaustion;
- weakening of the immune system;
- menstruation;
- hypovitaminosis;
- lack of nutritional elements in the body (often found in fans of hard diets);
- cold;
- bacterial infection.
Is it a cold?
Herpes simplex virus is freely transmitted by contact-household, airborne and sexual way. In addition, it is possible to infect the child from the mother when passing through the birth canal. The incubation period by average measures is 4 days. According to statistics, 90-95 out of 100 people are carriers of this disease. In the active phase, herpes on the lips is more contagious than during the remission. Experts argue that from people with obvious manifestations of HSV on the face is incredibly easy to get infected.
How to treat herpes at home
To combat the HSV-1 virus (the first type of herpes), as a rule, you do not have to attract specialists. Manifestations of this disease are easily overcome by their efforts, in everyday conditions. With the right systematic approach, the herpes virus recedes within a few days. For the fastest disposal of scars on the lips are widely used pharmaceuticals and folk remedies.

Choosing the right ointment for a cold on the lip, you can quickly eliminate cosmetic defects and forget about herpes for a long time. This category of pharmaceuticals has a huge number of drugs. The most effective of them are listed below:
- "Vivorax". An effective antiviral agent that eliminates existing skin lesions and prevents the appearance of new cosmetic defects. Gel "Vivorax" quickly spreads in the tissues and liquid media of the body, due to which almost instantaneous effect is provided.
- "Panavir-gel". Highly effective medication, which provides a quick effect of getting rid of colds on the face. Begin to smear your lips with this remedy every 6 hours, and the herpes will recede for two to three days.
- Acyclovir. Extremely effective remedy against cosmetic defects, manifested with exacerbation of HSV. The antiviral drug "Acyclovir" contributes to the fastest healing of wounds and blocks the development of new formations on the skin of the face.

Along with creams and gels, there are a number of medications in the form of tablets that help get rid of the external manifestations of the HSV virus from the inside. If you have signs of herpes, pay attention to the following medicines:
- Famvir. Highly effective antiviral agent. When ingested, the active substance of the drug is quickly converted to penciclovir, which is characterized by increased activity against herpes viruses. If you have a transparent vial on the lip, it should be urgently anointed with an antiviral ointment / cream and drink several "Famvir" tablets. The desired result will manifest itself within 24 hours.
- "Valtrex". An antiviral agent that is a complex L-valine ester of acyclovir. The drug has a powerful effect against herpes. For treatment of the HSV virus in adults, three times a day is recommended for 1 tablet at intervals of 6-7 hours for 7 days.
- Zovirax. Cheap drug, not inferior to other similar drugs in its effectiveness. "Zovirax" will help you effectively fight the herpes virus from the inside, without causing damage to the liver and the organs of the digestive tract.

Folk remedies for herpes
Experts of traditional medicine know as well as not how to get rid of colds on the lips. With grandmother's recipes you do not need to go to the pharmacy for ointments and drink tablets. All components necessary for the preparation of home remedies, are at hand at any mistress. Write down for yourself a few folk recipes to know how to fight back herpes:
- Tincture of echinacea. This recipe will help you forever forget about the problems with herpes. The method of preparing a traditional medicine for colds on the face is incredibly simple: take 200 ml of alcohol concentration of 70%, add 20 grams of dried Echinacea flowers and let it brew for 14 days. The remedy will not be ready as soon as you would like, however, waiting for this period, you will not leave herpes a single chance. As soon as the first pimple pops out on the lip, treat the face with a tincture of Echinacea. The process of skin damage will stop for several hours.
- Tincture of calendula. To prepare this remedy you will need crushed marigold flowers (7-8 grams). Pour them half a glass of vodka and insist 10 days. To combat herpes, treat the lips and face with a gauze swab soaked in the medicine, every 4-5 hours.
- Chamomile. Take 15 grams of dried crushed leaves, brew in boiling water and let it brew for 45-50 minutes. When the liquid cools, treat the lips with it. In addition, to combat herpes from the inside, you can drink this remedy in small portions.
Features of treatment of herpes
Pimples on the lips, indicating the exacerbation of herpes, can come out of a person at any age. If you face these situations systematically, try to understand what causes herpes to eliminate the underlying cause. As for cosmetic defects, the fight with them must begin immediately, otherwise the skin damage will spread throughout the face. The approach to the treatment of herpes on the face is chosen taking into account the age, general health and individual characteristics of the body.
Herpes in children is treated on the same principle as in adults. Only the dosage of drugs taken inside is different. As for the course of the disease, certain difficulties may arise with this. The child's body is not able to fully resist the virus, so complications often occur. If parents can not quickly cope with herpes on the face of the child, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, you will have to turn to specialists.

In pregnancy
A cold on the lip during pregnancy can occur due to an elementary exhaustion of the body and weakening of the immune system. These factors, because of which the virus "wakes up", must be taken into account when choosing a treatment. Strongly active antiviral tablets and folk remedies intended for internal use during fetal gestation are strictly contraindicated. Pregnant women who want to cure herpes on the face will have to manage with creams, gels and make compresses with tinctures on herbs. Internal treatment of a cold on the face without the approval of a doctor is prohibited.
Which doctor treats herpes
If you are not sure about how to treat herpes, and therefore you want to seek help from a specialist - sign up for an appointment with a dermatologist. An experienced doctor will examine you and prescribe the correct course of treatment. To pass inspection and to hand over analyzes, most likely, it is not necessary. In addition, consult the future for the prevention of herpes on the face.
Video: how to quickly cure herpes on the lip
The video, which you will find below, details the most effective methods of treating herpes on the face at home. Video recording contains valuable advice from experienced professionals with photo-illustrations. The information that you will learn from this video will help you in a few days to cope with herpes on your face and protect yourself against repeated recurrences of the virus in the future.
Anna, 23 years old: I was interested for a long time about the question of how to cauterize herpes on the lips, but I realized that this should not be done at all. I found a folk prescription for tinctures on chamomile, prepared it and began to treat sores that did not bother the second week. In 5 days from a cold on the face there was no trace left. For the future I prepared a tincture of calendula. It will be ready in two weeks. If the virus returns, I can quickly cope with it.
Valentina, 29 years old: I never encountered a cold on my face, and for the last six months for some reason painful sores appeared several times. Than I just did not smear them. Only the "Famvir" ointment helped. I bought a package a week ago. Every day I smeared and sealed with adhesive tape. This morning I looked in the mirror and at last sighed with relief: not a single trace of a cold on my face!
Alla, 37 years old: All my life I am saved from colds on my face with tincture of Echinacea. No tablets, gels, ointments and other pharmaceutical products. Against sores in the mouth I use a special toothpaste. As soon as someone from the home has the slightest hint of herpes, I immediately take out my tincture and take care of everyone. I never got into trouble. Everything passes in 1-2 days.
The child under his nose popped a big cold and under the lower lip, than to treat
Running on the waves
the fact that the doctor penned
Inna Timokhina
What for the diagnosis - "cold"? herpes or what?
acyclovir. ointment
Kora Luri
Well... for the beginning the diagnosis is accurate. T. e. visit to the doctor and follow his appointments. Another question is that a doctor can prescribe expensive medicines, but you can take a cheap analog. But it is better to ask the doctor immediately about the cost and learn about the possibility of replacement. A cold treat on the lips - acyclovir to help you.
Laura Lurie
Herpes on a large surface should be treated with pills and ointment Acyclovir. One ointment is not enough. But this is for adults. And it is better to show the child to the doctor, let him appoint.
anoint with tetracycline ointment helps to chase pogoet from all colds they usually happen on the lip in the nose
Sadykova Elena
mint or menthol toothpaste I smear both myself and my daughter. The earlier you start, the faster it will be
Address to the doctor! and do not listen to anyone
Where I am? Who am I?
this is only for the doctor. our daughter in , years has picked up in a garden herpes quinsy + the herpes on a lip have got out. we gave her aciclovir tablets + smeared wound with ointment aciclovir + drank antiviral (we are ideally helped by cytovir-3). all passed in 3 days
but that there was no relapse, it is necessary to hand over the blood to the herpes virus, and only then to undergo a course of treatment
The kamistad helps, and the children are harmless, no side effects.