Prevention of drug dependence

Drug addiction spreads faster than measures to treat it. Any disease is much easier to prevent than to eradicate it later. That is why prevention of drug addiction is the most effective and anticipatory measure that can save a lot of people in Russia.

Narcotic addiction captures the entire mental, motivational, volitional and emotional component of the person's personality systematically abusing drugs. For the sake of obtaining artificial "joy", a drug addict is ready to do anything, even a crime.



Prevention should go from childhood

Due to the fact that all the interests of the addict are reduced to the acquisition and consumption of narcotic drugs,the circle of his communication and interaction consists of people like him - with the same antisocial and immoral type of behavior. Close people to a drug addict suffer very much.

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Prevention of drug addiction must begin with childhood. In schools, it is possible to conduct a classroom, conversations, lectures about the dangers of drugs and the terrible consequences of drug addiction with the help of modern demonstration equipment with the help of modern and simple language. This is a good preventive way for children and teenagers to create a clear negative perception about the harm to the health and life of narcotization, substance abuse and alcoholism.

Prevention among adolescents addiction

Of course, preventive work should not be done for a "tick", but in good faith. Because in the future, correctly presented knowledge of what causes great harm and what can not be done will bring positive benefits - there will be less drug addicts.

Interestingly, in Russia, since the beginning of the 20th century, the phenomena of abuse of potent substances have been common. There were opiates, cocaine. By the forties in the Soviet Union, drug addiction was no longer in the absence of any preventive measures.

The "Iron Curtain" helped in this. Which isolated the USSR from the bad influence of foreign culture of other countries. Played their role and repression, tight control over the inhabitants of the Union, as well as the lack of corruption in the leading ranks. At the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, there were very few drug addicts in the USSR.Prevention of drug addiction was conducted in the form of talks about the undesirability of using morphine hydrochloride, which in special cases was prescription by doctors for the treatment of oncological and some other diseases.

At that time, even the articles in the criminal code of the USSR were not for distribution and production of narcotic substances. In the gardens and plantations poppy and hemp were grown for industrial and food needs, from them calming preparations, rolls and gingerbread with poppy seeds were made. No one even thought of cooking a narcotic potion from poppy and cannabis.

Gradually, by the 1980s, the growth of non-medical consumption of narcotic drugs, which were supplied from abroad and former Soviet republics, began. The problem of drug addiction was hushed up, that's why in the youth environment the prevention of drug addiction was not carried out. Young people began to use ephedrine, pervitin, opium.

The image of the addict began to form. Immature and infantile people, for allocation from the crowd did not shun anything, including the status of a drug addict. In the 90s, Russia was seized by narcotics among adolescents. At present, the drug control service says that about five percent of Russia's population is drug addicts. In Ukraine, a third of a million people are officially registered with narcological dispensaries.

No one really knows the exact number of addicts.

Measures to prevent drug addiction

From preventive activities, among adolescents and children of primary school age, it is possible to highlight sanitary education classes in schools in the format of lecture sessions with demonstration of feature films and documentaries on drug prevention. This will be a good deterrent to the spread of narcotics.

Medical workers, psychologists, and pedagogues for the work on the prevention of drug abuse among children and adolescents can use the methods of domestic development. This technique is based on filling the information vacuum with a constant stream of information and methodological materials on measures to prevent alcohol and drug abuse in the media.

Requirements for information and methodological literature on the prevention of drug abuse:

  1. The principle of positivity. That is, there is always a positive way out of any difficult situation. There must be no despair.
  2. Covering the tragic consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.
  3. Scenes in which alcohol and drugs are consumed are not desirable for demonstration.
  4. The publication should motivate for a healthy lifestyle.
  5. Publications should be available in the understanding, with recommendations for an exit from crisis conditions.
  6. Specialists with special knowledge in the covered issues are allowed to prepare materials: doctors, psychologists, narcologists, psychiatrists, law enforcement officers.
  7. All information on the prevention of drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, preparing for publication, should receive the status of approval by the expert council.

Telephone counseling should also be part of a set of measures to prevent alcohol and drug abuse. Three telephone services are very effective:

  1. Telephone "Hot line".Informs the population on various issues of drug addiction and alcoholism. Gives information about the location and contact details of rehabilitation and treatment facilities.
  2. A 24-hour phone for the support of drug addicts. Specialists in addiction to psychoactive substances will be able to give full advice on how to behave and where to go in case of narcotic withdrawal.
  3. "Helpline".Professional psychologists work here, who answer questions on the prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism and give appropriate recommendations.

The problem of drug addiction and alcoholism is not an isolated problem of a sick person, but an unhealthy tendency in the whole society. It is drug addicts who are at high risk of contracting HIV, hepatitis and venereal diseases, and alcoholics are susceptible to tuberculosis in various forms. Not to mention the antisocial behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics. All this poses a danger to the people around them.

Types of prevention of drug addiction

According to the standards of the World Health Organization, the following types of prevention are distinguished: primary, secondary and tertiary.

Primary prevention of drug abuse is the prevention of the onset of substance abuse. These include:

  1. Educational work among adolescents and youth in the form of health education.
  2. Education of the population in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards.
  3. Fighting society with the spread and abuse of narcotic drugs.
  4. Administrative and legislative measures.

Secondary prevention consists in the earliest possible identification of persons who abuse drugs, facilitating their treatment and preventing relapses.

Tertiary prevention of drug addiction is the medical and social and labor rehabilitation of patients.

Predisposition to addiction

There are some features of a person's personality that can provoke drug use. Propensity to anesthesia has unstable types of personalities with an hysterical-demonstrative pattern, depressive, protesting and tolerant, even sympathetic to deviations.

Prevention of drug addiction also includes active tracking of points of sale of narcotic drugs. Young people have developed a sense of belonging to the group they belong to. Therefore, the use of drugs can be carried out simply for the company.

Medical workers in schools, technical schools and universities conduct seminars on transferring knowledge to teachers as it is possible to identify intoxication, determine its appearance.

Sanitary and educational work in the school for the prevention of drug abuse among adolescents and children requires even the introduction of a special course of prevention of drug dependence in the educational process. Especially convincing is the story with a demonstration of the serious consequences of drug addiction in adolescents and children. They need to develop a dislike for them, disgust and fear of drugs on the example of drug addicts. After all, the harmful influence of drugs continues on future generations, the state of intelligence.

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