Diet in deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities: recovering delicious!

Deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities is a serious disease, which, with insufficient attention from the patient and the doctor, ends in 3-15% of pulmonary embolism and death of the patient.

Treatment includes several methods of therapeutic effects on the body, one of the components of which is proper nutrition.


  • 1 Features of food
  • 2 It is recommended to include in the diet
  • 3 Prohibited food
  • 4 Sample menu
  • 5 Additional measures

Power features

There is no separate diet for this disease, but some restrictions are still introduced. Patients must be transferred to the special diet for acute deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities.

Food should solve the following tasks:

  • promote weight loss, as in a significant proportion of patients, thrombosis is caused by excessive body weight;
  • reduce blood viscosity;
  • normalize the stool;
  • clean vessels and strengthen their walls;
  • activate the metabolism.
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The diet for deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs is introduced for a limited period - about 3-4 weeks, and only these methods can achieve a powerful therapeutic effect. It is recommended to arrange unloading days 2 times a week.

Nutrition is adjusted according to the prescription drugs , as some products may react with them chemically and affect efficacy. For example, this occurs with the simultaneous use of warfarin and garlic. Therefore, the last word should always be for the doctor.

After the patient's condition stabilizes, they switch to a full-fledged diet.

It is recommended to include in the diet

In the diet include products rich in omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids - fatty marine fish, mollusks. The greatest benefit comes from fish caught in the sea, and not farm.

Vitamin E , or tocopherol, is required for vessels .Its a lot in nuts cashews, sea buckthorn, dried apricots, wheat germ, as well as in oatmeal and barley. He is also present in marine fish. This antioxidant protects against heart failure and prevents the formation of blood clots.

It is important to remember that for the assimilation of the vitamin, fats and bile are needed, and its content is dramatically reduced after freezing, temperature processing, and reheating of the oil.

The following products approximate recovery:

  • Onion - in raw and cooked form it slows down the accumulation of platelets, activates the dissolution of blood clots, resists the thrombus-forming action of fatty foods. According to the research, it is enough to eat half a cup of onions to completely block fats.
  • Grapes - Resveratrol, which is found in red grapes, prevents the accumulation of platelets.
  • Berries - fresh or frozen.
  • Ginger - reduces blood clotting, presumably due to the substance gingerol, which is chemically reminiscent of aspirin.
  • Gingko biloba - improves blood circulation, widens the lumen of blood vessels, reduces their fragility, permeability.
  • Fish oil - contains omega 3, 6 fatty acids that destroy fibrin, which causes the formation of thrombi, and also dilutes the blood.

It is mandatory to have vegetables, cereals in the vein thrombosis menu. As studies by Swedish scientists have shown, in people who eat a lot of vegetables, blood clots dissolve faster. This effect has fiber and vitamin C. By the way, the lowest level of fibrinogen( a protein that turns into fibrin - the basis of a thrombus) and the most liquid blood from vegetarians.

Meat( but only lean, boiled or steamed) should be in the diet of no more than 3 times a week .

Prohibited food

The diet excludes foods that impair blood flow, promote platelet growth, stagnation, and the formation of thrombi.

For a while, the amount of food containing vitamin K, , which leads to blood clotting and an increased risk of blood clots, will be reduced in the diet. The sources of this vitamin are green leaves, especially chestnut, and other parts of the plant that contain chlorophyll.

For the period of treatment, the following are excluded from the diet:

  • all kinds of nuts, except cashew;
  • smoked meat, canned food, too sweet or salty dishes that retain liquid in the body, contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels;
  • spirits;
  • berries of a purple hue;
  • juice of white grapes, pomegranate;
  • ashberry, bananas, black currant, rosehip, which increase blood coagulability;
  • strong meat broth;
  • pork and beef liver, other liver products;
  • fatty dairy products, cheeses, especially home-made;Fast food and semi-finished products;
  • products with trans fats and cholesterol;
  • bananas;
  • sausages;
  • all kinds of cabbage, greens, spinach;
  • beans;
  • strong coffee and green tea, as well as beverages based on malt;
  • fatty foods - they make the blood thick, which causes the platelets to acquire more stickiness and easier to connect to blood clots.

Sample menu

The patient can be offered such a menu for the day:

  • Breakfast : any porridge boiled in purified water, with berries or fruits, a cup of loose black tea.
  • Lunch : vegetable soup, baked fish, boiled potatoes.
  • Dinner : light vegetable salad, fresh fruit, compote.
Excellent snacks between meals are fresh vegetables, fruits, berries. It is allowed to drink soft tea, juices, compotes.

The reason for a heart attack may be refusal of breakfast. American scientists discovered this pattern. It turns out that in people who refuse morning meal, the probability of blood clots is three times higher .After lifting, the stickiness of blood clots sharply increases, and the morning meal significantly reduces this index.

Additional measures

Proper nutrition with deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities usually brings results in combination with simple preventive measures.

Attention should be paid to for mild physical activity of to prevent congestion in the veins. You can do dancing, swimming, fitness. Improve circulation of the walk at a fast pace.

However, should avoid serious loads on the lower extremities of the - for example, sit-ups with a barbell or other weighting agents. Such patients should not take a shower or a bath with hot water.

Harm the vessels with tight clothes, corsets, socks, shoes. Heel in shoes or boots should not be more than 4 cm. To prevent the aggravation of the disease and the development of inflammation( thrombophlebitis), you should stop smoking.

Special recommendations are designed for people who often use the services of air transport:

  • For the flight should wear free clothes. It is desirable to use compression underwear.
  • In flight( as in normal life), you should refrain from alcohol.
  • You need to drink as much liquid as possible - water, juices, compotes.
  • If after the flight pain in the legs appears, then immediately consult a doctor.

It is important to consume a sufficient amount of fluid, especially to athletes after training and competition, as reducing loads leads to blood flow disorders and severe blood thickening.

And finally, we offer a video about deep vein thrombosis and the ways of its treatment:

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