Voice of an ax in an adult: what to do, the reasons, the treatment

Probably every person in life faced the problem hoarseness of the voice. When a voice is hoarse, and there is a painful cough, there is no possibility to own one's voice, we do not get a full communication, and even more so when the work is connected with the constant tension of the vocal cords.

If you have problems with voice, you need not only to establish the true causes of the problem, but also to begin as early as possible adequate treatment. And only then the problem with voice can be effectively and quickly eliminated at home.

In case of problems in children, read the page: "The voice of the hoist for the child: what to do, how to treat, how and how to treat."

Let's talk about the reasons for the hoarseness of the voice in adults , about treatment of of this condition and what to do at home with partial loss of voice.


Causes of a voice in adults

Before talking and why an adult develops hoarseness, one must understandthe mechanism of the emergence of voice, without this it is impossible to assess the reasons for the defeat of voice and pick up treatment, if the voice disappears.

A voice is a sound wave produced by a different position of the vocal cords as the airflow passes through them. Features of timbre, voice height in people depend on the characteristics of the vocal cords. For example, owners of low voice have long and thick ligaments, and those with thin ligaments have a clearer voice.

Changes in the human voice occur when the vocal cords are deformed. This can happen for various reasons, but always leads to the appearance of hoarseness or unexpected changes in the voice. For example, bass tones may appear, which were previously absent.

Some people have a naturally hoarse voice, but if previously it was clear and sonorous, and hoarseness appeared later - this is an occasion to think about pathology and start looking for a problem.

Considering the reasons leading to hoarseness of the voice, first of all exclude lesions of the larynx and vocal cords, which can lead to the appearance of this symptom.

Inflammatory or infectious pathological changes .Because of the inflammatory reaction, which can develop under the action of infectious agents, or in itself, the narrowing of the glottis occurs. plays an important role in the development of edema of , which leads to partial or complete overlapping of the voice gap and loss of voice.

Toxicity toxicity .The person, not suspecting, in daily contact with a large number of toxic substances, including including chlorine, fluorine and ammonia. These substances, in contact with the mucous membranes, provoke an inflammatory reaction accompanied by edema. In addition to the hoarseness of the voice in such cases, complaints can arise about pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, lacrimation.

Allergy .Upon contact with an allergen, a person may develop hoarseness as a consequence of the laryngeal edema. This symptom is often accompanied by suffocation, panic, as swollen tissues prevent breathing full.

Pathological changes in the process of exchange .Pathologies of metabolic processes often accompany various diseases of the endocrine system. Most often a person is faced with swelling of the vocal cords in hypothyroidism, when an active fluid retention in the body is formed.

Dehydration of the .Dehydration, as the reason for the hoarseness of the voice, is quite rare in practice, but one can never rule out this reason. Lack of water negatively affects all organs and systems of the human body, including provoking and various pathologies on the part of the vocal cords.

Burns of the laryngeal region .To a temporary or permanent hoarseness, chemical or thermal burns of the laryngeal mucosa may result. Often people who are prone to abuse alcohol suffer from burns, since ethyl alcohol negatively affects the mucous membrane.

Reflux esophagitis .With this pathology, in fact, also burns the larynx region, but it does not happen because of the use of chemicals, but because of the ingestion of hydrochloric acid on the larynx.

Neurogenic diseases .Various lesions of the nervous system can also cause damage to the vocal cords. Most often hoarseness in an adult develops in pathologies of the recurrent nerve or when the upper-nerve nerve is involved in the process. It is sometimes difficult to determine the cause of nerve damage, therefore, mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Other factors that cause hoarseness

Not always the voiced voice is affected only by pathogenic factors. Sometimes hoarseness is associated with the lifestyle or characteristics of a particular person's professional activity.

First of all, the status of voice in adults is affected by the presence of bad habits. Smoking often leads to hoarseness. The fact is that the tar contained in the tobacco smoke, contacting with the vocal cords, provoke their persistent edema.

Alcohol abuse also leads to the development of hoarseness and hoarseness. Not without reason is often used such expression, as "drunk voice".A similar effect is also associated with the irritating effect of alcohol on the ligaments.

Hoarseness is also often experienced by people working for the public. Actors, singers, TV hosts, organizers of various holidays - they are all at risk, since their work contributes to significant overloads of the vocal cords.

The professional overstrain of the vocal cords is especially dangerous if combined with the influence of external factors of an unfavorable nature. For example, under the influence of cold air, people who constantly strain their voice will always lose their voices faster than an ordinary person.

In the risk zone due to overexertion there are also those who are forced to speak quietly but regularly and talk a lot. Basically, they are teachers and lecturers, who are forced to speak continuously for several hours a day.

Do not exclude the effect on the body of various medications. For example, glucocorticoid drugs, administered by inhalation in asthma, can lead to the development of hoarseness.

Fallen voice from an adult: what to do, treatment of hoarseness

Many people are wondering how to cope with the hoarseness of the voice in an adult if it has already developed. The first thing to remember before beginning any attempts at treatment is the need to establish the correct diagnosis.

The numbness of the voice can be a consequence of a huge number of factors affecting the body, and if it is treated separately, and not in conjunction with the factor that triggered the appearance of the symptom, you can face the inability to regain the purity of the voice.

When ossification occurs, it is recommended to consult an otolaryngologist and, if necessary, to the phoniatric. These specialists will help to establish the cause of the pathology and select the treatment.

It is important to remember that one of the patients will simply have a brief silence to get rid of an unpleasant symptom, and someone will have to seriously take care of their health. To cope with the problem, the doctor must carefully evaluate the situation and choose the optimal treatment.

Drugs from ospolosti

Drug therapy by doctors with ospolosti voices is often prescribed. So, for example, if the problem lies in any infectious pathology, then a person may be prescribed antibiotics or antiviral drugs to defeat the pathogen. If the hoarseness provoked the growth of the fungus, the doctor will select the patient antimycotics. The choice will depend on the type of pathogen and the characteristics of the patient, so you should not try to find a therapy yourself.

If the reason for the hoarseness of the voice in an adult is hidden in the development of an allergic reaction, it is recommended that therapy be directed at its redemption. First of all, they try to interrupt the contact of a person with an allergen, and then prescribe antihistamines, which must stop the reaction. Since there are quite a few antihistamines of different efficacy in the pharmaceutical market, it is recommended that the choice be made in conjunction with the physician so that the therapy gives maximum effectiveness.

Among the tools used from the hoarseness of the voice, certain types of medications are often used:

  1. containing iodine local antiseptics, such as Lugol's solution, Iodinol , etc.;
  2. antiseptics containing chlorine in their composition in low concentrations( Miramistin, Corsodil , etc.);
  3. antiseptics based on herbal components, usually with less strength, but safer to use( marigold extract, Salvin , etc.);
  4. a variety of tablets that are expected to dissolve slowly in the mouth for a full impact on the vocal cords( Sepptule, Laripront , etc.);
  5. inhalation agents of various formulations( eg Cameton ).

Because of the wide variety of reasons provoking hoarse, care must be taken to select medicines!

Treatment of the hoarse voice by the methods of Doctor Komarovsky

Complex therapy

In addition to the main therapy, which includes medicines and observance of the rules for saving the voice, it is recommended to conduct specific complex therapy. These techniques will help in the fight against the disease, as well as have a general strengthening effect on the body.

mineralotherapy comes first in terms of prevalence. The essence of the technique is that, thanks to a special apparatus, solutions spread over the human body are distributed, rich in mineral complexes. For mineral water use water with a high content of salts of various metals, but thanks to the device, you can also spread in the body and various herbal infusions.

After purification of the larynx from the purulent masses accumulating there, if necessary, it is possible to carry out ultraviolet sanation. Such an effect kills many types of pathogenic microbes, which reliably protects a person from recurrence of pathology.

The use of photochemical reactions also helps to fight some diseases of the larynx. Following this technique, a special gel is first applied to the larynx region, and then the same region is treated with a laser beam, provoking a photochemical reaction that positively affects the nearest organs and tissues.

It is important to remember that all additional techniques can be used only after consultation with the doctor and only against the background of the main treatment. Most of these methods are purely auxiliary and can not be used as a basic therapy.

Folk remedies, methods and recipes

Sometimes a person can benefit from treatment using folk remedies. It is important to remember that before using any methods, you need to consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that not all diseases can be cured only with the help of traditional medicine. Also often in patients, the components of folk recipes develop allergic reactions, the possibility of which should also be taken into account and prevented whenever possible.

If the doctor's approval is received, and there are no allergies to the components, then the following recipes can be used:

  1. with laryngitis is prepared with an infusion of crimson leaves from and consumed for several days in half a cup;
  2. with cold to cope with hoarseness it is possible, using black radish in combination with honey ( you can mix radish juice with honey immediately, and pour honey inside slightly loosened radish pulp, waiting for the appearance of juice);
  3. to treat hoarseness in adults can be done with mineral water , which is mixed with with honey and with milk, and then lightly heated( the mixture is taken inside half a cup of warm water several times a day);
  4. it is also possible to perform inhalation therapy with using chamomile , inhalations are taken 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Folk remedies are rarely directed directly at eliminating the causes of pathology, but they often cope well with the symptoms of diseases. If a person does not have the opportunity to immediately turn to a specialist, he may some time before going to the doctor to ease his condition with the help of techniques of traditional medicine.

It is important to remember that even if the condition has improved, it is still necessary for the doctor to appear to avoid complications and begin to treat the cause of the disease, rather than its symptom.

Preventive measures

It is important not only to properly treat the vocal cords, but also to strengthen them to reduce the risk of hoarseness under the influence of adverse factors. First of all, of course, for prevention purposes it is recommended to completely abandon such harmful habits as smoking tobacco and alcohol abuse .Already only the exclusion of these two addictions will significantly improve the condition of the ligaments and make them more resistant to unfavorable environmental factors.

In case of incorrect development of the respiratory tract( for example, if a person has a curvature of the septum of the nose) it is recommended to perform operative treatment. Such a measure will not only protect the ligaments, but will improve the overall quality of human life. In addition, the vocal cords and larynx as a whole will be less prone to negative influences, as a person stops breathing with the mouth, and breathes only with his nose.

You can also temper your own throat, but it is recommended to do it correctly. For example, in a warm season it is allowed to drink cold drinks, but it should be done not in large sips, but gradually. Regularly you can dissolve a piece of ice in your mouth, which will also help to strengthen the vocal cords and make them more durable.

It is also recommended to maintain a high humidity in the apartment. If the vocal cords are well moisturized, they work better and tolerate the different types of stress more persistently.

How to quickly cure the hoarse voice of

When developing various problems with vocal cords, a person is advised not to engage in independent treatment, but to seek help from a specialist. Timely medical help will help not only to keep a voice, but also to return to it the former cleanliness without a hoarse. If treating the hoarseness of the voice in an adult is wrong, but also trying to do it yourself, you can face a complete loss of voice or never again get rid of unpleasant for hearing hoarseness. Remember that voice is an important element of communication! It must be protected!

Source: the article of the website http: //lechimsopli.ru/ lechenie-gorla / osipshij-golos-u-vzroslogo-chto-delat-prichiny-i-lechenie