Analysis for enterobiasis in a child

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  • Indications for analysis
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Smear on enterobiosis in children is taken for the purpose of diagnosis or exclusion of infectionhelminths, or rather, pinworms. The analysis is a study of the obtained material taken from the skin folds around the anus, under a microscope.

What is enterobiosis

Enterobiasis refers to parasitic diseases. The causative agent is pinworm - helminth class nematode. The life cycle of parasites is 30 days and begins after the eggs hit the human gastrointestinal tract.

The miscellaneous pinworms are able to move freely through the intestines for mating. Females parasitize in the large intestine, since for the laying of eggs, skin is often used in the region of the anus. For this reason, the feces for examination on enterobiasis are seldom given, since it does not provide complete information.

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Mature females perform laying at night. Muscles of the anus at this time are relaxed, which allows the helminth to be easily removed to the surface of the skin. Then the female dies. Pinworm infection occurs mostly household waste in contact with parasite eggs in his arms, linen( sheets and underwear), floors, carpets, children's potty. Indications for

Although analysis of the parasite life cycle is only 30 days, the disease itself can last for years. The reason - repeated self-infection as a result of combing the anus and transferring eggs.

If the child does not sleep at night, and in the anal area it appeared scratches - it is an occasion for the delivery of the analysis on enterobiosis

Children on enterobiosis analysis is assigned in the following cases:

  • itching in the anus that occurs at night. Such feelings are explained by the exit of the female to the outside. The strength of the itch may be different: it depends on the degree of infection. Not only the anal region, but the entire perineum can be scratched;
  • with the appearance of combs on the skin around the anus;
  • soreness of the combed areas;
  • nausea, vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen, stool disorders - diarrhea / constipation;
  • increased irritability, fatigue, restless night sleep;
  • urinary incontinence, syncope - in neglected cases;
  • weight loss on a background of normal appetite.

Sometimes the child develops signs of appendicitis - abdominal pain, nausea, fever. Inflammation of the appendix may cause the accumulation of adult parasites in it. In this case, surgery can be avoided. The child will be prescribed anthelmintic drugs.

If any inflammation of the female reproductive system in young girls analysis enterobiosis child is assigned without fail. In childhood, the symptoms of infection with pinworms are particularly pronounced.

Preliminary preparation

The delivery of biological material to the enterobiosis of the child should be properly prepared. Otherwise, the results obtained may be unreliable.

At least a week before taking the smear, it is necessary to cancel the intake of the following drugs:

  • antibiotics;
  • laxative,
  • anthelmintic.

How to take the

test You can take the analysis for enterobiosis in any medical institution. This may be a district clinic, a branch of the SES or a paid medical office. On the day the material is handed over, it is not possible to hygienically wash the child. It is also undesirable to allow him to empty his bowels and urinate.

Given the fact that the pinworms are especially active early in the morning, in some cases, the parents take the analysis themselves.

How can this be done? First of all, you must first purchase a sterile tube with a special cotton swab, or glass, with a sticky tape applied to it. You can buy them at the pharmacy. If you pass the analysis to enterobiosis is planned in a private clinic, the containers can be obtained from them.

You need to take a smear from a child until the moment when he gets out of bed, laying on his side. The probability of detecting pinworm eggs rises if he had a restless sleep that night. How do they take scrapings for enterobiasis in children? There are two methods:

  • with a test tube and a stick;
  • using adhesive tape.

Soskob on enterobiosis in some cases can be taken independently, for example, if the child is afraid of doctors

If to talk about how to take the analysis with a cotton swab, the scheme will be as follows:

  1. Lay the baby on its side.
  2. Remove the wand from the test tube and hold it in your hand, without touching the cotton wool.
  3. With your free hand, gently push the buttocks apart.
  4. Circle the stick around the anus with a little effort.
  5. Put the wand in a test tube and close it tightly.

The second way of sampling the material is sticky tape. The scheme will be as follows:

  1. Remove the tape from the slide, trying not to touch it at all.
  2. Spread the baby's buttocks and apply a sticky side to the anus area, press gently.
  3. Carefully peel it off and place the sticky side on the slide.
  4. Package it in a bag.

Young children can be assigned a feces analysis for enterobiosis. Collect material for laboratory research is best in the morning, but as an exception, you can use the evening portion. Store the feces at + 3. .. + 8 ° С.

Before defecation, the baby must first empty the bladder so that excess fluids do not fall into the stool. This can distort the results of the analysis.

Once the material is collected, it must be urgently delivered to the laboratory, the tests performed within 50 minutes after its collection

are the most accurate. Methods for collecting biological material for testing the presence of pinworm eggs:

  • the pot must be thoroughly washed;
  • then the child can release the intestine into it;
  • with a sterile spoon - in the pharmacy you will need to pre-purchase a special kit - take the feces, but you need to collect it from different parts of the stool;
  • close the container with a lid and deliver it as soon as possible to the laboratory.

If the child clearly traces the symptoms of enterobiasis, but the study gave a negative result, then it is necessary to re-take the analysis of feces after two to three days. In some cases, a live mature specimen can be found in the stool. Helminth in this case, you need to put it in a container with alcohol and also take it to the laboratory.

Where can I diagnose

Where can I submit material for analysis? As a rule, children of preschool age take smears on enterobiosis in kindergarten during a routine examination: the nurse in his office is taking a material sampling.

If the child needs to make a certificate for the pool or admission to the kindergarten, the study should be done in the children's polyclinic, to which he is attached geographically. The referral to the treatment room in this case will be given out by the pediatrician.

It is important to remember that many medical institutions do not practice a home remedy for scraping. The smear is taken by the nurse.

How many days do the analysis of

The test execution time depends on the capabilities of the laboratory of a particular medical institution. As a rule, private clinics perform analyzes much faster than state ones. The average time to receive the result of a scraping study is 1 working day.

Regardless of the time of delivery of the material, its research is conducted within 8 hours.

The reference has its validity period. After submitting the material for analysis and obtaining the result, it will be considered valid only for the next 10 days. Then, if the certificate turned out to be unclaimed, the study will need to be repeated.

If the child does not have pinworms, then the worms transmitted to the diagnostic material will not be detected. If the result is positive, then the baby will be prescribed medication. After completing the course of treatment, scraping will be taken again.

How often to take an analysis of

Although the duration of the analysis for enterobiosis is limited to 10 days, the frequency of its delivery depends on the requirements of a particular childcare institution.

Kindergarten kid must take scrapings for pinworm eggs at least once a year

Organized preschool children are required to undergo a study for the presence of helminthic invasion 1 time during the year. Additional soskoba delivery may be required in the event that the kindergarten the child has not visited for a sufficiently long time.

It is compulsory to pass an analysis on enterobiosis when preparing a sanitation card, if the child goes on vacation to a camp or sanatorium. If the baby has symptoms of infection with pinworms, it is necessary to visit the pediatrician and get a referral for scraping.