The splinter: how to pull out a deep splinter

The topic of our today's discussion about is how to pull out a deep splinter of from an adult and a child from a finger, from under the nail, and in general from any part of the body except the eye at home with a needle and other folk remedies.

Splinters can be any: wooden, metal, even glass. Catching them can be any part of the body that inadvertently comes into contact with wood, metal shavings or wire or broken glass. Most often we bring splinters into the fingers and hands, less often in the feet, heels, sole of the foot. Skin lesions can be shallow and deep in case of splintering, it all depends on the length of the damaging agent and the strength of its penetration into the body.

But any splinter, even the smallest, must necessarily be removed. In addition to causing pain and anxiety, it can still cause local tissue inflammation and limb mobility, which can be life threatening.

  1. Remember, first, you must be vaccinated against tetanus!
  2. Second: to remove splinters, nothing is better than a needle taken from a sterile disposable syringe, has not yet been invented. You will see this in practice.
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I tell you this, as a medical assistant. Because I see such search requests people ask how to pull a splinter without a needle, without pain, etc. However, you can watch the video on this topic in the second part of the article.


My sure way to pull the splinter

I, the author of the site, in case of splinting I always use a sterile needle of a disposable syringe. Any size is suitable.

Advantages: sterility( of course, you need to wash and treat the hands and the place of splintering);The sharpness of the instrument and the convenience of the needle itself( the oblique cut of the needle in the form of a groove) allows you to remove any splinter by 100%.Treat the site of splitting the splinter and the needle itself as you manipulate it during the operation and after it with alcohol( no more than 70%), iodine.

People often ask how they can remove a splinter without pain or without a needle. Sorry, I can not help you at all! Depends everything on the depth of the introduction of splinter, the deeper - the more painful, and how you are going to remove without needles, when you need to remove the splinter completely and clean the dirt! No way! Only pick.

And it happens that the splinter itself is not visible. In this case, be guided by the sensation of tingling and lightly pick this place until you see what it takes to pick up the foreign body with tweezers.

Remember: the needle to remove the splinter, should not be sewing, but from a disposable syringe! !!It is due to the oblique cut of the tube and you can remove splinters and clean the wound! !!

In 99% of the cases of removing splinters from practice, you will need only a needle from the syringe!

Once again I repeat: in this way it is possible and necessary to extract splints from heels, palms, feet - from anywhere.

Next I quote you information from other sources.

Pulling a splinter at home

The easiest way to remove a fine splinter is with the adhesive tape or adhesive plaster .Attach a piece of adhesive tape to the skin area where the "sits" a splinter and sharply pull in the direction opposite to the one in which it sticks.

If your attempt was unsuccessful, you need to resort to needles and tweezers .Remove splinters in good light. Wash hands, sterilize( by boiling or on fire) the instrument. Consider the splinter and determine the angle at which it entered the skin. Push it, pushing your finger slightly outside. Grab the tweezed tip of the splinter with the tweezers and pull it out at the same angle as it entered the body.

If the outer end of the splinter has broken off and is deeply submerged in the body, try to release the tip of the needle and slightly raise it so that you can grasp with tweezers. If this does not help, you can resort to an old Russian remedy: lubricate the skin area where the splinter is sitting, tar or with creosote and tie a hand or finger with a sterile bandage. After a few hours, remove the bandage. The tip of the splinter will be clearly visible. Grasp it with tweezers and remove.

After removing the splinter, treat the damaged skin with tincture of iodine or any disinfectant. In case of severe damage to the skin and adjacent tissues, apply a sterile bandage.

Remove the splinter: folk remedies

If you are unable to remove the splinter in any of the above ways, ask for help with traditional medicine. There are a number of herbal remedies that can help you get rid of a splinter:

  1. apply a pine gum on the splinter;
  2. , put on the skin, where the splinter has pierced, raw onion;
  3. impose on a splinter in the form of a lotion of raw potatoes or cabbage leaf( 3-4 times a day under the bandage);
  4. if you have kaolin( white clay) at hand, do the lotions several times a day:
  5. make a paste from medicinal plants( you can use comfrey root, fenugreek seed, juniper resin, plantain leaf, yellow root) and put it on the splinter and the skin around it. The paste is made very simply: the plant is ground into powder and mixed with hot water until a thick slurry is obtained.

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2 reviews:

  1. Last month, drove reeds in the palm of your hand - you do not dig a needle - went somewhere into the cavity. Then a whole week this reed came out with pieces of pus. I think it was easier to immediately cut out like a video and not suffer.
  2. The finger was sick and swollen to the side of the nail, I immediately guessed the pus, processed it in vodka, took the needle and punctured, squeezed out how much I could and hydrogen peroxide processed. And now I think I did not risk my health when I did it without a doctor.

My review: Remember the needle to remove splinters should not be sewing, but from the syringe!

How to extract a splinter

In this video, Andrei Baranov will tell and clearly show how to extract a splinter in the home.

What happens if I do not pull out a splinter?

What will happen if you do not pull out a splinter, what complications can there be? See in this video: inflammation, suppuration and so on.

How we pulled a splinter out of a finger in 1 minute

Video recipes:

If you want to pull a deep or shallow splinter out of your finger, you need to use vodka and a needle. To get a splinter, which fell into the finger, first of all disinfect the problem place - we wash the finger with vodka.

Next we get a splinter, I use a regular needle. It is difficult to pull a splinter from a finger, especially if it is deep. Use also tweezers.

4 ways to get a deep splinter

In this video, you will see four ways how to pull out a splinter without any effort.

How to pull a splinter from the finger and from under the nail

The channel from Youtube: Wonderful garden of Natalia. Look in the video: Splinters are very common wounds. I'll show you how to get the splinter that went deep.

How to remove a splinter with improvised means

A splint in the finger is one of the most common home injuries. In the next issue of the "Pro Home" rubric, the viewers of the program "Live healthy!" Will share their experience of getting rid of this scourge and will tell you how to simply remove the splinter with the help of, for example, soda, Scotch tape or PVA glue. Yes, the audience give advice, it's impressive!

Help: how to remove a splinter from your fingers, etc.

Fragment of the transfer "Live healthy!".

How to remove a splinter from a finger

How to pull a splinter, if there are no needles

If you went on a hike, and you have no needles with you, you will only need a bottle with a wide neck and hot water. Thus, you can easily pull out a splinter, and do not bring any infection into your hand.