Pancreatitis: treatment with medicines

Pancreatitis is a pancreatic disease that occurs due to injuries, infectious diseases, unbalanced diet, alcohol abuse. Treatment of pancreatitis with medicines is one of the most effective methods for eliminating pathology. What medicines are used in the therapy of various forms of the disease?

  • The main groups of drugs
  • Acute and chronic pancreatitis
  • Pancreatitis after alcohol intoxication
  • Drug treatment of pancreatitis after removal of the gallbladder
  • Pancreatitis in children
Related articles:
  • Acute pancreatitis: symptoms, causes and treatment
  • Pancreatic pancreatitis: proper nutrition
  • The first signs and symptoms of pancreatitis
  • We treat pancreatitis quickly at home
  • What is pancreatitis

The main groups of drugs

Treatment of pancreatitis with medicines implies an integrated approach using different drugs.

Important!The treatment regimen and dosage are selected individually, only a doctor can do this. Improper selection of medications is the main reason for the development of irreversible pathologies in the pancreas.

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What medicines are used for pancreatitis:

  1. Antiferment preparations are used to deactivate enzymes, which provoke the development of inflammatory and necrotic processes in the organ. Begin to use them from the first day of the disease.
  2. Antibiotics - eliminate the inflammatory process in the pancreas and nearby tissues. Antibacterial agents of a wide spectrum of action help prevent the development of abscess, peritonitis, sepsis.
  3. Enzymes are agents based on amylase, lipase, protease. They help to improve the absorption and digestion of nutrients, normalize the digestive process.
  4. Spasmolytics - eliminate spasms of smooth muscle, which occur due to poor intake of pancreatic juice in the intestines.
  5. Cholinolytics - with their help prevent the entry of pathological impulses into the cerebral cortex.
  6. Antacids are used to normalize the acidity of gastric juice.

Important!Read with us about the symptoms and treatment of jet pancreatitis.

Important!Find out how to eat properly in pancreatic pancreatitis.

Acute and chronic pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is characterized by strong inflammatory processes in the bile ducts, they can be eliminated only with the help of antibacterial agents.

At an exacerbation of disease it is strictly forbidden to do washing out of a stomach, to put warmers, it is artificial to cause a vomiting. Treatment begins with complete abstinence from food for 3-5 days.

Important!Learn about the symptoms of pancreatitis in women in our article.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis with medications:

  • Cefuroxime is an antibacterial preparation for intramuscular injections, used three times a day for 1 g throughout the week;
  • Doxycycline - injections of 0.1 g do 3 times a day, the duration of therapy is 10 days;
  • Trasilol - a medicinal antifenznoe is used in diagnosing massive puffiness of the pancreas.

In addition to antibiotics, the treatment uses antispasmodics - No-shpa, Papaverin. To normalize the level of enzymes, antiferment preparations and cytostatics are used - Trasilol, Pentoxyl, Cyclophosphamide.

Important!About the first symptoms and signs of pancreatitis, read in our article.

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis with medications involves the use of enzymes - Creon, Pancetrate, therapy is initiated after the elimination of acute conditions. Preparations should be taken during each meal, with plenty of water. The dose of the drug depends on the patient's weight - 25000-50000 units.

Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is accompanied by a pain syndrome, which is suppressed with the help of Papaverin, Atropine. Use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Naiza, aspirin can not be - they irritate the mucous, promote blood thinning, which can cause severe bleeding.

Contrikal, Omeprazole is used to suppress secretion of the pancreas. If pancreatitis is accompanied by a peptic ulcer, it is necessary to take De-nol - antiulcer, which destroys the pathogenic microflora.

Important!Correct medical treatment of chronic pancreatitis allows to avoid surgical intervention.

Pancreatitis after alcohol intoxication

Alcoholic pancreatitis is a serious pathology of the pancreas, which develops against the background of constant exposure to toxins. The disease is characterized by a strong pain syndrome in the central part of the abdomen, which increases after eating.

Important!The drug treatment of pancreatitis, which occurred against the background of alcohol intoxication, is carried out only in a hospital.

Scheme of treatment of alcoholic pancreatitis:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - No-sppa, Novocaine;
  • drugs-inhibitors for normalizing the secretion of the gland - Contrikal;
  • Enzymes Festal, Mezim help reduce the burden on the pancreas, normalize the digestive process;
  • Ampicillin - prevents the development of secondary infections;
  • vitamin antioxidant complexes.

Important!Learn how to treat pancreatitis at home.

In addition, prescribe a reception of psychotropic drugs, which are designed to eliminate alcohol dependence.

The pledge of a speedy recovery is a complete refusal of alcoholic beverages, adherence to a special diet, strict compliance with all the doctor's recommendations.

Drug treatment of pancreatitis after removal of the gallbladder

Pancreatitis in the distant gallbladder develops due to non-compliance with dietary rules after surgery. During the rehabilitation process, it is forbidden to eat everything fried, salted, spicy. You can not eat fish in any form, drinks with caffeine and alcohol. It is necessary to exclude all sweets, chocolate, any kinds of baking.

Important!Biliary pancreatitis in the background of gallbladder removal is diagnosed in every third patient.

In the next 2 months you need to eat wiped boiled and stewed dishes, you can drink a broth of wild rose, a weak green tea, freshly squeezed juices should be diluted with an equal amount of water.

If you follow all the recommendations for proper nutrition after surgery, you need a minimum amount of medicines. In an inpatient environment, antibiotic therapy with antibiotics is carried out for 3 days after the operation.

Important!Learn on the pages of our site: watermelon with pancreatitis can or can not?

Analgesics and antispasmodics will help to eliminate pain - Drotaverin, Buskopan, they can take no more than 10 days. Ursolfac - the preparation contains special substances that prevent the formation of stones. Take medication should be 6-24 months.

Pancreatitis in children

Pancreatitis in children is manifested by a severe pain syndrome, which is located in the upper abdomen or in the navel area. Sometimes pain can be given to the upper part of the left arm or left buttock. The disease is accompanied by frequent attacks of vomiting, after which the child does not become lighter.

Important!The main reason for the development of pancreatitis in children is malnutrition - there should not be any sharp, fried, fatty or smoked dishes in the child's diet.

Treatment of pancreatitis with medicines in children is carried out only in a hospital under constant medical supervision.

To eliminate the pain, hunger, analgesics, spasmolytics - No-shpa, Baralgin are used. If the drugs do not bring relief, the doctor can prescribe narcotic analgesics - Promedol. Drugs based on morphine can not be used because they cause spasm - deterioration of the outflow of enzymes, pain intensifies.

Normalize the production of enzymes help Famotidine, Octreotide. To eliminate intoxication, droppers with glucose-salt solutions are used.

The first 5-7 days all therapeutic actions are produced by injections and droppers - oral medication can be taken only after the pain syndrome has been eliminated.

Important!The treatment of pancreatitis with herbs can be found here.

After the end of the period of abstinence from food, the child begins to give enzyme preparations three times a day - Mezim-forte, Creon. You need to take them and after eliminating the manifestations of pancreatitis for 3 months - 14 days to take the medicine, then make a week-long break.

If the inflammatory process in the pancreas lasts more than six months - the child is diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis.

The treatment of pancreatitis involves several doctors - a gastroenterologist and an endocrinologist decide which pills to use for treatment. The nutritionist develops an individual diet that helps to increase the effectiveness of drug therapy.